
    Ep. 1057 - Desperate Democrats Limp To The Finish Line

    enNovember 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Democrats and Republicans employ different strategies ahead of midterm electionsDemocrats struggle to regain credibility on crime, while Republicans effectively use 'inflation' to rally voters

      During the final days leading up to the 2022 midterm elections, both political parties are employing different strategies to sway voters. Democrats, facing the issue of high crime rates, have grown desperate and attempted to reframe the conversation, even suggesting that Republicans are weak on crime. However, this narrative lacks credibility given the Democratic party's history of disregard for addressing crime effectively. On the other hand, Republicans, led by the economic concerns of voters, have successfully introduced the term "inflation" into the common lexicon, using it to rally support. This strategic use of language, along with the economic downturn, is expected to significantly impact voter turnout on election day. Additionally, Matt Walsh discussed his partnership with Echelon Fitness, offering his audience a chance to receive a free bike or rowing machine with a 24-month membership.

    • Crime issue in US: A complex problem concentrated in blue citiesDespite popular belief, highest crime rates are not exclusive to red states, but rather, predominantly found in blue cities within those states. Recent data also shows falling crime rates over the last 30 years.

      The crime issue in the United States is not as simple as it seems, with the highest crime rates often being concentrated in specific cities rather than entire states. Many of these cities are run by the Democratic Party. For instance, out of the 30 cities with the highest murder rates, all but three are run by Democrats. Therefore, the crime problem is not unique to red states, but rather, it is a problem predominantly found in blue cities within those states. It's essential to recognize this nuance when discussing crime rates and not oversimplify the issue. Additionally, recent data suggests that violent crime rates have been falling over the last 30 years, contradicting claims of a violent crime wave. However, it's crucial to remember that this trend does not negate the existence of crime problems in certain cities and localities.

    • FBI data on violent crime rates has significant uncertaintyDespite claims of no increase, homicides have seen a 30% rise nationwide, making the crime wave a real issue that requires attention.

      The claim of no increase in violent crime rates in 2020 and 2021, as reported by the FBI, is not the complete picture. The FBI's data has significant uncertainty due to a transition to a new data collection system and the absence of data from major cities like New York and Los Angeles. Furthermore, the FBI's violent crime statistics do not include homicides, making the national violent crime rate misleading. Contrary to the claim that violent crime rates are not increasing, the reality is that homicides have seen a significant rise, with a 30% increase nationwide and the highest rates in over 3 decades. Therefore, the crime wave is not a hoax, but a real issue that requires attention. It's important to consider all relevant data when evaluating crime statistics and making informed decisions.

    • Legislation to protect children from drugging and mutilationImportant legislation is being introduced to ban harmful practices towards children and provide compensation for victims. The speaker criticized politicians for blaming misinformation for election losses and emphasized the need for actual laws to address these issues.

      Important legislation to ban the drugging and mutilation of children, as well as provide compensation for victims, will be introduced in the state on November 9th. The speaker emphasized the importance of following activism and awareness-raising efforts with actual laws. Additionally, the speaker criticized Democrats for blaming misinformation for poor election results, specifically mentioning Stacey Abrams and her campaign's excuses for expected losses. The speaker also touched on the alleged targeting of black men with misinformation during NBA broadcasts. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of passing laws to protect children and the need for accountability in politics.

    • Perception of Stacey Abrams' appeal to votersMisinformation and selective media coverage may contribute to the perception that Stacey Abrams lacks charisma and substance. However, her status as a victim and a creation of the left-wing media might also play a role. Politicians' insulting words and actions towards opponents and the public can further fuel negative perceptions.

      The perception of Stacey Abrams being unappealing or uncompelling to voters may be influenced by misinformation and selective media coverage. The speaker argues that Abrams lacks charisma and substance in her messages to voters. However, they also acknowledge their bias and suggest that her status as a victim and a creation of the left-wing media might be contributing factors to her perceived lack of appeal. Meanwhile, politicians like Joe Biden and Donald Trump have been criticized for insulting their opponents and the public. Biden was heard calling American citizens who display signs with political messages "idiots," while Trump took a public shot at Ron DeSantis during a campaign rally, using a weak and dismissive nickname. These actions and words may further fuel the misinformation and negative perceptions that can impact political races.

    • Ron DeSantis: A Formidable Contender Despite Establishment LabelsUnnecessary infighting among Republicans, fueled by Trump's self-interest and timing concerns, could harm the party and aid Democrats during the midterms.

      Despite efforts to label Ron DeSantis as an establishment Republican based on unsubstantiated reports, his effective policy wins and popularity make him a formidable contender. The ongoing attacks from Trump fans and the former president himself, who endorsed establishment figures in the past, raise questions about timing and strategy, potentially hurting the Republican party and helping the Democrats. Trump's lack of discipline and self-interest were highlighted as major concerns. In the midst of the midterms, unity among Republicans is crucial, and unnecessary infighting could have detrimental consequences.

    • The Importance of Strategy and Timing in Politics and Social MediaEffective politics and social media use demand strategic planning and timing. In politics, the outcome of the presidential race depends on both. On social media, maintaining a reputable online presence is crucial, as seen with Elon Musk's recent response to impersonators.

      Effective fighting, be it political or physical, requires strategy and timing. In the upcoming presidential race between Trump and DeSantis, both candidates will likely face off, but it's important to consider the timing and potential consequences of their actions. Meanwhile, on Twitter, Elon Musk's recent actions have sparked controversy, with some users trying to undermine his authority by impersonating him. Musk's response, banning these accounts, has led to discussions about the role of Twitter as a source of accurate information and the importance of maintaining a reputable online presence. Ultimately, the future of Twitter and the outcome of the presidential race remain uncertain, but one thing is clear: both require careful consideration and strategic planning.

    • Balancing Free Speech and Accurate Information on TwitterTwitter's challenge is to ensure accurate information while preserving free speech, a balance that could impact diverse perspectives and democratic processes.

      Twitter, as a platform, faces a significant challenge in balancing the need for free speech and accurate information. Elon Musk's recent comments suggest a desire to make Twitter the most accurate source of information, which would likely require stricter content moderation and limiting certain types of speech. However, this approach could stifle free speech and limit diverse perspectives. On the other hand, maintaining a platform for free speech without significant moderation could lead to the spread of misinformation and harmful content. The midterms election update from Chuck Todd on Meet the Press further highlights the complexity of these issues, as the likelihood of not knowing the full results on election night could fuel concerns about the integrity of the democratic process. Ultimately, finding a balance between these competing priorities will be crucial for Twitter and other social media platforms moving forward.

    • Election Integrity and Cautious ComedySpeaker expresses concerns over election length, increase in voters, and cautious comedy's loss of edge, while emphasizing importance of preserving old memories through digitization

      While some people may find humor in the current societal norms and trends, such as extended voting periods and cautious comedy, others believe these changes undermine previous standards of election integrity and offensive humor. The discussion also touched upon the importance of preserving old memories through digitization to ensure their safety and longevity. Regarding the election process, the speaker expressed concerns about the lengthy ballot counting process and the increase in the number of voters. They suggested limiting the polling hours and emphasized the importance of physically voting and counting on the day to maintain election integrity. The speaker's perspective on comedy evolved from finding the SNL skit about COVID edgy and offensive two years ago to feeling frustrated that it is now considered acceptable. They argued that comedy has become overly cautious and safe, losing its edge in the process. Lastly, the speaker emphasized the significance of preserving old memories through digitization, mentioning the benefits of Legacy Boxes as a simple and safe solution for families to digitize their aging tapes, film reels, and photos.

    • Preserving Memories and Sparking Conversations with TechnologyLegacy Box helps safeguard precious memories and fosters important discussions, while holiday sales offer savings. Emotions ran high during debates on Roe v. Wade, expressing emotions, and baseball representation. Human complexities and respecting diverse perspectives were key themes.

      Technology offers new ways to preserve and share cherished memories, while also sparking important conversations. The Legacy Box service allows users to safely store and access their old media, making them easily viewable and shareable for future generations. During the holiday season, take advantage of the Legacy Box sale to securely save your precious memories. Meanwhile, the overturning of Roe v. Wade elicited strong emotions, with some expressing joy for the potential lives saved, while others found the topic emotionally charged. A conversation about the appropriate times for men to express emotions led to a discussion about the complexity of human emotions and the importance of understanding different perspectives. In the realm of sports, the lack of black players in the World Series led to a discussion about talent acquisition and representation. Lastly, the debate around when life begins was discussed, with some arguing that it is a pretense and that the focus should be on the complexities of human life and the importance of respecting all perspectives.

    • Abortion and Personal Autonomy DiscussedIndividuals have the right to make decisions about their bodies, regardless of whether the entity being removed is considered a fetus, baby, or clump of cells.

      During the podcast discussion, the topic of abortion and the argument for personal autonomy was brought up. Some individuals are starting to make the honest but morally controversial argument that it doesn't matter if the aborted entity is considered a fetus, baby, or clump of cells, as individuals have control over their own bodies. Additionally, the podcast covered a variety of topics, including the upcoming elections, humor, and criticisms towards certain figures. The commenter, Cool Runnings, shared their mixed reactions to the show, using several emoticons and expressing disagreement and agreement on different topics. The podcast also dedicated a segment to criticizing cringe examples from the Democratic party leading up to the elections. Overall, the podcast covered a range of topics, and while not all may agree with every viewpoint, it provides a platform for diverse perspectives and discussions.

    • Politicians' Cringe-Worthy TikTok Attempts and Gun Handling BackfirePoliticians' desperate attempts to appeal to voters through TikTok dances and poor gun handling have backfired, eroding public trust and highlighting a disconnect between them and the people they represent, potentially contributing to Democratic losses in the midterms.

      The discourse surrounding the 2022 midterms has reached new levels of cringe, with politicians resorting to TikTok dances and poor gun handling attempts in an attempt to appeal to voters. The speaker argues that these actions demonstrate a lack of seriousness and decorum among political elites, further eroding public trust and respect. The attempts to pander to specific voter bases, such as gun rights voters, have backfired, highlighting a disconnect between politicians and the people they aim to represent. Ultimately, these actions underscore the desperation and undignified nature of the political elite, further contributing to their perceived lack of credibility and increasing the likelihood of Democratic losses in the midterms.

    • The value of community engagement and connectionsEngaging in communities through membership or daily interactions leads to personal and professional growth, as well as a sense of belonging. Benefits include networking, knowledge sharing, and support systems.

      Importance of staying engaged and connected in a community, whether it be through membership or daily interactions. The speakers touched on various topics, including the benefits of networking, the power of knowledge sharing, and the value of support systems. They emphasized that being part of a community can lead to personal and professional growth, as well as a sense of belonging. So, whether you're joining a new group or continuing to be an active member, remember that the connections you make and the relationships you build can be invaluable. Keep learning, sharing, and growing together.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media has discovered a hot new trend. It's called abstinence. For years the Left mocked Christian conservatives for promoting abstinence. Now, they're coming around, but for all the wrong reasons. Also, Jamaal Bowman and AOC team up for the cringiest campaign rally of all time. Donald Trump made two campaign promises over the weekend: one very good and one very bad. And, the wife of an NFL quarterback says that she convinced her now-husband to date her by hooking up with his backup. Why would any wife share a story like that?




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    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/WALSH


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    Anna Lenhart is a Policy Fellow, Institute for Data, Democracy & Politics (IDDP) at George Washington University.She most recently served in the House of Representatives as the Senior Technology Legislative Aide to Rep Lori Trahan (117th Congress) and as a Congressional Innovation Fellow for the House Judiciary Digital Markets Investigation (116th Congress). 

    Prior to working for Congress, Anna was a Senior Consultant and the AI Ethics Initiative Lead for IBM’s Federal Government Consulting Division, training data scientists and operationalizing principles of transparency, algorithm bias and privacy rights in AI and Machine Learning systems. 

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