
    Ep. 1381 - Left-Wing Prosecutors Get Americans Killed

    enNovember 22, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Suspect with criminal record causes tragedy at Christmas paradeA man with a criminal record drove into a Christmas parade, killing at least five and injuring over 40, while out on bail. The ongoing investigation focuses on potential motives.

      A suspect with a criminal record was able to commit a heinous act, driving into a Christmas parade in Wisconsin and killing at least five people and injuring over 40, while out on bail. This tragic incident comes after the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse and controversy surrounding criminal justice strategies. It's important to remember the human cost of these events, and the ongoing investigation is focusing on potential motives, including the possibility the suspect was fleeing an earlier crime. Regarding the news outside of this tragedy, take advantage of Black Friday savings early by switching to PureTalk USA for significant cell phone bill savings and excellent coverage.

    • Impact of court congestion and bail reform on releasing dangerous individualsCourt congestion and bail reform can lead to the release of dangerous individuals, as seen in Milwaukee where a suspect with a long criminal record was freed and allegedly committed a mass shooting after being released on minimal bail.

      Milwaukee's court system suspended the speedy trial rights of a suspect due to court congestion, releasing him on bail despite a long criminal record and recent felony charges. This case illustrates the impact of bail reform, which allows for the release of criminals on minimal bail if they cannot afford higher amounts. The suspect, who had a rap sheet including multiple arrests for weapons, battery, and drug charges, was back on the streets and allegedly committed a mass shooting at a parade. The backlog of criminal cases in Milwaukee County and the unwillingness to keep people in jail have contributed to the release of dangerous individuals. This situation is part of a broader trend of increased crime in major cities due to changes in prosecutorial strategies and the election of left-wing prosecutors, as highlighted by the investment of large sums of money by individuals like George Soros.

    • Milwaukee DA examines racial disparities in prosecutionDA Chisholm reduced prison numbers while maintaining safety, but critics argue for equal prosecution regardless of race or class

      The criminal justice system and its approach to mass incarceration, particularly in relation to African Americans, has been a topic of concern and debate. John Chisholm, the district attorney in Milwaukee County, sought to address this issue by examining his office's use of prosecutorial discretion. Research revealed disparities in how his staff handled cases involving drug paraphernalia, with a higher percentage of blacks being prosecuted compared to whites. In response, Chisholm implemented initiatives to reduce the number of people going to prison while maintaining public safety. However, critics argue that letting criminals out of jail based on race and class is not the solution. Instead, resources should be focused on identifying innocent individuals and prosecuting criminals regardless of their race. Ultimately, prosecutors should be judged on their success in reducing crime rates, not achieving racial equality. The debate around mass incarceration and racial disparities in the criminal justice system continues to gain attention across the country.

    • Racial Disparities in Wisconsin's Criminal Justice SystemDespite initial optimism, further analysis revealed that undervaluing property crimes led to racial disparities in charging for drug distribution and felony bail jumping cases. Equity should not compromise public safety.

      The discussion revolves around the racial disparities in the criminal justice system, specifically in Wisconsin, and the approach of prosecutors to address this issue. The speaker initially thought that the data showing higher rates of charging white offenders for certain crimes was good news, indicating a reversal of racial disparities. However, upon further examination, it was revealed that property crimes were undervalued, leading to fewer charges for drug distribution and felony bail jumping cases. The speaker argues that the focus on racial equity should not come at the expense of public safety, as the murder rate in Wisconsin is alarmingly high. The conversation also touched upon the national strategy of the left in reducing the prison population and the role of financiers like George Soros in funding these causes.

    • Investing in DA races for criminal justice reformWealthy donors have invested over $22M in California DA races and ballot measures, leading to the election of reform-minded prosecutors and advancing racial disparity reduction efforts.

      Wealthy donors, including George Soros, have been investing significant resources into local district attorney campaigns as part of a push for criminal justice reform. This trend, which began in 2016, has seen large sums of money channeled into races in both blue and red states, resulting in the election of progressive prosecutors. The impact of this has been the advancement of reforms aimed at reducing racial disparities in sentencing and diverting some drug offenders from trials. More recently, in California, four donors have collectively poured over $22 million into criminal justice ballot measures and candidates. This strategic targeting of prosecutor races has led to the election of reform-minded district attorneys, some of whom have been criticized for failing to prosecute crimes effectively. The trend shows no signs of slowing down, as philanthropic interest in criminal justice reform continues to grow.

    • Looting and shoplifting at high-end retail stores in Bay Area criticized, response prioritizes racial equity over public safetyCriticism of prioritizing racial equity over public safety in response to looting and shoplifting incidents in Bay Area, focus on effective law enforcement and community engagement may be more productive.

      The recent wave of looting and shoplifting at high-end retail stores in the Bay Area, including Louis Vuitton, has resulted in significant damage and harm to both employees and the community. The incidents were not isolated, with similar crimes reported in multiple locations over the weekend. The response from local authorities and officials, however, has been criticized for prioritizing racial equity over public safety and law enforcement. The San Francisco District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, has stated that the focus should be on an equitable distribution of convictions rather than arresting and jailing criminals. This approach, some argue, could lead to more crime and harm, particularly in the Bay Area's black community. The broader narrative that everything wrong in America is due to racism, as suggested by the left, may not provide a viable solution to the problem of crime and safety. Instead, a focus on effective law enforcement and community engagement may be more productive in addressing these issues. Additionally, during Cyber Week, Bull and Branch is offering a significant discount on the highest quality organic cotton sheets to help ensure a restful night's sleep for everyone.

    • Cases of racial bias in the criminal justice systemDespite the complexity of each case, it's crucial to evaluate criminal justice outcomes based on their merits, not preconceived narratives or race.

      The criminal justice system is under scrutiny for perceived racial biases, leading some individuals to be let off despite committing crimes, while others, regardless of guilt, face lengthy prison sentences based on their race. For instance, Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges due to self-defense, but the media portrayed it as another example of systemic racism. In contrast, Andrew Coffey, a black man, was found not guilty of murder but still faced charges for possessing a firearm as a convicted felon. Meanwhile, a white police detective was convicted of manslaughter for fatally shooting a black man without a warrant or reasonable suspicion. These cases highlight the complexities and inconsistencies in the application of justice and the importance of evaluating each case based on its merits rather than preconceived narratives.

    • Media's portrayal of events can shape public perceptionAccurate information is crucial for fair judgement, media should report truthfully and avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or misinformation.

      The narrative surrounding certain events, particularly those involving race and justice, can significantly influence public perception and policy making. In the case of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, the media's portrayal of events, which was at times inaccurate or misleading, contributed to a narrative of systemic racism and white supremacy. This narrative, in turn, can lead to harmful policies and a misunderstanding of the facts. It's crucial to ensure that accurate information is disseminated and that individuals are held accountable for their actions based on the evidence, rather than being judged based on their race or other biased narratives. The media has a responsibility to report truthfully and to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or misinformation.

    • The Narrative Surrounding High-Profile Cases Can Be DistortedBe aware of distorted narratives, fact-check, and separate facts from emotions when forming opinions on high-profile cases.

      The narrative surrounding certain high-profile cases, such as the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, can be distorted and misrepresented, often with the intention of promoting a particular agenda. It's important to fact-check and consider all the details before forming an opinion. Additionally, major institutions in American life, including media and cultural figures, can contribute to this distortion and even lie to further their own causes. It's crucial to be aware of this and not let emotions cloud our judgment. The authoritarian moment is coming from these institutions, and they will penalize those who refuse to conform to their narrative. It's essential to remember that self-defense is a right for everyone, regardless of race, and that not all cases of gun violence involve black victims. It's important to separate facts from fiction and not let emotions or popular narratives sway our understanding of complex issues.

    • The culture war's influence on sports commentaryJalen Rose spreads Democratic party's view on Kyle Rittenhouse and Jacob Blake incidents while Ben Shapiro promotes Echelon and interviews Governor DeSantis, highlighting politics' impact on everyday life and the need for truthful information.

      The culture war extends beyond political arenas and into everyday life, including sports commentary. Jalen Rose's coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse case and the Jacob Blake shooting incident reflects the political position of the Democratic party and contributes to the spread of misinformation. Meanwhile, during the same discussion, Ben Shapiro promoted Echelon, a fitness solution that brings the gym experience to your home, emphasizing its affordability and community aspect. Additionally, Shapiro mentioned his interview with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has taken a firm stance against Joe Biden's vaccine mandate. Lastly, the Daily Wire merch store was introduced, offering various products for purchase, with exclusive discounts for members. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, but the underlying theme was the impact of politics on everyday life and the importance of accurate information.

    • Democratic Party's Coalition Strategy and Controversial TakesThe Democratic Party's focus on a specific voter coalition has led them to take controversial stances and spread misinformation, potentially harming their reputation and support in future elections

      The Democratic Party has been focusing on a specific coalition of voters, primarily racial minorities and college-educated white liberals, since the 2012 election, believing it to be the winning formula for future victories. However, their efforts to maintain this coalition have led them to take controversial stances and spread misinformation, often about high-profile cases that are not factually accurate. This approach has resulted in a loyalty test for their supporters, requiring them to mimic the party's talking points despite knowing they may not be true. The Democratic Party's response to the Rittenhouse verdict, which involved spreading false information about the case, is an example of this. Despite the potential consequences, the party continues to double down on this strategy, potentially leading to further losses in the 2022 elections.

    • Comparing Rittenhouse verdict to historical injusticesWhile the Rittenhouse verdict has sparked strong reactions, it's important to remember that each case is unique and should be evaluated based on its merits, not broader narratives of systemic racism or white supremacy. Let's promote thoughtful discussions about justice and equality.

      The aftermath of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict has sparked intense reactions from various public figures, with some comparing it to historical injustices like the Emmett Till case. However, these comparisons have been criticized as misguided and inflammatory. Meanwhile, others have called for addressing the issue of jury pool diversity to increase trust in the criminal justice system. Despite these debates, it's important to remember that each case is unique and should be evaluated based on its merits, rather than being lumped into broader narratives of systemic racism or white supremacy. Ultimately, it's crucial to promote thoughtful and nuanced discussions about justice and equality, rather than resorting to divisive and oversimplified rhetoric.

    • Intersectional system ranks groups by 'victimization', with LGBTQ at the topThe intersectional system, a part of the Democratic party platform, ranks certain groups based on 'victimization' and economic status, with LGBTQ at the top. This perspective, which sees America as systemically racist and corrupt, has been criticized as a political program rather than an objective historical account.

      According to the intersectional system and the Democratic party platform, certain groups in American society are considered more "victimized" by the system based on their economic and socioeconomic status. The hierarchy of victimization is currently placed at the top for LGBTQ people, followed by black and Hispanic people, with Asian Americans and Jews depending on their specific circumstances. Successful individuals from these groups are no longer considered part of their respective groups. The broader ideology holds that America and its institutions are systemically racist and corrupt. Recently, this perspective was on display during the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, where some prominent figures argued that self-defense doesn't apply because of America's systemic racism. This narrative, which is being taught in schools as part of Critical Race Theory, has been criticized as a lie and a political program rather than an objective historical account. The 1619 Project, created by Nikole Hannah Jones, is an example of this approach, which seeks to blur the lines between history and politics.

    • The 1619 Project advocates for progressive policies and reframes American history with a focus on slavery's foundational roleThe 1619 Project, an initiative to reframe American history, advocates for progressive policies and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the root causes of historical issues, but its use of specific language and focus on certain topics may divide and alienate some communities.

      The 1619 Project, an initiative aimed at reframing American history with a focus on slavery's foundational role, presents a clear activist agenda. The project, which includes a book and various interpretations, advocates for progressive policies such as electing progressive prosecutors, socialistic income redistribution, and reparations. Critics argue that it promotes leftist fictions and demands assimilation to these views, even in unrelated fields like physics and medicine. The insistence on using specific language and acknowledging root causes, as seen in the AMA's guide, is a feature, not a bug, of this approach. However, the potential for this approach to divide and alienate certain communities, as seen in the resistance to the use of terms like "Latinx," could ultimately harm its goals. The long-term success of these initiatives remains to be seen.

    • Democratic Party Faces Potential Loss of Support from Various Voter DemographicsThe political landscape is changing, with suburban voters, working-class whites, and Latinos potentially shifting to the GOP, and the left's prioritization of ideology over practical concerns contributing to growing frustration with progressive policies.

      The political landscape is shifting, and the Democratic Party may be in for a significant loss of support from various voter demographics. Ben Shapiro discussed Ross Douthat's article, which outlines two possible scenarios for the future of American politics. In the optimistic scenario, Democrats regain their political advantages, but in the more pessimistic scenario, the political migrations of the Trump era prove to be permanent. This includes suburban voters swinging back to the GOP and working-class whites and Latinos becoming more Republican. Shapiro also criticized the left for prioritizing ideology over practical concerns, such as public safety, and urged Democrats to reconsider their priorities. The Rittenhouse trial and verdict, as well as other current events, were used as examples of the media's biased reporting and the public's growing frustration with progressive policies.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Ana Kasparian on Debating Ben Shapiro, Toxic Trumpism, Rising Prices, and Evil Landlords

    Ana Kasparian on Debating Ben Shapiro, Toxic Trumpism, Rising Prices, and Evil Landlords

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    INTERVIEW: Public defenders and Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson with attorney Chris Sandbach

    INTERVIEW: Public defenders and Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson with attorney Chris Sandbach

    Joining Megan on The Georgia Politics Podcast is attorney and former public defender, Chris Sandbach, to discuss the role of public defenders in our criminal justice system and what the appointment of Kentanji Brown Jackson means for the makeup of the Supreme Court.

    Public defenders are attorneys who represent people who have been charged with a crime and who cannot afford to pay for private counsel. They face the possibility of time behind bars if convicted. The 6th Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that if someone cannot afford private counsel, a judge will appoint a public defender to defend them in a court of law, for free.

    Chris, who spent over 6 years of his professional life as a public defender, talks with Megan about the ways in which our criminal justice system works, where it has room for improvement, and the role public defenders play in both.

    He also talks about the recently sworn in Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson and what her experience as a public defender brings to the court, for the first time in its existence.

    About Chris Sandbach

    Chris Sandbach has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science with an emphasis on Foreign Policy and Received his J.D. from Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School in 2015. After law school, Chris Spent over 6 years working as a public defender in the Atlanta area.  In 2022, he took a job with the law firm of Rickard, Drew & Nix and specializes in personal injury litigation and criminal defense. He is a member of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association and the Georgia Association for Criminal Defense Lawyers. Additionally, Chris has worked as a volunteer voting rights/voter protection attorney since 2018, served as the Political Activism Director for the Young Democrats of Atlanta in 2020 and is currently serving on the board of directors for Red Clay Democrats and the Young Professionals Board for Soccer In The Streets. Chris lives in Atlanta with his cat Larsson and enjoys playing/watching soccer and going to see live music.

    Connect with Chris on Twitter @sandbach1023

    Connect with The Georgia Politics Podcast on Twitter @gapoliticspod

    Megan Gordon-Kane @meganlaneg

    Proud member of the Appen Podcast Network.


    Looking inside the state budget: Cheaper gas, bail changes and a football stadium

    Looking inside the state budget: Cheaper gas, bail changes and a football stadium

    A week overdue, Gov. Kathy Hochul and Democrats in the state legislature finally reached a massive budget agreement. As NY1’s Zack Fink, Courtney Gross and Juan Manuel Benítez explain, the $220 billion deal includes changes to the controversial bail reform laws approved just a few years ago, as well as funding for a new stadium for the Buffalo Bills, which will be partially financed by taxpayers. But is this massive budget a victory for Governor Hochul as she gears up for primary season?

    Zack, Juan and Courtney also weigh in on the historic union victory at an Amazon warehouse on Staten Island. They comment on the grassroots campaign that delivered this monumental blow to the tech giant and explain what it might mean for the labor movement across the country.

    We want to hear from you, especially what you think about the push to unionize Amazon.

    Leave a message: 212-379-3440
    Email: yourstoryny1@charter.com