
    Ep. 1149 - Freedom For Me But Not For Thee

    enDecember 03, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • COVID-19 Cases Reach Record Highs Amidst Inconsistent Safety MeasuresDespite the urgency to control COVID-19's spread, inconsistent adherence to safety guidelines persists among politicians and the public, hindering progress.

      While COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to reach record highs in the US, inconsistency in following safety guidelines persists. Democrats, who have been advocating for strict lockdowns, have been seen disregarding their own rules. Meanwhile, some Republicans, like Lin Wood and Sydney Powell, are calling for a boycott of the Georgia senate races. Amidst this, former President Barack Obama has suggested that the "defund the police" movement might not be a good idea. The ongoing pandemic has resulted in nearly 275,000 deaths and over 14 million confirmed cases in the US, with the number of hospitalizations and deaths reaching new records daily. It's crucial for everyone to prioritize safety, especially for vulnerable populations, but the inconsistency in following guidelines can hinder progress in controlling the spread.

    • Unprecedented Challenges to US Healthcare Systems Amid COVID-19Experts predict coming months will be most difficult in US history due to COVID-19. Strict lockdown measures met with skepticism and resistance, highlighting need for balanced, evidence-based approach.

      The United States, particularly the Midwest and West, are facing unprecedented challenges to their healthcare systems as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. The situation is so dire that some experts predict the coming months will be the most difficult in American history. In response, some local leaders, like Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, have imposed strict lockdown measures. However, these regulations have been met with skepticism and resistance due to their extreme nature, such as banning outdoor activities and walking for exercise. Critics argue that these measures are not only ineffective but also unenforceable, especially in places where obedience to rules has been questionable in the past. Ultimately, the success of these measures depends on the ability of individuals and communities to comply, and the effectiveness of enforcement efforts. The situation underscores the need for a balanced and evidence-based approach to managing the pandemic, one that takes into account the physical and mental well-being of individuals, as well as the economic and social implications of the measures implemented.

    • Mailing Convenience during Holidays with Stamps.comDuring holidays, use Stamps.com for mailing for discounts and convenience. Prioritize vaccinations to stop the spread of COVID-19.

      During the holiday season, when traveling is discouraged, using stamps.com for mailing is a convenient and cost-effective solution. Stamps.com offers discounts on postage that cannot be found at the post office and brings the services of the US Postal Service and UPS right to your computer. Meanwhile, Joe Biden's call for patriotism through mask-wearing and avoiding complaints about COVID restrictions is met with skepticism. The effectiveness of mask-wearing alone in stopping the spread of the virus is questioned, and the vaccine is seen as the only viable solution to the pandemic. The inconsistency of those in power enforcing lockdowns and restrictions is also noted. In summary, using stamps.com for mailing during the holiday season and prioritizing vaccinations are the key takeaways from the discussion.

    • California and Texas politicians face criticism for dining at upscale restaurants despite COVID-19 regulationsPoliticians in California and Texas have faced criticism for violating their own COVID-19 restrictions by dining at upscale restaurants, raising questions about the effectiveness and fairness of the regulations and the accountability of those in power.

      Despite the increasing COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, some democratic politicians in California and Texas have disregarded their own regulations and dined at upscale restaurants, including the French Laundry. For instance, Mayor London Breed of San Francisco and Governor Gavin Newsom of California, as well as Mayor Steve Adler of Austin, Texas, have faced criticism for violating their own restrictions. Their actions contrast starkly with their public messages urging people to stay home and follow guidelines to save lives. This hypocrisy raises questions about the effectiveness and fairness of the regulations, as well as the accountability of those in power. It's a reminder that everyone, regardless of position, should adhere to the rules to help curb the spread of the virus and protect public health.

    • Politicians' Hypocrisy in Enforcing COVID-19 RestrictionsPerceived disconnect between politicians and public over COVID-19 restrictions, frustration over politicians flouting rules while enforcing them, trust in individuals to make health decisions, support for local businesses enforcing mask-wearing rules, and a simple holiday gift idea using myphoto.com

      There's a perceived disconnect between political leaders and the public regarding COVID-19 restrictions. The speaker expresses frustration over politicians, like those in Austin, Austin's mayor Steve Adler, and LA County supervisor Sheila Kuehl, who seem to apply rules differently to themselves while enforcing strict measures on the general public. The speaker trusts individuals to make their own health decisions and believes that local businesses can enforce mask-wearing rules. However, the speaker criticizes the hypocrisy of politicians who flout restrictions while enforcing them on others. The speaker then promotes a simple and personal holiday gift idea using the website myphoto.com, which allows users to easily order and receive custom photo gifts. The speaker emphasizes the ease, speed, and affordability of the service and encourages listeners to try it out.

    • Democratic Mayors and Governors Breaking COVID-19 GuidelinesDespite urging against it, some Democratic mayors and governors held personal gatherings during the holiday season, contradicting their own restrictions and fueling criticism and frustration among their constituents.

      During the holiday season, despite public health orders urging against it, some Democratic mayors and governors have been observed breaking their own COVID-19 guidelines for personal gatherings. For instance, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock held Thanksgiving celebrations with extended family and guests, raising questions about the inconsistency between their actions and the restrictions they imposed on their constituents. This inconsistency has fueled criticism and frustration, particularly as many businesses, including restaurants, continue to suffer financially due to the ongoing pandemic. The situation underscores the importance of adhering to guidelines and setting a consistent example, especially for those in positions of leadership.

    • Public figures facing criticism for not following quarantine rulesDuring crises, public figures should follow their own guidelines to avoid hypocrisy and maintain trust. Protect your home from cyber threats with Home Title Lock, and remember the actual risk of COVID-19 for the general population is generally low.

      During times of crisis, some public figures have been criticized for not following their own quarantine rules. For instance, mayors Lori Lightfoot of Chicago and Bill de Blasio of New York City faced backlash for getting haircuts and going to the gym respectively, despite the pandemic. These actions were seen as hypocritical, especially since they asked their constituents to abide by strict guidelines. Meanwhile, it's essential to protect your most valuable asset - your house - from cyber threats, such as home title theft. This type of crime can result in significant financial loss, and insurance, banks, and common identity theft programs may not offer protection. Home Title Lock is a service that can help prevent this, and they offer up to $1,000,000 in legal fees to restore your home's title if you become a victim. Lastly, it's important to note that while the media often focuses on the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths, the actual risk to the general population is relatively low, especially for those under 20 and without significant underlying conditions.

    • Individual Freedom vs. Government Control in the COVID-19 EraDespite low COVID-19 mortality rate for healthy seniors, individual assessment of health risks is crucial. The debate over lockdowns isn't strictly political, but rather about trusting individuals to make informed decisions or government control.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has led to intense debates about individual freedom versus government control. Johns Hopkins University found that only 0.03% of Medicare beneficiaries over 65 with no serious preexisting conditions died from COVID-19. This doesn't mean the virus should be ignored, but individuals should assess their own health risks. The speaker argues against mandatory lockdowns, emphasizing that people can be reasonable and use their own judgment. The debate over lockdowns in the US is not strictly left versus right, but rather a clash between those who trust individuals to make informed decisions and those who believe the government should control every aspect of society. The speaker encourages trusting individuals to act responsibly while protecting public health. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of balancing individual freedoms with public health concerns.

    • Media's Double Standard Towards Public Figures During PandemicThe media's criticism towards public figures during the pandemic reveals a double standard, as some actions are praised while others are condemned.

      During the pandemic, some public figures have faced harsh criticism from the media, with accusations of neglecting public health or even human sacrifice. Prince Harry, for instance, compared the pandemic to mother nature's punishment, while Kristi Noem has been labeled as neglectful towards her own grandmother's health. However, it was revealed that Noem's grandmother did not die of COVID-19, and Noem has not prevented people from protecting nursing homes. The media's treatment of these figures highlights a double standard, as some politicians' actions are praised while others are condemned. Meanwhile, a meaningful and affordable solution for creating family portraits, even when members are not physically present, is offered by Paint Your Life Dot Com.

    • Personalized Gifts and Exciting DevelopmentsDiscover personalized gifts like custom portraits and stay updated on The Daily Wire's content expansions, while being cautious of misleading media coverage.

      There are various opportunities for personalized, meaningful gifts, such as hand-painted portraits, available quickly and easily online. For instance, Paint Your Life offers custom portraits made by world-class artists with a quick turnaround time. This makes for a cherished, personal gift that can be treasured forever. Additionally, there are various exciting developments at The Daily Wire, including the expansion of content offerings and the addition of new shows and a feature film. However, the media's coverage of certain politicians, like Kristi Noem, can be misleading and sensationalized, as seen in the example of a recent Daily Beast article about her grandmother's death in a nursing home. Despite the facts not supporting the headline's claims, the media continues to vilify Noem, demonstrating the need for alternative sources of news and information.

    • COVID-19 situation in SD contradicts Noem's claims12 out of 13 nursing home deaths linked to COVID-19, despite Noem's office denial. Strict precautions in place, but asymptomatic staff member brought virus in, emphasizing need for mask mandates and preventative measures.

      The COVID-19 situation in South Dakota, specifically at the Estelline Nursing Home, contradicts Governor Kristi Noem's claims of having the situation under control through personal responsibility rather than mandates. Despite Noem's office stating that her grandmother, Aldis Arnold, did not die of COVID-19, 12 out of 13 deaths at the nursing home between November 14th and 28th were described as COVID-related by the administrator. The facility had strict precautions in place, yet an asymptomatic staff member is believed to have brought the virus into the facility. This incident highlights the potential risks of not implementing mask mandates and other preventative measures, as seen in other countries where such measures were implemented and resulted in spikes in cases. It is important for leaders to consider the evidence and take necessary actions to protect their citizens, rather than relying solely on personal responsibility.

    • Political Figures' Varying Stances on COVID-19 Vaccines and Election LawsuitsDespite some Democrats' initial hesitance towards the COVID-19 vaccine, former presidents Obama, Bush, and Clinton have committed to taking it publicly to boost confidence. Meanwhile, election lawsuits continue, but have yet to provide substantial evidence of widespread voter fraud.

      The political landscape continues to be divisive when it comes to COVID-19 and vaccines. While some Democrats, including former President Obama, are now encouraging people to get vaccinated, there were instances where prominent Democrats, such as Kamala Harris and Andrew Cuomo, expressed skepticism or hesitance towards the vaccine earlier. Meanwhile, lawsuits challenging the election results in several states, including Arizona and Georgia, continue to be heard. The media's coverage of political figures, such as Governor Kristi Noem, has been criticized for being biased and unfounded. In the midst of all this, former presidents Obama, Bush, and Clinton have pledged to take the vaccine on national TV to demonstrate its safety. However, it's important to note that the election lawsuits have yet to provide substantial evidence of widespread voter fraud.

    • Ongoing legal challenges to election results in battleground statesDespite ongoing legal challenges and allegations of voter irregularities, it's unlikely they will change the current election results. Investigations are necessary to maintain electoral process integrity.

      There are ongoing legal challenges and allegations of voter irregularities in several battleground states, primarily concerning mail-in ballots and drop boxes. These issues could potentially impact future elections, but it's unlikely they will change the current election results. For instance, in Pennsylvania, there's an ongoing lawsuit regarding the constitutionality of mail-in voting expansion, but the remedy is unlikely to involve tossing out all mail-in ballots. Similar lawsuits exist in Wisconsin. President Trump and his campaign have been vocal about these concerns, and some compelling testimonies have emerged, such as an Indian woman in Michigan who claimed that ballots were being counted for Joe Biden even when machines jammed and voter information couldn't be seen. A truck driver also testified about transporting potentially fraudulent ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. While some of these allegations lack concrete evidence, they should be thoroughly investigated to maintain the integrity of the electoral process. It's important to note that Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, who have made headlines for their involvement in these allegations, have donated to Democratic causes in the past.

    • Pressure on Kemp to call special session amid election controversyDespite calls for Kemp's resignation, it's crucial to keep Republicans in control of the senate by pressuring Kemp for a special session to address election issues, while avoiding Democratic control.

      Despite calls for Brian Kemp to resign and urging Republicans not to vote in the Georgia senate elections, it's crucial not to let Democrats take control of the senate due to perceived election irregularities. Instead, pressure should be put on Kemp to call a special session of the Georgia legislature to address any issues. Meanwhile, Lin Wood, a prominent figure in the election controversy, has donated to Democratic candidates in the past and is now urging people not to vote for Republicans. This contradicts the stance of President Trump, who is actively campaigning for the Republican senators in Georgia. The media, including Jimmy Kimmel, are downplaying the potential for entertainment or controversy during a Biden presidency, but many feel that the past four years under Trump were anything but boring. Ultimately, it's essential to stay engaged and actively participate in the democratic process, regardless of one's feelings about the election results.

    • Media focus on Biden's cabinet diversityCritics argue media focus on diversity overlooks individual qualifications, while some push for more underrepresented community representation in Biden's administration.

      During a recent interaction, the president-elect made light of his foot injury while the media focused on his cabinet picks and diversity. However, the discussion took a turn towards criticism of the media's approach to reporting on the racial and ethnic backgrounds of Biden's nominees. Critics argue that this focus on diversity overlooks individual qualifications and reduces people to their racial or ethnic identities. Meanwhile, some Democratic lawmakers and advocacy groups are pushing for more representation of underrepresented communities in Biden's administration. Despite the controversy, the Biden team has not yet made any official announcements regarding cabinet appointments. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complex and nuanced issues surrounding diversity, representation, and qualifications in government appointments.

    • Focus on diversity shouldn't overshadow character and competenceDiverse leadership is important, but it shouldn't come at the cost of competence and good character. Internal debates within the Democratic Party should not be oversimplified as a battle between moderates and progressives, but rather a difference in approach to addressing policy issues.

      The focus on diversity, including gender, should not overshadow concerns about character and competence in leadership roles. This was highlighted in a report about President-elect Joe Biden's top economic adviser, Heather Boushey, who faces allegations of mismanagement and verbal abuse. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is experiencing internal debates over policy directions, but the real issue may not be about the future of policy as some believe, but rather how to approach these issues and the assumption that the American people are not capable of understanding complex issues. It's important to remember that diverse leadership should not come at the cost of competence and good character. Additionally, the ongoing debate within the Democratic Party should not be oversimplified as a battle between moderates and progressives, but rather a difference in approach to addressing policy issues.

    • Democratic Party's internal debate on criminal justice reformObama advocates for equitable investments, while progressives prioritize provocative slogans, leading to misunderstandings and potential loss of allies and resources.

      The ongoing debate within the Democratic party revolves around the means to achieve their goals, particularly regarding criminal justice system reform. Obama, despite being labeled as a moderate, has advocated for defunding the police but prefers to use different language. The progressive left, on the other hand, prioritizes feeling good among their supporters over getting things done, often using provocative slogans like "defund the police." The miscommunication and misunderstandings between different factions have led to unnecessary conflicts and distractions from the actual issues at hand. The focus should be on finding common ground and working towards equitable investments in communities to ensure safety and progress. Instead, the party risks losing potential allies and resources by alienating those with different perspectives.

    • Democratic Party Shifts Towards Progressive PoliciesDespite efforts from moderates, the Democratic Party is embracing progressive policies and figures, such as 'defund the police' and 'the squad', and young, progressive voices are being overlooked in party events.

      The momentum in the Democratic Party is shifting towards progressive policies and figures, such as the "squad" and the "defund the police" movement, despite efforts from more moderate figures like Barack Obama to downplay this trend. Obama may not be actively opposing these progressive policies, but he is not able to stop their rise in popularity. The Democratic National Convention's lack of representation for young, progressive voices like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez highlights the need for new blood and fresh perspectives within the party. Ultimately, the old guard, represented by figures like Joe Biden, may not be able to contain the radicalism within the Democratic Party for much longer.

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    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/BEN, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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