
    Ep. 1035 - The Soft Bigotry Of Low Expectations

    enJune 19, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Celebrating the End of Slavery: Juneteenth and America's Second FoundingJuneteenth marks the end of slavery and represents America's commitment to universal principles and rights for all, while platforms like ZipRecruiter help bridge employment gaps and contribute to economic recovery.

      Juneteenth, celebrated on June 19th, marks the end of slavery in the United States and represents America's second founding. This day in 1865, Union soldiers led by Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Texas to announce that the war had ended and that all slaves were free. Although this didn't immediately end racism and discrimination, it was a significant step towards fulfilling America's founding promises. Today, Juneteenth should be recognized as a national holiday, symbolizing the country's commitment to universal principles and the rights of all citizens, regardless of race. Meanwhile, it's essential for good employees and employers to connect, as platforms like ZipRecruiter help bridge the gap and contribute to economic recovery.

    • Celebrating progress towards equality and individual freedom on JuneteenthJuneteenth marks a step towards realizing the founding fathers' promise of universal rights, but progress towards true equality requires addressing and eliminating racism, not tearing down American institutions.

      Juneteenth marks a significant milestone in American history, representing the beginning of the fulfillment of the founding fathers' dream of ending slavery. It's a time to celebrate progress towards equality and individual freedom. Frederick Douglass, a key figure in connecting the promises of the Declaration of Independence with the hope of black Americans, is a strong contender for recognition on national currency. While there is still work to be done to address inequality, it's essential to remember that the Declaration of Independence was a promise of universal rights that has not been fully realized for all Americans, particularly black Americans. The goal is to achieve true equality in terms of rights and individual freedom, not just equality of outcome. The fight against racism involves addressing and eliminating actual racism, not tearing down American institutions. The shift towards intersectionality-style anti-racism, which implies that the only way to be anti-racist is to acknowledge one's own sin and tear down institutions, is a dangerous and misguided approach.

    • Historical factors contribute to some racial disparities, but not allNot all racial disparities can be attributed to systemic racism; personal choices and their consequences also play a role.

      While history plays a role in certain disparities between racial groups in America, not all gaps can be attributed to systemic racism. Economist and sociologist William Spriggs discussed on a podcast that while historical factors contribute to some disparities, such as the gap in homeownership between Black and White Americans, other disparities, like the income gap or the single motherhood rate, cannot be fully explained by history. These issues have worsened in some communities, and suggesting that America is more racist now than it was in 1960 is a dangerous oversimplification. Shelby Steele, an author, has written about the redefinition of racism, arguing that it has shifted from actual racial discrimination to a belief that all American institutions are inherently racist. This perspective, as Spriggs points out, overlooks personal choices and their consequences. For instance, the rise in single motherhood and its connection to intergenerational poverty cannot be solely attributed to racism. Instead, it's essential to recognize the complexity of societal issues and the role of individual decisions.

    • Understanding racial disparities goes beyond just unemployment ratesWhile the unemployment rate gap between black and white Americans has narrowed, other disparities like income and education gaps remain or have widened.

      While the unemployment rate gap between black and white Americans has seen some improvement since 1960, it's important to consider other factors like education levels and household income to fully understand the persistent disparities between the two races. The article in the New York Times highlights that while the unemployment rate gap has narrowed, other gaps such as the income gap and the college graduation rate gap have remained or even widened. It's crucial to recognize that there are multiple factors contributing to these disparities, and a simplistic analysis focusing only on one factor like racism or unemployment rates may not provide a complete picture. Factors like education levels, high school dropout rates, and household structures also play significant roles in the persistent disparities between black and white Americans.

    • Understanding Complexities of InequalityHistoric discrimination contributes to American inequality, but it's not the sole cause. Black income has risen, yet the homeownership gap persists. High incarceration rate of black males isn't solely due to systemic racism. Equal outcome focus can lead to paternalism and low expectations, implying black Americans can't function within the system.

      While historic discrimination has played a role in American inequality, particularly in areas like housing and criminal justice, it is not the sole cause. The homeownership gap persists despite rising black income, and the high incarceration rate of black males cannot be solely attributed to systemic racism. The left's push for equal outcome rather than equal rights can lead to a paternalistic view of white liberals as saviors, and can perpetuate the "soft bigotry of low expectations." The New York Times piece, and similar perspectives, risk implying that black Americans cannot be expected to operate within the system, which is a dangerous and unfair assumption. It's essential to examine individual decisions and confounds to understand the complexities of inequality.

    • The myth of systemic racism as the sole cause of inequalityThe belief in systemic racism can lead to low expectations, destructive behaviors, and a disregard for personal responsibility and individual liberty. Most looters are not driven by political motivations but rather by the opportunity to steal.

      The belief that all racial inequality is due to a racist system can lead to the soft bigotry of low expectations, where we can't expect people, regardless of race, to abide by the law and instead resort to destructive behaviors like rioting and looting. This perspective, as expressed by Shelby Steele, challenges the notion that systemic racism is the sole cause of inequality and suggests that individual choices and responsibilities play a significant role in one's prosperity. The New York Times article by Robin Kelly also debunks the myth that looters are primarily driven by political motivations, revealing that most are simply seizing the opportunity to steal. Ultimately, the focus should be on personal responsibility, individual liberty, and the importance of the second amendment in protecting these rights.

    • Media focus on looting during protests distracts from core issuesThe media's emphasis on crime during protests can oversimplify complex issues of systemic racism and hinder progress towards meaningful change. It's essential to acknowledge the nuances of the problem and work towards comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of inequality.

      The focus on looting during protests deflects from the core issues and can hinder progress towards meaningful change. The columnist argues that this narrative, which portrays the police as the greatest obstacle to black freedom in America, is not accurate. Instead, it's important to acknowledge the complexities of systemic racism and the role of white penitence in shaping the narrative around racial justice. The media's emphasis on crime during protests can distract from the underlying issues and limit the potential for constructive solutions. Additionally, the idea that the police are the primary cause of black oppression oversimplifies the problem and can prevent meaningful dialogue and progress. It's crucial to recognize the nuances of systemic racism and work towards comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of inequality.

    • White Guilt leaves individuals and institutions vulnerable to being labeled racistThe new definition of racism as a Marxist view can lead to white guilt, a fear of being labeled racist, and a focus on proving innocence rather than making moral choices, resulting in the destruction of historical symbols and monuments.

      According to Shelby Steele in his book "White Guilt," acknowledging historical racism in America leaves whites and institutions vulnerable and without moral authority, as they are stigmatized as racist until they prove otherwise. The new definition of racism, as Steele explains, is a Marxist view that sees institutions as the root cause of oppression, making it necessary to tear down these institutions to address the issue. White guilt, a vacuum of moral authority, forces individuals and institutions to focus on proving they are not racist rather than making genuine moral choices. This fear of being labeled racist can lead to the destruction of historical symbols and monuments, as seen in recent events. The guilt and fear associated with white privilege have created a power dynamic where the moral authority transfers to the victims of historical racism.

    • White response to racial guilt and need for moral authorityWhite people's focus on their own moral identity and responses to race, rather than seeing the humanity of individuals, leads to a culture of dissociation and labeling, benefiting white liberals who argue for societal change without considering minorities' impact.

      White people's response to racial guilt and the need for moral authority has led to a culture of dissociation and labeling, where they distance themselves from institutions and structures perceived as racist, rather than taking responsibility for systemic change. Shelby Steele argued this in 2006, stating that individual responsibility was replaced by a new social morality, where blacks were no longer expected to carry the same responsibilities as others due to historical racial oppression. This dynamic benefits white liberals, who argue for restructuring society to regain moral authority, often without considering the impact on minorities. This mindset, called "white blindness," causes whites to focus on their own moral identity and responses to race, rather than seeing the humanity of individuals. This dynamic is satirized in movies like "Get Out," where well-meaning whites display a performative, detached engagement with racial issues.

    • Dissociation from racism for moral superiorityWhites prioritize dissociation over individual responsibility and democratic principles to reestablish moral authority, perpetuating a culture war and hindering racial progress

      White blindness towards blacks as human beings in the current age of white guilt is driven by the need to dissociate from racism, rather than bigotry. This dissociation is a means for whites to restore their moral authority and speak on racial issues. Post-sixties liberalism preserves this hierarchy of moral superiority, granting whites a sense of superiority over both their fellow whites and blacks. This association based on dissociation generates a collective narcissism and culture war, prioritizing dissociation over democratic principles and individual responsibility. The virtue signaling from the white left today is primarily about reestablishing moral authority and control, rather than healing the country or promoting individual success. To truly help close the gaps between races, it's essential to focus on individual responsibility, opportunities, and freedoms, rather than displays of pathos or attempts to restructure systems based on feelings of guilt.

    • Performative Penitence vs. Genuine EffortsBe wary of insincere displays of penitence, focusing on genuine efforts towards equality and understanding instead.

      While Father's Day is a time for thoughtful gifts, it's important to be wary of performative acts of penitence disguised as displays of moral authority. During the discussion, we highlighted the excellent Father's Day offer from Omaha Steaks and encouraged listeners to take advantage of it. However, we also delved into the issue of performative penitence, where some individuals, often white leftists, use displays of penitence to feel superior and paternalistic towards others, particularly black people. Instead of treating everyone as individual human beings, they reduce them to stereotypes and perpetuate a divisive narrative. It's crucial to recognize these insincere displays of penitence and focus on genuine efforts towards equality and understanding. Additionally, we encouraged listeners to sign up for The Daily Wire's Reader's Pass to access exclusive content and join the largest, fastest-growing conservative podcast and radio show in the nation.

    • The complexities of race conversations and avoiding harmful stereotypesCriticize books and actions that assign blame without accountability. Focus on individual actions and genuine apologies for progress.

      The conversation around race and racism can be complex and nuanced, but it's important to be critical of books and actions that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and assign blame without accountability. Robin DiAngelo's book "White Fragility" was criticized for suggesting that white people are inherently responsible for all the world's ills and that their feelings are the most important, creating a dangerous cycle of moral superiority and avoidance of accountability. Meanwhile, actions like asking white people to shine black people's shoes as a form of apology or reparation can be well-intentioned but ultimately ineffective and potentially even offensive. Instead, focusing on individual actions and seeking genuine apologies and reparations when harm has been caused can lead to more meaningful progress.

    • A Debate on Race, Responsibility, and IntentThe complexities of discussing race require nuanced perspectives, acknowledging both the systemic nature of oppression and the potential harm of symbols, while considering the importance of intent in understanding context.

      The discussion revolves around two contrasting perspectives on race and responsibility. The first, as expressed by Robin DiAngelo, asserts that whiteness is a system of oppression, making all white people complicit. The second, as exemplified by the Oakland mayor's reaction to ropes found in a park, emphasizes the real harm caused by symbols, regardless of intent. The debate highlights the complexities of discussing race and the potential consequences of over-interpreting actions. The mayor's reaction, while well-intentioned, seems to disregard the importance of intent in understanding the context of an action. This raises questions about the potential for misinterpretation and the need for nuanced discussions on race and oppression.

    • Tearing down history not a productive solutionInstead of tearing down history, individuals should take responsibility for their actions, make good decisions, and work towards equality and prosperity for all.

      The current societal trend of tearing down historical statues and dissociating from American history to alleviate feelings of white guilt and superiority is not a productive solution to the issues of inequality and racism. Instead, it is important for individuals to take responsibility for their actions, make good decisions, and seize opportunities for success. The left's paternalistic approach of trying to tear down institutions and rewrite history does not benefit black Americans, but rather makes white leftists feel better. Instead, we should own and learn from American history, acknowledging its evils and progress, and work towards equality and prosperity for all through individual responsibility and decision-making.

    • Exploring life, family, and faith through cultural perspectivesThe Matt Walsh Show offers unique insights into culture, influencing politics and life, focusing on themes of life, family, and faith.

      The Matt Walsh Show, while offering political perspectives, sets itself apart by focusing on culture, which influences politics and other aspects of life. The show delves into topics related to life, family, and faith, providing a unique and fundamental perspective. If you're interested in these themes, consider giving it a listen. Additionally, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share with others to help spread the word. The Ben Shapiro Show is produced by a team of dedicated individuals and is available on various podcast platforms.

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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