
    Ep. 1104 - Are You Ready To Fumble?

    enSeptember 29, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Different Expectations for Trump and Biden in First DebateTrump aims for Biden to collapse, Biden needs to sway voters. Debate outcome impacts both campaigns. Speaker promotes Stamps.com for efficient shipping and discounted postage. Upcoming Supreme Court nomination and Trump's taxes controversy discussed.

      During the first debate between Trump and Biden, the expectations for each candidate are vastly different. Trump has set the bar low for Biden, requiring him only to avoid physical or mental collapse and not use performance-enhancing drugs. Biden, on the other hand, needs to sway public opinion in Trump's favor. Historically, Trump has excelled at attacking his opponents during debates. The first 15-20 minutes are crucial, as most viewers tend to tune out over time. Overall, the debate's outcome will significantly impact both candidates' campaigns. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of being efficient and saving time and money in the current business climate. He promoted Stamps.com as a solution, offering discounted postage and shipping services without the need to visit the post office. The speaker also mentioned the upcoming Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett and the ongoing controversy over Trump's taxes.

    • A chaotic and personal presidential debateThe upcoming debate between Biden and Trump may be filled with personal attacks and unpredictable behavior, rather than policy discussions.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is expected to be chaotic and filled with personal attacks, rather than substantive policy discussions. Trump is known for his aggressive debating style and unpredictable behavior, leaving it up to Biden to handle and potentially throw him off his game. Biden, on the other hand, plans to be aggressive towards Trump from the start. The debate may resemble a scene from a movie, with little to no English spoken and name-calling between the two. Recent comments from Biden comparing Trump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels have raised questions about the tone of the debate and the role of the media in shaping the narrative. Despite the controversy, it's unlikely that Chris Wallace, the moderator, will significantly intervene to shape the debate's contours. Overall, the debate is expected to be more of a spectacle than a meaningful policy discussion.

    • Presidential Debate: Biden and Trump's Media Perception and PreparationBoth Biden and Trump face challenges in the upcoming debate due to media perception and preparation. Biden's lack of media scrutiny puts pressure on him to perform, while Trump's lack of preparation could disadvantage him despite experience.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is expected to be entertaining, with both candidates attacking each other's character and policies. However, the media's perception of the candidates remains firmly entrenched, making it difficult for either to significantly change public opinion. Biden has avoided media events in recent days, while Trump has been criticized for not adequately preparing for the debate. Trump's usual debate strategy of sticking and moving and relying on a crowd for energy will be absent due to the virtual format. Despite having more experience, Trump's lack of preparation could put him at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, Biden, who has been able to avoid extensive media scrutiny, will need to perform well to solidify his position as a viable candidate. The debate could potentially reveal weaknesses in both candidates, but it is unlikely to significantly shift the current political landscape.

    • Presidential Debate Focus: Supreme Court, Taxes, and Self-DefenseExpect the upcoming debate to address Amy Coney Barrett's nomination, Trump's taxes, and self-defense, with Trump's inconsistent campaign message and drug accusations having limited impact. Individuals should educate themselves on their rights and self-defense techniques while following the law.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden will likely focus on key issues such as Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination and Trump's taxes. Trump's campaign message has been inconsistent, leading to confusion and lowered expectations. Trump's suggestion that Biden is using performance enhancing drugs is unlikely to make a significant impact due to the lack of drug testing and the already low expectations for both candidates. It's important for individuals to understand their rights and how to use a gun in self-defense while complying with the law. The US Concealed Carry Association offers a free guide to help individuals gain firearms and self-defense confidence. The debate may also touch on topics like packing the court and local regulations regarding self-defense and gun use.

    • The USCCA discusses personal safety and the upcoming presidential debate topicsThe debate will focus on COVID-19, the Supreme Court nomination, and each candidate's character and qualifications.

      The USCCA provides valuable information on personal safety, including how to detect potential attacks, survive mass shootings, and responsibly own and store guns. During the upcoming presidential debate, COVID-19 and the nomination process for the Supreme Court seat vacated by Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be major topics. Trump's defense will focus on providing states with what they needed, Biden's lack of different proposals, and his continued rallies. The themes of the debate will be Trump's dishonesty and Biden's incompetence. The controversy surrounding the Supreme Court seat revolves around the idea that RBG's dying wish should be honored, but there is no such provision in the Constitution. Amy Coney Barrett is a highly qualified nominee, and her confirmation process is facing opposition from the Democrats.

    • Judge Amy Coney Barrett's commitment to interpreting the lawJudge Barrett's nomination faces personal attacks due to her religion and family size, overshadowing her impressive legal background.

      During her confirmation hearing, Judge Amy Coney Barrett emphasized her commitment to interpreting the law as written and not making policy. Her judicial philosophy aligns with that of Justices Thomas, Scalia, and Alito. However, despite her qualifications, her nomination has been met with personal attacks due to her religion and large family, including the adoption of two children from Haiti. Critics, like Bill Maher, have labeled her a "nut" solely based on her faith. Despite her impressive legal background, the focus on her personal life and religion has become the primary line of attack against her nomination.

    • Religious beliefs and Supreme Court nominationsCritics debate Amy Coney Barrett's suitability for the Supreme Court due to her religious beliefs, but Roe v. Wade is unlikely to be overturned. Online security is crucial, and ExpressVPN can help encrypt data. Be cautious of biased or unreliable information sources.

      The ongoing confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination have sparked intense debates over religious freedom and abortion rights. Some critics argue that Barrett's religious beliefs make her unsuitable for the role, while others see it as an attack on religious freedom. Regarding the Roe v. Wade case, it's important to note that the decision is not likely to be overturned, but its implications could change. The political implications of these debates are significant, particularly for Trump's chances in heavily Catholic states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Meanwhile, there's an important reminder for online security: encrypting your data is crucial to protect yourself from hackers and ISPs. ExpressVPN is a reliable and fast VPN service that can help secure your network data. Lastly, it's essential to be cautious about the sources of information used in these debates. For instance, an Associated Press story targeting a religious group called People of Praise was based on the claims of a woman with a questionable credibility. It's vital to fact-check information and consider the motivations and biases of those sharing it.

    • Media's inaccurate portrayal of People of PraiseMedia often misrepresents the People of Praise as a sex cult due to their use of 'handmaid' term and belief in male headship, but this doesn't mean women are disregarded or enslaved. Ibram X. Kendi's proposal for an anti-racism department with striking power raises concerns about fascism and democratic infringement.

      The media's portrayal of the People of Praise, a religious community, has been sensationalized and inaccurate. The group, which includes Catholics and some Protestants, has been falsely labeled as a sex cult due to members using the term "handmaid" inspired by the New Testament, and criticized for the belief that men should be the heads of their households. However, this does not mean women are disregarded or enslaved, but rather that men are held responsible for what happens in their households. Another issue is the proposal by Ibram X. Kendi for a department of anti-racism with the power to strike down laws with disparate impacts, which raises concerns about fascism and infringement on democratic processes. It's crucial to differentiate between accurate reporting and sensationalized narratives.

    • Discussions about race, adoption, and Amy Coney Barrett's intentionsCriticisms of Amy Coney Barrett's adoption of children of color have led to nuanced discussions about cross-racial adoption, but have also been misunderstood and twisted into accusations of inherent racism against white parents.

      The ongoing debate around Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination has led to discussions about race, adoption, and the intentions of white parents who adopt children of color. Ibram X. Kendi, a prominent author and Atlantic writer, criticized the adoption of black children by white parents as a form of "civilizing" them and using them as props, implying that Amy Coney Barrand might be doing the same. However, this criticism has been misunderstood and twisted into an accusation that white parents of children of color are inherently racist. This misunderstanding highlights the need for nuanced discussions about cross-racial adoption and the potential benefits and challenges it presents. The debate also serves as a magnet for criticism towards Amy Coney Barrett, as part of a larger political strategy. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has been evasive about answering questions on court packing, and his health has become a topic of concern due to his refusal to take regular breaks during debates.

    • Democrats evasive on Supreme Court expansion amid election focusDemocrats prioritize election victory over Supreme Court expansion, emphasizing its impact on government and the country

      During the debate, Kamala Harris and other Democrats have been evasive about their stance on expanding the Supreme Court, despite controlling the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives potentially after the election. They've focused on getting voters to elect them first, implying they can solve all problems, even if it means breaking constitutional structures. Additionally, the importance of the upcoming election was emphasized, with Democrats utilizing various methods to encourage voting. The discussion also touched on Sarah Huckabee Sanders' appearance on the Sunday special and the upcoming presidential debate between Trump and Biden. The election outcome could significantly impact institutions of government and the country as a whole. It's crucial for voters to stay informed and get involved by visiting Keep America America.com for accurate and up-to-date voting information.

    • Live Debate Coverage and Tax DiscussionDuring the debate, viewers can watch live coverage and receive a discount on membership. The NYT report on Trump's taxes raises questions about leaking proprietary info and fairness, with both candidates using tax strategies to minimize liabilities, and potential reforms like flat tax or eliminating deductions.

      During the debate, viewers can watch live coverage on various platforms, including Dailywire.com, YouTube, and Facebook, and receive a 20% discount on membership with the code "debate." The New York Times report on President Trump's taxes, which may be discussed during the debate, raises questions about the legality of leaking proprietary tax information and the fairness of the tax system. Trump and Biden have both reportedly used tax strategies to minimize their tax liabilities, with no evidence of illegal activity. While some may criticize Trump for not paying more taxes, others argue for tax reform, such as a flat tax or eliminating deductions. Trump has also lowered taxes for many Americans, particularly those in the lower income brackets. Ultimately, the tax code is a complex issue that requires thoughtful consideration and potential reform.

    • Trump's Taxes: Disproportionate Benefits and Personal ChallengesThe Trump tax cuts disproportionately benefited the wealthy while Trump himself paid minimal taxes due to business losses. The publication of his tax records sparked a debate on transparency and potential conflicts of interest.

      The tax system disproportionately benefited those with lower incomes less than those with higher incomes during the implementation of the Trump tax cuts. Meanwhile, Trump himself paid very little in federal income taxes in certain years, including during his presidency, due to significant business losses. The New York Times obtained and published these tax records, which contrasted with Trump's public image as a successful businessman. The financial challenges Trump faces, including debt and ongoing IRS audits, may add to his reelection campaign's difficulties. The publication of Trump's taxes sparked a larger debate about transparency and the potential for conflicts of interest when politicians have significant financial holdings. Despite the controversy, the New York Times defended their decision to publish the tax records, citing the importance of public understanding of their leaders' finances.

    • Allegations against President Trump's tax history and foreign tiesDespite lack of evidence, Democrats continue to make baseless allegations against President Trump's tax history and foreign ties, suggesting his debt is a national security concern.

      The allegations against President Trump regarding tax evasion and foreign entanglements are not new and there is currently no concrete evidence to support these claims. The New York Times article did not provide any new information about Trump's tax history or his financial ties to Russia. These accusations have been made since 2016, and the Democrats continue to bring them up despite the lack of evidence. The suggestion that Trump's debt is a national security concern is also baseless, as there is no evidence that he is being influenced by foreign adversaries. The constant repetition of these allegations without substantial evidence is seen as a tired and absurd political tactic.

    • Investigations into voter fraud allegations in MinneapolisOngoing investigations into voter fraud allegations involve Democratic representative Ilhan Omar and her get out the vote efforts. Project Veritas released videos suggesting widespread voter fraud, and the person shown in the video had 300 absentee ballots, which is a problem under Minnesota law.

      There are ongoing investigations into allegations of voter fraud in Minneapolis, specifically involving Democratic representative Ilhan Omar and her get out the vote efforts. Jeff Daniels, a former TV actor, has been discussing President Trump's taxes and possible connections to Putin on MSNBC. While Trump's tax returns are a topic of interest, it remains to be seen if this will have a significant impact on his presidency. Meanwhile, Project Veritas released videos suggesting widespread voter fraud in Minneapolis, with allegations that people were being paid for their votes. These allegations are currently being investigated by state authorities. The person shown in the video, Leibon Mohammed, is the brother of Minneapolis city council member Jamal Osman. Under Minnesota law, an individual cannot be the designated agent for more than three absentee voters, so having 300 absentee ballots in one's possession is a problem. The investigation into these allegations is ongoing.

    • Allegations of voter fraud and mail-in ballot issuesConcerns about mail-in ballots, voter fraud, and ballot harvesting pose risks in the 2020 election. Targeting specific demographics for political influence is a common tactic, but does not equate to voter suppression or tampering.

      The 2020 presidential election is facing allegations of voter fraud and issues with mail-in ballots just weeks before the vote. Both President Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr have expressed concerns about the increased use of mail-in ballots due to COVID-19. An investigation by Project Veritas uncovered a ballot harvesting ring in Minnesota, where elderly and immigrant communities were allegedly exploited. In New York, there have been reports of incorrectly marked ballots being sent out, causing confusion and concerns about their validity. The complexity of mail-in ballots and the issue of ballot harvesting pose significant risks in this election. It's important to note that campaigns have always targeted certain groups to encourage or discourage voting. The Trump campaign in 2016 used data analytics to identify groups likely to support them or not, but this does not equate to voter suppression or ballot tampering. Politics involves targeting specific demographics to influence their voting behavior.

    • Political campaigns targeting likely votersPoliticians focus on engaging supporters and deterring opponents from voting, a common tactic in politics, often mischaracterized as racist by media.

      Political campaigns focusing on targeting their most likely voters and encouraging them to vote, while also trying to discourage those unlikely to support them from voting, is a common tactic in politics. This was discussed on The Ben Shapiro Show, with Ben expressing frustration over the media's portrayal of such tactics as racist. Additionally, the show announced upcoming guests, including Senator Cruz and Megyn Kelly, and plans to cover the debates live. Andrew Clavin, host of The Andrew Clavin Show, encouraged listeners to tune in for a fun and engaging take on the apocalypse. Overall, the message was that politics, while sometimes contentious, is a normal and expected part of the democratic process.

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    A Billionaire vs a Tax Auditor on Should the Rich Pay Taxes?

    A Billionaire vs a Tax Auditor on Should the Rich Pay Taxes?

    Character Debates has a very exciting episode on a very boring topic as we discuss if the rich should pay taxes!  In this epic bout, Lancelot the Billionaire bickers with Brian the Auditor about such issues as what does the term IRS stand for, should dead people be taxed, and why drug dealers need to report their earnings. All judged by a gambling addict! 

    Moderator: Michael Harrison

    Lancelot DuBois Van Cortland Von Havemeyer III : Brian Scott McFadden

    Brian Hickey: Drew Dunn

    Earl Shaver: Jake Vevera

    Fight club: Did Mike Pence really win the V.P. debate?

    Fight club: Did Mike Pence really win the V.P. debate?

    Warning: Explicit language

    In Episode 24 of Capitol Fight Club, John Gray, Brian Darling, Sam Sacks and Sam Knight battled over who won Tuesday night's vice presidential debate and what recent revelations about Donald Trump’s taxes tell potential voters about his candidacy, if anything.

    Round 1 centered around whether Senator Tim Kaine or Governor Mike Pence won Tuesday night’s VP presidential debate, with a surprising 3-1 vote split on the winner, and what Kaine and Pence’s stances on foreign policy and abortion could mean for their respective running mates in November.

    Round 2 centered around the recent New York Times story about Donald Trump’s 1995 tax returns and what that means for Trump’s business narrative, as well as a similar-yet-underreported story about Hillary Clinton from two years ago.

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus two on the Left.  Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and both write for Conservative Review. Our progressive friends, “The Sams,”  Sam Sacks and Sam Knight, are the co-founders of the progressive blog The District Sentinel. Nate Madden of CR is the producer and the moderator of the podcast.