
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Liberalism: Classical vs Modern Perspectives on Human NatureClassical liberals believe in individual rationality and minimal government intervention, while modern liberals recognize potential irrationality and advocate for state intervention for the greater good. Classical liberals prioritize individual freedom and autonomy, while modern liberals emphasize collective action and social welfare.

      While liberals share some common ground as an ideology, they have significant differences when it comes to their views on human nature. The speaker argues that these differences can be understood through the lens of two strands within liberalism: classical liberal and modern liberal. Classical liberals and modern liberals have distinct perspectives on human rationality and how it should be respected. Classical liberals believe in the inherent rationality of individuals and advocate for minimal government intervention in people's lives. Modern liberals, on the other hand, recognize the potential for irrationality in human behavior and argue for a more active role for the state in shaping society to promote the greater good. Additionally, classical liberals and modern liberals have different views on the centrality of the individual and how to harness human potential. Classical liberals prioritize individual freedom and autonomy, while modern liberals emphasize the importance of collective action and social welfare to ensure equal opportunities for all. Overall, the speaker concludes that while there are similarities between classical and modern liberalism, their approaches to human nature are largely at odds with each other. This understanding can help provide a clearer perspective when approaching essays on liberalism and its various aspects.

    • Belief in human rationality unites liberalsLiberals trust humans to manage their own affairs and believe in a limited role for government, rooted in the belief that individuals are rational. Modern liberals support an enabling state, while classical liberals advocate for a minimal one.

      Liberals, whether classical or modern, share a belief in human rationality as the foundation for their political and economic beliefs. This belief leads them to support individual freedom and limited government. According to this perspective, humans are rational and capable, and as such, they can be trusted to manage their own affairs. The state, therefore, is seen as a creation of rational individuals, established to protect their rights and provide necessary services with their consent. However, it's essential to note that while liberals agree on human rationality, they have different views on the role of the state. Modern liberals support an enabling state that provides a safety net, while classical liberals advocate for a minimal state that focuses on protecting property rights. Despite their disagreements, both groups acknowledge the necessity of a state as a neutral arbiter to manage potential conflicts arising from human selfishness. Ultimately, the belief in human rationality unites liberals in their support for individual freedom and limited government, even as they debate the role of the state in society.

    • The Importance of Individual Freedom and Equality in Liberal ThoughtLiberals prioritize individual freedom and equality before the law, with key thinkers advocating for religious freedom and antidiscrimination laws. The emphasis on the individual guides decisions in both public and private spheres, with debates among Liberals on the role of the state in ensuring individual freedom and protecting against harm.

      Liberals, regardless of their ideological leanings, place a high value on individual freedom and equality before the law. This centrality of the individual is reflected in the works of key liberal thinkers, from John Locke's religious freedom to Betty Friedan's advocacy for antidiscrimination laws. Liberals believe that all decisions made by the state should prioritize the individual, not an imagined group. However, there is a divide among Liberals regarding the role of the state. While some advocate for minimal government intervention, others believe in a more active role in ensuring individual freedom and protecting against harm. Ultimately, the individual's autonomy and well-being should guide decisions in both the public and private spheres.

    • Classical vs Modern Liberalism and IndividualismClassical liberals focus on egotistical individualism with self-interest and minimal government intervention, while modern liberals prioritize developmental individualism with education and state's role in potential realization.

      Both classical and modern liberals value individualism and support the belief in a meritocracy, but they have different views on how to foster individualism and human fulfillment. Classical liberals believe in egotistical individualism, emphasizing self-interest and minimal government intervention, while modern liberals believe in developmental individualism, emphasizing education and the state's role in ensuring individual potential is realized. These differing beliefs extend to the economy, with classical liberals supporting laissez-faire economics and minimal state regulation, and modern liberals supporting Keynesian economics and increased state management to promote individualism and protect individuals from market failures. Ultimately, while both groups value individualism, they have distinct ideas on how to achieve it.

    • Classical vs Modern Liberalism: The Role of Individualism and State InterventionClassical liberals prioritize negative freedom, minimal government intervention, and the harm principle, viewing humans as inherently selfish. Modern liberals advocate for positive freedom, state intervention to remove barriers, and the capacity for individuals to act in the greater good.

      Classical and modern liberals hold contrasting views on the role of individualism in society and the economy, and the extent to which the state should intervene to foster it. Classical liberals, who prioritize negative freedom, believe in minimal government intervention and uphold the harm principle, viewing humans as inherently selfish. Modern liberals, on the other hand, advocate for positive freedom, supporting state intervention to remove barriers to individual potential and human development, believing in the capacity for individuals to act in the greater good. These differing perspectives on human nature and the role of the state create significant divides within liberalism, with debates on the use of Keynesian economics, education, and developmentalism, among other issues. Ultimately, these contrasting ideologies reflect the ongoing debate on the inherent nature of human beings and the best way to nourish and fulfill individualism.

    • Exploring Liberalism through PunsWhile puns related to liberalism may be entertaining, they may not accurately convey the nuanced nature of the political ideology. Clear and precise language is essential for effective communication about complex ideas.

      During our discussion, we explored the concept of liberalism and the use of puns related to it. However, it became clear that the puns may not have effectively conveyed the complex ideas associated with liberalism. It's important to remember that language, especially humor, can be subjective and may not resonate with everyone in the same way. While the puns may have been amusing, they may not have accurately represented the nuanced nature of liberalism. Instead, it's crucial to approach discussions about political ideologies with clarity and precision, ensuring that the meaning behind the ideas is not lost in the humor. Overall, while the puns may have been entertaining, they may not have been the most effective way to engage with the complex ideas surrounding liberalism.

    Recent Episodes from The A Level Politics Show

    Ep. 156 Constitutional Reform - going backwards?

    Ep. 156 Constitutional Reform - going backwards?

    This episode takes the listener through a host of reforms introduced by Labour and Conservative governments and analyses whether they are in the process of reversal.

    Please note that this episode was supposed to be the free monthly pod for June but I have brought it forward to the end of May so that those of you taking your Paper 2 exam will have more time to listen to it. I’m nice like that.

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    Ep. 153 The US Supreme Court - an imperial institution?

    Ep. 153 The US Supreme Court - an imperial institution?

    Is the SCOTUS too powerful? To answer this question, this episode looks at the effectiveness of 1) the constitutional restraints, 2) self restraint and 3) public reactions.

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    Ep. 150 Has the EU achieved its aims?

    Ep. 150 Has the EU achieved its aims?

    Episode 150!

    In today's landmark show, we take a look at the EU, its aims, and whether they have been achieved. We break down its goals in three main areas:

    1) Completing the single market with the promotion of the four freedoms

    2) Economic and Monetary Union

    3) Political Union

    My scorecard, for what it is worth - lots done but still so much more to do.

    Enjoy the show, then why not subscribe to PLUS PLUS PLUS!? For just £1.99 per month, you will receive TWO additional episodes per month that will automatically appear in your podcast feed as soon as they become available. You'll also get access to the full back catalogue of A Level Politics Show podcasts. Furthermore, you can cancel anytime - no obligations and no hidden costs. Just lots of learning. Click⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to get started. Oh, and don't forget to leave a nice review wherever you listen to your podcasts, so that more people can find out about us. You can also ask follow up questions to each episode by clicking "reply" on the "Do you need any further" help section in the show notes (Spotify listeners only for moment) and take part in our episode by episode polls once you have finished listening. Also look out, Plus Plus Plus subscribers, for the all new E. G.4Me episodes, which takes you through a breaking news stories and attempts to make sense of it.  

    Ep. 147 UK Executive powers (and limits)

    Ep. 147 UK Executive powers (and limits)

    Today we take a deep dive on the executive's powers, including

    1. Initiating legislation in government's manifesto

    2. Making policy on matters that arise (the Doctor's Mandate)

    3. Wielding secondary legislation (SIs)

    4. Proposing budgets

    5. Exercising the Royal Prerogative

    Enjoy the show, then why not subscribe to PLUS PLUS PLUS!? For just £1.99 per month, you will receive TWO additional episodes per month that will automatically appear in your podcast feed as soon as they become available. You'll also get access to the full back catalogue of A Level Politics Show podcasts. Furthermore, you can cancel anytime - no obligations and no hidden costs. Just lots of learning. Click⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to get started. Oh, and don't forget to leave a nice review wherever you listen to your podcasts, so that more people can find out about us. You can also ask follow up questions to each episode by clicking "reply" on the "Do you need any further" help section in the show notes (Spotify listeners only for moment) and take part in our episode by episode polls once you have finished listening. Also look out, Plus Plus Plus subscribers, for the all new E. G.4Me episodes, which takes you through a breaking news stories and attempts to make sense of it. 

    Ep. 144 US Pressure Groups and Democracy

    Ep. 144 US Pressure Groups and Democracy

    Do Pressure groups help or hinder democratic processes? For this pod, I'll explore the impact of US pressure groups on different forms of democracy, including representative, pluralist and liberal.

    Enjoy the show, then why not subscribe to PLUS PLUS PLUS!? For just £1.99 per month, you will receive TWO additional episodes per month that will automatically appear in your podcast feed as soon as they become available. You'll also get access to the full back catalogue of A Level Politics Show podcasts. Furthermore, you can cancel anytime - no obligations and no hidden costs. Just lots of learning. Click⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to get started. Oh, and don't forget to leave a nice review wherever you listen to your podcasts, so that more people can find out about us. You can also ask follow up questions to each episode by clicking "reply" on the "Do you need any further" help section in the show notes (Spotify listeners only for moment) and take part in our episode by episode polls once you have finished listening. Also look out, Plus Plus Plus subscribers, for the all new E. G.4Me episodes, which takes you through a breaking news stories and attempts to make sense of it. 

    Ep. 141 Do smaller parties matter?

    Ep. 141 Do smaller parties matter?

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    1)    The representation of smaller parties in the UK Parliament and in the devolved bodies

    2)    The participation of smaller parties in government both centrally and regionally 

    3)    The impact that smaller parties have had on party policy and upon the electoral fortunes of the larger parties

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    Transcripts ARE GO!

    Transcripts ARE GO!

    Hello dear listener! The number one request I have had is that transcripts be made available. Well, if you listen on Spotify, now they are! The A Level Politics Show now has transcripts of every episode! How about that! What’s great is that Spotify let’s you listen along and read the transcript at the same time as listening to it, or you could have the sound off if you don’t like the sound of my voice (my wife tells me that this is what she does). You can also just skip to the section in the transcript that you find most useful and start playback from wherever you want. 


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    1)    In the Spotify app, go to The A Level Politics Show podcast page. 

    2)    Click on the episode you are interested in. 

    3)    Scroll to the bottom of that page and tap on “Episode Transcripts”. And there you have it! 



    Plus Plus Plus subscribers will be able to access every single transcript of every podcast ever produced – at the time of recording that’s 140-odd transcripts. Yet another reason why subscribing is such a good idea – for just £1.99 per month you get access to the complete back catalogue of The A Level Politics Show, spanning over four years, lasting longer than three British PMs and hundreds of government ministers (okay in the current environment that’s not too difficult). What is more, you’ll get 2 bonus pods, exclusive to subscribers, along with the standard free episode, every single month. Click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to get started!  You can cancel at anytime and there are no hidden costs. 


    That’s it from me for 2023 – I hope that you all have a wonderful New Year! 

    Ep. 138 Liberalism and human nature

    Ep. 138 Liberalism and human nature

    This episode will answer the following question: To what extent do liberals share similar views about human nature? I also introduce listeners to the idea of writing SUPER CHUNKIES!

    Enjoy the podcast, then why not subscribe to PLUS PLUS PLUS!? For just £1.99 per month, you will receive TWO additional episodes per month that will automatically appear in your podcast feed as soon as they become available. You'll also get access to the full back catalogue of A Level Politics Show podcasts. Furthermore, you can cancel anytime - no obligations and no hidden costs. Just lots of learning. Click⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to get started. Oh, and don't forget to leave a nice review wherever you listen to your podcasts, so that more people can find out about us. You can also ask follow up questions to each episode by clicking "reply" on the "Do you need any further" help section in the show notes (Spotify listeners only for moment) and take part in our episode by episode polls once you have finished listening. Also look out, Plus Plus Plus subscribers, for the all new E. G.4Me episodes, which takes you through a breaking news stories and attempts to make sense of it. 

    Ep. 135 Socialism and the state

    Ep. 135 Socialism and the state

    Some socialists don't even want a state. Others think the state should abolish capitalism, which is at odds with third way thinkers who believe the state must embrace it. And don't get these guys started on the state's role in promoting social equality...

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    Ep. 132 Manifestos - do they matter?

    Ep. 132 Manifestos - do they matter?

    In this episode, we consider whether manifestos affect election outcomes, and if they have an impact on the way a party governs.

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    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

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    TPP415: Where are we in the 18 Year Property Cycle?

    TPP415: Where are we in the 18 Year Property Cycle?

    This week we’re taking a look at where we are in the 18 year property cycle

    Whether you’re a new or experienced investor, the 18 year property cycle is something that you should know like the back of your hand. 

    For years it’s helped investors determine when they’d be most likely to invest in property and when they’re going to wait it out. 

    We get asked all the time ‘where are we in the 18 year property cycle?’ and even more so at the minute, ‘is the cycle broken due to Covid-19?’

    Well, we’re about to find out.

    Here’s what to expect on this week’s property podcast episode

    In 2020 we were hit with a global pandemic that completely brought the property market to a grinding halt. 

    So naturally people were questioning what this meant for the 18 year property cycle. 

    But once the property market was back up and running (and more buoyant than people expected), we were then getting asked ‘does this mean we’re at the peak of the cycle?’

    If you’re new to the podcast and have no idea what the 18 year property cycle is then don’t worry because we’re going to give you a recap in this episode. 

    According to the average 18 year cycle, we should now be in the mid-cycle wobble phase. 

    But is that true or has Covid-19 changed the course?

    Tune in to find out.


    In the news

    We’ve got two news stories for you this week. 

    The first one is a note on the evictions ban being extended again. It was due to end on the 22nd February and has been extended to the 31st March at the earliest. 

    Chances of it being extended again are pretty likely, even though we’re on the right path it’s still not 100% certain that we’ll be back to normal by then. 

    Another possible policy extension is on the stamp duty holiday. This could be extended by a further six weeks, which isn’t a huge timeframe. A lot of people will complete in time but there will also be many who slip through the net. 


    Hub extra

    This week’s Hub Extra resource is a book that Rob B has been reading. 

    The book was actually a recommendation from a YouTuber called Ali Abdaal and it’s a book called ‘A Million Miles in a Thousand Years’ by Donald Miller. 

    It’s the story of a writer who was approached by Hollywood screenwriters who wanted to tell his life story. 

    But when they started putting it together it turned out that it wasn’t very interesting or inspiring and that really made Donald reflect on his life and he decided to live a better story. 

    In a way it really resonates with the type of reflection that we’ve all gone through over the past year and how we can live a better life when we come out of the coronavirus pandemic on the other side.


    Let’s get social

    We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do.

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel where we upload new content every week! 

    If that wasn’t enough, you can also join our friendly property community on the Property Hub forum.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    In a deep dive with Seb Bunney, author of "The Hidden Cost of Money," we explore the intricate impact of monetary systems on society. From historical interventions shaping finance to money's influence on mental health and politics, Bunney challenges mainstream views on capitalism and regulation, revealing how money shapes our world. Tune in for a thought-provoking journey through economic realities. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 01:34 - Uncover the societal consequences of monetary choices, focusing on inequality and social cohesion. 04:04 - Discover how historical interventions have drastically shaped our current financial system. 14:03 - Learn about the hidden costs of monetary intervention, including its impact on purchasing power. 14:03 - Understand the 'Four Stages of Economic Ruin' and see real-world examples of each stage. 19:25 - Learn about the extent of monetary system's influence on government policy and political behavior, and the ways to address money's corruption in politics. 28:36 - Explore how our monetary system influences individual and collective behavior and the concept of monetary sovereignty. 40:10 - Gain insight into the connection between economic instability and mental health, and how a stable monetary system can improve mental health outcomes. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Seb’s Website and book: The Hidden Cost of Money. Related episode: Listen to BTC080: Macro and Bitcoin Education w/ Greg Foss, James Lavish, Jason Sansone, & Seb Bunney, or watch the video. NEW TO THE SHOW? Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcasts here.  SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Linkedin Marketing Solutions Fidelity Efani Shopify NDTCO Fundrise Wise NetSuite TurboTax Vacasa NerdWallet Babbel Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Click here to join the member exclusive portion of my show: https://utm.io/ueSEj

    The Supreme Court considers whether to force Americans to celebrate activity they consider sinful; the White House makes its push for Big Tech censorship; and moderate Republicans consider whether to give Democrats a deal on immigration.

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