
    Ep. 1135 - The Hysterical Media Are The Problem

    enNovember 11, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Media's Inaccurate Portrayal of Election EventsMedia's use of 'coup' and 'crisis' is inaccurate. Legal process moving forward, no laws broken, no dire consequences.

      The media's portrayal of ongoing events as a coup or crisis is not based on fact. The legal process is moving forward with investigations and lawsuits regarding election results. The media's use of the term "coup" is inaccurate as no laws have been broken and no electors have voted yet. Additionally, claims that a delayed transition would lead to dire consequences are also unfounded. The media's attempts to create a sense of crisis and rush the transition are unwarranted. It's important to separate fact from fiction and not let media hype influence our understanding of current events. Furthermore, Ben Shapiro also discussed saving money on cell phone bills by switching to PureTalk, a veteran-run wireless company that offers unlimited talk, text, and 2 gigs of data for just $20 a month. This is a smart and cost-effective alternative to other wireless providers. Lastly, Ben Shapiro expressed gratitude towards veterans for their service and sacrifice, emphasizing their role in protecting our freedoms. He encouraged listeners to thank a veteran on Veterans Day.

    • Media's hysterical narrative of crisis in American democracy unfoundedMedia's false narrative of Trump as a threat to democracy continues, despite lack of evidence and end of election. Divisive rhetoric harms national unity.

      The media's hysterical narrative of a crisis in American democracy following the 2020 election is not based on reality. Despite the media's attempts to portray Trump as a grave threat to the systems, he was not. The media's investment in the false narrative of Trump as an overt threat to democracy has led them to maintain this fiction even after Trump's expected loss, fearing that acknowledging the truth would reveal their years-long deception. The polling data shows that the vast majority of Americans believe the election is over, and there is no widespread violence or chaos in the streets. It's time for us to move past the hysteria and recognize that the media's narrative is not reflective of the reality on the ground. Trump may complain about the election outcome, but he is expected to leave office in an orderly transition of power. The media's persistent crisis narrative only serves to further divide an already polarized nation.

    • Media misinterprets Pompeo's joke about election transitionThe media falsely portrays conservatives as threats to democracy, while ignoring similar statements from the left. Pompeo's joke about a potential second Trump term was misconstrued, highlighting the media's investment in maintaining a dangerous narrative.

      The media's reaction to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's recent press conference was unwarranted and based on a misinterpretation of his words. Pompeo made a joke about a potential second Trump term and a smooth transition of power, but the media misconstrued it as a serious statement about refusing to acknowledge the election results. This is part of a larger pattern where the media falsely portrays conservative figures as threatening democracy, while ignoring or downplaying similar statements from the left. The media's hysterical response to this joke, and their refusal to acknowledge it as such, highlights their investment in maintaining the narrative that democracy is in danger, even if it means continuing to spread falsehoods. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the flexibility businesses have shown during the pandemic, adapting to remote work and pivoting their models for long-term survival and growth.

    • Hiring in Today's Environment and Presidential TransitionFocus on effective hiring strategies through ZipRecruiter and maintain a calm perspective on the presidential transition to ensure business continuity.

      Despite the challenges of hiring in today's business environment, especially for new roles, ZipRecruiter.com/dailywire can make the process faster and easier. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, also believes that the presidential transition will be smooth and orderly, despite some controversy and media overreaction. Joe Biden himself has stated that the transition is underway and that the lack of recognition of the election results by the current administration will not significantly impact the incoming administration's plans. Meanwhile, some media figures are creating unnecessary drama around the situation. In summary, focusing on effective hiring strategies through ZipRecruiter and maintaining a calm perspective on the presidential transition are key takeaways for businesses and individuals.

    • MSNBC contributor compares Biden to a 'barricaded subject'MSNBC contributor made an unfounded comparison of President-elect Biden to a 'barricaded subject,' highlighting the importance of factual reporting and respecting election results.

      During a discussion on MSNBC, a contributor made an exaggerated and bizarre comparison of President-elect Joe Biden to a "barricaded subject," suggesting that Biden might engage in violent behavior and require a hostage negotiation. This comparison was made in the context of the ongoing certification of election results and the ensuing political tensions. However, it's important to note that no such situation exists, and the election results have not been certified. This misleading statement is a reminder of the need for responsible and factual reporting, especially during politically charged times. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of accepting election results and upholding democracy, which is a crucial aspect of our nation's survival.

    • Media's portrayal of Trump as a threat to democracyWhile media's concerns about Trump's actions towards democracy are valid, it's crucial to avoid oversimplifying or misconstruing the situation. The ongoing debates and legal challenges do not equate to a coup or a fascist regime.

      The media's portrayal of Donald Trump as a threat to democracy and a potential dictator has been questioned, as Trump has not shown signs of refusing to leave office or suppressing dissent. The ongoing debates about election results and legal challenges do not equate to a coup, and the refusal of some Republicans to concede does not necessarily indicate a fascist regime. It's essential to understand the nuances of these complex issues and not oversimplify or misconstrue the situation. The media's narrative of Trump as an imminent danger to democracy has been a significant topic for years, but it's crucial to reassess these assumptions as new information emerges. The situation requires a thoughtful and nuanced approach, not hasty judgments or baseless accusations.

    • MSNBC criticizes GOP senators for not acknowledging Biden's winJournalists should strive for objectivity and avoid using opinionated language in news segments.

      During a discussion on MSNBC, Republican senators were pressed on whether they believed Joe Biden had won the presidential election. Despite some uncertainty, they did not express their beliefs publicly. CNN's Brianna Keeler criticized these senators for not congratulating Biden, labeling them "enablers" in a chyron that read "Trump's defiance fueled by enablers like Barr, McConnell, Fox." However, the chyron contained opinionated language and was not factual. Keeler was supposed to be an objective journalist, but her segment included subjective terms and a reference to Simon and Garfunkel lyrics. The senators' silence on Biden's win does not constitute a constitutional issue or a coup. The media's interpretation of this situation as an attack on news that Democrats don't like is a common occurrence. Ultimately, it is crucial to recognize the difference between opinion and fact in journalism.

    • Media's narrative vs. factsThe media's promotion of narratives over facts can be dangerous and hinder progress. Prioritize truth and factual information.

      The media's coverage of political events is not always driven by facts or journalistic integrity, but rather by the narrative they want to promote. The speaker shares their experience with receiving death threats and using Ring security products to protect their home and family. They then critique the media's coverage of the current political situation, pointing out that their investment in certain narratives can make it difficult for them to move on when those narratives no longer serve their purpose. The speaker argues that the media's behavior is dangerous and that facts should always take priority over narratives. The speaker also encourages listeners to check out Ring's security products for their own homes.

    • Media figures influencing censorship on social mediaMedia figures can flag content as biased or conspiratorial, leading to its censorship on social media platforms, eroding trust in the media and the information they disseminate

      The line between journalism and activism has become blurred, with some media outlets and individuals using their perceived objectivity to pressure social media and other platforms to censor content they disagree with, labeling it as "misinformation." This tactic was used leading up to the 2020 US election, resulting in the censorship of the Hunter Biden story and the suspension of the New York Post's Twitter account. Media figures, such as Kevin Roose of The New York Times, have a significant influence on social media algorithms by flagging supposedly biased or conspiratorial content. These flags are then used by social media heads to downgrade or remove content, often without proper fact-checking. This creates a biased information ecosystem where certain viewpoints are suppressed, while others are given preferential treatment. Ultimately, this erodes trust in the media and the information they disseminate.

    • Suppressing factual information based on narrative or political priorsSocial media platforms and media outlets must uphold accuracy and fairness, not suppress factual information based on personal biases or narratives, to maintain democratic process and information integrity.

      There are ongoing efforts to suppress factual information from social media platforms based on the narrative or political priors of certain media outlets and individuals. This was highlighted in a discussion about various news articles, where it was acknowledged that the stories were factual but the implication or narrative forwarded by them was not liked, leading to calls for their downgrading or censorship. This behavior, if left unchecked, can be dangerous as it undermines the integrity of information and the democratic process. It's important for social media platforms and media outlets to uphold the principles of accuracy and fairness, and not allow their personal biases to dictate what information is accessible to the public.

    • Effective Communication with Text Messaging and Alternative News SourcesBusinesses can save time and reach customers effectively with text messaging. Some seek alternative news sources due to concerns about media agendas, and Podium can help streamline communication while The Daily Wire offers ad-free content as an alternative.

      Businesses should consider using text messaging as an effective communication tool with their customers, as text messages have high open rates and can save time. Additionally, there are concerns about the media promoting false narratives and pushing agendas, leading some to seek alternative sources of news and information. Podium, a business messaging tool, can help businesses streamline their communication and save time by centralizing all messages in one place. The Daily Wire is also expanding its offerings as a conservative alternative to legacy media, providing ad-free access to content and exclusive benefits for members. For a limited time, Podium is offering 20% off plans with the code "shapiro" and The Daily Wire is offering 25% off all memberships with the code "election."

    • Pressure campaign against firms representing opposing viewsProminent figures and organizations target individuals and institutions, including law firms, spreading false reports and pressuring them to suppress opposing narratives, threatening the rule of law and free speech.

      The left, including some prominent figures and organizations, are targeting individuals and institutions, even if they are representing clients in court cases. This includes law firms like Jones Day, which is facing a $500,000 advertising blitz from the Lincoln Project for representing the Pennsylvania Republican Party. The media is also spreading false reports about these firms and their clients. This pressure campaign is not just limited to the media battlefield, but is also prevalent within the Democratic Party. Despite calls for unity, there is a clear intent to suppress opposing narratives and silence those who hold different views. It is important to stand firm against these attempts to shift the nature of American politics and uphold the rule of law and the right to free speech.

    • Internal conflict between progressives and moderates in the Democratic PartyDeep philosophical differences within the Democratic Party are leading to a toxic atmosphere where unity is no longer the goal, and those who disagree are labeled as bigots. The media and radical groups are also contributing to this divisive environment, making it difficult for the party to govern effectively and unite the country.

      The Democratic Party is facing an internal conflict between progressive and moderate factions, with progressives like Rashida Tlaib pushing for radical policies and accusing moderates of being racist for opposing them. This conflict has led to a toxic atmosphere where unity is no longer the goal, and those who disagree are labeled as bigots. The media and radical groups are also contributing to this divisive environment, pushing for more radical policies and labeling moderates as racist. The battle of the future is not just about policy differences, but about whether it's even possible to have civil discourse and treat each other as friends and neighbors despite deep philosophical conflicts. This internal conflict within the Democratic Party could make it difficult for the party to govern effectively and unite the country.

    • America's Political Landscape: A Charged Culture WarThe political climate in America is charged, with both parties engaging in heated rhetoric and accusations, and the outcome of this culture war will have significant implications for the future of the country.

      The political landscape in America is increasingly polarized, with both parties engaging in heated rhetoric and accusations. The battle lines have been drawn, and the next decade will be defined by this culture war. False narratives are being pushed, and facts are being distorted to fit specific narratives. The stakes are high, as the control of institutions and the ability to silence opposing voices hang in the balance. The discussion also touched upon specific allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election, with conflicting reports and recantations adding to the confusion. The legal burden to prove such allegations is high, and it remains to be seen how this situation will unfold. Overall, it's clear that the political climate in America is charged, and the outcome of this culture war will have significant implications for the future of the country.

    • Allegations of voter irregularities and coercion in the 2020 US electionDespite allegations of voter irregularities and coercion, there's no concrete evidence of widespread fraud impacting the election outcome.

      There have been allegations of voter irregularities and coercion in the 2020 US election, specifically regarding backdated ballots and the pressure put on a postal worker to recant his original statement. James O'Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, has released recordings of the federal agents involved in the interrogation of the postal worker, who maintains his original affidavit regarding the backdating of ballots. The Allegheny County Board of Elections in Pennsylvania has also voted to count over 23,000 ballots without outer envelope dates, raising concerns about voter fraud. However, election officials in various states, including those in Pennsylvania, have stated that there is no evidence of voter fraud. Despite this, some officials, including President Trump, continue to allege widespread voter fraud without concrete evidence. It is essential to investigate all credible allegations of voter fraud, but the notion that asking questions about the election results is equivalent to suppression is misguided. The New York Times reported that election officials in multiple states have stated that the election process was successful, despite record turnout and the challenges of conducting an election during a pandemic. Ultimately, while there have been allegations of irregularities, the likelihood of these impacting the election outcome is not particularly high.

    • Media's sudden shift in tone after election resultsThe media's quick acceptance of a clean election, despite previous concerns, raises questions about their true intentions and potential biases.

      The media's quick declaration of a clean election, despite previous concerns of voter fraud and irregularities, raises questions about their true intentions and potential biases. Pre-election narratives suggested voter suppression and manipulation of ballots by the Trump administration. However, once the election results showed a potential loss for Trump, the narrative shifted, and election officials' declarations of a fair and clean election were widely accepted without thorough investigation. This sudden change in tone and willingness to move on from potential election issues highlights a potential agenda driven by self-preservation and the protection of a specific narrative, rather than the good of the country or the protection of democracy.

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    Ep. 1154 - The Feds Investigate Hunter Biden

    Ep. 1154 - The Feds Investigate Hunter Biden

    In a shocking development, Hunter Biden announces he’s being investigated by the feds for tax issues; YouTube announces it will crack down on videos alleging election fraud; and Trump’s last-ditch lawsuit strategy comes down to Texas.

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    Is This The Beginning Of A Massive Political Realignment? (Ep 1897)

    Is This The Beginning Of A Massive Political Realignment? (Ep 1897)
    In this episode, I address the big news that the GOP has taken back the House. I also address the massive political realignment happening that could benefit conservatives.  News Picks: Finally, some good news. Republicans win back the House. Here is a list of the republicans currently supporting Trump.  Notre Dame goes all in on vaccine mandates, and against science. More bad news about the COVID vaccine.  Joe Biden caught with a cheat sheet overseas.  The benefits of early morning sun.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Bill Maher Stammers as Republican Corrects His Trump Lie with This Fact

    Bill Maher Stammers as Republican Corrects His Trump Lie with This Fact
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Republican Nancy Mace correcting “Real Time with Bill Maher” host Bill Maher with some basic facts about the Trump defamation lawsuit; ABC News host George Stephanopoulos’ failed attempt to shame rape survivor Nancy Mace for supporting Donald Trump after E. Jean Carroll’s assault allegations; Elon Musk helping to debunk the Trump “bloodbath hoax” before it even gets started; Don Lemon trying to smear Elon Musk’s views on DEI on “The View” after X canceled “The Don Lemon Show” before it even aired; Ron DeSantis reporting on the dangerous cargo found aboard a boat of migrants escaping the violence of Haiti; Muslim extremists being allowed to publicly call for jihad on the streets of London; Douglas Murray’s attack on “Sapiens” author Yuval Noah Harari ignoring the importance of a classical education curriculum; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Preserve Gold - Protect your retirement from inflation. Preserve Gold can get physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or inside your IRA, 401k or other qualified retirement account. Rubin Report viewers will get up to $10,000 in free Gold and Silver with a qualifying purchase or retirement account rollover. Preserve Gold will even throw in an immediate $500 account credit if you request your investor guide today. Go to: https://preservegold.com/dave The Wellness Company - Get your Medical Emergency Kit with 8 potentially life-saving medications for you to keep on hand in times of need. Rest easy knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and anti-parasitics to help keep you and your family safe. Rubin Report viewers get 15% off at checkout. Kits are ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA. Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices