
    Ep. 1222 - Big Pharma Once Again Makes Billions Off Of A Drug That Doesn't Work

    enSeptember 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • FDA Questions Effectiveness of Common Cold MedicinesThe FDA is questioning the effectiveness of commonly used cold medicines like Mucinex, Tylenol, Sudafed, NyQuil, and Benadryl. Consumers have been paying for these products under the assumption they work, but it appears they may be useless. The pharmaceutical industry is debating a potential massive recall.

      Some commonly used cold medicines, including popular brands like Mucinex, Tylenol, Sudafed, NyQuil, and Benadryl, may be effectively useless according to the FDA. This revelation comes as the pharmaceutical industry debates a potential massive recall of these products due to their ineffectiveness. Consumers have been paying for and consuming these products under the assumption that they work, based on assurances from both the government and pharmaceutical companies. However, it appears that this issue has been known for some time, yet hidden from the public. This is just the latest example of the pharmaceutical industry's special treatment from the government, which includes immunity from lawsuits. It's important for consumers to be aware of this and consider where they're spending their money. Additionally, PureTalk is offering upgraded wireless services with added data and a mobile hotspot at no extra cost for new and current customers.

    • FDA May Remove Ineffective Nasal Decongestant from ShelvesThe FDA is considering removing phenylephrine, a common ineffective ingredient in over-the-counter nasal decongestants, from store shelves due to regulatory oversight concerns and consumer protection issues.

      Phenylephrine, a common ingredient in over-the-counter nasal decongestants, may be ineffective and could potentially be removed from store shelves if the FDA agrees with a recent committee's findings. This information is not new, as researchers have known for years that phenylephrine is largely ineffective in oral medications. Despite this, these products have continued to be sold, raising questions about regulatory oversight and consumer protection. The use of phenylephrine in decongestants became more prevalent after a law in 2006 made it harder to obtain pseudoephedrine, another decongestant that is known to be effective. The law was intended to prevent the production of methamphetamine, but it led to the widespread use of phenylephrine instead. The FDA's potential action on phenylephrine comes as consumers are encouraged to consult their healthcare providers for alternative options.

    • Mexico is a major source of meth in the US and efforts to regulate certain decongestants continueDespite concerns about meth's availability and the ongoing regulation of certain decongestants, the reliability of information from big pharma and federal regulators remains questionable

      The ease and affordability of obtaining meth in the country is a significant issue, with most of it coming from Mexico. Additionally, the government's efforts to regulate certain decongestants have been ongoing for years, with some suggesting it's part of a larger push to shift these drugs to a prescription model. However, there's also the possibility that the FDA's approval of these drugs as ineffective is due to overwhelming evidence of their lack of effectiveness, as seen in the case of the Alzheimer's drug Aduhelm, which was approved despite concerns about its effectiveness. Ultimately, the reliability of information from both big pharma and federal regulators is questionable due to past instances of deception.

    • FDA's Approval of Ineffective or Harmful DrugsDespite evidence of ineffectiveness or harm, some drugs remain on the market due to close relationships between drug companies and regulators. Individuals should be cautious when considering new medications.

      There have been instances where the FDA has approved drugs without sufficient evidence of their effectiveness, and in some cases, even when serious side effects were known. This phenomenon is often linked to close relationships between the drug companies and the regulatory agencies. The SSRIs, which have been used to treat depression for decades, are an example of this. Despite evidence emerging that low serotonin levels are not linked to depression, and that SSRIs do not work as advertised, they remain on the market. Similarly, Biogen's Alzheimer's drug, which was approved despite a lack of evidence and serious side effects, is another example. The consequences for these companies have been minimal, and there have been no major scandals or class action lawsuits. As a result, it's assumed that Big Pharma and the government will continue to mislead the public about the safety and efficacy of drugs. This is concerning from a public health perspective, and it's important for individuals to be aware of the potential for deception when it comes to medications. If you're considering taking a drug, it's essential to keep in mind that you may be being lied to, and to be prepared for the possibility of unexpected side effects or ineffectiveness.

    • Apple's Sustainability Initiatives: Authentic or Just Virtue Signaling?Apple's lengthy skit on sustainability raised questions about the authenticity and impact of their efforts, while Innovation Refunds focuses on providing real value to businesses through tax incentives and refunds.

      Apple, in an effort to appear innovative and socially responsible, presented a lengthy skit during their iPhone event about their sustainability initiatives. However, the repetition of similar products with no significant innovation and the timeline for achieving their sustainability goals raised questions about the authenticity and impact of these efforts. Meanwhile, companies like Innovation Refunds are focusing on providing real value to businesses by helping them access tax incentives and refunds. The cringiest corporate virtue signals, it seems, are not just limited to unexpected celebrity appearances, but also the lack of substantial innovation and repetition of outdated products.

    • Toxic work environments and corporate virtue signalingThe episode explores the growing trend of cringeworthy corporate virtue signaling, even in the face of toxic work environments, and the complex relationship between politicians and their advisors.

      The discussion highlights the existence of toxic work environments and the increasing trend of corporate virtue signaling, even if it veers into the realm of the cringeworthy and ambiguously religious, such as the controversial Apple video. Another key point is the interview between Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly, where Trump was pressed on his handling of the COVID-19 response, specifically regarding his relationship with Dr. Anthony Fauci. Despite criticism for keeping Fauci on as a prominent figure in the administration, Trump maintains that he didn't technically fire him and didn't give him a presidential commendation. Overall, the conversation touches on various topics, including toxic workplaces, religious beliefs, and political accountability.

    • Dr. Fauci's Media Attention and Criticism During COVID-19Acknowledging past mistakes and learning from them is crucial for political leaders, even if it means admitting faults. The real challenge for both candidates in the election is mobilizing their voter base and inspiring them to turn out to vote.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Fauci gained significant media attention and became a public figure due to the White House's decision to feature him in daily briefings. This criticism suggests that the president had the power to limit Fauci's public presence but chose not to. The speaker argues that acknowledging past mistakes and learning from them is crucial for political leaders, even if it means admitting faults. From a political standpoint, the argument for not denouncing Fauci in the primaries is that Trump is likely to win the nomination and the general election may not challenge him on this issue. However, the speaker believes that the real challenge for both candidates will be mobilizing their voter base and inspiring them to turn out to vote.

    • The Importance of Transparency and Honesty in Academic ResearchTransparency and honesty are crucial in academic research. Falsifying data can negatively impact the discipline and raise concerns about future research. Approach studies with a critical mindset.

      The acknowledgement of mistakes and ethical research are crucial in academic fields. The recent incident involving a criminology professor, Eric Stewart, at Florida State University, who was fired for faking data in studies that claimed systemic racism in American law enforcement, has highlighted the importance of transparency and honesty in research. His actions have led to the retraction of multiple studies, negatively impacted the discipline on a national level, and raised concerns about the trustworthiness of future research. The unfalsifiable myth of systemic racism, much like climate change, is used to explain any event in the culture, making it impossible to disprove. Furthermore, the second takeaway is the skepticism towards studies and their ability to prove anything definitively. It is essential to approach studies with a critical mindset and not to blindly accept them as factual.

    • The prevalence of fraud and fakery in studies and informationGovernor DeSantis' dismissive approach to addressing discrimination concerns highlights the importance of empathetic dialogue and factual accuracy in addressing complex issues.

      The validity and reliability of studies and information have been significantly undermined due to the high prevalence of fraud and fakery. This issue extends across various fields, including sociology, psychology, and even hard sciences like medicine. As a result, it has become increasingly challenging to distinguish truth from falsehood. During a recent interview, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis addressed accusations of discrimination against minorities in his state. Instead of addressing the concerns directly, DeSantis dismissed those who hold such beliefs as stupid and easily misled. While his statements were technically correct, they lacked empathy and failed to acknowledge the root causes of these perceptions. A more effective approach would be to engage in a constructive dialogue and address the underlying issues. Overall, it is crucial for individuals to hold both the media and government accountable for spreading false narratives and for us, as consumers of information, to be more discerning and critical in evaluating the sources and validity of the information we encounter.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis missed opportunity to challenge journalist's biased reportingDuring an interview, DeSantis could have pointed out journalist's misrepresentation of 'Don’t Say Gay' bill but instead remained calm, missing a chance for a more impactful exchange. To win the nomination, DeSantis needs to deliver 'chunk plays' or big moments, and being more assertive in debates could help.

      During an interview, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had a civil exchange with a journalist about education policies and parental rights. However, the speaker argues that DeSantis missed an opportunity to aggressively challenge the journalist's biased reporting. For instance, during the discussion about the "Don't Say Gay" bill, the journalist asked why Americans are confused about Florida policies. DeSantis could have pointed out that the journalist's own organization, CBS News, had misrepresented the bill in its headlines. Instead, DeSantis remained calm and explained his position, which the speaker believes was a missed opportunity for a more impactful exchange. To win the nomination, DeSantis needs to deliver "chunk plays" or big moments, and the speaker suggests that being more assertive in debates could help him achieve that.

    • Transparency and Authenticity in PoliticsConsistency and authenticity are essential for public figures, striking a balance between transparency and privacy is crucial, and the Headrest Safe offers a solution to car valuables safety with convenience.

      Transparency is crucial for public figures, especially those running for high offices like the presidency. The discussion highlighted the importance of consistency and understanding the public's desire for authenticity. DeSantis gained popularity by standing up to the media, but his current campaign lacks that aggressive approach. Regarding privacy, there's a fine line between what's appropriate for public figures and respecting individual privacy. While running for president, one becomes a public figure, and their private life loses some level of privacy. The Headrest Safe discussion provided a solution to a common problem of keeping valuables safe in cars while maintaining convenience. The product's design and security features make it an attractive option for those seeking peace of mind.

    • Why we should care about the legality of prostitutionThe debate on prostitution's legality overlooks the harm and exploitation in the industry, emphasizing instead individual freedom. However, the speaker argues that the industry thrives on abuse, coercion, and objectification, making it an important issue to address.

      Every aspect of our lives becomes relevant for public discussion when we live and work online. Regarding the debate on prostitution, while some argue for libertarian views, others emphasize the harm and exploitation in the industry. The speaker argues that if we apply the same logic to other actions like murder, it becomes clear that the question of why we should care about such activities is more important than whether they should be legal or not. The prostitution industry, the speaker asserts, thrives on abuse, coercion, and objectification, making a strong case against its legality. The speaker also clarifies that the term "leaked" videos used in the context of the Virginia state delegate candidate's pornographic content is technically correct, as the sites do not store the videos for rewatching. However, the speaker acknowledges that they are not far apart in their views and offers a nuanced perspective, trying to save face for the candidate while maintaining the importance of the argument against legalizing prostitution.

    • Privacy in the digital age is an illusionBe mindful of what you share online, as once it's out, it can't be controlled or taken back. Consider long-term consequences.

      Privacy in the digital age is an illusion, and once content is shared online, it can no longer be controlled or taken back. The speaker emphasized that individuals should be mindful of what they share and consider the long-term consequences. Additionally, the speaker promoted a meat delivery service, Good Ranchers, offering high-quality American meat with a locked-in price and free ground beef for two years. They also mentioned the success of the documentary "Convicting a Murderer" on Daily Wire Plus, which exposes the making of the Netflix series "Making a Murderer" and the filmmakers' alleged omissions and biases. However, the speaker's joyful announcement about the cast of Dancing with the Stars was overshadowed by a negative experience involving hatred, bigotry, and cruelty. Despite this, they encouraged listeners to stay informed and engaged with the entertainment industry and to subscribe to Daily Wire Plus for exclusive content.

    • Matt Walsh joins Dancing with the Stars to share his story and express himself through danceMatt Walsh, despite criticism, joins DWTS to inspire, challenge, and express himself through dance, using unique style influenced by Russian training.

      Matt Walsh, despite facing criticism and false rumors, is proudly joining "Dancing with the Stars" to share his story and express himself through dance. Despite some backlash from certain groups, Walsh believes that dance transcends politics and ideological barriers, and he intends to use the platform to challenge and inspire viewers. Walsh's unique and sometimes provocative dance style, influenced by his training with Russian choreographer Viktor Korkivlyov, aims to speak to a deeper truth and evoke thought in audiences. Regardless of the controversy surrounding his inclusion in the show, Walsh remains committed to his passion for dance and the impact it can have on people.

    • Embrace unity and shared experiences in danceFocus on the essence of dance performances, rather than superficial appearances or personal grievances, to connect with others and enjoy the art together.

      Matt Walsh encourages viewers to focus on the importance of unity and shared experiences, rather than superficial appearances or personal grievances. Despite potential changes in his appearance due to intense dance practice, Walsh emphasizes that it is truly him on stage and that the essence of the dance performance should be the priority. Those who are fixated on their negative feelings towards him are missing out on the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy the art of dance together. Walsh concludes by expressing disappointment towards such individuals and declaring them "canceled." Ultimately, Walsh encourages everyone to embrace the power of dance and connect with each other through this shared experience.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code WALSH: https://www.goodranchers.com


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