
    Ep. 1079 - The DNC’s Final Night: He’s Alive!

    enAugust 21, 2020
    What factors led to low expectations for Biden during the debate?
    How did Biden's performance differ from previous debates?
    What strategy are Democrats using against Trump in the campaign?
    What criticism is directed at Biden's campaign promises?
    What suggestions were made for Trump regarding social media use?

    • Joe Biden defied low expectations in presidential debateBiden gave a more energetic and coherent performance, saving Democrats from focusing on character attacks against Trump, and individuals can save up to $400 annually on wireless bills with PureTalk

      During the recent presidential debate, Joe Biden defied low expectations and delivered a more energetic and coherent performance compared to his previous campaign appearances. The expectations for Biden were low due to his past gaffes and lackluster energy. However, his speech last night was well-written, and he looked more alive and engaged than ever before. The Democrats' strategy for the campaign has been to portray Trump as a "bad orange man," and Biden's ability to avoid major gaffes and physical mishaps during the debate was a victory for his campaign. The burden is now on the Republicans to shift the conversation back to policy issues and away from Trump's character. The average person can save up to $400 a year on their wireless bill by switching to PureTalk, which uses the same networks as major carriers but offers lower prices due to fewer retail stores and lower overhead.

    • The 2020 election: A contrast between likability and provocationsThe 2020 election is not just about policies or competence, but also about perceived likability and provocations. The DNC ignored pressing issues and focused on attacking Trump personally, while the media's focus on Trump's gaffes obscures real issues like China, urban unrest, and economic lockdowns.

      The 2020 presidential election is not a simple comparison between two candidates based on competence or policy consistency. Instead, it's a contrast between the perceived likability of Joe Biden and the continued provocations of Donald Trump. The Democrats are counting on Trump's Twitter activity to fuel their campaign, while Trump could potentially gain an advantage by limiting his online presence. The DNC convention ignored several pressing issues, such as China, urban unrest, and economic lockdowns, in favor of attacking Trump personally. The media's focus on Trump's gaffes and controversies has obscured the realities of these issues. The Democrats have differing views on how to address these problems, but they are united in their criticism of Trump. The lack of mention of economic lockdowns during the convention, despite their significant impact on the economy, is a notable omission. The alternative reality presented at the DNC convention may not accurately reflect the current state of affairs in the US.

    • Democratic National Convention: Biden as 'forces of light', Trump as 'forces of darkness'Biden's campaign focused on portraying him as a nice, empathetic figure against Trump's 'darkness'. However, they ignored intelligence on foreign interference and economic issues. Trump campaign should counter with plans on law and order and addressing foreign threats.

      During the Democratic National Convention, Joe Biden's campaign focused on portraying him as the "forces of light" against Donald Trump's "forces of darkness." He did not present any compelling policies during his speech. The media has ignored the intelligence community's findings that China and Iran are interfering in the election on behalf of Biden. Meanwhile, the postal service is facing challenges, making it a good time to consider using Stamps.com for mailing and shipping needs. The DNC began with awkward humor from celebrity presenters, with lines written in a bottom-of-the-barrel style. Biden was presented as a nice, empathetic figure, while Trump was labeled as the embodiment of darkness. The Trump campaign should counter this narrative by highlighting Democrats' plans to allow cities to be run by looters and rioters, and their support for prolonged economic lockdowns. Additionally, they should address foreign interference in the election and China's growing geopolitical threat to the US.

    • Democrats Accused Others of Conspiracy Theories While Trafficking Their Own During DNCDespite frequent criticisms of Republicans for promoting conspiracy theories, Democrats openly accused Facebook, Fox News, Vladimir Putin, and others during the DNC. They also used humor and religion in their messaging, while highlighting Joe Biden's church attendance.

      During the Democratic National Convention, speakers openly accused Republicans and certain entities like Facebook, Fox News, and Vladimir Putin of engaging in conspiracy theories, while at the same time, openly trafficking in their own conspiracy theories during the event. For instance, Julia Louis Dreyfus claimed that the 2016 election was stolen by Facebook, Vladimir Putin, and Fox News, which is not true. These allegations come despite Democrats frequently criticizing Republicans for supposedly promoting conspiracy theories. Additionally, there was a focus on humor during the convention, with comedians like Sarah Cooper and Julia Louis Dreyfus making jokes about various political figures, including Mike Pence and Kamala Harris. The convention also saw a renewed emphasis on religion, with Joe Biden's church attendance being highlighted. Overall, the DNC showcased a mix of serious political messaging and humor, with both sides engaging in accusations of conspiracy theories. It's important for voters to fact-check information and make informed decisions based on accurate information. To learn more about voting options, text VOTE to 30330.

    • Humorous moments and serious messages at the Democratic National ConventionThe DNC combined humor and seriousness, with messages on financial responsibility, voting importance, and climate change.

      During the Democratic National Convention, there were several comedic moments, both intentional and unintentional. For instance, Stacey Abrams, who is not a governor, was included in a governor's panel, and there was a failed attempt to have enough people clap for Kamala Harris' speech. Donald Trump's attempts to discourage voting were also discussed. Amidst these moments, there were serious messages, such as the importance of taking care of credit card debt and the role of responsible finance through companies like LightStream. Additionally, California Governor Gavin Newsom spoke from a forest affected by wildfires, attributing the fires to global warming rather than forest management. Overall, the convention was a mix of humor and seriousness, with the emphasis on the importance of voting and financial responsibility.

    • Criticisms of Governor Newsom during DNCDespite calls for unity against Trump, the DNC faced criticism for lack of policy discussions and misplaced focus on voting rights, while California's Governor Newsom was criticized for mismanagement during crises.

      During the Democratic National Convention, there were criticisms about mismanagement in California, specifically regarding wildfires, rolling blackouts, and homelessness. Governor Gavin Newsom was criticized for focusing on global warming during these crises. Keisha Lance Bottoms, Mayor of Atlanta, and Senator Tammy Duckworth were among the Democrats who spoke, with Bottoms emphasizing the importance of voting and Lance Duckworth criticizing President Trump. The themes of unity against Trump and the importance of voting were prevalent throughout the convention. However, some critics argue that the focus on voting rights is misplaced, as data shows that Black Americans have been voting at higher rates than their population share since Barack Obama's presidency. Additionally, some felt that the convention lacked substantive policy discussions.

    • Democratic National Convention: Biden vs Trump's Foreign PolicyThe DNC highlighted Biden's ability to lead without manipulation contrasted with Trump's vulnerability to foreign influence, but Biden's foreign policy accomplishments were not extensively discussed.

      During the Democratic National Convention, the emphasis was placed on contrasting the perceived negatives of President Donald Trump with the perceived positives of Joe Biden. However, it was noted that it's difficult to point to significant legislative accomplishments for Biden throughout his career. Instead, the focus was on painting Trump as easily manipulated by foreign leaders and Biden as a strong, unmanipulable leader. This narrative, while effective in creating a clear contrast, raises questions about the accuracy of these portrayals, particularly regarding Biden's foreign policy record. Additionally, the convention featured unconventional moments, such as Cory Booker discussing his girlfriend and Bernie Sanders' strange interactions, which added to the overall unusual tone of the event.

    • Democrats emphasize empathy, unity, and social changeDemocrats highlighted their focus on empathy, unity, and social change during the debates, contrasting it with Trump's divisive rhetoric and lack of empathy.

      Learning from the Democratic debates is the party's emphasis on empathy, unity, and social change. Candidates like Pete Buttigieg highlighted the significant progress made in the last decade, but raised questions about how far the left wants to push the agenda. Joe Biden's pitch revolves around empathy and being a nice guy, as exemplified by his connection with a 13-year-old boy who stutters. The Democrats contrasted this with Trump's lack of empathy and divisive rhetoric. Michael Bloomberg's appearance, despite his unpopularity, was due to his financial commitment to the party. The debates also featured testimonials from individuals who have been helped by Biden, emphasizing his ability to connect with people and make a difference in their lives. Overall, the Democrats presented a united front against Trump, focusing on his divisiveness and lack of empathy.

    • Biden's personal qualities as leaderBiden pitched his personal qualities and ability to be a caring, principled, and tough leader, but lacked specific policy proposals to address economic and personal challenges during the pandemic.

      Joe Biden's campaign pitch at the Democratic National Convention focused on his personal qualities and his ability to be a caring, principled, and tough leader for the United States. However, there were some awkward moments during the event, such as when a supposed lifelong Republican endorsing Biden was exposed as a Democrat himself. Biden's kids also spoke about his fatherly qualities and his unwavering support for them. Biden's speech was a departure from the Democrats' usual messaging about Trump's personal evils and lacked specific policy proposals to address the concerns of struggling Americans. While Biden's speech was politically savvy, it remains to be seen whether it will resonate with voters beyond his personal appeal. The convention failed to offer concrete solutions for those facing economic and personal challenges during the pandemic.

    • Joe Biden's DNC speech and Allform sofasBiden presented himself as a moderate, Obama-like figure during the DNC, while Allform offers a customizable, premium sofa with fast shipping and a risk-free trial.

      During the Democratic National Convention last night, Joe Biden presented himself as a Trojan horse for both his presumed lack of health to complete his first term and for the radical left that runs his party. He delivered a moderate speech, sounding like a Democrat from the 1960s, and even borrowed inspirational rhetoric from Barack Obama. Meanwhile, the pitch for Allform sofas offers a customizable, premium product with fast and free shipping, and a 100-day risk-free trial. The All Access membership at The Daily Wire provides exclusive livestream discussions and a 20% discount with the code "access."

    • Joe Biden's Inaccurate Claims About Donald TrumpDuring a speech, Biden made several inaccurate statements about Trump's past comments and actions, including misquoting his stance on neo-Nazis and Klansmen at Charlottesville, and falsely accusing him of planning to eliminate Social Security funding and America's poor handling of COVID-19 pandemic.

      During a recent speech, Joe Biden made several inaccurate statements about Donald Trump's past comments and actions. For instance, Biden claimed that Trump had said there were "very fine people among neo-Nazis and Klansmen" during the Charlottesville rally, but this is not what Trump actually said. Trump originally condemned the violence on both sides, but later clarified that he was not defending white supremacists. Additionally, Biden falsely accused Trump of planning to eliminate funding for Social Security and suggested that America had handled the COVID-19 pandemic worse than any other country, which is also untrue. Despite these inaccuracies, Biden's overall message focused on portraying himself as a compassionate and empathetic figure, contrasting himself with what he depicted as Trump's mean-spirited nature.

    • Joe Biden presents himself as a unifier and ally of the lightDespite promising to unify and protect, Biden's speech overlooked his own record and the complexities of governing, focusing instead on contrasting himself with Trump.

      During his Democratic National Convention speech, Joe Biden presented himself as a unifier and an ally of the light, contrasting himself with the current president as a force of good. He promised to protect America and work for those who didn't support him, while criticizing Trump for division and failure to protect the nation. However, his pitch for a return to normalcy overlooks the division and challenges during the Obama administration, and his promises to protect Americans from threats like COVID-19 are questionable, as he has not presented a clear plan or constitutional authority for such actions. Despite his improved performance and romantic language, his campaign remains focused on contrasting himself with Trump and appealing to unity, while ignoring his own record and the complexities of governing.

    • Biden's Words vs. Democratic Actions on RacismDespite promising to heal and eliminate racism, Biden and Democrats have shifted definition and used it as a political tool. They criticize opponents while overlooking their own actions, like the Obama administration's payment to Iran funding terrorism.

      During his recent speech, Joe Biden promised to heal and eliminate racism in America, but his words may not align with his ability to deliver on those promises. Democrats, including Biden, have been known to shift the definition of racism to keep it as a political tool. Biden also claimed to hear the voices of protesters and suggested that electing Democrats is the solution to ending protests. However, the Democratic platform values democracy above all else, implying that if Democrats lose, protests are necessary. Biden also criticized the Trump administration for turning a blind eye to Russian bounties on American soldiers, but overlooked the Obama administration's $150 billion payment to Iran, which was acknowledged to fund terrorism against American troops. Overall, Biden's speech was a cloaking device for the Democratic program, and it remains unclear how he plans to effectively address racism and other injustices.

    • Biden promises to stand up for American values against human rights abusersJoe Biden pledged to confront countries like Russia, Syria, and Iran for their human rights abuses and acts of aggression during his DNC speech, contrasting himself with President Trump.

      During his Democratic National Convention speech, Joe Biden made it clear that under his presidency, the United States will not ignore human rights abuses and acts of aggression from countries like Russia, Syria, Iran, and stand up for American values instead. Biden contrasted himself with President Trump, labeling himself as the "forces of light" and Trump as the "forces of darkness." The media responded positively to Biden's speech, with many commentators praising it as a strong and effective performance. Despite this, there is concern that Biden must maintain his health and consistency in public appearances until the election. Chris Wallace and Jake Tapper were among those who praised Biden's speech, noting that it exceeded expectations set by the Trump campaign. However, the challenge for Biden remains in demonstrating his ability to perform well in a debate setting. The RNC now faces the task of countering Biden's message and addressing his renewed energy and engagement in the campaign.

    • DNC Focused on COVID-19 to Distract from Other IssuesJoe Biden urges people to learn to live with COVID-19, while some governors face criticism for prolonged lockdowns and mishandling the situation.

      The DNC focused heavily on COVID-19 to distract from other issues in the United States, while some areas are seeing a significant downslope in cases and deaths. Joe Biden stated that there is no miracle coming to heal COVID-19, and it's important for people to learn to live with the virus instead of keeping everything locked down indefinitely. However, the Democratic governors are being accused of mishandling the situation and keeping economies and schools closed while proclaiming they are handling the virus. Trump is expected to make the case that democratic governors have botched the response and kept things locked down unnecessarily. Additionally, Trump is being urged to get himself under control and stay on teleprompter to surpass the low expectations set for him by Democrats.

    • Discussing Trump's use of Twitter and the focus of the Democratic PartyTrump could improve his presidency by focusing on policy solutions instead of Twitter, while the Dems might limit their ability to present him as having room for improvement. The RNC aims to highlight Biden's lack of problem-solving skills, and Ben Shapiro encourages Trump to stay off Twitter.

      During the Ben Shapiro Show discussion, it was emphasized that President Trump has the ability to focus on important matters, such as defending his actions and addressing the issues in the United States, instead of constantly using Twitter. However, the Democratic Party's focus on "orange man bad" might limit their ability to present Trump as having room for improvement. The Republican National Committee's upcoming task is to highlight Joe Biden's lack of problem-solving abilities. Ben Shapiro also encouraged Trump to stay off Twitter and focus on policy solutions. The show also promoted The Ben Shapiro Show, other Daily Wire Podcasts, and Ben Shapiro's new book, "How to Destroy America in 3 Easy Steps." The Matt Walsh Show was introduced as a podcast that goes beyond politics and focuses on life, family, and faith.

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