
    Podcast Summary

    • Press conference on voter fraud allegations by Trump legal teamPress conferences don't change election outcomes, focus on court evidence for voter fraud claims.

      During the aftermath of the 2020 presidential elections, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and Sidney Powell, part of the Trump legal team, held a press conference alleging massive voter fraud and irregularities. However, it's important to note that what is said in a press conference holds no consequence to the actual outcome of the elections. Instead, what happens in courts is what matters. My job, as always, is to distinguish between speculation and evidence. I urge for specific evidence and claims when discussing serious issues, such as voter fraud and voter irregularity. These allegations require outsized evidence due to the potential impact on the election results. Evidence should always be the baseline standard for rational people. Don't be swayed by claims without evidence. In other news, consider switching to PureTalk USA for your cell phone needs. You'll enjoy the same coverage as the big mobile companies but pay significantly less. Save money by dialing pound 250 and saying "Ben Shapiro."

    • Presenting substantial evidence for voter fraud allegationsThe Trump campaign must provide solid evidence to challenge election results, or they risk losing opportunities to change outcomes in courts or during state recounts.

      If there are allegations of massive voter fraud or irregularities leading to millions of votes being shifted, it is crucial to present substantial evidence to support these claims. The press conference held by Giuliani, Ellis, and Powell did not have any legal bearing, and the clock is running as states begin to certify election results. In Georgia, for instance, the hand recount has been completed, and the losing campaign can request another recount. However, the numbers have not changed significantly, and it is unlikely that the state will certify the results differently without substantial evidence. The Trump campaign recently withdrew its Michigan lawsuit challenging over a million mail-in ballots, which was seen as a face-saving measure since the suit had no chance of success. The discrepancies in poll books, which led to the consideration of overturning 1.4 million votes in Wayne County, were not substantial enough to justify such an extreme measure. The key is to bring forth substantial evidence in a forum that could potentially change the outcome.

    • Trump campaign's strategic withdrawal from lawsuitsThe Trump campaign withdrew lawsuits in Michigan and Pennsylvania, not as an admission of defeat, but as a strategic move to focus on other avenues and save face.

      The Trump campaign's decision to withdraw lawsuits in Michigan and Pennsylvania should not be misconstrued as an admission of defeat or evidence of voter fraud resolution. Instead, it was a strategic move to save face and focus on other avenues, as the relief they sought in courts seemed unattainable due to high burdens of proof. The legal battles continue, with claims of voter irregularities still being made publicly but not enough to change the election outcomes. Meanwhile, it's crucial for law-abiding citizens to understand their gun rights and legal defenses, as the USCCA emphasizes. In the ongoing court proceedings, the number of votes at stake is negligible and unlikely to overturn the election results.

    • Slim to none chances for Trump to overturn PA election resultsCourts have ruled against Trump team's arguments, no substantial evidence of voter fraud found, and peaceful transfer of power expected

      The Trump legal team's chances of overturning the election results in Pennsylvania based on the current evidence presented are slim to none. The courts have ruled that there is no federal right to force states to comply with election laws, and there is no equal protection violation in Pennsylvania's three-day extension for receiving ballots. The Trump team would need substantial evidence of large-scale voter fraud to change the outcome of the election. The legal process will continue, and if no such evidence is presented, the current vote counts will stand, leading to a peaceful transfer of power. It's important to distinguish between what happens in court and what is discussed in public press conferences. The media's preemptive panic about the election being stolen does not change the legal process or the likelihood of a different outcome. Additionally, it's not a good look for President Trump to call state legislators and ask them to ignore the votes of their constituents based on unproven allegations of voter fraud.

    • Claims of voter fraud need solid evidenceRobust evidence is necessary to back up serious claims of voter fraud. Credible allegations should be investigated, but opinions don't change election outcomes. Protect online privacy using a VPN for secure browsing.

      Making serious claims of voter fraud requires robust evidence beyond occasional instances or possibilities. The recent election controversy has seen various opinions, with some viewing the allegations as enough to overturn the election, while others dismissing them as bullcrap. However, all credible claims should be investigated, and the election outcome will be determined based on what is proved in court, not opinions. Additionally, protecting online privacy is crucial, especially with tech companies potentially suppressing information and making money off user data. Using a VPN like ExpressVPN can help mask and encrypt your online activity to maintain privacy. Regarding the Kraken press conference, while it was expected to present vast evidence of election fraud, Rudy Giuliani only raised concerns about the timing and legality of counting mail-in votes, which was expected due to the Democrats' push for mail-in voting and Republicans' preference for in-person voting. However, these points are still speculation and do not meet the burden of proof for such serious allegations.

    • Giuliani's court claims lack evidence for 700,000 voter fraud in PA, instead focuses on lack of observersGiuliani's allegations of voter fraud lacked concrete evidence in court, focusing instead on the absence of observers during the tabulation process in Pennsylvania. He also criticized Georgia's signature verification process, but his claim was not entirely accurate.

      During the discussion, Rudy Giuliani did not make official allegations of voter fraud in the number of 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania's election results in court. Instead, he pointed out the absence of observers during the tabulation process, which theoretically could have allowed for fraudulent activities. In fact, he acknowledged that they did not have sufficient evidence to prove voter fraud in court. Furthermore, Giuliani also criticized the signature verification process during the Georgia recount, suggesting that potentially fraudulent "naked ballots" were being counted. However, it's important to note that signature verification in Georgia does not involve matching the ballot envelope signatures to the ones in the signature book after the envelope is discarded. Therefore, Giuliani's claim that the recount is illegitimate due to the lack of signature verification is not entirely accurate. Overall, while Giuliani raised concerns about potential irregularities, he did not provide concrete evidence to support the massive voter fraud claims made during press conferences.

    • Allegations of irregularities in signature verification, ballot curing, and provisional ballots in GA and PADespite allegations of voter fraud and disenfranchisement, no concrete evidence has been presented in court to support these claims. The outcome depends on the evidence presented.

      During the post-election disputes in Georgia and Pennsylvania, there have been allegations of irregularities in signature verification, ballot curing, and provisional ballots. However, these allegations have not been proven in court and require evidence to support the claims of voter fraud or disenfranchisement. The Georgia Secretary of State's office verified signatures before counting ballots, making it impossible to check them again during a recount without betraying the secrecy of a voter's identity. In Pennsylvania, there were different ballot curing periods in various counties, which could potentially be an equal protection violation, but no concrete evidence has been presented to prove that Republican voters were disenfranchised and Democratic voters were enfranchised. Giuliani's allegations of widespread voter fraud, such as people casting provisional ballots fraudulently, have not been made in court. The outcome of these allegations will depend on the evidence presented in court, not just in press conferences.

    • Giuliani alleges observer access violationsRepublican observers were kept far from ballot counting in some places, Giuliani claims a violation, also alleges voter manipulation and busloads of ballots for Biden, needs evidence

      Key takeaway from Rudy Giuliani's press conference regarding allegations of voter irregularities in the 2020 presidential election is that Republican observers were kept at a significant distance from the ballot counting process in some locations, which Giuliani argues was a violation of their rights and a voter irregularity. He used an analogy from the movie "My Cousin Vinny" to illustrate the issue. While the media focused on Giuliani's hair dye running during the conference and his scene from the movie, the substance of the argument regarding observer access remains significant. Giuliani also made shocking allegations about busloads of ballots being shipped in for Joe Biden and voter manipulation through Dominion Voting Systems. These allegations require evidence to be substantiated. Additionally, Giuliani promoted Podium, a texting service for businesses, during the conference.

    • The Daily Wire expands offerings and encourages subscriptionsThe Daily Wire is growing its media presence with new shows, an entertainment channel, and an investigative journalism team, while offering discounts for new members. Rudy Giuliani made allegations of voter fraud, but the validity of these claims depends on whether the related affidavits have been filed in court.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media outlet, is making a push to compete with legacy media by expanding its offerings and encouraging subscriptions. They are planning to launch new shows, an entertainment channel, and an investigative journalism team, and are offering discounts for new members. Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for President Trump, made allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 election, specifically mentioning an incident in Detroit where affidavits claim ballots for Joe Biden were unloaded from a truck at 4:30 am. However, it is unclear if these affidavits have been filed in a Michigan court, which is necessary for the allegations to be investigated and potentially change the election outcome. The importance of filing these allegations in court was emphasized, as affidavits are sworn statements under penalty of perjury and are evidence in legal proceedings. The media should be able to check into these allegations, but their veracity ultimately depends on the evidence presented in court.

    • Allegations of voter fraud and hacking in 2020 US ElectionRudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell claim voter fraud and hacking of Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic Technology potentially invalidated 2020 US Presidential Election results. Chavez accused of creating software used in Dominion System, which could flip votes, and mail-in ballots manipulated during system shutdowns.

      The allegations made by Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell during their press conference regarding the 2020 US Presidential Election involve serious claims of voter fraud and hacking of the Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic Technology. Giuliani and Powell have presented affidavits and theories suggesting that the election results were manipulated, and Powell claims that the voting systems of the United States were compromised, potentially invalidating any election result. The allegations, if proven true, could have significant implications for the validity of the election and the trust in the electoral process moving forward. Powell specifically accuses Hugo Chavez of directing the creation of the software used in the Dominion Voting System in Venezuela, which she believes is still vulnerable to hacking and was used to shift millions of votes to Joe Biden. The software's ability to flip votes is a major concern, and the shutdown of voting systems in certain states is believed to have allowed for the manipulation of mail-in ballots. These allegations are currently being investigated and will be hashed out in court.

    • Allegations of manipulated Dominion Voting SystemsUnproven claims of vote manipulation through Dominion Voting Systems require solid evidence and a fair trial to validate.

      The ongoing controversy surrounding the 2020 Presidential election involves allegations of manipulated voting systems, specifically Dominion Voting Systems, which some claim were preset to favor Democratic candidate Joe Biden. The allegations include the use of an algorithm to flip votes and the inputting of fake ballots. These claims are extraordinary and require substantial evidence to validate. The Dominion system was once used in Venezuela and is suspected to have been designed for such manipulation. Sydney Powell, one of Trump's legal team members, has made these allegations and suggested that both Republicans and Democrats paid Dominion for rigged results. To prove these allegations, evidence must be presented in court. While many are frustrated with the lack of evidence presented so far, it is crucial to follow due process and let the legal system handle the investigation. The election outcome cannot be overturned without solid evidence and a fair trial.

    • Allegations of voter fraud involving Dominion Voting SystemsThe 2020 US elections involved allegations of voter fraud using Dominion Voting Systems, but ownership relationships and competition with Smartmatic have been clarified, and solid evidence is required to change election results in a court of law.

      The allegations of voter fraud involving Dominion Voting Systems in the 2020 US elections are complex and require substantial evidence. Dominion was used in Georgia, and there is a match between the hand count and the Dominion voter tabulation. Rudy Giuliani's theory is that fraudulent absentee ballots were input into the system, but ownership relationships and competition between Dominion and Smartmatic, another voting technology company with Venezuelan origins, have been clarified. The companies claim no ownership or financial ties to each other. The industry's limited transparency makes it difficult to know for certain if any Sequoia code, which Dominion acquired after Smartmatic sold it, is present in Dominion's software. Both Dominion and Smartmatic deny these allegations and insist they are competitors. The Kraken, a term used for a supposed wave of evidence to overturn election results, has not been produced yet, and the standard for accepting such claims is the presentation of solid evidence in a court of law. Sydney Powell, a lawyer involved in the case, has been asked to provide evidence but has not done so. The public's trust in elections relies on the transparency and evidence presented, and the importance of providing evidence cannot be overstated.

    • Criticism of Sydney Powell's claims of voter fraudDespite Sydney Powell's claims of widespread voter fraud and election rigging, lack of concrete evidence has made it hard for her allegations to be taken seriously. The incident underscores growing distrust in the electoral system among some Americans.

      During a discussion on the 2020 US presidential election, Sydney Powell was criticized for not presenting evidence to back up her claims of widespread voter fraud and election rigging. Powell argued she would present the evidence in court, but her team reportedly reacted angrily to being asked for transparency. Joni Ernst, a senator, also expressed skepticism about Powell's claims, which include allegations that candidates across the US paid Dominion Voting Systems to rig elections. The lack of concrete evidence has made it difficult for these allegations to be taken seriously, with some media members instead focusing on shouting at figures like Mike Pence during press conferences. Regardless of the outcome of these allegations, the incident highlights a growing distrust in the electoral system among millions of Americans.

    • Deepening Political Divide in the USTrust between groups is lacking, media perceived as biased, and productive dialogue is hindered. It's crucial to acknowledge valid concerns, engage in evidence-based discussions, and commit to facts over political rhetoric.

      The current political divide in the United States is deepening due to a lack of trust between different groups and a perception that the media is biased and dismissive. Trump supporters feel that their concerns and beliefs are not being taken seriously, leading to a sense of scorn and distrust towards the media and the Democratic Party. This dynamic is not conducive to productive dialogue or finding common ground. As one speaker noted, when people feel that their beliefs are being dismissed outright, they are less likely to listen or engage in good faith. It's important to recognize that this dynamic is not unique to the current political climate and has historical precedent. Moving forward, it's crucial to find ways to bridge this divide and engage in meaningful, evidence-based discussions that acknowledge the valid concerns of all parties involved. This will require a willingness to listen and engage with those who hold different beliefs, as well as a commitment to facts and evidence over political rhetoric.

    • Consistency and fairness in evaluating claimsRequire evidence for all claims and avoid hypocrisy and double standards to promote truth and trust

      Consistency and fairness are crucial when it comes to evaluating claims and evidence. Hypocrisy and double standards can lead to a loss of credibility and respect. The biblical story of Esau and Jacob illustrates this concept, as Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of lentil soup but still wanted the benefits without the responsibilities. Similarly, in the modern context, it's essential to require evidence for all claims and not selectively disregard it based on personal biases or agendas. By adhering to this standard, we can promote truth and trust in our discourse and decision-making.

    • Isaac's difficult decision between Jacob and EsauParents must invest in their children's growth, recognizing their potential, rather than relying solely on their current traits.

      Key takeaway from the story of Jacob and Esau is that parents face difficult decisions when choosing which child to pass on their legacy to, especially when one child appears to lack morality but is a survivor, while the other is moral but lacks survival skills. Isaac, who was nearing the end of his life, was faced with this dilemma and chose to bless Jacob, who had deceived him by disguising himself as Esau, because he believed that Jacob had the potential to develop both morality and survival skills. Isaac's wife, Rebecca, disagreed with his decision and tried to prevent it, but ultimately, Isaac's blessing could not be reversed. The story highlights the importance of recognizing the potential in our children and choosing to invest in their growth, rather than relying solely on their current traits.

    • The Jacob and Esau story: Morality vs SurvivalJacob's moral center and aggressive streak made him a better leader than Esau, who gave away his birthright and lacked willingness to take responsibility.

      That the biblical story of Jacob and Esau illustrates the importance of both morality and survival. Jacob, who was willing to deceive his father to gain the responsibility and blessings, demonstrated the ability to survive in a cruel and unjust world. Esau, on the other hand, had given away his birthright once and was not willing to take on the responsibility. Ultimately, Jacob's moral center and aggressive streak made him a better choice to lead his family line. The story also highlights the importance of having values and being able to defend them, while also emphasizing that it is easier to grow an aggressive streak from a moral center than vice versa. Isaac's decision not to revoke his blessing to Jacob despite realizing the deception, underscores the significance of Jacob's qualities for survival and leadership.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Catch us on patreon to see our afterhours show we do weekly as you get to know the hosts.

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    “Why are Democrats so secure in Biden winning this election?”
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