
    Ep. 1348 - The Leftist Quest To Seize Control Of Facebook

    enOctober 06, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Democrats Pressuring Facebook Over News Feed BiasDemocrats seek to regulate Facebook's news feed, aiming for control, not destruction, and setting rules on a case-by-case basis, while protecting your online data is crucial.

      The Democrat media complex is putting pressure on Facebook, raising concerns about bias and control. Facebook's news feed has become a significant source of news for many Americans, and the Democrats see an opportunity to regulate it to suit their interests. The media's attacks on Facebook are manufactured, but the company's past actions have given them an opening. The Democrats aim to control Facebook, not destroy it, and they want to set the rules on a case-by-case basis. This creates an iron triangle between the Democrats, media, and social media sphere, and it's essential to protect your online data while navigating this complex landscape. Use ExpressVPN to secure your information and maintain your privacy.

    • Facebook and Democrats: A Complex Issue of Free Speech and Business PracticesThe debate between Facebook and Democrats involves concerns over free speech, business practices, and potential government control. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is a point of contention, with some advocating for clearer guidelines and a balanced approach to regulation.

      The debate surrounding Facebook's handling of content and its relationship with political parties, particularly the Democrats, is a complex issue with significant implications for free speech and business practices. Facebook's efforts to please the Democrats by manipulating news feeds has evolved into a concern for potential government control. Democrats, in turn, argue that Facebook causes harm and seek to regulate it. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which shields websites from liability for third-party content, has been a point of contention. Some argue for removing the catchall provisions to prevent political censorship, while others claim Facebook allows too much content and wields too much power. The issue is further complicated by the use of leaked confidential information and the role of the media in amplifying these issues, leading to regulatory threats and potential corporate influence. Ultimately, this situation underscores the need for clear guidelines and a balanced approach to regulating technology companies while preserving free speech and maintaining fair business practices.

    • Democratic Party's Regulation Attempts: Coercing Corporations into Political AgendaThe Democratic Party's efforts to regulate corporations like Facebook based on disapproval of practices can lead to media monopolies, infringe on First Amendment rights, and disproportionately impact conservative content.

      The Democratic Party's efforts to regulate major corporations like Facebook, based on their disapproval of certain practices, can be seen as an attempt to use the power of government to coerce these businesses into aligning with their political agenda. This can lead to a dangerous reestablishment of media monopolies and infringe on the core liberty of access to information protected by the First Amendment. The latest push against Facebook, the third since 2016, is a prime example of this. Despite the claims of misinformation and disinformation, the actual impact on elections from these platforms has been minimal. The recent shift in focus to Facebook being "bad" in and of itself has led to calls for accountability and fact-checking regimes, which can disproportionately impact conservative content due to the legacy media ties of fact-checkers. This is a dangerous trend that threatens the level playing field in the digital information landscape. To better understand critical thinking and the world around us, tune in to The Jordan Harbinger Show, a podcast that offers fascinating conversations with a diverse range of guests.

    • Facebook Whistleblower's Allegations: A Political Move?Facebook whistleblower Frances Hogan's accusations against Facebook's impact on mental health and data practices are politically motivated, with her being backed by Democratic politicians and organizations to establish government oversight and potentially appoint a 'shadow CEO'.

      The recent allegations made by Facebook whistleblower Frances Hogan against the company's impact on mental health and data practices are not new, but rather a politically motivated move by a known Democratic activist. Hogan, who has a history of donations to Democratic candidates and working with Democratic operatives, is being backed by Democratic politicians and organizations in her complaint against Facebook. The ultimate goal, according to the text, is to establish a government oversight body with the power to regulate tech companies like Facebook, potentially appointing a Democratic-backed figure as a "shadow CEO" to oversee the company. Hogan has publicly stated that she does not want Facebook to be broken up, but instead wants heavy regulations and a regulatory home where she could work on oversight. The text suggests that this is a power grab by Democrats to control the tech industry.

    • Calls for government control over tech companies: Economic Fascism or Corporatism?Government control over tech companies can be seen as economic fascism or corporatism, overlooking potential unintended consequences and the importance of individual rights and freedoms. Instead, focus on fostering open and inclusive online communities.

      The calls for government control over Facebook and other tech companies, as expressed by the Facebook whistleblower, can be characterized as economic fascism or corporatism. This mentality suggests that businesses should be heavily regulated and controlled by the government if they align with its interests, while those who don't cooperate face consequences. The justification for this control is often framed as addressing issues like violence or harmful content, but it overlooks the fact that such issues have existed throughout history and are not solely the responsibility of tech companies. This top-down approach to regulation ignores the potential for unintended consequences and the importance of individual rights and freedoms. It's essential to remember that platforms like Facebook are merely tools used by people and should not be blamed for the actions of their users. Instead, we should focus on fostering open and inclusive online communities that encourage healthy dialogue and mutual respect.

    • Facebook's Impact on Mental Health: A DebateMike Solana questioned Facebook's role in teenagers' mental health crises, while Mark Zuckerberg defended the company's commitment to safety and mental health. Crypto investors can benefit from tax-advantaged retirement accounts like Alto IRA to trade crypto without tax hassles and diversify portfolio.

      Both Mike Solana and Mark Zuckerberg have weighed in on the ongoing debate about the impact of social media, particularly Facebook, on mental health and well-being. Solana raised concerns about the number of teenagers struggling with various issues and questioned the role of the Secretary of Education in addressing mental health crises. Zuckerberg, in response, defended Facebook's commitment to safety, well-being, and mental health, stating that many criticisms are misrepresentations of the company's work and motives. He also pointed to initiatives such as industry-leading research programs, transparency standards, and efforts to combat harmful content as evidence of the company's dedication to these issues. The debate continues, but it's clear that both sides believe strongly in their perspectives. Regarding cryptocurrency, the benefits of investing in crypto through a tax-advantaged retirement account like Alto IRA were discussed. This allows investors to trade crypto without the tax headache and diversify their portfolio as a hedge against inflation and government interventionism.

    • Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Regulating Tech for KidsMark Zuckerberg supports creating safe experiences for kids online but advocates for self-regulation, expressing concerns over potential government overreach and control of content.

      Mark Zuckerberg recognizes the importance of creating safe and age-appropriate experiences for kids on technology platforms, but also acknowledges the need for government regulation due to concerns over potential negative impacts. He believes that technology companies should meet the needs of young users while keeping them safe, and has implemented industry-leading initiatives like Messenger Kids and age-appropriate Instagram features with parental controls. However, he also cautions against overregulation and the potential for top-down control by the government, expressing concern that the ultimate goal may not be to protect users but to control content. Zuckerberg emphasizes that the news feed, which has been a focus of regulation efforts, generates only a small fraction of Facebook's revenue and traffic, and that the real motivation for regulation may be to control the flow of information and content.

    • Facebook's Impact on Young People and Calls for RegulationFormer Facebook employee Francis Haugen testified about the platform's impact on young people, calling for less viral, less reactive content. The debate raises questions about the role of tech companies, government, and individual freedom in shaping our digital world.

      The regulation of Facebook and its profit strategy is a complex issue with implications for individual freedom and government control. Former Facebook employee Francis Haugen testified about the platform's impact on young people and called for less viral, less reactive content. Critics argue that profit motive is essential as it provides a feedback loop for learning what people want, but the alternative is government control, which lacks accountability to consumers. Some argue that Facebook's technology exacerbates harmful tendencies and that reducing its footprint is not the solution. Instead, advocates for more user control argue that open platforms are preferable to government intervention. The media's support for Haugen and calls for regulation should be viewed with skepticism, as some argue it is driven by a desire to control the flow of information rather than genuine concern for young people. Ultimately, the debate raises important questions about the role of technology companies, government, and individual freedom in shaping our digital world.

    • Media and tech companies' roles in spreading misinformation and societal impactMedia and tech companies face scrutiny for dishonest practices and potential societal consequences. The debate over who should bear responsibility for content remains complex.

      The media and tech companies are under scrutiny for their roles in spreading misinformation and their potential impact on societal issues. The media's credibility has been questioned due to their dishonest practices, while tech companies like Facebook face criticism for allowing the spread of false information on their platforms. This issue of control and responsibility was further highlighted in the discussion of a hypothetical situation involving a corporation and the appearance of dinosaurs. When it comes to the media and tech companies, the question of who should bear responsibility for the content they disseminate and the potential consequences of that content remains a complex and ongoing debate. The conversation also touched on the importance of being prepared for unexpected events, such as the need for life insurance, which was promoted by Policygenius. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of transparency, accountability, and ethical practices in all areas of society.

    • The role of tech companies in our lives: Balancing individual freedoms and public goodPoliticians call for closer regulation of tech companies to protect democracies and children, but concerns about First Amendment and business confidentiality persist. Some people seek alternative sources of information due to perceived bias in mainstream media.

      There is a growing debate around the role of tech companies, specifically social media platforms, in our lives, particularly in relation to our children, families, and democracies. Some politicians argue that these companies need to be regulated more closely to protect our democracies and prevent harm to children. This could involve sharing algorithms with the government or increased transparency. However, there are concerns that this could infringe on the First Amendment and the confidentiality of businesses. Meanwhile, some people are turning to alternative sources of information, such as podcasts and universities that align with their values, in response to what they see as biased mainstream media. Ultimately, the issue is complex and raises important questions about the balance between individual freedoms and the responsibility of tech companies to protect the public good.

    • Political Narratives vs. RealityConcerns about Biden's mental health and Democrats' spending bills have clashed with reality, but the American people remain vigilant and demand accountability

      The current political narrative often clashes with reality, and those in power may try to suppress opposing viewpoints. For instance, concerns about President Joe Biden's mental health and communication abilities have been dismissed, but his public appearances and speeches have raised valid concerns. Additionally, Democrats' attempts to pass spending bills and provide financial aid have been met with resistance, leading to accusations and blame-shifting. The American people are not buying into the narrative that they will be handed free money without accountability, and Republicans are pushing for restructuring of the economy in exchange for extending credit. Despite the challenges, it's never a good bet to underestimate the American people's ability to respond and hold their leaders accountable.

    • Debate over U.S. debt limit rooted in large deficits from Trump eraDemocrats push for relief bill, Republicans refuse, leading to stalemate. Democrats consider minting $1 trillion coin as short-term solution, raising concerns about monetary manipulation. Some Democrats call for eliminating debt limit entirely.

      The current debate over the U.S. debt limit is rooted in the large deficits incurred during the previous Trump administration, which added over $8 trillion to the national debt in just four years. Democrats are urging Republicans to allow them to pass a relief bill to prevent a potential economic catastrophe. However, Republicans are refusing, leading to a stalemate. Democrats have the power to pass the bill via reconciliation without Republican votes, but they are hesitant due to the potential political fallout from voting on individual issues. In response, Democrats are considering minting a $1 trillion platinum coin as a short-term solution to avoid the need for votes on individual issues. While this solution could theoretically increase the debt limit without any impact on inflation, it raises concerns about the potential for future monetary manipulation. Ultimately, there is a growing call from some Democrats to eliminate the debt limit entirely.

    • Government Shifts Towards Automatic Borrowing and Increased IRS ControlThe federal government is pushing for more automatic borrowing abilities and increased IRS surveillance, raising concerns about inflation and privacy. Democrats are narrowing differences on Biden's social spending bill, which could cost over $2 trillion amidst inflation and a high number of open jobs.

      There has been a shift in the way the federal government handles debt and borrowing, with a push for more automatic abilities to borrow without specific appropriations from Congress. This, coupled with the desire for increased IRS surveillance and control over financial transactions, has raised concerns about inflation and privacy. Meanwhile, Democrats are narrowing differences on Biden's social spending bill, which could end up costing over $2 trillion. This comes as the country faces inflation and a large number of open jobs. The push for more government control and the potential financial implications of the spending bill have Democrats in a difficult position.

    • Control over information shapes societal normsDemocrats must keep talking about fiscal responsibility. Scientific misinformation can spread when an informational monopoly exists, like when the scientific community promoted men getting pregnant as fact.

      Control over information and public discourse is crucial in shaping societal norms and beliefs. The discussion highlights two instances where this principle played out - in the realm of fiscal responsibility and scientific misinformation. In the former, Democrats are advised to keep talking to counteract potential backlash from Republicans. In the latter, the scientific community's promotion of misinformation about men getting pregnant is an example of how misinformation can spread when an informational monopoly exists. The second part of the discussion revolves around a heated conversation between a trans woman and a Sonic employee, highlighting the importance of inclusivity and respect for gender identities. The employee's terming the person "sir" despite their visible feminine appearance led to a heated exchange, underscoring the need for businesses to educate their staff on transgender sensitivity and respect.

    • Monopolization of Conversation by Certain GroupsGroups that monopolize conversation can shut down dissent and control the narrative, as seen in the example of gender identity discussions and corporate pressure. This issue affects our society as a whole.

      The monopolization of conversation by certain groups, as discussed in the podcast, is a significant issue. This was illustrated through the example of asking someone their gender identity and the potential consequences of challenging this answer. The speaker emphasized that this behavior is not transphobic if you are a biological man, but rather a matter of biology. However, the larger concern is that this monopolization of conversation allows these groups to shut down dissent and control the narrative. This was seen in the context of the Facebook crackdown and corporate woke pressure. The more important the monopoly on conversation is to these groups, the more they will fight to maintain it. This is a crucial issue that affects our society as a whole.

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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

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    In order to see the bigger picture, we must step back. What role do you see yourself playing?


    You can view the transcription, references and resources on the podcast episode page here (If link is faulty, copy and paste: https://www.rbccmnq.com/episode-2). 

    About host

    Hi, I’m Rebecca-Monique: an ICF accredited (PCC) somatic and transformational coach. My work is centred around supporting individuals through their healing. 

    My specialist areas are grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, sense of Self (identity), boundaries and confidence. 

    I have particular interests in social sciences and human-centred disciplines, including psychology, psycholinguistics, sociology, spirituality and philosophy. 

    I live in London, UK with my son (who is also blessed with the awesomeness that is hyphenated first names!).

    You can find out more about my personal journey and what led me to becoming a coach here

    If you’re thinking about working together for 1:1 coaching, please start here

    Subscribe to PASSING THOUGHTS

    You can subscribe to my podcast via your preferred streaming services at podcast.rbccmnq.com

    Support the PASSING THOUGHTS podcast 

    If you find my content valuable, and would like to support my work, you can do so here via Ko-fi. 

    Get in touch

    If you’d like to get in touch about the podcast, please do so here.


    ​​This podcast is not coaching, nor a replacement for coaching with an accredited professional.

    These episodes are published with the understanding that the Coach and the Business are not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal or other professional services to its listeners.

    If expert assistance is needed, the service of a competent professional should be sought.

    Copyright © 2021 rbccmnq Limited. All rights reserved. 

    The Seven Training Laws

    The Seven Training Laws

    Sadie and Sausha dive into seven laws of training. Explain how they're intertwined and how you apply them to your own training.

    Please follow, rate and review our podcast! 

    Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube.

    Hosted by @meatheadsadie and @meatheadsausha

    Show notes and more on our website: meatheadtestkitchen.com

    A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on HurrdatMedia.com.

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