
    Ep. 1185 - CNN Wants Fox News Destroyed

    enFebruary 01, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Polarization leads to censorship calls and data privacy concernsProtect your digital rights and secure online privacy with ExpressVPN as censorship and data intrusion threats increase

      As the political landscape becomes more polarized, there are increasing calls for censorship and deplatforming of opposing viewpoints. This was exemplified in the case of Parler, a social media platform favored by conservatives, which was ultimately suspended from major tech companies. Meanwhile, ExpressVPN was emphasized as a solution for protecting online privacy and data from potential intrusion by big tech and hackers. Ben Shapiro, the show's host, encouraged listeners to take a stand for their digital rights and secure their online privacy with ExpressVPN. Additionally, he warned that crises are often used as opportunities for the left to impose greater control and censorship, and that this trend is becoming more pronounced.

    • Shifting focus from disinformation to misinformation as an excuse for censorshipAdvocating for limiting reach of info that doesn't align with preferred narrative, rather than maintaining consistent standard of truth.

      There is a shift happening in the media landscape towards silencing or reducing the reach of information that goes against a certain narrative. This shift is from focusing on disinformation, which involves deliberate falsification, to misinformation, which is information that is not liked or agreed upon. This subtle linguistic shift is being used as an excuse to shut down competitors, even though major media outlets like CNN have propagated lies in the past. Brian Stelter, a media commentator, is advocating for reducing the reach of those who disagree with him, rather than adhering to a consistent standard of truth. While private companies have the power to remove lies and harmful content, this does not equate to censorship of freedom of speech. Instead, it's important to distinguish between freedom of speech and freedom of reach, and address the issue of algorithmic reach.

    • The role of private companies in regulating free speechPrivate censorship through reach restrictions can undermine democratic process and free speech principles, necessitating a reevaluation of Section 230.

      There is a growing debate around the role of private companies in regulating free speech, particularly on social media platforms. Some argue that restrictions on reach do not infringe on the First Amendment, but rather serve as unofficial censorship. This is particularly concerning when these actions are taken with government permission. The comparison is often drawn between social media platforms and a town square, where diverse viewpoints should be allowed to coexist. However, when private companies deny service based on politics, it creates an imbalance and a potential threat to the democratic process. The principle of free speech should not be compromised, even in the digital realm. The ongoing discussion revolves around the need for a rewrite or reinterpretation of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to address these issues. It's important to remember that freedom of reach is essential for the effective exercise of freedom of speech. Attempts to silence opposing viewpoints through censorship undermine the very foundation of a healthy, open society.

    • Labeling without understanding is not fairAvoid labeling people without understanding their views or context and instead promote open dialogue for healthy political discourse.

      There's a growing trend among certain media outlets and commentators to push for the deplatforming or silencing of voices they disagree with, labeling them as "right-wing flamethrowers" or "performative bigots." This behavior, often referred to as cancel culture, is not limited to any specific political ideology and can be observed on both sides of the spectrum. However, it's important to remember that labeling someone without understanding their views or context is not an accurate or fair representation of the situation. Furthermore, attempting to silence opposing voices can have detrimental consequences for the overall health of the American body politic. Instead, we should strive for open and honest dialogue, allowing all voices to be heard and respected. It's crucial to remember that facts and truth should be the foundation of any discussion, rather than personal biases or agendas.

    • Cancel Culture and Deplatforming Targeting Conservative VoicesThe trend of cancel culture and deplatforming is growing, particularly targeting conservative voices. The left often responds by controlling institutions and barring individuals, while the right builds alternatives and fights back. The First Amendment protects speech, but not individuals from accountability or institutional control.

      There is a growing trend of cancel culture and deplatforming in American society, particularly targeting conservative voices. This was discussed in the context of an op-ed writer being criticized for past tweets and statements, despite having publicly explained or apologized for them. The left's response to criticism is often to control the institutions and bar individuals from them, while labeling any pushback as whining or part of a victimhood culture. The right is responding by building alternative institutions and fighting against these threats through market possibilities and mobilization. The op-ed writer also emphasized the importance of the First Amendment, but noted that it doesn't protect individuals from other forms of accountability or institutional control. This issue was further highlighted by a piece in Axios, which the op-ed writer criticized for its hypocrisy in addressing the perceived threat to free speech while also contributing to it. The op-ed writer urged readers to recognize this trend and fight back against it.

    • The importance of free speech and criticism in a functioning democracyCriticizing or making editing decisions doesn't subvert free speech, but rather contributes to a diverse and vibrant public square

      While some argue that certain individuals or entities are being silenced in today's society, others believe that free speech and criticism are essential components of a functioning democracy. For instance, when it comes to purchasing auto parts, customers can save significant amounts of money by shopping at online retailers like Rock Auto, which consistently offer lower prices compared to brick-and-mortar stores. Similarly, in the realm of free speech, Jamil Jaffer, a leading First Amendment lawyer and scholar, argues that it's not a subversion of the First Amendment or free speech values for individuals or organizations to criticize or make editing decisions. Instead, these actions are integral to the functioning of a diverse and vibrant public square. However, some argue that this nuanced perspective doesn't receive enough attention in the media, leading to a polarized and often misinformed public discourse.

    • Maintaining a diverse and open society through individual responsibility and commitment to free speechRecognize the importance of free speech, push back against charlatans without handing them a megaphone, and strive for an inclusive environment where open dialogue can thrive.

      Individual responsibility and commitment to free speech are crucial in maintaining a diverse and open society. CNN's Pamela Brown emphasized the importance of journalists pushing back effectively against charlatans, but also warned against handing them a megaphone. The discussion touched upon the potential consequences of censorship and the need for a pro-free speech attitude, especially for individuals in their daily lives. Margaret Sullivan's actions were not just about specific media figures, but about the impact on everyday people and their ability to express their opinions without fear of retaliation. It's essential to recognize the difference between legal First Amendment protections and the value of free speech, and to strive for an inclusive environment where open dialogue can thrive.

    • Self-censorship and the narrowing of the Overton windowPeople are silencing themselves due to fear of repercussions, media perpetuates this trend, and it harms open discourse and the democratic process.

      Self-censorship and the narrowing of the Overton window in the media and society at large is a significant issue that harms the country. People from various political backgrounds are silencing themselves due to fear of repercussions, and this trend is being perpetuated by the media, who aim to shrink the acceptable discourse to fit only the most radical voices. An example of this can be seen in the case of John Weaver, a co-founder of the Lincoln Project, who was exposed for making unsolicited sexual overtures to several young men. Despite this scandal receiving initial attention, it is unlikely to receive sustained media coverage, as the media's focus remains on stories that align with their political agenda. This trend towards self-censorship and the suppression of certain narratives is detrimental to open and honest discourse and ultimately harms the democratic process.

    • Response to Weaver allegations and political bias in mediaPolitical affiliation can impact how allegations against high-profile figures are handled and reported in the media. Weaver's situation received initial dismissal due to his association with the Lincoln Project, while similar actions from a right-wing figure would likely face greater scrutiny.

      The response and aftermath of allegations against a high-profile figure can vary greatly depending on their political affiliation. In this discussion, it was pointed out that a co-founder of the Lincoln Project, John Weaver, was accused of inappropriate behavior towards young men. Initially, there was a statement from the Lincoln Project distancing themselves from Weaver and expressing gratitude that no members were present during any alleged incidents. It was suggested that this situation would fade from the news quickly due to the political leanings of the group. However, the speaker also pointed out that if a similar situation involving a right-wing figure occurred, it would likely receive much more attention and scrutiny. They used Marjorie Taylor Greene as an example, stating that her controversial actions and statements would continue to be a focus for those looking to criticize the entire right-wing and conservative movements. The conversation then shifted to the importance of getting life insurance and how Policygenius can help streamline the process. The speaker emphasized the importance of being a responsible human and securing the necessary coverage for one's family. The discussion also touched on The Daily Wire's efforts to expand into entertainment content, with the release of their first film, "Run Hide Fight," exclusively for Daily Wire members. The speaker encouraged listeners to check it out and become members to enjoy the exclusive content.

    • Accountability and Political PartiesElected officials are accountable to their constituents, and their past comments should be considered in context. Avoid making sweeping generalizations and ensure facts are presented accurately.

      While there is a ongoing debate about the actions and words of certain members in political parties, it's important to note the inconsistency in how such issues are handled. The left is often criticized for not holding their members accountable for controversial statements and actions, while the right faces intense scrutiny and calls for removal. However, it's crucial to remember that elected officials are accountable to their constituents, and their past comments should be considered in the context of when they were made. Furthermore, it's essential to avoid making sweeping generalizations about individuals or groups based on unproven theories or conspiracy theories. The media has a role to play in holding public figures accountable, but it's important to ensure that facts are presented accurately and context is considered. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to make informed decisions about the people they choose to support.

    • Media trying to make Marjorie Taylor Greene the face of GOPMedia's focus on Greene may increase her following, but it's important to remember there's extremism on both sides and it should be condemned. This attention could potentially harm the GOP in the long run.

      The media's focus on Marjorie Taylor Greene, a controversial Republican congresswoman, is an attempt to paint her as the face of the GOP, despite her being a fringe figure. This is because the media can no longer focus on Trump, who was previously their target. The media's goal is to create an imbalance between extremism on the right and left, but there is condemnation from both sides. Greene should not be in Congress due to her belief in conspiracy theories, but she is not a mainstream Republican voice or leader. The media's attention on her will likely increase her following, as people may feel she is unfairly attacked. It's important to remember that there is extremism on both sides and it should be condemned. The Republican Party is currently dealing with the fallout of Liz Cheney's impeachment vote, which is a more pressing issue for them in the short term. However, the media's focus on Greene could potentially harm the party in the long run.

    • Addressing extremism within political partiesBoth parties must condemn violence and divisive rhetoric, and focus on unity and finding common ground, while maintaining strategic acumen and moderation in politics.

      Both political parties need to address extremism within their ranks and condemn violence and divisive rhetoric. The speaker expresses concern about the hypocrisy of some politicians and parties, who criticize others for issues like antisemitism while ignoring similar problems within their own ranks. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of strategic acumen and moderation in politics, rather than just passion. The conversation touched on specific examples of controversial figures and actions from both sides, but the main message was the need for both parties to focus on unity and finding common ground. The speaker also highlighted the importance of leaders like Ducey, who can win elections and keep their states red, and encouraged the Arizona Republican Party to focus on winning races rather than censuring moderates.

    • Biden Administration's Focus on Racial Equity Sparks DebateThe Biden administration's emphasis on racial equity is divisive to some, but the administration argues it's necessary to address systemic disparities. Critics see it as discriminatory, while supporters view it as inclusive.

      The Biden administration's focus on racial equity is being perceived as divisive by some, despite their claims that it is unifying. Susan Rice, the domestic policy adviser, argued that this focus is not divisive but inclusive. However, critics argue that this approach is inherently bigoted and discriminatory, as it prioritizes groups over individuals. The administration's use of the term "equity" instead of "equality" has been a point of contention, with some seeing it as a veiled form of affirmative action. The administration's policies, such as prioritizing vaccinations for certain racial groups, have also been criticized as discriminatory. Despite these criticisms, the administration has continued to prioritize racial equity in its policies, arguing that it is necessary to address systemic disparities. The debate highlights the ongoing tension around issues of race and equality in American politics.

    • The debate over equity versus equality in politics and policiesThe equity approach, assuming unequal outcomes result from systemic racism, is being met with resistance, leading to polarization and accusations of racism against opponents.

      The ongoing debate around equity versus equality in politics and policies has become a contentious issue. The equity approach, which assumes that unequal outcomes are the result of systemic racism, is being met with resistance from some, particularly Republicans. They argue that this approach amounts to segregating people based on group identity and treating them differently based on race. The term "equity" is being used instead of "affirmative action" or "reparative justice" in an attempt to bypass recognition of the difference between the two concepts. This debate is shaping perceptions of the Biden Harris presidency and could lead to polarization among Americans. The left's embrace of equity and the conflation of racial and climate justice issues is leading to accusations of racism against those who oppose their policies. This semantic game playing and the radical proposals from some antiracist activists have sparked concerns about the potential for fascistic elements in these discussions.

    • Redefining Racism: A Dangerous PrecedentThe ongoing push for equity and anti-racism in institutions risks dividing society, silencing opposing views, and redefining racism to fit specific agendas, rather than promoting unity and equality for all.

      The ongoing discourse around equity and anti-racism in various institutions is not solely about promoting equality or decency, but rather about ousting individuals with differing viewpoints, even if those differences are mild. The experts leading this movement claim it's about improving education, but some argue it's infusing primitive ideas that threaten to destroy institutions. An example is the Dalton School in New York, which has already implemented transformative anti-racism measures, causing a divisive focus on race and identity in every class. The redefinition of racism from animus based on race to disagreement with one's agenda is concerning, as it can lead to dangerous ideologies and performance art-driven protests. McWhorter's criticism of this ideology has led to calls for silencing him, which is a dangerous precedent for the Biden administration to follow. It's essential to remember that unity and standing for all Americans should be the priority, not just adherence to a specific agenda.

    • Balancing Environmental Concerns with Job PreservationVP Harris' environmental plans may negatively impact jobs, particularly in coal mining areas. Critics argue her proposed solutions, like reclaiming abandoned lands and transferring skills, are inadequate.

      During a recent interview, Vice President Kamala Harris expressed her concern for all Americans, but her administration's environmental plans may negatively impact jobs in areas like West Virginia due to efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Harris referred to abandoned mine lands as "land mines," demonstrating her understanding of the issue, but her proposed solutions, such as job creation around reclaiming abandoned lands and transferring skills to oil and gas industries, were criticized as inadequate. The conversation highlights the challenge of balancing environmental concerns with job preservation, particularly in industries like coal mining. The tone of the discussion was critical of Harris' handling of the issue, but it underscores the importance of addressing the potential economic consequences of environmental policies.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Another Disturbing Cancel Culture Incident (Ep 1455)

    Another Disturbing Cancel Culture Incident (Ep 1455)
    In this episode, I discuss the latest disgusting move by the cancel culture tyrants to cancel this conservative star from Disney. I also address the Democrat’s latest disturbing stunt in the impeachment hoax.  News Picks: “Cancel Disney Plus” trends after the Disney tyrants fire Gina Carano. The tyrants at YouTube take down another conservative channel.  Lying Democrats omit “peacefully and patriotically” from Trump’s speech to make it appear that he incited violence. Remember back during the Obama administration when they openly bragged about manipulating Facebook data to win an election?  The US budget deficit is exploding. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #24 - Jordan Dittloff - Free Speech is Under Attack

    #24 - Jordan Dittloff - Free Speech is Under Attack

    Pietro is joined instead by Jordan Dittloff, federal Secretary of the Libertarian Party in Australia. They discuss the important topic of government giving powers to ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) which would allow them to censor free speech on the internet. 


    You can find Jordan at: 



    Collectivitis is on Instagram and Twitter:







    246. The Adventures of Pinnochio and Free Speech Part 1/4

    246. The Adventures of Pinnochio and Free Speech Part 1/4

    Utilizing Dr. Peterson’s lectures from the 2015 and 2017 Maps of Meaning Lectures as a framework; we have continued the investigation while adding conversations from the Jordan B Peterson Podcast, as well as from conversations where Dr. Peterson was a guest on other podcasts.

    We recently decided to move this compilation up in our release queue because of Dr. Peterson’s recent lecture at Caius College at the University of Cambridge, “Why Free Speech is the Antidote to Our Problems”

    You can view that lecture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twc6T19tap4 

    Like in Dr. Peterson’s recent lecture, we hope this compilation will inspire you to speak the truth and act in the protection of our most fundamental rights, including, maybe most importantly, the Freedom of Speech.

    Time Codes: 

    [00:00] Overview of the psychology behind Pinocchio - 2015 Personality Lecture 06: Depth Psychology: Carl Jung (Part 01)

    [03:44] Events at Evergreen - Bret Weinstein Episode 10

    [18:18] Teaching at Grace Church - Paul Rossi on JBP Podcast S4 E17

    [24:51] What exactly happened to Dr. Rima Azar - Dr. Rima on JBP S4 E28

    [39:25] Free Speech and No Safe Spaces documentaries attempt to get distributed - Prager & Carolla on JBP Podcast S4 E44

    [50:16] Changes in free speech policy at Cambridge - James Orr & Arif Ahmed on JBP Podcast S4 E75

    [01:02:17] - Did Dr. Ponesse ever apologize? - Dr. Julie Ponesse on JBP Podcast

    [01:03:16] When Yeon Mi started to speak out - Yeon Mi Park on JBP Podcast S4 E26