
    Ep. 1032 - The Supreme Court Widens The Great Divide

    enJune 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Two ways to achieve unity in a societyThe founders of the US promoted unity through protecting fundamental rights and allowing for local governance, fostering individual freedom and the coexistence of diverse communities.

      There are two ways to achieve unity in a society: by setting bare minimum rules or by imposing a heavy set of onerous rules. The former approach, as exemplified by the Jewish community and the federal government protecting basic rights, allows for greater individual freedom and the coexistence of diverse communities. The latter approach, while creating a more discreet unity within a subset of people, is difficult to broaden out and can lead to exclusion of those who do not adhere to every rule. The founders of the United States believed in the first approach, which allows for local governance and the coexistence of diverse communities while protecting fundamental rights.

    • Protecting individual rights with negative libertyThe founding fathers valued individual rights and intended for the federal government to protect them, but overreach can lead to division.

      The founding fathers of the United States believed in the philosophy of negative liberty, which protects individuals from having their rights invaded. Local communities have more power to make decisions regarding their policies and schools due to greater homogeneity. The federal government's role is to protect individuals' negative rights, such as life, liberty, and property. However, if the federal government oversteps its bounds and restricts individuals' rights in the name of a greater good, it can lead to division rather than unity. The founders intended for checks and balances to prevent this, but modern society often seeks to impose a majority's perspective on the minority, leading to increased division.

    • Enforcing Unity through Individual LibertiesAttempting to enforce unity by infringing on individual liberties and rights can lead to disunity. The founding fathers valued individual liberty and property rights, and this vision should be upheld to promote true unity.

      Attempting to enforce unity by infringing on individual liberties and rights can lead to disunity rather than unity. The speaker argues that the founding fathers believed in individual liberty and property rights, and that this vision has been abandoned in favor of using government power to impose 51% propositions on the other 49% of the population. This approach, instead of creating unity, risks creating disunity and potentially even breaking apart the country. The speaker also emphasizes that individuals should be free to run their businesses as they see fit, even if others disagree, as long as they are not infringing on others' rights.

    • The impact of restrictive rules on communities and the role of the Supreme CourtIndividuals should save money by finding cost-effective solutions, but not compromise on essential services or coverage. The Supreme Court's decision-making process can be criticized for seizing power and making logically fallacious judgments based on discrimination of activity rather than inherent characteristics.

      When rules and regulations become too restrictive, people may choose to leave the communities or systems that impose them. This was discussed in relation to Orthodox communities and the Supreme Court decision-making process. Meanwhile, in a more practical sense, the speaker encouraged listeners to save money on their cell phone bills by switching to PureTalk USA. The key takeaway here is that individuals should look for ways to save money and be financially smart, without compromising on essential services or coverage. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the ongoing cultural war over individual liberties and the role of the government in promoting the greater good. In the context of the LGBT hiring and firing case, the speaker criticized the Supreme Court's decision to seize power when the legislature couldn't reach a consensus, and argued that the decision was logically fallacious as it was based on discrimination of activity rather than sex.

    • Transgender Rights and Discrimination: A Legal ConundrumThe recent Supreme Court decision on transgender rights introduces logical inconsistencies, requiring new legislation to clarify the distinction between sex and gender identity, while respecting individual freedoms and religious liberties.

      The recent Supreme Court decision on transgender rights and discrimination based on sex, as outlined in the discussion, introduces logical inconsistencies and contradictions. The decision, made by Justice Gorsuch, calls into question the distinction between sex and gender identity. If a man identifies as a woman, should he be considered a woman for the purpose of anti-discrimination laws? The answer is unclear, leading to potential confusion and problems in applying these laws. Furthermore, the Democrats have acknowledged that the Civil Rights Act did not cover this issue, and they are pushing for the Equality Act to address it. The solution lies in passing new legislation rather than reinterpreting old laws. The decision also raises concerns regarding religious liberty and the potential for government overreach. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize the importance of clear legislation and respecting individual freedoms.

    • Supreme Court's transgender ruling raises religious liberty concernsThe Supreme Court's decision on transgender rights in the workplace could impact faith-based organizations, potentially leading to conflicts and significant changes in religious liberty protection.

      The Supreme Court's ruling on transgender rights and sexual orientation in the workplace raises significant concerns regarding religious liberty and the potential for conflict between faith-based organizations and their employees. This decision could potentially impact various sectors, including education and healthcare, as religious institutions may be required to employ individuals whose conduct goes against their faith's teachings. The potential consequences of this ruling are far-reaching and could lead to significant changes in the way religious liberty is protected in the United States. Additionally, Felix Gray offers high-quality blue light filtering glasses with a risk-free trial and free shipping and returns.

    • Democrats' Equality Act may impact religious liberty and free speechThe Equality Act, if passed, could impact religious institutions' nonprofit status and free speech, potentially redefining sex-segregated spaces and eroding religious freedom

      The Equality Act, which Democrats aim to pass if they gain control of Congress, could potentially infringe upon religious liberty and free speech. According to some Democrats like Cory Booker and Beto O'Rourke, religious institutions opposing same-sex marriage are not entitled to good faith objections but are instead considered bigots. This could lead to the removal of nonprofit status and the restriction of teaching certain beliefs. The implications for free speech are also unclear, particularly for organizations like The Daily Wire, which could face discrimination claims based on their views on biology and gender. The Supreme Court will ultimately decide the ramifications of these issues, but there is potential for significant consequences, including the erosion of religious freedom and the redefinition of sex-segregated spaces. The lack of clarity and potential far-reaching consequences highlight the importance of individual and local decision-making on these divisive issues.

    • Supreme Court's Decisions on New Rights and Gun LawsThe Supreme Court has made decisions on transgender employment rights and California's migrant sanctuary law, but declined to review a New Jersey gun law, highlighting the cultural divide and the importance of respecting individual rights.

      While the Supreme Court has been making decisions on new rights, they have not clarified the right to bear arms. Tommy John underwear continues to be a favorite for both men and women, offering a 20% discount at tommyjohn.com/ben. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has made decisions on transgender employment rights and California's migrant sanctuary law, but declined to review a New Jersey gun law. The cultural divide in the US is evident, with some advocating for individual rights and others pushing for federal standards and purging dissenting voices. The Palmer Report noted that conservatism, which values equality, is being misrepresented as against equality. The Supreme Court's decisions and cultural debates highlight the importance of understanding and respecting individual rights and the potential consequences of top-down standards.

    • Purging perceived wrongs for unityWell-intentioned purge mentality can lead to destruction of important symbols and silencing of certain voices, hindering progress towards true unity

      There's a growing sentiment in some circles to purge certain individuals and symbols deemed impure or harmful to the greater good. This mentality, as discussed, extends to various aspects of society, including education, law enforcement, and even historical figures. The idea is that unity can be achieved through division and the elimination of perceived wrongs. However, this approach can lead to the destruction of important symbols and the silencing of certain voices. For instance, a statue of Abraham Lincoln, which represents the end of slavery, is being considered for removal due to its association with the white patriarchy. Similarly, the editorial board of the LA Times is under scrutiny for alleged racial bias in their coverage. It's crucial to strike a balance between acknowledging past wrongs and preserving historical and cultural significance. The purge mentality, while well-intentioned, can lead to the erasure of important narratives and hinder the progress towards true unity.

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    • Leadership and editorial decision-making in racial bias debateBias in newsrooms stems from leadership and editorial policies, not individual actions, requiring thoughtful, inclusive leadership and fair representation.

      The current debate surrounding racial bias in newsrooms, as exemplified by the LA Times and Chicago Sun Times, ultimately boils down to issues of leadership and editorial decision-making rather than the actions of individual staffers. The LA Times, long criticized for its left-leaning bias, is now accused of pandering to its white audience and ignoring the perspectives of black journalists. Meanwhile, the Chicago Sun Times' decision to capitalize the 'B' in Black and Brown in its reporting has been met with criticism for its potential to further divide rather than unite. Ultimately, these incidents highlight the need for thoughtful, inclusive leadership and editorial policies that prioritize accuracy, fairness, and representation.

    • Labeling people based on race perpetuates harmful stereotypes and divisionInstead of focusing on racial labels, promoting respect, understanding, and individuality among all people is crucial for an inclusive and equitable society

      The ongoing discussion about racial identity and unity in various contexts, such as media and organizations like the Boy Scouts, often perpetuates harmful stereotypes and division rather than fostering inclusiveness and individuality. The labeling of people as unified groups based on their race, particularly black and brown, while dismissing whiteness as a cohesive identity, contributes to this problem. This approach overlooks the vast diversity within each racial group and the shared humanity among individuals. Additionally, the push for diversity merit badges and other initiatives in seemingly unrelated contexts, such as the Boy Scouts, can be seen as unnecessary and counterproductive to their core missions. Instead, focusing on promoting respect, understanding, and individuality among all people is essential for creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

    • Discussing the effectiveness of diversity badges and handling dissentWell-intentioned diversity badges may not be the most effective solution for unity, and allowing for individual rights and broad inclusivity is crucial in fostering genuine understanding and unity.

      The Boy Scouts of America's new diversity and inclusion merit badge, while well-intentioned, may not be the most effective solution to promote unity and understanding. The discussion also touched upon the ongoing issue of division and purging of dissenting voices, exemplified by the situation of a black high school principal in Chicago who faced backlash for advocating non-violent protests. The COVID-19 situation was also brought up as an example of how divisions have been exacerbated through the implementation of specific rules and privileges for certain groups. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of allowing for individual rights and broad inclusivity in fostering genuine unity.

    • Media coverage and COVID-19 restrictionsMedia portrays COVID-19 as a danger but ignores large gatherings, while some restrictions disproportionately affect certain communities, causing frustration and resistance. Maintain social distancing and wear masks to prevent virus spread.

      Despite the significant increase in COVID-19 testing in the US, the positivity rate remains low, and hospitalizations are declining in many areas. However, the media continues to portray COVID-19 as a continuing danger, while ignoring large gatherings like protests. Meanwhile, some restrictions, such as closing playgrounds, disproportionately affect certain communities. The hypocrisy of these actions and the media's selective coverage has led to frustration and resistance from those affected. The virus itself remains a contagious threat, and large indoor gatherings, like Trump rallies, pose a higher risk. It's crucial to maintain social distancing and wear masks to prevent the spread of the virus.

    • Societal Divide: Favored vs. MarginalizedThe societal divide between favored and marginalized groups risks increasing crime due to disbanding undercover anti-crime units, while striving for a more equitable society is crucial.

      The current societal climate has created a stark divide between "in groups" and "out groups," with vastly different consequences for each. For those in the favored group, rules seem to no longer apply, while those in the marginalized group face severe consequences, including job loss, social exclusion, and even legal action. This divide is fueling a new form of unity, but it comes with significant risks, such as an increase in crime due to the disbanding of undercover anti-crime units. For instance, the NYPD's decision to dismantle its plainclothes anti-crime unit, following allegations of disproportionate shootings, could lead to a surge in criminal activity. This shift in policing methods, while intended to address past issues, may inadvertently create more harm. It's crucial to consider the potential consequences of such changes and strive for a more equitable society that applies rules consistently to all.

    • Policing policies under debate amid social justice protestsSome cities ban certain tools for policing, but critics argue it could make policing more difficult and less effective, especially when dealing with violent crowds. Balancing public safety and individual rights is crucial in ongoing dialogue.

      Policing policies, particularly those related to use of force, are under intense scrutiny and debate in the context of ongoing social justice protests. Some cities, like Seattle, have moved to ban certain tools like choke holds, tear gas, and pepper spray. However, critics argue that such bans could make policing more difficult and potentially less effective, especially when dealing with violent or disorderly crowds. The ban on tear gas, for instance, means officers can no longer use it as a less-lethal alternative to physically dispersing crowds. The debate raises important questions about the balance between public safety and individual rights, and the need for ongoing dialogue between lawmakers, law enforcement, and communities. The consequences of these policy changes are still unfolding and remain a topic of much discussion and concern.

    • Media framing of events influences public perceptionThe media's portrayal of events can shape public opinion, highlighting the importance of considering multiple perspectives and not relying solely on one source for information.

      The media's portrayal of certain events, such as protests and shootings, can significantly influence public perception. The discussion highlighted the contrasting coverage of a peaceful protest in Las Vegas where a police officer was shot and left paralyzed, compared to an incident in Atlanta where a man stole a taser and was shot. While the Las Vegas shooting was downplayed, the Atlanta incident was labeled as a brutal racist attack. The media's framing of these events raises questions about their motivations and the impact on public opinion. It's important to consider multiple perspectives and not rely solely on one source for information. The discussion also emphasized the complexity of policing and the challenges officers face, and the need for nuanced understanding and support.

    • Critics question police techniques, creating a challenging environmentCriticisms towards policing create a challenging environment, potentially leading to a decrease in officers and a potential crime wave in major cities.

      The current climate towards policing in major cities, as portrayed in this discussion, is seen as impractical and potentially dangerous. Critics, such as Chris Cuomo and Trevor Noah, are questioning the techniques used by officers during arrests and suggesting that they could have de-escalated situations differently. However, the speakers also acknowledge that these criticisms create a challenging environment for law enforcement, potentially leading to a decrease in the number of officers willing to serve. The consequences of this could be significant, as the speakers predict a potential crime wave in major cities. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and challenges of policing in today's society, with a focus on the need for effective techniques and a supportive environment for law enforcement.

    • Debating the Civil Rights Act's Impact on Our Civil RightsThe Ben Shapiro Show, hosted by Andrew Klavan, discusses the debate surrounding the Civil Rights Act's potential impact on civil rights and encourages open conversations and questioning.

      Learning from this episode of The Ben Shapiro Show, hosted by Andrew Klavan, is that there's a debate about whether the Civil Rights Act is infringing upon our civil rights. Although it's a sensitive topic that's not often discussed, Klavan and his team tackle it head-on. They emphasize the importance of asking questions and having open conversations about potential issues with laws designed to protect civil rights. Listeners are encouraged to subscribe, review, and share the podcast on various platforms. The Ben Shapiro Show is produced by a team of dedicated professionals and is available on multiple podcast platforms. Stay informed and engaged with the daily discussions on The Andrew Klavan Show and other Daily Wire Podcasts.

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    #WorkforceWednesday: The Ripple Effect of the Supreme Court’s SFFA Ruling for Diversity in the Workplace

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    This podcast is presented by Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. All rights are reserved. This audio recording includes information about legal issues and legal developments. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. These informational materials are not intended, and should not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances, and these materials are not a substitute for the advice of competent counsel. The content reflects the personal views and opinions of the participants. No attorney-client relationship has been created by this audio recording. This audio recording may be considered attorney advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

    The Death of Affirmative Action

    The Death of Affirmative Action
    The Supreme Court effectively killed race-conscious admissions in higher education on Thursday.

    In two cases, the court decided that the admissions policies of Harvard and the University of North Carolina - both of which consider race - are unconstitutional, ruling the policies violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

    The decisions reversed decades of precedent upheld over the years by narrow court majorities that included Republican-appointed justices. The rulings could end the ability of colleges and universities, public and private, to do what most say they still need to do: consider race as one of many factors in deciding which of the qualified applicants is to be admitted.

    NPR's Legal Affairs Correspondent Nina Totenberg reports on the ruling and what it means for college admissions. NPR's Adrian Florido looks at how colleges and universities in California adjusted their admissions policies when the state banned affirmative action 25 years ago.

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    Why the Supreme Court Might End Affirmative Action

    Why the Supreme Court Might End Affirmative Action

    For decades, many universities have used race as a factor when deciding which students to admit. In the past, the Supreme Court has backed that practice, called affirmative action, in the interest of creating a diverse student body.

    This week, however, the majority-conservative court is considering a case that may change affirmative action forever.

    Guest: Adam Liptak, a correspondent covering the Supreme Court for The New York Times.

    Background reading: 

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    . Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.