
    EP. 1 - What’s Old is New Again

    enDecember 04, 2018

    About this Episode

    After taking a few months off Fiasco and Jacks are back with a quasi-new podcast. Well, marginally new. Far Off Topic continues in the vein of Oddnormal with a few tweaks.

    Far Off Topic is an ever evolving discussion of obscure or otherwise unconsidered ideas that lie on the untamed outskirts of public attention. As well as conversations about everything else that is of interest to us. Far Off Topic is a podcast without restrictions on subject.

    Essentially Oddnormal was really never meant to stray from topics of the strange and bizarre. In that way it was restricted, and honestly, that's the way I wanted to keep it. So moving forward, Oddnormal will get a new format and concentrate on oddnormal things and Far Off Topic will continue on the path that the first season of Oddnormal has previously set with lively conversations and much more.

    Recent Episodes from Oddnormal

    EP. 13 - Far Off Topic Preview

    EP. 13 - Far Off Topic Preview
    Welcome to Oddnormal. If you’re wondering what happened to the podcast I assure you it will be back. I’m not sure when quite yet but it’s not gone for good. I’m currently working with the format to match my original intention. My hope is to have episodes out later this year. 
    But if you were a fan of the show I have done good news. Jacks and I have started a new podcast called Far Off Topic which embraces our love of tangentiality.
    In most respects far Off Topic is a continuation of Oddnormal just with a few tweaks here and there for good measure. We’ve really broadened our scope to include topics and ideas that really didn’t fit with Oddnormal ethos.  But we haven’t abandoned the Strangeness. God no. Instead we’ve thrown everything together - all of our crazy interests - into an aural cauldron of discordant thoughts and ideas for your listening pleasure.
    well, rather than explain it to you I’ve gone ahead and uploaded this short version of Far Off Topic for you to sample. 
    Hopefully you like it and subscribe. 
    Far Off Topic is hosted by Fiasco Jones with Mr. Glasses
    [Show Notes at www.oddnormal.com
    and leave us a review, if you feel so compelled. 
    Follow Far Off Topic on the socials:
    Twitter: @FarOffTopic
    Instagram: @FarOffTopic
    Facebook: @FarOffTopicShow
    Feel free to reach out to the hosts on Twitter:
    Fiasco Jones: @fiascojones
    Mr. Glasses: @captjax458
    enJanuary 18, 2019

    EP. 1 - What’s Old is New Again

    EP. 1 - What’s Old is New Again

    After taking a few months off Fiasco and Jacks are back with a quasi-new podcast. Well, marginally new. Far Off Topic continues in the vein of Oddnormal with a few tweaks.

    Far Off Topic is an ever evolving discussion of obscure or otherwise unconsidered ideas that lie on the untamed outskirts of public attention. As well as conversations about everything else that is of interest to us. Far Off Topic is a podcast without restrictions on subject.

    Essentially Oddnormal was really never meant to stray from topics of the strange and bizarre. In that way it was restricted, and honestly, that's the way I wanted to keep it. So moving forward, Oddnormal will get a new format and concentrate on oddnormal things and Far Off Topic will continue on the path that the first season of Oddnormal has previously set with lively conversations and much more.

    EP. 11 - Madness Put to Good Use

    EP. 11 - Madness Put to Good Use
    “Sanity is a madness put to good uses.” - George Santayana
    Right now, in an undisclosed laboratory researchers are working hard on technology that will destroy everything you know. That could be through the development of job replacing autonomous robots or through the accidental development of superintelligent AI which see's no difference between preserving life and bending paper clips. This is the world we live in. 
    Mad Scientists are something of an overdone movie trope but in real life they're everywhere you look. In our headlong rush to race down the razors edge of technological innovation sometimes we fail to recognize the dangers within the fruits of our labors. In this episode we discuss the threat posed by rouge science and the people who love it. 

    EP. 10 - Blood, Guts and Imagination

    EP. 10 - Blood, Guts and Imagination
    The human body is a masterpiece of imperfection. And there are a myriad of peopler and subcultures at the ready to fill your particular need. Body modification can contour your body into otherwise unimaginable shapes while Bio-Hackers may experiment with you outside the watchful eyes of government regulators. Desire to become more machine than man, then the burgeoning Transhumanist movement may be what you're looking for.
    On this episode of Oddnormal we're diving into the overlooked world of Body-modders, Bio-Hackers and DIY cyborgs. 

    EP. 9 - Charlie Goodshoes Sees A Ghost

    EP. 9 - Charlie Goodshoes Sees A Ghost

    Along the benighted streets of San Diego's Old Town you will find what some consider to be the most haunted place in America, The Whaley House. In this episode Oddnormal attempts to do what -- many have done before -- that is, visit the Whaley House in the hopes of encountering a spirit from the Great Beyond. We're also introduced to the Oddnormal First Family: Meene Greene and Charlie Goodshoes and before the night is over, one of them will come face to face with a ghost. I'll let you guess who.

    The investigators discuss various things along the way including the history of Zzyzx, Calico Ghost Town, and anarchist art collective InDecline. 

    So strap yourself in for a first of it's kind experience as we venture into the bizarre. It's an Oddnormal Field Study, Charlie Goodshoes.

    Go to Oddnormal.com for full show notes and corresponding video.

    Keep the conversation going on twitter @oddnrml or visit us on Instagram @oddnormal.

    EP. 8 - Sex, Drugs and Thought Control

    EP. 8 - Sex, Drugs and Thought Control

    Keith Raniere thought he could become a god instead he has become a prisoner of the state being held on sex trafficking charges. Raniere's fall from grace all started in the dark wasteland that is Albany, New York where he set-up his executive coaching company, NXIVM, or what some believe is a sinister brainwashing cult which preys on the hopeless.

    When news leaked out that actor Allison Mac, of Smallville fame and a top lieutenant of Raniere's, formed a secret sorority that forced women who joined to be branded with an odd symbol the end was near. 

    So who is Keith Raniere and what is the story behind his strange executive coaching organization, NXIVM. Well, Oddnormal is here to pull back the curtain and investigate. 

    Go to Oddnormal.com for full show notes. 

    Keep the conversation going on twitter @oddnrml or Instagrm @oddnormal


    Ep. 7 - Rumors of War

    Ep. 7 - Rumors of War

    Syria is in pretty bad shape these days. But recently things have been taking on a more apocalyptic air. On April 14th the US, UK and French forces launch a coordinated attack on Syrian chemical weapons facilities. This comes on the heels of a coordinated attack by a mixed group of Syrian fighters and Russian mercenaries against a US base in Syria. That Russian and US forces are trading shots with each other has all the potential of igniting a larger conflict.

    In this episode Oddnormal explores many of the possible scenarios that could launch the world into another global "war to end all wars". 

    Ep. 6 - An Arm And The Legs

    Ep. 6 - An Arm And The Legs
    Dubbed the Red Market by some, Human Organ Trafficking has become a burgeoning economy for those willing to prey on the vulnerable and cash strapped.  In this episode Fiasco and Jacks delve into this inhuman underworld and see what motivates those willing to trade their souls for a pound of flesh. 
    Also, with heavy hearts we dedicate this episode to the the man who inspired much of what this show is about: Art Bell. He will be missed.  
    enApril 19, 2018

    Ep. 5 - Where's My Beautiful Wife?

    Ep. 5 - Where's My Beautiful Wife?

    Danny Filippidis fell into an unguarded wormhole, or vortex while skiing in the Adirondacks and was instantly teleported to Sacramento. The shocking incident has everyone perplexed but cases of inexplicable travel are not as uncommon as you may think. In this episode Fiasco and Jacks delve into the strange cases that chip away at our notions of time and space, leaving us quivering in the corner of our rooms, wondering at the thought that one day we too may vanish from the world.