
    Ep. 12: Sara Loving - Banking for Change: How Better Banking Options Help Us Create Positive Impact

    enJune 18, 2020

    About this Episode


    • Why does it matter where we bank? 
    • What are ‘big banks’ and what’s wrong with them? 
    • Sarah describes how ‘better banking options’ make sure that our money, while it's in the bank, is doing as much good as possible.
    • What is the issue with transparency in the banking industry? What can we do about it?
    • What is the difference between a bank and a credit union?
    • What is the mission of Better Banking Options?
    • Sara talks about the four criteria Better Banking Options uses to evaluate banks and credit unions.
    • Better Banking Options offers a helpful search engine tool for finding a bank whose practices align with your values. Who should use it? What does it do?
    • What's the difference between choosing a bank with a local or regional presence versus some of the online bank options that are marketing themselves as more socially and environmentally focused?
    • Sara talks about how she has brought her commitment to social justice and her talent and passion for writing into her work and why it’s important to her.
    • What is the next set of goals for the Better Banking Options project?


    Connect with Sara and Better Banking Options:  FACEBOOK | TWITTER 

    Recent Episodes from Smart & Soulful Money® Podcast

    Ep. 18: The Aligned Inheritor: Navigating Relationships with Communication

    Ep. 18: The Aligned Inheritor: Navigating Relationships with Communication

    Welcome back to the Smart & Soulful Money® Podcast: the Aligned Inheritor Series! Today we’re focusing on relationships, communication, and the tools you can use to support yourself in confidently stepping into your money life as an inheritor. Without solid communication, the relationships in our lives can get a bit sticky. When an inheritance is involved, an additional charge makes it all the more crucial to build the skills we need to have those necessary conversations. 

    Tune in to hear about: 

    - The 2 tools Carrie recommends to navigate communication and relationships. 

    - Limiting self-judgment in the face of patronization 

    - The key relationships that an inheritor should prioritize 

    - Leaving a legacy 

    - The importance of asking questions 

    Resources mentioned:

    Learn more about working with Carrie 

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    Listen to Episode 17: The Aligned Inheritor - Finding Your Voice on Your Financial Journey

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    Ep 17: The Aligned Inheritor: Finding Your Voice on Your Financial Journey

    Ep 17: The Aligned Inheritor: Finding Your Voice on Your Financial Journey

    Welcome to a brand new season of the Smart & Soulful Money® Podcast! We’re doing things a little differently this time around and diving deep into the real-life experiences of what it can be like for an inheritor as they navigate their financial transitions.  Major life shifts within an ever-changing world can result in some powerful inner shifts, as well. In this episode, Carrie is sharing an important experience that every Aligned Inheritor seems to go through and what suggestions she has for someone going through this phase of the experience. 

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    • How GoFundMe campaigns represent the newer sudden money, and the importance of building a trusted team to handle the windfall experience
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    • What are the phases of Transition? 
    • Navigating COVID through the lens of transition
    • How does a CeFT® support a client to Shape Change?
    • Susan talks about challenging the SYSTEMS that can be attached to an inheritance, particularly for women, and the importance of asking questions and doing the work of moving forward to create change


    Connect with Susan & Sudden Money® Institute:


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    Ep. 15: Christine Kane - The Soul-Sourced Entrepreneur: A Conversation with Author and Founder of Uplevel You™


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    • What is the benefit of living life in a spirit of creativity vs. reactivity?
    • Christine shares stories about what has helped her personally and to teach others about how we reconnect to the power of our presence.
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    • Christine talks about coming back to center - rooting into our authenticity and continuing to ask “What do I really want?” as we navigate transitions in our lives and in business.
    • “Imperfect Action” & “Embrace the Funk” - breaking out of old patterns and moving forward through mistakes, shame and self-doubt
    • Christine talks about her favorite coaching tools - the Enneagram and the Kolbe A™ Index


    Connect with Christine:  WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | LINKEDIN

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    • Esther describes her work with Cienega Capital. 
    • Why is Regenerative Agriculture Cienega Capital’s chosen focus? 
    • What does it mean to be Regenerative? 
    • Esther talks about change: What changes are needed? How is change happening?
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    • What is the #NoRegrets Initiative?
    • Capitalism: Reformation or Revolution? 
    • “Vulture Capitalism” vs. “Emergent Changemakers” - the shift from exploitive and extractive to investment in positive change
    • Esther talks about two businesses Cienega Capital is currently investing in and how it parallels moving from monoculture to a diverse ecosystem.
    • How COVID has exposed lack of resilience in our food system, and how (surprisingly) inefficiency can help
    • Exploring the idea of “What is enough?”
    • How are women playing a key role in innovation at the forefront of both Regenerative Agriculture and Investing? 
    • “The Third Way” - how rejecting a dichotomy of choice framework paves the way toward creative solutions 


    Connect with Esther & Cienega Capital:  FACEBOOK | LINKEDIN

    Ep. 13: Stacy Parson - Full Spectrum Leadership, Activism and Embodying Our Power

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    • Stacy describes her work with individuals, teams and organizations.
    • Navigating volatile, uncertain, chaotic and uncertain circumstances - “You are better prepared than you realize.”
    • Stacy talks about activism and how “anybody who's moving in the direction of something they want to see in the future has to disrupt whatever's happening in the moment” and how it relates to innovation and leadership. 
    • How is it possible to live into values that don't just make your own world better, but make a much broader set of people’s better? 
    • Localized vs collective focus: How Rugged Individualism can lead us to make choices that disadvantage and create unintended disproportionate impact downstream and how raising awareness around the collective can help to position others for more possibility.
    • The importance of asking the question, "What aren't we talking about?” to help get to the root of problems.
    • "I know I've gone too far if I get kicked out of a room” - Stacy’s challenge to manage her fears around provoking new ideas.
    • Women, Power and Leadership: What are Stacy’s three Dimensions of Power and how can they help women recognize the patterns and narratives that impact them in order to embody the idea of full spectrum power?
    • Stacy talks about making money choices that align with her values. 


    Connect with Stacy:  LINKEDIN 

    Ep. 12: Sara Loving - Banking for Change: How Better Banking Options Help Us Create Positive Impact

    Ep. 12: Sara Loving - Banking for Change: How Better Banking Options Help Us Create Positive Impact


    • Why does it matter where we bank? 
    • What are ‘big banks’ and what’s wrong with them? 
    • Sarah describes how ‘better banking options’ make sure that our money, while it's in the bank, is doing as much good as possible.
    • What is the issue with transparency in the banking industry? What can we do about it?
    • What is the difference between a bank and a credit union?
    • What is the mission of Better Banking Options?
    • Sara talks about the four criteria Better Banking Options uses to evaluate banks and credit unions.
    • Better Banking Options offers a helpful search engine tool for finding a bank whose practices align with your values. Who should use it? What does it do?
    • What's the difference between choosing a bank with a local or regional presence versus some of the online bank options that are marketing themselves as more socially and environmentally focused?
    • Sara talks about how she has brought her commitment to social justice and her talent and passion for writing into her work and why it’s important to her.
    • What is the next set of goals for the Better Banking Options project?


    Connect with Sara and Better Banking Options:  FACEBOOK | TWITTER 

    Ep. 11: Joel Solomon - The Clean Money Revolution: Reinventing Power, Purpose, and Capitalism

    Ep. 11: Joel Solomon - The Clean Money Revolution: Reinventing Power, Purpose, and Capitalism


    • What is Clean Money? What are the characteristics of clean money?
    • Joel describes the difference between an extractive and generative economy.
    • Joel has been on a lifelong journey of working with systems change and going within for his own personal development work - why has this been important for him to do both? 
    • As an inheritor, Joel experienced a special opportunity to work alongside Carol Newell to help support her in creating positive impact. Joel describes how he was able to get clear on his values and channelled it into action in ways that reflected his values.
    • Joel talks about his visioning experience at Hollyhock with Carol. Has there been an underlying core that has stayed constant? 
    • What can investors - whether they have $500K, $5M, $50M or more - learn from Joel’s experience working with Carol on how to create impact? 
    • What does  ‘finding your enough’ mean for Joel and how has he helped others find their enough as a part of creating impact in the world with their assets? 
    • As a  pioneer, working alongside other pioneers in the space of impact investing, socially responsible investing, social enterprise, local investing, and impact work in philanthropy, how have community and relationship been important parts of creating change? 
    • Joel talks about Renewal Funds, a mission venture capital firm he founded, and how it is taking a different approach to catalyzing positive social and environmental change.  
    • Why is it important to avoid the idea of perfection in order to create change? 
    • “Staying true to your values is powerful, particularly in the face of skepticism about what you know in your bones to be correct.” 
    • Joel talks about how he has helped strategically invest in Stonyfield Farms, Alter-Eco, Seventh Generation, how capital works behind the scenes of their favorite companies and how important it is. 



    Ep. 10: Jenn Pryce - How the Sustainable Development Goals Help Focus Our Efforts to Create More Positive Impact

    Ep. 10: Jenn Pryce - How the Sustainable Development Goals Help Focus Our Efforts to Create More Positive Impact


    • Jenn describes the work of Calvert Impact Capital and how their Community Investment Note is connecting capital and communities, with special focus on women and families in the US and around the world.
    • What is microfinance and how is it a part of the Calvert Impact Capital portfolio?
    • An introduction to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), why they matter, and how they can be utilized as a lens to help identify how to focus your energy and impact
    • How has Calvert Impact Capital embraced the SDGs as a framework for impact?
    • Jenn tells the story of how Calvert Impact Capital facilitated the issue of the world’s first Blue Bond in the Seychelles to help preserve and save the ocean, as well as investing in a Forest Resiliency Bond and Environmental Impact Bond in the US.


    Connect with Jenn & Calvert Impact Capital:  LINKEDIN | TWITTER | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE 


    Ep. 9: Jacque Saltsman - How Living Our Values Changes Our Life

    Ep. 9: Jacque Saltsman - How Living Our Values Changes Our Life


    • Jacque talks about her work in the world, how it began, and what her work looks like with the women she coaches. 


    • What are values? 
    • Why is it important for us to have clarity about our own values, and be able to name and understand them? 
    • What does it look like when we don’t have an understanding of our personal values?
    • Can we have different values in different areas of our life? 
    • Jacque talks about the processes and tools she uses with clients to help them explore and get clarity on their values.
    • Jacque discusses how she has brought her values into her money life.
    • Who is a good match for the services she offers?