
    Ep. 1344 - The Democratic Progressive vs. Moderate War Is On

    enSeptember 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Democratic Party's Internal Struggles Over Biden's Legislative PrioritiesProgressives and moderates clash over infrastructure and budget bills, threatening a government shutdown, while Biden's lack of involvement complicates matters

      The Democratic Party is facing internal turmoil over the passage of President Biden's legislative priorities. Progressives are threatening to block the bipartisan infrastructure bill unless moderates support their $3.5 trillion budget bill, which some moderates have expressed opposition to. The situation has left the party struggling to find a compromise and has highlighted the lack of leadership from the White House. Meanwhile, Joe Biden's lack of involvement in the negotiations is striking, given his history of facing off against progressive forces within the party during the primaries. The impasse could lead to a government shutdown and the delay or failure of both the infrastructure and budget bills. It's a reminder that political divisions can make even the most pressing legislative agendas difficult to achieve.

    • Bernie Sanders' Influence in Democratic Party NegotiationsBernie Sanders, once a political outsider, now holds significant leverage in Democratic Party negotiations, threatening to block infrastructure bill without $3.5 trillion budget bill, putting Biden and Democratic leaders in a tough spot amidst economic slowdown and record inflation.

      The current political landscape in the Democratic Party is marked by an unusual dynamic, with Bernie Sanders, once considered a radical, now leading the party's negotiation strategy. Sanders, who has not passed a major piece of legislation throughout his long career, is now holding significant leverage, threatening to block the infrastructure bill unless he gets his $3.5 trillion budget bill. This puts President Biden and Democratic leaders in a difficult position, as they try to balance the need for bipartisan legislation with the demands of their progressive wing. Meanwhile, the American economy is experiencing a slowdown, with record inflation and low consumer confidence, fueled in part by the administration's loose fiscal and COVID policies. The administration's response has been to blame external factors, but many argue that their own policies are contributing to the economic challenges. Overall, the current political climate is marked by uncertainty and tension, as Democrats navigate these complex issues.

    • Biden's Prioritization of COVID Policy Hinders Economic GrowthBiden's focus on COVID policy hinders economic growth, risks recession, and may lead to a second-rate European economy, rather than improving equality or enhancing American life.

      The role of COVID-19 government policy is coming to an end with the availability of vaccines. However, President Biden continues to prioritize COVID policy, leading to economic stagnation and inflation. This focus on policy is driven by a goal to increase American dependence on the government and move towards a social democratic system. However, attempting to transplant these systems directly into the United States, with its unique cultural and societal differences, is unlikely to be successful. The economic growth in the US is still present, but there is a high risk of a recession due to ongoing lockdowns in blue states and the administration's push for spending. Ultimately, the current policy approach risks making the US a second-rate European nation, rather than improving equality or enhancing American life.

    • Budget tricks in proposed bills disguise true costsDemocrats use sunsetted provisions deceptively and universal childcare entitlement will lead to higher state taxes once federal funding decreases, while securing life insurance coverage is crucial and Policygenius can help you save up to 50% on it

      The recently proposed bills in the news contain significant budget tricks used by Democrats to disguise the true costs. For instance, the child allowance and Medicare expansion provisions are not as sunsetted as they claim, and the universal childcare entitlement will result in higher taxes for states once federal funding decreases. Meanwhile, it's essential to prioritize securing life insurance coverage for yourself and your family. Policygenius can help you save up to 50% or more on life insurance by comparing quotes from multiple providers. Their licensed experts work for you, ensuring a seamless shopping and buying process, and you could be covered in as little as a week. The company's exclusive policy was recently rated number 1 by Forbes Advisor, and eligible applicants can easily get started by visiting policygenius.com/shapiro. When it comes to insurance, making the right choice is crucial. In contrast, the true costs of the bills are not accurately reflected due to budget tricks, and it's important to be aware of this when evaluating their impact.

    • The Real Cost of the Build Back Better ActThe Build Back Better Act may cost over $5 trillion, not $3.5 trillion, due to state and local tax changes and entitlement program expansions, with potential misallocation of benefits to financially secure families

      The Build Back Better Act, while presenting itself as a $3.5 trillion bill, may actually cost closer to $5 trillion or more when accounting for the potential shift of costs from the federal government to the states and the expansion of entitlement programs. These programs, such as the expanded child tax credit and child care subsidies, while intended to help certain groups, also benefit financially secure families and may not be targeted effectively towards those truly in need. Additionally, the elimination of the state and local tax deduction cap could lead to increased costs for some states and potentially unfair distribution of benefits. The claim that the bill has no cost is an audacious lie and a misrepresentation of the true financial implications.

    • Political Debate over Spending and Debt CeilingDemocrats and Republicans clash over spending, with Democrats emphasizing cost-effectiveness and Republicans warning of financial instability. Democrats face opposition from progressives on their budget reconciliation bill.

      The ongoing political debate in Washington D.C. revolves around the disagreement between Democrats and Republicans over spending and the debt ceiling. Democrats argue that new spending will not significantly raise the debt and that their proposed bills are cost-effective, while Republicans maintain that the spending is unsustainable and could lead to financial instability. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have emphasized that the negotiations are not just about dollar amounts, but also about values and priorities. However, the Democrats' plan to pass the budget reconciliation bill faces opposition from progressives, who threaten to block the bipartisan infrastructure bill unless their demands are met. The situation presents a dilemma for Democrats, as not passing the bill could damage their reputation, while passing it could have serious fiscal consequences. Meanwhile, the importance of the Second Amendment and the rising crime rate in major American cities have been highlighted, with Bravo Company Manufacturing being recommended as a reliable source for firearms for self-defense.

    • Power struggle between Dems' progressive and moderate wingsProgressives threaten to block infrastructure bill, risking Democratic losses in elections, while moderate senators like Sinema hold firm

      The Democratic Party is currently experiencing a power struggle between its progressive and moderate wings over major legislation. Progressives, emboldened by public support and feeling the pressure to act big, are threatening to block the passage of a bipartisan infrastructure bill unless their demands for social spending and climate action are met. This defiance, which goes against the common belief that progressives will cave to centrists, is being cheered on by some pundits and operatives. However, the Democrats' confidence might be misplaced, as they face potential losses in the upcoming elections. Kyrsten Sinema, a moderate Democratic senator from Arizona, is at the center of this tension, with progressives protesting outside her offices and threatening to primary her. Despite this, Sinema still enjoys high approval ratings among Democrats in her state. The media is trying to push moderate Democrats to abandon their positions, but Manchin and Sinema have consistently refused to budge. This standoff could have significant implications for the Democratic Party and its ability to pass key legislation.

    • Staying focused on swing votersSenator Sinema prioritizes swing voters' needs, ignoring pressure from progressive wing, emphasizing value and best deals.

      Senator Kyrsten Sinema, despite facing criticism from the progressive wing of her party, remains focused on the swing voters in her state of Arizona, understanding that their support is crucial to her political success. The auto parts store analogy used in the discussion highlights the importance of catering to the needs of the majority, rather than pleasing every individual critic. The progressive wing's attempts to pressure Sinema through media outlets have proven ineffective, as she remains uninterested in their opinions. The discussion also emphasizes the importance of finding the best deals and value for money, as demonstrated by the example of shopping for auto parts online at rockauto.com. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of staying true to one's constituency and prioritizing their needs over external pressure.

    • Power of Individual Senators in Democratic Party StalemateIndividual senators, particularly those with swing votes, hold significant power in the Democratic Party, leading to a standoff between competing interests over infrastructure bills.

      The current political stalemate in the Democratic Party over infrastructure bills highlights the power of individual senators, particularly those with swing votes, and the challenge of balancing competing interests within the party. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, as key senators, have expressed their concerns about the proposed $3.5 trillion spending bill, leading to a standoff with progressive House members who are holding up the bipartisan infrastructure bill. Manchin has advocated for targeted spending, fiscal responsibility, and reforms to the tax code. Despite the impasse, there have been ongoing negotiations, with the president personally involved. However, the Democrats face pressure from their progressive wing and the fear of losing their power if they don't cater to their base. The need for compromise and finding a balance between the party's different factions is crucial for moving forward with legislation that benefits the American public.

    • Senators Manchin and Sinema Stake Out Different Positions During DebatesSenator Manchin emphasized need-based programs and fiscal responsibility, opposing trillions in spending. Sinema stated her independence from House progressives and criticized current administration's fiscal and COVID-19 policies.

      During the September debates, Senator Joe Manchin emphasized the importance of need-based social programs and fiscal responsibility, opposing trillions in spending and an all-or-nothing approach. Manchin also expressed his stance against federal funding for abortion, which led to the removal of the Hyde Amendment from the bill. Senator Kyrsten Sinema, on the other hand, made it clear that she is in the Senate and not answerable to progressives in the House. The fiscal policy and COVID-19 policy of the current administration are contributing factors to the economic stagnation, and the Jordan Harbinger Show, a podcast focused on making listeners informed and critical thinkers, is highly recommended. Additionally, the Daily Wire is hiring a video editor for its post-production department in Nashville, Tennessee.

    • Win VIP tickets to The Daily Wire live showJoin Daily Wire's membership plan with code BACKSTAGE for a chance to meet Jeremy Boring, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, Andrew Clavin, and Candace Owens at the Ryman Auditorium, while also commenting on the struggling economy and COVID policy under Joe Biden, and the importance of individual choice and not mandates.

      The Daily Wire is giving away VIP tickets with travel expenses covered for one lucky member to attend their live show at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. This is a unique opportunity to meet Jeremy Boring, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, Andrew Clavin, and Candace Owens. Enter by joining a membership plan with code BACKSTAGE at dailywire.com/backstage before today. Another key takeaway is that Joe Biden's economy and COVID policy have caused significant issues. The economy, which was expected to boom after the vaccine rollout, is not doing well. Additionally, the COVID policy has been disastrous, with hospitals being overwhelmed due to unvaccinated individuals. The vaccines remain effective against hospitalization and death, but the focus should be on individual choice and not mandates. The pandemic, in terms of public policy, is essentially over as long as hospitals are not being overwhelmed. However, Biden cannot accept this and continues to set unachievable goals, such as vaccinating a large percentage of the population, which is causing ongoing issues.

    • Unnecessary Fear and Economic Instability from Current Vaccine PoliciesVaccine mandates, passports, and fines for non-compliance create fear and economic instability, with vaccinated individuals experiencing breakthrough cases and inconsistent OSHA rules, while fines could bankrupt businesses and lead to job losses.

      The current vaccine mandates and related policies, such as vaccine passports and increased fines for non-compliance, are creating unnecessary fear and economic instability. The speaker argues that these measures are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, as shown by the cancellation of Broadway performances due to breakthrough cases among the vaccinated. Furthermore, the fines proposed in the budget bill could bankrupt many businesses, leading to job losses and further economic instability. The speaker also points out the inconsistency of the OSHA rules, which do not apply to customers entering businesses, and the irrational fear and behavior of some vaccinated individuals. Overall, the speaker believes that these policies are driving people into "crazy town" and hindering the return to normalcy.

    • Mixed messaging around COVID-19 vaccines causes confusion and anxietyClear and consistent communication about vaccine benefits and safety is essential to encourage vaccination and alleviate concerns. Addressing vaccine hesitancy's root causes is crucial.

      The messaging around COVID-19 vaccines from public figures and health organizations has contributed to continued anxiety and confusion among vaccinated individuals, while unvaccinated individuals remain unconcerned due to perceived vaccine risks. This disconnect is problematic as vaccines are intended to protect individuals and reduce the spread of the virus. The Biden administration's communication, specifically regarding the risk of infection from unvaccinated individuals, has fueled unnecessary worry among vaccinated individuals. Meanwhile, the CDC's messaging, while scientifically accurate, has been met with skepticism due to the use of ambiguous language. Clear and consistent communication, focusing on the proven benefits and safety of vaccines, is crucial to encourage vaccination and alleviate concerns. Additionally, acknowledging and addressing the root causes of vaccine hesitancy, such as mistrust in government and healthcare institutions, is essential to effectively communicate the importance of vaccines.

    • YouTube's ban on anti-vaccine content raises free speech concernsSuppressing anti-vaccine content on YouTube may not change minds, could fuel curiosity, and raises free speech concerns

      Suppressing anti-vaccine content on YouTube, or any platform, may not be effective in convincing people to get vaccinated. In fact, it could make them more curious about the alternative viewpoint. YouTube's recent policy change to ban videos claiming vaccines are ineffective or dangerous has led to the removal of channels belonging to high-profile anti-vaxx activists. However, this suppression of free speech raises concerns about the company's commitment to its core value of free expression. YouTube has also faced criticism for deleting content from opposition figures like Alexei Navalny, which some see as hypocritical. The debate around free speech and government intervention in tech companies continues, with the recent Afghanistan withdrawal serving as a reminder of the potential consequences of hasty decisions.

    • Lack of a plan for Afghan military and sudden withdrawal of support led to chaosThe U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was marked by a lack of planning for the Afghan military and sudden withdrawal of support, resulting in chaos and the failure to evacuate thousands of at-risk individuals.

      The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was a complex phenomenon with multiple causal factors leading to its chaotic and incomplete execution. General Milley testified that the lack of a plan for upholding the Afghan military and sudden withdrawal of all support contributed to the situation. He also accused the State Department of delaying the evacuation of civilians from Kabul's airport. The finger-pointing and divisions between the State Department and the Pentagon were highlighted during the hearings. Milley also admitted that the Taliban never fully honored their commitments under the Doha agreement and never broke their affiliation with Al Qaeda. The Biden administration's claims of unity and the Taliban's supposed moderation were revealed as unfounded. The consequences of these missteps include the failure to evacuate thousands of at-risk Afghan allies and Americans, and the potential resurgence of terrorism in Afghanistan.

    • President Biden's Decision to Leave Kabul Without Military PresenceDespite military commanders' recommendations, President Biden chose to withdraw US troops from Kabul airport without additional presence, resulting in chaos and loss of lives. His decision was later found to be unpopular among some in his administration, and concerns were raised about Democratic Party leadership.

      The decision to leave Kabul airport without additional military presence, leading to the chaos and loss of American lives during the Afghanistan withdrawal, was ultimately made by President Joe Biden. This was revealed during a discussion where it was acknowledged that the military commanders had recommended keeping a troop presence. Despite Biden's claims that all his generals agreed with his decision, this was later found to be untrue. Furthermore, concerns were raised about the competence of Vice President Kamala Harris and the potential future implications for the Democratic Party. The administration's handling of various issues, including the Afghanistan withdrawal and foreign policy, has raised questions about their ability to govern effectively.

    • Left-wing group's funny attack ad against Ron DeSantisUnexpected political developments and contradictions include a left-wing group's unintentionally hilarious ad against DeSantis, allegations against Kristi Noem, Netflix's popular violent Korean series, and YouTube's ban on anti-vaxx content, while Matt Walsh cancels dating apps.

      The political landscape continues to be filled with unexpected developments and contradictions. The Ben Shapiro Show, produced by a team of dedicated individuals, discussed a left-wing group's unintentionally hilarious political ad attacking Ron DeSantis for not being a tyrant. Meanwhile, allegations of scandal surround Kristi Noem, and the most popular show on Netflix is a graphic and violent Korean series. These events, along with YouTube's ban on anti-vaxx content, paint a picture of a world that is both absurd and serious, where humor and controversy intermingle. Lastly, Matt Walsh shared that he was canceling dating apps, adding another layer of complexity to our modern lives. Overall, these stories highlight the importance of staying informed and engaged in the world around us, even when the news may seem strange or overwhelming.

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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    2) President Biden targets one of the biggest peacetime defense budgets ever

    3) Citadel CEO Ken Griffin backs Ron DeSantis for president 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Waka Kotahi delays closing SH1 in Brynderwyns for consultation

    Waka Kotahi delays closing SH1 in Brynderwyns for consultation
    A decision to close State Highway One through the Brynderwyns for vital repairs has been delayed so Waka Kotahi can consult with the local communities. The main route in and out of Northland needs to be completely closed for a number of months for recovery and rebuild work. The road suffered significant damage in various extreme weather events this year. $62 million is earmarked for the job, but dates are yet to be signed off, with businesses worried the closure will mean a big economic hit. An Independent report put the cost of an earlier closure of the Brynderwyns at almost $2 million a day. Waka Kotahi regional relationships director Steve Mutton speaks to Lisa Owen. [embed] https://players.brightcove.net/6093072280001/default_default/index.html?videoId=6341878028112

    Drone Services For Governments, Aerial Infrastructure Assessment, UAS Policy ANSI Standards Roadmap, Remote ID, IPP and More with Joe Valasquez of Dronescape

    Drone Services For Governments, Aerial Infrastructure Assessment, UAS Policy ANSI Standards Roadmap, Remote ID, IPP and More with Joe Valasquez of Dronescape

    Show Notes:


    (2:23) Can you give us some background on your company Dronescape?

    (7:10) What opportunities are out there for drone service providers to partner with their local/state or even federal governments?

    (9:17) Tell us about Scanscape and how drone pilots or clients can utilize that technology for aerial infrared infrastructure inspections

    (11:57) Can DSPs partner with Scanscape to outsource the data analytics and processing for infrastructure inspections?

    (13:35) Having been through ITC infrared training, is that something you would recommend to others?

    (17:05) Tell us about you experience as an instructor at CPCC teaching UAS public safety and part 107 courses?

    (19:10) DO you have any suggestions for anyone out there interested in becoming a UAS instructor/educator?

    (21:26) Did you start offering part 107 courses and then expand to other types of specific trainings?

    (23:56) As an ANSI contributor you have great visibility into the UAS regulatory space, tell us about how you see in the future of UAS federal regulations?

    (27:40) What is your opinion on Drone Remote ID?

    (29:28) What lessons have you learned from your time in the drone industry

    (31:30) Final 3 Rapid Fire

    -Favorite drone to fly?

    -What is the coolest project you’ve worked on?

    -What is your favorite way to get drone news/industry info?



    What You Will Learn-

    (2:57) Why being a professional engineer gives you an edge for securing state/government contracts

    (3:30) What the IPP is and how NCDOT and others are involved including drone delivery of medical supplies

    (7:20) Processes/Tips for drone service providers to partner with their local/state governments

    (9:30)  Process of conducting aerial infrastructure inspections for prime contracts with government entities

    (12:00) How drone pilots and DSPs can provide infrastructure inspections even if they do not have experience as a professional engineer or analyzing the infrared/visual infrastructure data

    (13:45) Considerations that should be made before investing in infrared specific training

    (15:00) Which thermal equipped drones/sensors work best for certain use cases & pros and cons of each

    (19:20) Suggestions and pathways for drone pilots interested in becoming a UAS instructor/educator

    (22:20) How offering part 107 courses opens up further opportunities to begin teaching more specific coursework to existing and new students/pilots

    (24:10) What ANSI is and how it is developing UAS industry standards and a specific roadmap for various drone activities

    (28:45) What the federal government is looking for out of remote ID

    (29:45) Why specialization and post processing are key to finding success as a service provider in the UAS industry


    Links Mentioned-



    ANSI Roadmap 2 

    Drone Charlotte Group



    Paul Friedman, CTO of Streetlight Data, discusses how Google Cloud’s infrastructure and power is critical to their ability to process and offer DAAS to government organizations of all sizes. Streetlight Data provides transportation data and insights for optimizing urban planning and management of transportation resources to improve efficiency. Paul discusses his satisfaction in going with GCP and how over the years they have processed about 5-6 petabytes of data, much of it being live-streamed location data from over 60 million devices. Tune in to hear more on why Streetlight Data decided to go with Google Cloud and what benefits they’ve experienced since migrating.

    Host: Miles Ward
    Guest: Paul Friedman

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