
    Entrepreneur: Are You Or Aren't You? ft. Gerard Adams, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO124

    enFebruary 07, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Real-World Experience in EntrepreneurshipReal-world experience and implementation are essential for entrepreneurship success. Take risks, learn from failures, and attend events to meet new people and gain knowledge.

      Real-world experience and application are crucial to entrepreneurship, as opposed to just having a plan or theory. Andy and Vaughn had a productive conversation with Gerard Adams, a successful entrepreneur who started a company, sold it for $50 million, and is a well-known social media influencer. They discussed the importance of going beyond theories and plans and actually implementing ideas in the real world. The trio also shared their experiences of trying new things, such as attending events and meeting new people, despite feeling uncomfortable or uncertain. Gerard emphasized the importance of taking risks and learning from failures, which can lead to growth and success. To connect with Gerard, listeners can follow him on social media.

    • Old school values and resilience shape successHaving a strong foundation of old school values and the resilience to overcome challenges can lead to success, even after facing adversity like dropping out of college.

      The foundation of old school values, instilled in us by our parents, plays a crucial role in shaping our work ethic, leadership skills, and determination to succeed. The speaker grew up with hardworking parents who taught him the importance of integrity, work ethic, and leadership from a young age. He was motivated to take care of his parents and create opportunities for himself, even when faced with adversity like dropping out of college. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of having a strong foundation and the resilience to overcome challenges in the pursuit of success. Despite the societal pressure to follow a certain path, the speaker's determination to be a leader and hustler ultimately paid off after 14 years of hard work.

    • Authentic leadership needed in entrepreneurshipSuccessful individuals aged 30-40 should lead authentically, sharing real stories and values to inspire the next generation, despite the rise of fake stories and manipulation on social media.

      Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with ups and downs, successes and failures, and the ability to get back up and keep going is crucial. However, with the rise of social media, there is a growing issue of authenticity and lost perception in society. Many people are using social media to tell fake stories, sell bullshit, and gain fame, leading to a lack of genuine role models for the next generation. It's the responsibility of successful individuals between the ages of 30 and 40 to step up and lead authentically, sharing real stories and values to inspire and guide the younger generation. Unfortunately, many legitimate entrepreneurs and leaders are being overshadowed by those who have learned to manipulate the system for their own gain. It's important to remember that social media is a tool that can be used for good or bad, and it's up to us to use it in an authentic and meaningful way.

    • Creating, building, and contributing valueExecuting plans and providing value are crucial for successful entrepreneurship, not just having a business idea or wanting to be called an entrepreneur.

      Entrepreneurship is more than just wanting to be called an entrepreneur or having a business idea. It's about creating, building, and contributing value to solve problems. Entrepreneurship requires skills to execute plans and overcome obstacles. The internet is filled with people selling plans and courses, but they often don't teach the necessary skills to execute them. This can lead to disappointment and giving up on entrepreneurship. The speaker's own experience of creating Elite Daily, a community platform to learn about investing in companies, illustrates the importance of executing a plan and providing value. Entrepreneurship deserves better representation and a focus on the skills and actions required to succeed.

    • Learning from FailurePersistence and hard work can turn failure into success. After experiencing a product failure, Gerard Adams started his own agency and grew it to $10 million in revenue.

      Persistence and hard work, even in the face of failure, can lead to success. Gerard Adams started his career in investor relations and digital media marketing for a small cap company, mentored by a CEO who saw his potential. Together, they grew the company's shareholder base to 18,000 and created buzz through online publications and video marketing. However, during a live demonstration of their innovative nano battery, the product failed, leaving Adams feeling disheartened and uncertain about his future. But instead of giving up, he used the experience as a learning opportunity and started his own digital media marketing agency, cold-calling and emailing potential clients to help them tell their stories. Through hard work and dedication, he grew the agency to $10 million in revenue before transitioning to investing and creating documentaries about companies he believed in. Adams' story illustrates the importance of staying committed to your goals, even when faced with setbacks.

    • From personal loss to building a successful media companyPersonal hardships can fuel determination and lead to creating something meaningful and impactful. Perseverance and staying true to one's vision can lead to great success.

      Personal experiences and hardships can serve as motivation to create something meaningful and impactful. The speaker shares his story of making significant profits from investing in gold mining companies but losing it all during the recession. This experience led him to create a millennial-focused publication, Elite Daily, to give a voice to the generation and build it from an apartment to a successful media company with 80 million unique visitors. The speaker's determination and passion for the cause helped him overcome setbacks and build a strong team and culture. Ultimately, his experience shows that perseverance and staying true to one's vision can lead to great success.

    • Authentic Entrepreneurship: Focus on Inner Growth and Genuine BusinessesFocus on inner growth, be authentic, and build genuine businesses rather than chasing external symbols of success. Embrace self-discovery, take action, and stay focused on one core thing.

      Success without fulfillment is meaningless, and being an authentic entrepreneur means owning your unique story and experiences. The speaker shares his frustration with seeing millennial entrepreneurs focusing on external symbols of success rather than building genuine businesses. He was inspired by Tony Robbins' quote and decided to create a physical ecosystem to support real entrepreneurs. For young entrepreneurs struggling to find their voice and brand, the speaker advises looking inward, being authentic, and taking action, rather than constantly comparing themselves to others. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on one core thing and not getting distracted. In essence, the journey to entrepreneurship requires self-discovery, authenticity, and unwavering determination.

    • Stay focused on one idea for successDedicate all energy to one idea for better chances of success instead of juggling multiple projects

      Focus is crucial for success, and it's essential to dedicate all your energy to one idea instead of spreading it thin among multiple projects. Growing up in the digital age, millennials have been accustomed to instant gratification and high-speed communication, which can make it challenging for them to build patience and focus. However, this should not be used as an excuse for their inability to focus. Instead, it's essential to understand the environment that shapes their development and adjust accordingly. By putting all your effort into one idea and seeing it through, you increase your chances of success compared to trying to juggle multiple projects with divided energy. Successful entrepreneurs are those who are fully committed to their vision and are willing to put in the necessary effort to make it work.

    • Focus on internal growth and impactPrioritize internal growth and positive impact, long-term vision, sacrifice, and consistency to bring value and potentially impact millions

      Focusing on internal growth and making a positive impact on others is more important than external appearances or accumulating wealth for its own sake. Legacy and impact should be the driving forces behind business and personal goals, with a long-term vision guiding daily decisions and actions. Sacrificing for the team and consistently improving are essential parts of this process, which may take several years before tangible results are seen. Ultimately, the goal is to bring value to those being served and potentially impacting millions of lives.

    • Focus on making a difference and providing valueShifting focus from money to impact leads to success. Improve self and business, prioritize value over material possessions, and financial rewards will follow.

      Focusing on providing solutions and making a positive impact will naturally lead to financial success. The speaker emphasizes that money follows the solution, not the other way around. He encourages listeners to shift their mindset from fixating on money to thinking about how they can make a difference and provide value to others. He shares his personal experience of becoming successful after 17 years of hard work and perseverance, and emphasizes that the feeling of accomplishment and self-improvement are more valuable than material possessions. The speaker also encourages listeners to focus on the process of improving themselves and their businesses, rather than the end goal of financial success. He advises against getting distracted by the "scoreboard" and instead, to focus on the quality of the product or service they are providing. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to prioritize making a positive impact and providing value to others, and the financial rewards will follow naturally.

    • The importance of experiences and emotions over material possessionsMaterial possessions can bring temporary joy, but it's the experiences and emotions associated with them that truly matter. Focus on being a good person and providing value to others for meaningful relationships.

      While material possessions can bring a sense of pride and accomplishment, it's the experiences and emotions associated with them that truly matter. The speaker's story of buying a dream car and the feeling of joy and accomplishment that came with it, demonstrates this idea. However, it's important to remember that material things should not be the sole focus of one's motivation. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being a good person and providing value to others in order to build meaningful and successful relationships. As the speaker reflects on his experiences, he acknowledges that the thrill of acquiring new material possessions fades over time, but the memories and emotions remain. In essence, it's not the material things themselves that bring happiness, but rather the experiences and emotions associated with them.

    • Treating others well and living genuinely are keys to successSuccess goes beyond providing value, it's about treating others well and making a difference in the world

      Being successful in today's world requires more than just providing a solution or value. Successful people understand the importance of treating others well and living a genuine life. The days of being able to hide negative behaviors and still achieve success are long gone. Social media and transparency have made it easier for people to see who we truly are, and those who don't represent the right values won't last long. Some people may start out as horrible or selfish, but eventually, they may have a moment of realization and transformation. Success without fulfillment is ultimately a failure. Making an impact on others' lives before focusing on money is a recipe for true success. It's important to remember that money and making an impact are not mutually exclusive. Having both is the coolest thing. From a personal standpoint, I've learned that putting effort into transforming someone else's life can be incredibly rewarding. Success is about more than just the money; it's about making a difference in the world.

    • Emphasizing Real EntrepreneurshipSuccess comes from hard work, execution, learning from mentors, and continuously evolving, regardless of perceived intelligence.

      Entrepreneurship is about hard work, execution, and learning from mentors, regardless of one's perceived intelligence. Gerard Adams, the host of a show featuring modern-day leaders, emphasizes the importance of showing "real entrepreneurship" and not just talking about it. He believes that anyone can be successful with the right mindset, work ethic, and willingness to learn from mistakes. Adams also highlights the importance of building real relationships and continuously evolving as an entrepreneur. In essence, success doesn't require being the smartest person; it requires being smart enough to avoid repeating mistakes and persistent enough to keep pushing forward.

    • Learning and Adapting in EntrepreneurshipSuccessful entrepreneurs listen, learn from mistakes, experiment, and take calculated risks, with patience and a short memory for failures. Education in entrepreneurship comes with time, experience, and sometimes financial losses, but essential for growth.

      Successful entrepreneurs are constantly learning and adapting. They listen more than they speak, learn from others' mistakes, and are willing to experiment and take calculated risks. Entrepreneurship involves making mistakes and learning from them, and having a short memory for both successes and failures. Patience and avoiding impulsive decisions are also crucial. The cost of education in entrepreneurship comes in the form of time, experience, and sometimes financial losses. Ignorance and impatience can lead to costly mistakes, but these lessons are essential for growth.

    • Being a resilient leader and building a strong teamFocus on personal growth, surround yourself with good people, and never give up as a leader to succeed in entrepreneurship

      Entrepreneurship is a long and challenging journey that requires being a resilient leader and building a strong team. It's essential to focus on personal growth, be willing to fight through obstacles, and surround yourself with good people who share your values and passion. While it's important to have a strategy and business acumen, the key to success lies in being a badass leader who empowers others and never gives up. Remember, when faced with setbacks, the ability to get back up and keep moving forward is the true mark of a successful entrepreneur.

    • Embrace the entrepreneurial mindsetThink and act like an entrepreneur for personal growth and success. Authenticity and building relationships are key. It's about the journey and struggle, not just the glory.

      Entrepreneurship is about perseverance and focusing on the quality of your product or service, regardless of your role or position in life. The ability to think and act like an entrepreneur, even if you're not one, can lead to personal growth and success. Authenticity and building social currency through genuine relationships and impact are essential for personal and professional development. It's important to remember that entrepreneurship is not just about the glory, but also about the struggle and the journey. By embracing these entrepreneurial values and principles, we can all make a difference in our own way.

    • Building a personal brand and social media presence is essentialTake social media seriously, view it as a means of leverage and communication, and start building your personal brand today.

      Building a strong personal brand and social media presence is essential for communication, relationship-building, and business growth. Social media is no longer a secondary platform but a powerful tool for peer-to-peer influence and exponential reach. It's important to take it seriously and view it as a means of leverage and communication, not just a fad or an afterthought. Even if you have a small following, the potential for growth and impact is significant. It's the beginning of a new era of media and influence, akin to the early days of television or radio. Don't be left behind – start building your personal brand and social media presence today.

    • Balancing Business Success and Personal RelationshipsEntrepreneurship involves more than just business achievements; it's about building strong relationships and being authentic. Share valuable lessons, be a good role model, and prioritize personal connections.

      Entrepreneurship and success go beyond just business achievements; they also involve building strong relationships and being authentic. Gerard Adams emphasizes the importance of being a good role model and sharing valuable lessons with others. He encourages entrepreneurs to step up and spread their stories, while also recognizing the significance of having a supportive partner in life. Additionally, Adams shares that high-production value content is not a necessity; authenticity and being true to oneself are key. He encourages Gen Z to utilize the technology at their disposal to create and inspire. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of balancing business success with personal relationships and authenticity.

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