
    About this Episode

    Have you ever been to your doctor’s office and had them tell you that your blood results came back perfectly normal, but you were still feeling terrible? What’s going on with that? In this episode, we’re featuring a webinar that Dr. Jerry recently taught all about what’s lurking in our lab tests.

    In this episode you will discover: 
    - Reasons why you should always keep and read your lab results. 
    - How to look at your lab results from a functional medicine perspective. 
    - Keys markers to look for in your lab results.

    Recent Episodes from The Simple 7 Lifestyle Podcast

    EP 37: History and Health Benefits of CBD

    EP 37: History and Health Benefits of CBD

    Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation and myth when it comes to CBD. Most people only have a vague idea of what it is and they immediately have it connected with marijuana.

    So they're thinking about stoners, smoking pot to get high. Only a few people realize that CBD is different than that.  But they're still pretty unsure about what all the fuss is about it. So on today's episode we're going to discuss the potential health benefits of industrial hemp-derived cannabidiol or CBD. 

    It is a rich history and there are amazing potential health benefits from understanding this plant and how it affects our body.

    Let's dive in.



    EP 36: What's Causing Your Gut Issues?

    EP 36: What's Causing Your Gut Issues?

    Just about every day in clinical practice I have the opportunity to teach patients about the role their digestive system plays in the grand scheme of their health. Of course, when a patient is coming in for a typical digestive complaint, like bloating, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea, that is an obvious connection. But when the person is coming in with skin problems, fatigue, stubborn weight issues, depression, or brain fog, they are often surprised that our discussion quickly turns to the state of affairs in their guts. In this week's podcast episode, I dive into a very critical condition called SIBO. SIBO stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. Recent research has concluded that up to 80% of cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are caused by this overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, so we’re talking about 35 million Americans who are dealing with this phenomenon. You might even know a few of these folks ;) We've all got too much good to do in this world to be sidelined by gut issues. If you're one of those who deal with this (or know someone who does), hopefully, this episode will give you the information you need to get some answers.

    EP: 35 - From Exhausted to Energized

    EP: 35 - From Exhausted to Energized

    In this inspiring episode, we delve deep into the topic of overcoming fatigue and explore effective strategies to regain vitality and live life to the fullest. Join us as we uncover the underlying causes of fatigue, discuss its physical and mental impact, and provide practical tips and insights for combating exhaustion. From lifestyle changes and self-care practices to nutritional guidance and mental resilience, we equip you with the tools to conquer fatigue and unlock your true potential. Prepare to be energized and empowered as we embark on a journey toward a revitalized and vibrant life.

    EP 34: Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Coaching

    EP 34: Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Coaching

    Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a corporate executive, an entrepreneur, or a homeschooling mom.


    Even the best of the best in every field of endeavor is limited by their own visual blinders. In order to change ourselves we need to surround ourselves with support. We often need friends who can be our cheerleaders or our teammates but most of all, we need a coach who can pull the best out of us. Someone who has walked the road themselves and is now dedicated to helping you see your own path through the growth process.

    I’m sure that you’re noticing that the coaching industry is booming right now. You’re probably seeing lots of people who are becoming health coaches, relationship coaches, career coaches, high-performance coaches, and life coaches. 

    All estimates suggest that these specialty coaching professions are going to continue to grow over the next decade. 

    There are definitely some challenges that come along with this explosion in the coaching industry - namely that the industry is a bit like the wild west and there are wide differences in the level of expertise and education required for someone to call themself a coach, these issues are beyond the scope of this episode. 

    Instead, on this episode I want to focus on a few of the benefits that a good coach can provide to help you unleash your potential and get the most out of your life and to encourage you to evaluate where you could use the expertise of a coach to really rock your life.

    In my experience working with clients and patients over the past 25 years, I’ve witnessed firsthand how coaching someone through their healing journey has created results that the person simply wouldn’t have achieved without some guidance. 


    EP 33: Making the Most of Movement and Exercise

    EP 33: Making the Most of Movement and Exercise

    Welcome to today’s episode of the Simple 7 Lifestyle Podcast. I’m Dr. Jerry Duggar and I just want to thank you for taking the time to tune in today. It says a lot about you that when you have some free time, you’re choosing to learn about your health and taking the initiative to upgrade your education. Congrats to you!

    Ask just about anyone what health habits are needed for good health and I’ll bet that 99% of people will say, “Eat a healthy diet and exercise”. 

    We’ve done a pretty good job at drilling those two habits into people’s heads. (unfortunately, 99% of those people won’t actually be incorporating those 2 habits into their own lifestyles. Something we’re trying to change around here).

    Of course, we talk about 5 other key lifestyle habits in our Simple 7 Lifestyle model but even if we could get the majority of people to get diet and movement in order, it would create a massive shift in the world.

    Today, I want to dive a little deeper into the topic of movement and exercise. 

    EP 32: The Power of Conscious Breath

    EP 32: The Power of Conscious Breath

    Tammie and I have been focusing a lot of energy on the lifestyle habit of conscious breathwork over the past several weeks. We covered lots of information about the power of breath back in episode 5 as well, so go check that out if you want more information. Recently we met a local breathwork coach who trained us in a specific form of breath practice called SKY Breath. 

    And so I'm delighted to have with me today Sunita Yalamarty, who is our breathwork coach. I am looking forward to this conversation.

    She's very passionate about empowering people and helping people live their best life. And so obviously she's going to resonate well with me.

    We often think that improving our health has to be super complex but I'm trying to teach my patients that there is great power in doing really basic things with intention and with focus.

    Enjoy today's episode.

    EP 31 Chiropractic: 10 Things You Need to Know

    EP 31 Chiropractic: 10 Things You Need to Know

    When I first started chiropractic practice nearly 28 years ago, I noticed that there were a lot of people who didn’t really know much about chiropractic. Since then, the average person seems to know quite a bit more about what I do but I’m still surprised that chiropractic is still so misunderstood. It appears that there are a bunch of myths surrounding chiropractic care that continues to linger around year after year almost as part of the collective unconscious of the population.

    In an effort to really help you understand how chiropractic differentiates itself from other types of health care, I wanted to share 10 interesting facts that might not be very well understood by your friends and neighbors.

    #1 - We know a lot more than just the spine!

    #2 - Chiropractic is for all ages.

    #3 - Pain is often the last symptom of dysfunction.

    #4 - Adjustments don’t hurt and don’t cause damage

    #5 - The Nervous System is King

    #6 -  Athletes use chiropractors to stay well and perform better, not just for the occasional injury.

    #7 - Doctors don’t do the healing.

    #8 - Chiropractic may help you get sick less.

    #9 - Successful chiropractic outcomes require engaged patients.

    #10 - “I heard I’ll have to go forever” is a myth.


    EP 30: Your Optimal Morning Routine

    EP 30: Your Optimal Morning Routine

    One of our favorite ways to maintain a good foundation is by establishing a set routine in the morning and the evening.

    What you do in the first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes sets you up for a successful and productive day and a restful night.  

    Your morning routine starts you off in the right direction each new day and your evening routine puts the events of the day at rest.  Although we may not feel like we have 100% control of these hours at all times, they certainly are more predictable than what happens during the rest of our waking hours. 

    Today I am going to focus on helping you create a morning routine.  

    What is Red Light Therapy?

    What is Red Light Therapy?

    One of the most powerful ways that our natural environment is designed to influence the body is through the effect of natural light. Of course, there is no way life could exist on this planet without the presence of our sun. The sun’s light is essential to life and it turns out that each part of the sun’s electromagnetic spectrum has a part to play. The latest light wavelength to gain popular press has been red light and near-infrared light and for good reason. Currently, there are over 3,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies that highlight the positive impact of these wavelengths of light.

    It turns out that our cells have over a dozen mechanisms whereby they can transform light energy (photons) into chemical energy (the scientific name for this is photobiomodulation) and through these processes, we have learned that specific wavelengths of light have predictable effects on our tissues.

    In today's episode we unpack the numerous benefits as well as how to determine what type of laser or LED device to use.

    EP 28: Spring Cleaning Your Health

    EP 28: Spring Cleaning Your Health

    Every year about this time, the telltale signs of spring start to emerge and remind us that the long winter is over and we can look forward to getting back to many of our outdoor activities. If you’re like me, you’re probably noticing that your yard and garden need a bit of attention. After being buried in snow like we’ve had this year in Utah, Tammie and I are excited to clean up the outside of our home, clean the garage floor from all of the dirt and grime from melting snow and salt from our cars, and put away the snow shovels and snow blower. It’s a nice rite of passage of the seasons. In this episode, I discuss 3 big myths that are keeping people from taking time to focus on lowering their body's toxic burden. I'll also share the basics of a safe and effective approach to detoxification.