
    Podcast Summary

    • Presidential Race Results Uncertain as Ballots Continue to be CountedThe 2020 presidential race outcome remains uncertain as ballots are still being counted in key states. Mail-in voting and holiday season packages increase the importance of efficient mailing services like Stamps.com.

      The presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump remains uncertain as ballots continue to be counted in key states like Arizona and Pennsylvania. While Biden has claimed victory, there are still significant numbers of votes to be counted, particularly in Arizona where Trump is making gains. The media has declared Biden the winner, but the outcome is not yet definitive. Additionally, the holiday season is leading to an increase in mail-in voting and packages, making services like Stamps.com more important than ever. This platform allows users to print official US postage and schedule pickups or drop-offs from the comfort of their own homes, saving time and money. Overall, the election outcome remains uncertain, and the importance of efficient mailing services continues to grow.

    • Fox News' Early Call for Arizona Sparks ControversyFox News' early call for Arizona caused controversy and anger among conservatives, potentially influencing the election outcome. The call was seen as an attempt to distance from President Trump and pressure to retract was significant.

      The early call by Fox News declaring Arizona for Joe Biden caused controversy and anger among conservatives, as it came before most votes had been counted in the state. This premature call was seen as an attempt by Fox News to distance itself from President Trump and potentially influence the election outcome. The pressure on Fox News to retract the call was significant, with crowds chanting "Fox News Sucks" outside Maricopa County offices and even the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, speaking out against the call. The close race in Arizona, along with ongoing vote counting in Pennsylvania, keeps the election outcome uncertain.

    • 2020 Election Results Uncertain, Legal Challenges ContinueThe 2020 presidential election results are still undecided, with legal challenges ongoing in several states. Nate Silver suggests retracting some calls for Arizona, and Georgia could still go to Biden. Trump's campaign has filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia. Stay informed and prepared for the uncertain outcome.

      The 2020 presidential election results are still uncertain despite some news outlets calling certain states for Joe Biden. Nate Silver, a well-known statistician, believes that calls for Arizona should be retracted, and Georgia could still go to Biden. Trump's campaign has filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia to contest the election results and demand better access for campaign observers. The legal system's handling of gun ownership and self-defense is another topic of concern, with the USCCA offering a free guide for concealed carry and family defense. The situation remains unpredictable, and it's crucial for individuals to be informed and prepared.

    • 2020 Presidential Election Legal ChallengesBoth campaigns are engaging in legal challenges and recounts in key battleground states. The Trump campaign focuses on poll watchers and late-arriving ballots, while Democrats accuse Republicans of vote suppression. It's essential to distinguish between efforts to ensure transparency and adherence to laws and those that challenge potential irregularities.

      The 2020 presidential election results are still uncertain in several key battleground states, with both the Trump and Biden campaigns engaging in legal challenges and recounts. The Trump campaign is particularly focused on ensuring poll watchers have access to polling stations and challenging late-arriving ballots in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan. Meanwhile, Democrats have accused Republicans of attempting to suppress votes through their efforts to halt or scrutinize the counting process. However, it's important to note that these actions represent different aspects of the electoral process: some aim to ensure transparency and adherence to state laws, while others seek to challenge potential irregularities. It's crucial to distinguish between these categories and avoid oversimplifications or false equivalencies. The outcome of these legal challenges and recounts remains uncertain and could significantly impact the final result.

    • Maintaining Transparency in Post-Election ProcessInvestigate any irregularities, protect constitutional rights, and ensure transparency during the post-election process to maintain fair and clean elections.

      The election process involves counting ballots received after Election Day, and while this opens the possibility for voter fraud, it's essential to have evidence before making such claims. Republicans are focusing on potential voter irregularities, but the systems in place across the country generally protect against widespread fraud. It's crucial to investigate any accusations, and transparency is key. The second amendment's importance was also emphasized, with the potential for gun confiscation being a concern if Joe Biden were to become president. In summary, maintaining transparency and investigating any irregularities while protecting constitutional rights is essential for holding fair and clean elections.

    • Potential impact of ongoing legal challenges on 2020 election outcome uncertainLegal challenges to election results ongoing, but late-arriving ballots expected to decrease significantly, outcome may depend on which candidate wins remaining votes, every vote potentially crucial if margin narrow, but fraud or illegality may be irrelevant if Trump or Biden holds significant lead

      While there have been allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, particularly in states like Pennsylvania, the potential impact on the outcome of the race is uncertain. Legal challenges, such as those in Pennsylvania regarding extended voting deadlines, are ongoing and could potentially make a difference if it is proven that enough late-arriving ballots could change the result. However, as of now, the number of late-arriving ballots is expected to decrease significantly as the days pass since the election. For instance, in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, only about 200 late-arriving ballots were reported, and it is likely that many other counties will have even fewer. Ultimately, the outcome of the election may depend on which candidate wins the remaining votes, and if Biden manages to win by a narrow margin, then every vote could potentially make a difference. However, if Trump holds on to his current lead or Biden wins by a larger margin, then any potential fraud or illegality may be irrelevant. It is important to remember that spotting an instance of voter irregularity does not necessarily mean that it is significant enough to shift the outcome of the election.

    • Allegations of voter fraud in Philadelphia investigated, no evidence foundDespite Trump campaign's claims of voter fraud in Philadelphia, investigation found no evidence related to illegal signs, but poll watcher issue is still being litigated, unlikely to change election outcome. Save 25% on photo keepsakes with myphoto.com promo code Ben.

      During a press conference held by the Trump campaign, allegations of voter fraud in Pennsylvania were made, specifically in Philadelphia. Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani spoke about illegal signs and poll watchers being kept away from ballot counting. However, the Philadelphia district attorney's office investigated these allegations and found no evidence of voter fraud related to the signs. The issue of poll watchers being kept away from the counting process is still being litigated in lawsuits. Despite these allegations, it's unlikely that they will change the outcome of the election. Meanwhile, there's an amazing opportunity to transform your photos into beautiful keepsakes using the service myphoto.com. By using the promo code Ben 25, you can get 25% off your purchase. It's quick, easy, and makes a great holiday gift.

    • Allegations of irregularities in 2020 presidential election resultsDespite ongoing legal challenges, it's crucial to allow the democratic process to unfold and investigate all allegations of irregularities in the 2020 presidential election results.

      The 2020 presidential election results are still being contested in several key states due to outstanding votes and litigation. Kayleigh McEnany raised concerns about peculiar voting results and allegations of fraud in Philadelphia, but it's important to wait for the legal process to unfold. In Michigan, there were reports of windows being covered up at counting centers, leading to accusations of lack of transparency. However, the Detroit Free Press reported that the issue was due to challengers exceeding the legal limit in the room. The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit alleging lack of access to observe the counting process. In Arizona, rumors circulated about ballots filled in with Sharpies being invalid, but the secretary of state confirmed that all such ballots had been processed. Overall, the election results are extremely close, and allegations of irregularities should be thoroughly investigated as part of the democratic process.

    • No validity to concerns about pen type affecting ballotsLive-streamed ballot counting in Arizona, few instances of violence or irregularities, fact-check reports of exaggerated situations to prevent unnecessary alarm

      There is no validity to concerns about ballots being invalidated due to the type of pen used, as all ballots will be counted. The process of counting ballots in Arizona is being live-streamed and follows specific recount provisions. The overall election process has been relatively calm, with peaceful protests and few instances of violence or irregularities. Reports of exaggerated or misleading situations, such as claims of more votes than registered voters or violent protests, should be fact-checked to prevent unnecessary alarm. MSNBC, in particular, has been criticized for sensationalizing peaceful protests and poll watchers, contributing to a heightened sense of fear and chaos.

    • New company Allform offers customizable premium furniture with easy assembly and deliveryAllform provides customizable premium sofas and chairs with hassle-free assembly, delivery, and returns, backed by a long-term warranty

      Allform, a new company from the makers of Helix Sleep, is offering customizable premium sofas and chairs with easy assembly and delivery, allowing customers to save money and customize their furniture without the hassle of traditional stores. The discussion also highlighted the ease of returning the product if not satisfied and the long-term warranty. Despite the ongoing election chaos, the Republican party is expected to have a successful election outcome, potentially gaining seats in the House and Senate, making for a different political landscape than anticipated.

    • Markets and Republicans breathe a sigh of relief with Biden's electionThe markets are optimistic about a less radical Democratic agenda with Biden's election, while Republicans are expected to regain control of the House and Senate in 2022.

      The election of Joe Biden as the first Democratic president without his party controlling both the House and Senate is seen as good news for the markets and Republicans. The markets were worried about potential Democratic appointments like Elizabeth Warren as Treasury Secretary and Bernie Sanders influencing policy. With Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader, Republicans are expected to perform well in the 2022 elections, setting up a potential takeover of the House and extending their Senate lead. The speaker also noted that Democrats' primary focus was not on restoring the country's soul but rather their dislike for Republicans. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of good quality pillows and sheets for improving sleep quality and promoted My Pillow products with a special offer. The overall sentiment expressed was that the election results were major victories for conservatism and Republicans.

    • Democrats' post-election discontentDespite initial hopes for a big victory, Democrats are unhappy with the 2020 election results. This discontent isn't about Trump's character but a cover for leftist agendas. Understand American history and philosophy to combat efforts to tear it down, and subscribe to The Daily Wire for conservative content.

      The 2020 election results have left Democrats deeply unhappy, despite their initial hopes for a big victory. According to the speaker, this discontent was never truly about President Trump's character but rather a cover for their leftist agenda. The speaker recommends his book, "How to Destroy America in 3 Easy Steps," as an educational resource for understanding the importance of American history and philosophy, and the reasons some people want to tear it down. Additionally, the speaker encourages listeners to subscribe to The Daily Wire for more conservative content and programming. The election results also saw a shift back to Republican control in suburban areas, as seen in New York and other states, which could set the stage for the next 4 to 8 years.

    • Republicans tapped into minority communities' disapproval of progressive policies to win back suburban districtsRepublicans successfully linked Democratic candidates to progressive policies, leading to wins in suburban areas and potential redistricting advantages for the next decade. Trump's presence on the ballot drove voter enthusiasm, resulting in ticket splitting and Republican victories.

      The law and order message resonated with various minority communities, and Republicans were successful in tying Democratic candidates to progressive policies that these communities disapproved of. This strategy helped Republicans win back suburban districts that they had previously lost. Additionally, the poor performance of Democrats in state legislative races could lead to unfavorable redistricting, giving Republicans an advantage in the next decade. Trump's presence on the ballot also drove voter enthusiasm, leading to ticket splitting and Republican victories down the ballot. Democrats faced disappointment in congressional and state legislative races, as the suburban revolt against Trump did not fully extend to 2020.

    • Republican Party Gains in 2020 Elections and Democrats' ConcernsRepublicans are expected to make significant gains in the 2020 elections, potentially leading to outsized influence over redistricting and challenging the Democratic narrative of racial polarization.

      The Republican Party is poised for significant gains in the 2020 elections, including holding onto the Senate, making strides in the House, and securing a governorship in Montana. These victories could lead to outsized influence over the redistricting process, causing Democrats to express deep concern. The focus on Trump's departure has overshadowed the Democrats' true objective: the pursuit of power. Despite their belief in a winning hand in the presidential race, they are dismayed by the election results. Republicans should be optimistic about their prospects, as Americans overall do not want radicals in control of the government. The unexpectedly strong Republican performance with black and Hispanic voters challenges the narrative that racial polarization is essential for progress. Instead, we may be witnessing the end of intersectionality, as the traditional Democratic coalition seems to be fracturing.

    • Perception of racism in policies and comments varies among racial groupsUnderstanding diverse perspectives and avoiding assumptions based on race alone is crucial in discussions about racism in politics

      The perception of racism in certain policies or comments may not align with the experiences and beliefs of all racial groups, including minorities. Pollsters and media members often focus on white responses, but ignoring the perspectives of other racial groups can lead to inaccurate assumptions. For instance, policies like school choice can be popular among various racial groups, including blacks and Hispanics, despite being labeled as racist by some. The idea that certain policies or rhetoric are inherently racist based on their impact on white people is a simplistic view that overlooks the complexity of individual beliefs and experiences. The ongoing debate about racism and its role in politics highlights the importance of understanding diverse perspectives and avoiding assumptions based on race alone.

    • Polarization and Rejection of Ideologies: Challenging Assumptions about Race and PoliticsDespite the correlation between race and political affiliation being widely assumed, recent election data shows that people's votes are influenced by multiple factors, and individuals from racial minorities have been voting for Trump in increasing numbers.

      The divisive and labeling rhetoric used by some individuals towards those with opposing political views has contributed to the upsurge of polarization and rejection of certain ideologies, such as wokism. This approach has been observed in the rise of support for figures like Donald Trump. However, recent election data reveals a surprising trend, with a larger percentage of racial minorities, including Black and Hispanic individuals, voting for Trump in 2020 compared to 2016. This trend challenges the assumption that race and political affiliation are directly correlated. It is essential for individuals and political parties to recognize that people vote based on various factors and can hold differing opinions on various issues. The dismissive and derogatory labels used by some commentators, like Charles M. Blow and Eugene Scott, only serve to further divide and alienate individuals, rather than fostering understanding and dialogue.

    • Media's role in shaping public discourse and promoting understandingJournalists must avoid using loaded terms like 'white supremacy' as a catch-all and ensure historical context is accurate to promote understanding and prevent harmful stereotypes.

      The nature of modern journalism is being called into question due to overt biases and the misuse of terms like "white supremacy." Political reporters like Eugene Scott and Nikole Hannah Jones, who work for reputable publications, have been accused of promoting identity politics and distorting historical context. This issue was highlighted in a Twitter exchange between Kelly Bogill Zbabgo and Anne Marie Slaughter, where the latter apologized for perceived racism after acknowledging that many white women did not support Donald Trump. The use of terms like "white supremacy" as a catch-all for any behavior or belief that is undesirable is problematic and can lead to harmful stereotypes. The media's role in shaping public discourse and promoting understanding is crucial, and it's important to hold journalists accountable for their words and actions.

    • Democrats focusing on coalition building based on group identity leading to continued Republican winsThe current political climate, with Democrats prioritizing group identity over individual identity, is making it difficult for parties to come together, potentially harming free speech and open discussions, and contributing to ongoing election frustration. Listening to insightful podcasts can help maintain sanity during these times.

      According to Ben Shapiro on his show, the current political climate, with the Democrats focusing on coalition building based on group identity rather than individual identity, will lead to continued Republican wins. He argues that this trend, started during the Obama administration, will make it difficult for the two parties to come together and could negatively impact free speech and open discussions in the country. Shapiro expresses his preference for parties that represent individual identity, and while acknowledging that this may not be the direction the Democrats choose to go, he encourages listeners to abandon this approach for the sake of the country. The election process is ongoing and causing widespread frustration, but Shapiro suggests that listening to thoughtful and insightful podcasts like The Andrew Klavan Show can help individuals maintain their sanity during these trying times.

    Recent Episodes from The Ben Shapiro Show

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    We review the first—and likely only—debate between President Biden and former President Trump.


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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    PreBorn! - Donate today to support PreBorn's life-saving work: https://www.preborn.com/BACKSTAGE


    Boll & Branch - Get 15% off your order at https://www.bollandbranch.com/BEN

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    The polls show Donald Trump beginning to pull away as the Biden team struggles for an answer; will World War III break out if Biden begins to collapse?; and the Supreme Court proves it isn’t a conservative policy think tank.


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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/BEN, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code SHAPIRO at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    A Failed Attempt to Overturn the Election

    Pressure and litigation appear to have been the pillars of President Trump’s response to his general election loss.

    His team filed a litany of court cases in battleground states. In some, such as Georgia and Michigan, the president and his allies took an even more bullish approach, attempting to use their influence to bear down on election officials.

    As preparations for the transfer of power finally get underway, we take a look at how the Trump campaign’s attempts to overturn the election played out.

    Guest: Jim Rutenberg, a writer-at-large for The New York Times and The Times Magazine, walks us through the Trump campaign’s strategy in key states.

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    Background reading:

    #248: 100 Days of Protests Continue in Michigan

    #248:  100 Days of Protests Continue in Michigan
    This week we are going to change the topic for the show up a little bit. We committed to presenting more news on how we can change the epidemic that has continued to rock minorities' worlds and how we as American’s can start to influence and change policies within our country. As part of that journey, we wanted to ensure that we had the ability to examine a current movement. Tonight the show delves into the Detroit Protests that have been happening and interviews photographer Marc Klockow as he has documented the complete protest from start to finish. We also will cover a growing concern in Nova Scotia dealing with fishing rights. Also this week we are bringing back our science segment and continuing our Answering Conservative Questions.

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    “Why Do You Never See an American Flag on a Biden House?”
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    Mike Madrid of the Lincoln Project

    Mike Madrid of the Lincoln Project

    The Lincoln Project is made up of top Republican political consultants who are aiming attack ads at a Republican president. We find out why and how from the Lincoln Project's Mike Madrid.

    Mike Madrid

    Mike is an expert on Latino voting trends, based on work starting with his master’s thesis at Georgetown University. He’s the former press secretary for the California Assembly Republican leader and the former political director for the California Republican Party. He’s been named as one of America’s Most Influential Hispanics by Hispanic Business Magazine.

    And Mike Madrid is a co-founder of the Lincoln Project. That’s a group of top Republican consultants working to help elect Democrat Joe Biden, because they believe our Republican president is a threat to democracy itself. Other members of the Lincoln Project include John McCain presidential campaign manager Steve Schmidt, attack ad expert Rick Wilson, and lawyer George Conway, the husband of President Trump’s senior adviser Kelly Anne Conway.