
    Ep 125 - Highlife | ShxtsnGigs Podcast

    enOctober 25, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Mint Mobile's Affordable Wireless ServicesMint Mobile lowers prices instead of competitors during inflation, offering unlimited plan for $15 a month.

      Mint Mobile, represented by Ryan Reynolds, differentiates itself from larger wireless companies by offering lower prices. In response to competitors raising their prices due to inflation, Mint Mobile decided to decrease its prices instead. The unlimited plan is now $15 a month, a significant discount. This move is part of Mint Mobile's mission to provide affordable wireless services. Additionally, the team at Mint Mobile is moving to a new studio, bringing their familiar setup with them, but expecting a different energy in the room. For listeners who want more content, they are encouraged to support the show through Patreon for as little as £3 a month.

    • Supporting a podcast as a patron brings benefitsListeners can gain early access, bonus content, merchandise discounts, and monthly live chats by becoming a podcast patron.

      The speaker values the benefits of becoming a patron for a podcast, as it provides early access to episodes, bonus content, merchandise discounts, and monthly live chats with the hosts. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-care, especially during long commutes, and suggests using podcasts as a way to start and end the week on a positive note. The podcast's Patreon model has been updated to offer more value to patrons by eliminating tier 3 and merging it with tier 2, providing even more benefits for a lower price. The speaker invites listeners to join the growing community of patrons and become part of the "S and G cult."

    • Adapting to Change and Societal AwarenessStay aware of societal issues like poverty and its invisibility, adapt to changing business models, prepare for unexpected situations, and value technology while being mindful of its limitations.

      The speakers were discussing changes to their lives and business, including a shift to a new pricing structure, and the importance of being aware of societal issues like poverty and its invisibility. The speakers acknowledged the challenges of the economy and the importance of staying alive and hydrated. They also shared personal experiences of being unprepared in situations like not having cash on hand. The conversation took an unexpected turn when one speaker admitted to being annoyed about losing data on a new phone, leading to a discussion about technology and its role in our lives. The speakers also highlighted the work of a street artist named Kevin Lee, whose portrait "The Invisibility of Poverty" illustrates the issue of poverty being overlooked in everyday life. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, but the underlying message was about adapting to change, being aware of societal issues, and the importance of preparation and resilience.

    • Technology woes: A series of frustrating experiencesTechnology can be unreliable, prepare for potential issues and have backup plans to avoid stress and inconvenience.

      Technology can be frustrating and uncooperative when we need it the most. The speaker in this text experienced a series of unfortunate events involving various apps and payment methods, which left him feeling embarrassed and vexed. He had forgotten to activate his Monzo account and set up his HSBC account on his new phone, leading to issues with accessing his funds. At the parking lot, he encountered problems with updating his card details on his parking app and withdrawing cash from an ATM, all while being pressed for time and dealing with inclement weather. These issues added to his frustration and anger, highlighting the importance of being prepared and having backup plans when relying on technology. The speaker's experience serves as a reminder that technology can be unreliable and that having a backup plan and being patient can help mitigate the stress and inconvenience caused by technical difficulties.

    • Online services not always convenient for autofilling saved card detailsManually entering card details can be frustrating, but saved details in messaging apps or chat history can serve as a backup option for quicker transactions.

      While some online services can automatically fill in saved card details for quicker transactions, not all services offer this convenience. This can lead to frustration and time-wasting when having to manually enter card details. However, having saved card details in messaging apps or chat history can serve as a backup option for making payments when Google or other services fail to autofill. Additionally, the speaker shared his recent experience of joining a new gym and the challenges of adapting to limited equipment, pushing himself harder, and incorporating cardio into his routine despite his dislike for it as he ages.

    • Consistency is key to seeing results in fitnessMake a commitment to a consistent workout routine, keep workouts short and focused, and push through challenges to see physical and mental improvements.

      Consistency is key when it comes to working out and seeing results. The speaker shares his experience of feeling demotivated and out of shape, but after making a commitment to hit the gym consistently, he felt a noticeable improvement in his physical and mental well-being. He emphasizes the importance of setting a routine, keeping workouts short and focused, and making a conscious effort to push through challenges. Despite setbacks and busy schedules, the speaker's goal is to get back into his old routine of working out at least 4 times a week. He encourages others to find their motivation and make a commitment to consistency, even if it means making small adjustments to their schedule or finding creative ways to fit in workouts.

    • The benefits of taking time off work for happiness and well-beingReducing work hours and focusing on personal goals can improve happiness and motivation. Prioritize self-care and find joy in the present moment.

      Taking time off work and having more free time can significantly improve one's happiness and overall well-being. The speaker in this conversation has recently reduced his work hours and has been enjoying the extra time off, which he uses to relax, watch movies, spend time with his partner, and focus on personal goals. He also mentions that this change has given him the energy and motivation to work harder when he is on the job. Additionally, the speakers discuss the importance of support from loved ones and how it contributes to their happiness. They encourage listeners to reflect on what three things currently make them happy and share that with others. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self-care and finding joy in the present moment.

    • The importance of emotional support and productivity for happinessFeeling supported and productive are crucial for overall happiness and well-being. Emotional support helps alleviate stress and manage everyday life, while productivity brings a sense of pride and accomplishment.

      Both unprompted support from loved ones and productivity contribute significantly to the speaker's happiness and sense of accomplishment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of feeling supported, especially during challenging times, as it can help alleviate stress and make everyday life more manageable. Additionally, productivity and achieving goals are crucial for the speaker's overall satisfaction and well-being. The days where they feel productive and accomplish their tasks bring a sense of pride and accomplishment, while the days spent unproductively can lead to feelings of depression and dissatisfaction. Ultimately, the speaker values both emotional support and productivity as essential components of a happy and fulfilling life.

    • Identifying sources of joy and productivityFocusing on joy and productivity, while striving for financial stability and free time, leads to overall happiness. Productivity enables us to have more control over finances and time, ultimately leading to a fulfilling life.

      Identifying and focusing on the things that bring us joy and productivity in our lives, while also striving for financial stability and free time, can lead to greater overall happiness. The speaker shared how his experiences with PlayStation, support, and productivity make him happy in the present, while financial stability, consistent productivity, and free time are the things that would make him even happier. He emphasized that productivity is a key factor in achieving all three, as it enables us to have more control over our finances and time, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life. The speaker also encouraged listeners to reflect on their own sources of happiness and consider how they can work towards achieving those things while maintaining a balance between work, family, and personal interests.

    • Break tasks into manageable chunks and focus on small winsSmall, productive steps lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. Identify priorities, break tasks down, and celebrate small wins to reduce stress and increase satisfaction.

      Making small, productive steps towards your goals can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment, rather than trying to accomplish too much at once and feeling overwhelmed. It's important to identify the things that make us happy and prioritize them, even when we feel lazy or stressed. Breaking tasks down into manageable chunks and focusing on what's possible can lead to a more productive and satisfying day. Remember, it's not about working yourself to death, but rather finding a balance between work and relaxation. By taking small steps and celebrating small wins, we can feel a sense of accomplishment and reduce stress, ultimately leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.

    • The importance of productivity and self-reflectionIdentify what makes you productive and reflect on personal growth. Despite distractions, stay focused on your goals.

      Productivity and self-reflection are important for personal growth. The speaker shared his realization of the need to be more productive and encouraged listeners to do the same by identifying their own answers to generic questions. The conversation then segued to the speaker's frustration with not being able to buy a PS5, but they also touched on the topic of the Netflix show "Highlife." The speaker shared their thoughts on the show, finding some aspects interesting but overall not being a fan of reality TV due to its scripted nature. They also critiqued one of the cast members, Kidd, for his lack of intelligence. Despite some negative comments, the speaker acknowledged that there were interesting aspects to the show. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-reflection and productivity, as well as the speaker's opinions on entertainment media.

    • Projecting personal issues onto others leads to misunderstandingsSelf-awareness, effective communication, and support from loved ones are crucial for avoiding conflicts and building meaningful relationships.

      People often project their own insecurities and issues onto others, leading to misunderstandings and hurtful interactions. In the discussed conversation, a man deflected criticism about his behavior by accusing the woman of being the cause of his problems. However, their conversation had nothing to do with her or men. The man's defensiveness and lack of self-awareness caused tension and conflict. Additionally, the man's attempt to create a unique cocktail for the UK market failed as he relied on others' recipes, showcasing his lack of originality and expertise. Despite his struggles with seeking approval from his father, he was unable to anticipate his dad's visit and was disappointed when he didn't come. The conversation also revealed the woman's insecurities about her singing voice and DJing skills, but she was able to find confidence in the support of others. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness, effective communication, and the power of support from loved ones.

    • Netflix series 'Highlight' explores cultural obsession with wealth and brand-buildingThe Netflix series 'Highlight' highlights the cultural obsession with wealth and brand-building, but also emphasizes the importance of balanced conversations that go beyond just financial success.

      The Netflix series "Highlight" showcases a group of characters who have either inherited wealth or made their own fortunes, and their conversations often revolve around building their brands and chasing success. The show explores the idea that we live in a time where self-representation and business-building are prioritized, leading to constant conversations about coming from humble beginnings and striving for wealth. However, the speaker found the repetition of these themes to be overused and lacking in normal, everyday conversations. The show serves as a reflection of our current cultural obsession with getting rich and building brands, but it also highlights the importance of having balanced conversations that go beyond just financial success.

    • The importance of casual conversationsPeople should not overlook the value of normal conversations and enjoying each other's company, despite the focus on work and personal accomplishments.

      People nowadays often focus too much on work and their personal accomplishments, making everyday conversations revolve around the grind. This constant need to showcase one's brand or business can make conversations feel monotonous and boring. The individual who shared this observation was reminded of this while watching a show called "Highlife," which is based on living high and has Ghanaian roots. An interesting segue from the show discussion led to learning about Douglas Angra, a Ghanaian man who created the popular cocktail, the Porn Star Martini. This encounter made the speaker reflect on how people have lost the art of just chatting without making it business-related. While it's essential to pursue goals, having normal conversations and enjoying each other's company should not be overlooked.

    • African vs Caribbean mentality towards work and successAfricans prioritize hard work and financial stability, while Caribbean people may not share the same level of ambition or urgency.

      There exists a notable difference in mentality between Africans and Caribbean people when it comes to work and success. While Africans often prioritize hard work and financial stability, striving to build wealth and businesses, Caribbean people may not share the same level of ambition or urgency. This was observed in a reality TV show featuring individuals from both backgrounds, some of whom came from humble beginnings but managed to start their own businesses and amass significant wealth despite initially having little resources. The African mentality towards work and success can be summarized as a focus on the blueprint for financial success and a willingness to work hard and longer hours to achieve it. This contrasts with the Caribbean mentality, which may not prioritize wealth accumulation to the same extent and instead values relaxation and enjoying the present moment.

    • Using laziness to create automated systemsIdentifying tasks that can be streamlined or eliminated through innovation and laziness can lead to significant time and energy savings.

      Being lazy can be an asset when used wisely and in combination with intelligence. The speaker's brother is an excellent example of this, as he turns his aversion to tedious tasks into an opportunity to create automated systems, which not only saves him time but also earns him money. This approach is a stark contrast to the mentality prevalent in some cultures, where people are expected to work tirelessly towards their goals without questioning the efficiency of their methods. The speaker acknowledges that this perspective may not apply to all areas of life and that some tasks require hard work and dedication. However, the ability to identify tasks that can be streamlined or eliminated through innovation and laziness can lead to significant time and energy savings. Ultimately, the key is to channel one's energy towards finding creative solutions rather than mindlessly working towards goals.

    • Working long hours without progress can be demotivatingConsider the long-term implications of your work and strive for situations where effort leads to meaningful progress and personal growth.

      Working long hours without seeing any significant benefits or changes can be demotivating and unsatisfying. The speaker shares his experiences of working excessively for extended periods, only to return to the same situation with no noticeable improvements. He contrasts this with hypothetical situations where the effort would lead to long-term benefits or investments. The speaker also mentions his frustration with being told what to do and working without personal gain. He believes that such experiences are common in various industries, including the restaurant business and education, where staff often face increased demands without proportionate rewards. The speaker's takeaway is that it's essential to consider the long-term implications of one's work and strive for situations where effort translates into meaningful progress and personal growth.

    • Balancing Work and Personal LifeWorking for someone else can be frustrating during busy periods, but staying true to personal values is essential for making difficult decisions.

      Working for someone else can feel like a dead-end job, especially during busy periods like Christmas. The speaker expresses frustration towards shareholders who don't have to work but still receive the same pay, while those who do have to work face increased pressure and no extra compensation. The speaker also shares a personal story about a wild encounter with a woman and the decision he had to make about whether to continue seeing her. Despite the situation's complexity, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and making decisions based on personal values. Overall, the discussion highlights the challenges of balancing work and personal life, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

    • Pursuing Intimacy with an Unavailable PartnerPeople may find themselves tempted by fleeting opportunities for intimacy with unavailable partners, but it's important to consider the potential consequences and ethical implications before acting.

      Opportunities for intimacy with attractive individuals can be fleeting, and if one presents itself, it may be worth taking the risk, even if there are potential complications or moral dilemmas involved. The speaker in this conversation expresses his determination to pursue a relationship with a woman he finds desirable, despite her being married and having previously cheated on her husband with an Uber driver. He believes that the experience is too enticing to pass up, and that she will eventually move on to someone else if he does not act. The conversation also touches on the idea that people often fantasize about such encounters, and that they can be exhilarating and exciting. However, it is important to note that this perspective can be controversial and potentially harmful, as it can contribute to the normalization of infidelity and disrespect for relationships and commitments. Ultimately, the decision to pursue such an opportunity should be made with careful consideration and an awareness of the potential consequences.

    • James talks about fear and pressureJames emphasizes the importance of maintaining a calm and neutral state to avoid fear and pressure, using examples from a hypothetical intense situation and a humorous exchange.

      James expressed his discomfort and fear about a hypothetical intense situation, comparing it to a fake taxi experience that would leave him terrified and unable to perform. He emphasized the need to bring things back to a neutral area and avoid excessive stimulus. Additionally, James shared a humorous exchange he had with someone who messaged him inappropriately, finding it too pressuring and unrealistic. The conversation ended with a promotion for Mother's Day shopping at Whole Foods Market and 1800flowers.com. Overall, the conversation revolved around fear, pressure, and the importance of maintaining a calm and neutral state.

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    | Chuck Wisner |

    ► Website | https://www.chuckwisner.com

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    ► Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/company/chuckwisner

    ► The Art of Conscious Conversations Book | https://amzn.to/3Mq1r9S


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    Facebook Page: facebook.com/tedrubin
    Twitter ID: twitter.com/tedrubin
    Instagram: instagram.com/tedrubin

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