
    Ep. 1325 - The City Of Pittsburgh Takes 'The Purge' As An Instruction Manual

    enMarch 12, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Pittsburgh's Decision to Reduce Policing and Its Impact on Law and OrderFinancial experts warn of inflation concerns, making gold a potential hedge. Pittsburgh's reduced policing invites crime, echoing Haiti's chaotic approach.

      The city of Pittsburgh is drastically reducing its policing, leading to an invitation for criminals to commit crimes with impunity. This follows the controversy over a teenage girl who should be charged as an adult for nearly killing a classmate, and the argument by a trans activist for children to undergo sex change operations. Financial experts warn of significant inflation concerns despite anticipated rate cuts, making gold a potential hedge against inflation. The crisis in Haiti serves as a cautionary tale, with the country's approach to policing leading to anarchy. Pittsburgh's decision to reduce police presence and response to non-emergency crimes echoes this, leaving residents to wonder about the future of law and order in America.

    • New Pittsburgh police policy: Second verification for certain callsThe Pittsburgh police department's staffing shortages led to a new policy requiring additional evidence before responding to burglary calls, highlighting the need for rational thought and dialogue in addressing complex issues.

      The Pittsburgh police department is facing significant staffing shortages, leading to a new policy requiring "second verification" before responding to certain calls, including burglaries. This means that if your alarm goes off and you call 911, the police may not come unless you provide additional evidence of a crime in progress. The policy change is due in part to the city's freeze on police hiring following the George Floyd protests in 2020. The mayor at the time justified the decision by acknowledging the emotional climate but failed to consider the long-term consequences. The police union has expressed concerns about the lack of support for law enforcement and the need for reform. The situation highlights the importance of rational thought and dialogue in addressing complex issues, as emotions can cloud decision-making and lead to unintended consequences. It's a reminder that reforms, once implemented, are often irreversible.

    • Pittsburgh's budget prioritizes equity, immigration, and climate initiatives over public safetyThe city's budget allocates significant resources towards offices and programs focused on equity, immigration engagement, and climate change, potentially impacting the number of police officers on the streets and public safety

      Pittsburgh's budget prioritizes certain initiatives over public safety, leading to a significant decrease in the number of police officers on the streets. Despite revenue shortages due to COVID-19 and vacant downtown office spaces, the city spends substantial resources on offices and programs focused on equity, immigration engagement, and climate change. For instance, the Office of Equity has a budget of over $700,000 for salaries, and the Office of City Planning has millions allocated for climate resilience. The LGBTQIA+ commission, which has been in existence for three years, has yet to conduct any studies or engage in significant public action. These expenditures could be reconsidered to allocate more funds towards hiring and retaining police officers, ensuring the safety and security of Pittsburgh's residents.

    • Pittsburgh's focus on equity initiatives over public safetyPrioritizing equity initiatives has led to wasted resources and increased danger for Pittsburgh residents, with significant savings being lost and an underfunded police force. This neglect of practical safety concerns has resulted in major cities becoming more dangerous, with potential consequences for public health and well-being.

      Pittsburgh's focus on equity initiatives at the expense of public safety has resulted in wasted resources and increasing danger for residents. The city's decision to fund equity instead of maintaining sufficient policing has led to millions of dollars in savings being lost, which could have significantly increased the police force. The irony lies in the fact that equity advocates prioritize safety, yet seem to disregard actual physical safety in favor of abstract concepts. This neglect of practical safety concerns has resulted in major cities, including Pittsburgh, becoming more dangerous, with Taco Bell even having to close indoor dining facilities due to the decline in civilizational standards. Despite promises of reform, residents will soon face even greater safety concerns, particularly between the hours of 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. For those looking to expand their knowledge, Hillsdale College offers free online courses on various topics, including American citizenship and its decline.

    • Violent incidents among teenagers go beyond schoolyard fightsMany violent incidents among teenagers involve a high level of harm and intent to cause maximum damage, often resulting in attempted murder. The mentality behind such acts is similar to that of a school shooter, but these incidents receive less attention due to the absence of guns and the predominantly black assailants.

      The violent incidents among teenagers, as depicted in the videos, are not mere schoolyard fights. They involve a level of harm and intent to cause maximum damage, often resulting in attempted murder. The mentality behind such acts is not different from that of a school shooter. It's a lack of humanity and a desire to inflict harm for the sake of it. However, this pervasive issue doesn't receive the same level of attention as school shootings due to the absence of guns in most cases and the predominantly black assailants, which is a reality that is often unaddressed in the media.

    • Gun control and school violence: Complex issues with racial undertonesAddress violent crimes seriously and ensure severe consequences to prevent harm to others.

      The discussion around gun control and school violence is complicated and cannot be simplified to just one issue. The racial element adds complexity and discomfort, making it difficult for productive conversations. Additionally, the juvenile offender who committed a violent crime should face severe consequences as they are unlikely to change their path and become productive members of society. The speaker emphasizes that these individuals pose a threat to others and should not be released back into society to potentially harm more people. It is essential to take violent crimes seriously and address them with appropriate punishments to prevent further harm.

    • The necessity of confining harmful individualsInstead of celebrating job losses, focus on prevention and promoting understanding, empathy, and positive change.

      The decision to confine a harmful individual for their own safety and the safety of others, despite the sadness it may bring, is often necessary. The recent news of Deadspin, a controversial publication known for defaming innocent people including a nine-year-old football fan, having its entire staff fired brings joy to some due to the publication's history of spreading hate and false accusations. However, the focus should be on preventing the creation of such individuals and harmful situations in the first place. Instead of celebrating the loss of jobs, we should strive for understanding, empathy, and positive change.

    • Rules and perceptions of sportsmanship and tauntingSubjective rules lead to debates on race and cultural policing in sports. Payment can influence Pulitzer Prize nominations. Age and audience engagement can have unintended consequences in entertainment.

      The rules and perceptions surrounding sportsmanship and taunting in sports can be subjective and open to interpretation, leading to debates about race and cultural policing. Additionally, the significance of being a Pulitzer Prize nominee has been called into question, as it can be easily obtained through payment. In the entertainment world, age and audience engagement can lead to unintended consequences, as seen with Madonna's recent tour and her interaction with a wheelchair-bound audience member. Overall, these discussions highlight the complexities and nuances of various societal issues.

    • Being mindful of disabilities and accommodationsAvoid misunderstandings and promote inclusivity by respecting individuals' disabilities and accommodations. Be factually accurate to avoid spreading misinformation.

      It's important to be mindful of our words and actions towards individuals with disabilities. Telling someone in a wheelchair to stand is incorrect and shows a lack of understanding. Madonna's comment was a misunderstanding, but it highlights the need for awareness and inclusivity. Additionally, everyone should feel comfortable using accommodations they've paid for at events, such as seats. The speaker shares her frustration with being unable to sit during a football game due to others standing, which can be a form of ableism. Lastly, factual accuracy is crucial to avoid spreading misinformation, even unintentionally. The speaker's comment about a Haitian warlord named "Barbecue" was factually incorrect, and she apologized for the error.

    • Warlord Barbecue and Immigration DebateThe speaker acknowledges both the good intentions and sinister motivations of immigrants, but emphasizes American sovereignty and security over their potential benefits to the country.

      There is a violent warlord in Haiti, infamously known as "Barbecue," due to his propensity for setting people on fire. Separately, there is a discussion about immigration to America. The speaker acknowledges that some immigrants come with good intentions to work, but also acknowledges that some come with more sinister motivations. Regardless of their motivations, the speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing American sovereignty and security. The speaker does not believe that immigrants are coming to America to make it a better place, but rather for their own benefit, and it is the responsibility of American leaders to protect the country from unauthorized immigration.

    • Self-reliance and responsibilityPrioritize own needs and development, ignore external excuses, and encourage self-reliance for individuals and countries.

      Individuals and countries need to prioritize their own needs and development over external excuses or distractions. The speaker emphasized this point using the examples of Haiti and the United States. He criticized the notion of relying on external aid and instead encouraged self-reliance and responsibility. Additionally, the speaker expressed frustration towards those who ignore historical context and the role of external forces in shaping current circumstances. Lastly, the speaker made a humorous appeal for support and appreciation after reading a lengthy article for the audience.

    • Normalizing Sex Change Surgeries for ChildrenPulitzer Prize-winning writer and trans activist Andrea Longchu advocates for normalizing sex change surgeries for children, despite his own identity struggles and ethical concerns.

      Andrea Longchu, a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and trans activist, argues for the normalization of sex change surgeries for children of any age. Longchu, who identifies as a female despite being born male, has written extensively about transgenderism but struggles to explain his own identity coherently. He believes that anyone can become female and that being penetrated during sex defines womanhood. Longchu's obsession with pornography, particularly "sissy porn," led him to identify as transgender. His argument for children undergoing such procedures raises ethical concerns, and his lack of a clear explanation of his own identity adds to the debate's complexity.

    • Trans issues linked to pornography controversyCritics argue children's gender identity issues may be caused by factors other than gender, and Chu defends desire for sex change without relying on gender identity, but fails to address the fact that biological sex cannot be changed.

      The trans phenomenon is linked to pornography according to some trans activists, but this fact is often ignored or met with controversy. The article discusses the philosopher Judith Butler, who has had an impact on gender studies but her work is criticized for being unclear and avoiding the topic of sex. Critics argue that children's gender identity issues may be caused by factors other than gender, such as depression, anxiety, or peer pressure. Chu, the article's author, acknowledges these criticisms but does not offer a refutation. Instead, he argues that we should defend the desire for a sex change without relying on the concept of gender identity. However, the problem is that biological sex cannot be changed, and this fundamental fact is not addressed in Chu's article. The article's lengthy discussion on Judith Butler and the lack of engagement with this primary argument against Chu's stance weakens his argument.

    • Belief in altering sex is a constructIgnoring scientific understanding of sex and potential harm to children through irreversible interventions is problematic.

      The argument for allowing children to change their sex is based on the belief that biological sex is not a fixed reality, but rather a construct that can be altered at will. This perspective, as expressed in the article by the Pulitzer Prize-winning PhD student, is problematic as it ignores the scientific understanding of sex and biology, and the potential harm inflicted on children through irreversible physical interventions. The author's argument also includes the rejection of the notion that accepting reality is a moral duty, which can be seen as a form of nihilism. It is important to approach such discussions with a clear understanding of the facts and the potential consequences, rather than embracing ideas that are devoid of logic and evidence.

    • Andrea Chu's Advocacy for Puberty Blockers on Young Children Raises Ethical ConcernsAndrea Chu's advocacy for puberty blockers on young children, despite their inability to fully understand the implications, raises ethical concerns and potentially harms their development.

      Andrea Chu, a trans activist, advocates for the use of puberty blockers on children, even very young ones, claiming they can consent to such procedures. However, this perspective raises serious ethical concerns and goes beyond the trans agenda. Chu also argues that consent is irrelevant to biology, but the ability to consent presupposes the existence of a self. The trans activist may believe in self-creation, but he cannot recreate himself; he can only modify himself. These modifications can be significant, but they do not change the fundamental reality of who he is. Inflicting such modifications on a child, who cannot fully understand the implications, can result in harm and suffering. Therefore, it is crucial to protect children from individuals like Andrea Chu, who hold such disturbing views.

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    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 15, 2024

    Ep. 1387 - The Nation Rejoices As Another Left-Wing Smear Factory Suffers Mass Layoffs

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    Have you checked out our Spotify playlist? At the beginning of each episode, Jason quotes some song lyrics that have to do with the subject matter of the podcast. Andrew never knows what they are, but now he can… and so can you! We’ve launched the Spotify playlist: “Community Solutions Music From the Podcast!” You can listen to Roundabout from Yes after listing to Episode 30 on Roundabouts… or kick back and enjoy a rocking playlist just for the thrill of it. We add a new song every week. Subscribe and enjoy!

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