
    Ep. 1382 - A Society Without Men Is A Dying Society

    enNovember 23, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Prioritization of Personal Truths Over Objective RealityPeople prioritize personal truths over objective reality, creating a society that avoids criticism and rigs systems to prevent feedback, while technology allows us to create artificial realities that shield us from the real world. The erosion of free speech and invasion of privacy by big tech companies further blurs the lines.

      We are witnessing a disturbing trend in American politics where objective truth is being replaced by radical subjectivity. People are prioritizing their personal truths over objective reality, leading to a society that avoids criticism and rigs systems to prevent feedback. This is evident in everyday life, where people are sensitive to criticism and use technology to create artificial realities that shield them from the harsh realities of the world. As Robert Nozick posited in his thought experiment, the experience machine, most people value living in the real world and having their actions have real-world impact. However, with the increasing prioritization of personal truths over objective reality, it's becoming less clear if that's still the case. Additionally, the erosion of free speech and the invasion of privacy by big tech companies add to the concern, as they make money by collecting and selling sensitive data, further blurring the lines between reality and the artificial worlds we create for ourselves. It's crucial to recognize and address this trend before it becomes irreversible.

    • Virtual realities and online addictions leading to disconnection from real worldExperts warn declining birth rates in industrialized nations could have negative economic and social consequences due to decreased need for children in the West, driven by financial reasons, lack of partner, or simple preference.

      Our increasing reliance on virtual realities and online addictions may lead to a disconnection from the real world, causing people to neglect important responsibilities such as having children. Institutions and algorithms cater to our every whim, shielding us from the realities of the world and causing us to become angry or insulted when confronted with them. Experts are concerned that declining birth rates in industrialized nations, including the US, could have negative economic and social consequences. The reasons people used to have children, such as the need for child labor or the desire for spiritual connection, no longer apply in the West. Instead, people are choosing not to have kids due to financial reasons, lack of partner, or simply not wanting them. This trend could have serious consequences for the future of these societies.

    • The disconnection from traditional values in secular societies may lead to their self-defeating nature and eventual demiseSecular liberal societies, with their focus on individual freedom, may face population decline due to disconnection from traditional values, leading to religious communities having more children and potentially shaping the future demographic.

      The decline in birth rates in secular, liberal societies, as shown in the US, is a cause for concern due to the disconnection from traditional values and the focus on individual freedom unbound from morality and reality. This disconnect, according to the speaker, may lead to the self-defeating nature of secular liberalism and the eventual death of the tree that allowed for its emergence in the first place. The only communities reproducing at above replacement rates are religious ones, indicating a potential future where religious people will be the primary demographic having children. The speaker also notes the lack of difference in desire for children between men and women, and the older population's decreased likelihood of having more children. The overall trend of declining birth rates and the societal focus on genderlessness may contribute to the societal decline.

    • Understanding the fundamental differences between men and womenRecognizing and celebrating the biological and brain function differences between men and women is crucial for a sustainable civilization. Women tend to be more emotionally attuned, while men are more logical and objective.

      The fundamental differences between men and women, rooted in biology and brain function, are essential for a sustainable civilization. Ignoring these differences and promoting gender roles that don't align with these natural traits can lead to societal issues and the potential collapse of civilization. It's important to recognize and celebrate these differences and understand their importance in our daily lives. For instance, women generally score higher on neuroticism, which can make them more attuned to emotional situations, while men tend to be more logical and objective. These differences have been consistent and are not a matter of delusion or Cartesian duality, but a reality that has existed across all mammals. Embracing these differences can lead to a more harmonious and productive society.

    • Understanding Gender Differences: Promoting Human FlourishingRecognizing and embracing gender differences promotes human flourishing by acknowledging individual roles and responsibilities, leading to societal progress and the unique strengths of both men and women.

      While there are on average differences between genders in various personality traits, it is essential to remember that these are averages and not every woman or man fits neatly into these categories. Women, on average, tend to score higher in neuroticism, agreeableness, and empathy, while men tend to score higher in anger, assertiveness, and risk-taking. These differences have significant implications for how society treats masculinity and femininity. The importance of acknowledging these differences lies in promoting true human flourishing, as ignoring them can lead to a society that fails to recognize individual roles and responsibilities. Human flourishing can be viewed from various perspectives, including material well-being, individual goods, and evolutionary biology, all of which emphasize the importance of recognizing and embracing gender differences. Ignoring these differences can hinder societal progress and undermine the unique strengths and contributions of both men and women.

    • Understanding the unique roles and strengths of men and womenRecognizing distinct strengths of men and women is vital for societal health and human flourishing. Disregarding these principles can lead to issues like gender apathy and toxic masculinity. Embrace various roles like father, protector, mother, and community member for overall well-being. Invest in a good night's sleep for optimal health.

      Recognizing and embracing the unique roles and strengths of men and women is crucial for the health and continuity of society. Disregarding these foundational principles can lead to societal issues such as gender apathy and toxic masculinity. It's essential to understand that men and women have distinct strengths and that fulfilling various roles, such as father, protector, mother, and community member, contributes to human flourishing. By reducing ourselves to one identity, we flatten out human existence and make it impossible for true human flourishing to occur. Additionally, investing in a good night's sleep, such as with a customized Helix Sleep mattress, is crucial for overall health and well-being.

    • Reducing human identity to basic desires hinders overall flourishingHistorically, roles and responsibilities provided context for instincts, but reducing humanity to these desires hinders flourishing. Deemphasizing traditional gender roles can leave men feeling disconnected and lead to negative outcomes.

      Reducing human identity to a single aspect, such as economic productivity or sexual instinct, can hinder overall human flourishing and lead to societal issues. Historically, roles and responsibilities, including masculinity and femininity, have provided important contexts for these instincts and contributed to a healthy society. However, the flattening of humanity to its most basic desires can make human flourishing nearly impossible. The current societal trend of deemphasizing traditional gender roles and labeling masculinity as inherently problematic has left many men feeling disconnected and without purpose. This can lead to negative outcomes, such as violence, drug use, or apathy. Understanding the historical and cultural significance of masculinity and its role in society can help us foster healthier, more fulfilling lives for all.

    • Reaction against social changes led to belief in biologically determined masculinityIn conservative religious circles, a belief in biologically determined masculinity and traditional male roles emerged as a reaction to disruptive social changes in the 1960s and 1970s, and has gained renewed relevance in recent years.

      Within certain religious and conservative spaces, there's a deeply held belief that masculinity is a biologically determined trait, and that traditional roles for men, such as protectors and providers, are essential. This belief has been a recurring theme in conservative evangelical circles for decades, with explicit bans against gender-crossing in religious texts adding to the conviction. The scholar Christine Kobez Dumez argues that this perspective emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a reaction against disruptive social changes, such as the civil rights movement, the feminist wave, and the anti-war movement. In this context, asserting traditional masculinity was seen as a way to restore order and defend institutions. This language has gained renewed relevance in the wake of the Trump years and the ongoing cultural debates around gender roles and identities. It's important to note, however, that this perspective can be limiting and exclusionary, and that there have been and continue to be powerful and influential figures who defy these traditional gender roles and expectations.

    • The importance of a balance of empathy and masculine valuesA balanced society needs both empathy and masculine values like risk-taking and assertiveness. Eliminating these values can lead to societal stagnation and destruction.

      A balanced society requires both empathy and masculine values like risk-taking and assertiveness. The speaker argues that getting rid of these values in favor of empathy alone can lead to societal stagnation and destruction. They use the example of the University of California's decision to eliminate standardized testing as a harmful result of prioritizing empathy over merit and risk-taking. The speaker also mentions the importance of individual effort and hard work in a functioning society, and the dangers of shielding oneself from reality. They also emphasize the need for both masculine and feminine characteristics in society, and that these differences have been present in every civilization throughout history. In summary, a healthy society requires a balance of empathy and masculine values, and attempts to eliminate the latter can have detrimental consequences.

    • Chinese vs American Education Systems: Differences and ConcernsChina's rigorous education system produces math and science excelling students, while America's focus on comfort could hinder essential skills development. Both countries are shaping future generations with contrasting ideologies, potentially impacting societal issues.

      While American and Chinese educational approaches differ greatly, China's rigorous education system is producing students who excel in math and science, raising concerns about America's ability to compete. The Chinese education system, rooted in the belief that talent can be trained, pushes students to learn and endure tough competition. In contrast, American schools are more focused on providing comfort and avoiding rigor, which could hinder the development of essential skills for the future workforce. Additionally, both China and America are attempting to control the narrative and shape the next generation in their respective ideologies. China is enforcing Maoist nationalism, while America is promoting identity politics. The consequences of abandoning core values and truths could lead to unfavorable outcomes. For instance, Famous Smoke Shop, the largest American-owned online cigar business, offers premium cigars at affordable prices, but the broader societal issues could impact the future of the country.

    • Exploring History and Enjoying the PresentFamous Smoke Shop offers a wide range of cigars and The Daily Wire new shop provides exclusive merchandise discounts, both encouraging us to appreciate the past and present.

      Famous Smoke Shop offers a vast selection of high-quality cigars for every budget and experience level, backed by their 30-day freshness guarantee. Meanwhile, The Daily Wire is seeking a motivated Client Success Manager to join their ad revenue team and offering exclusive merchandise and discounts for their members at their new shop. In the news, the removal of Thomas Jefferson's statue from New York City Hall sparked controversy, with the founding father's likeness being sent to the New York Historical Society for long-term loans. For cigar enthusiasts, Famous Smoke Shop provides a wide range of options, from classic brands like Romeo y Julieta and Montecristo to exclusive collaborations. Meanwhile, The Daily Wire's new shop offers various collections for holiday shopping, with special discounts for members. The removal of Thomas Jefferson's statue from City Hall has ignited a debate about historical figures' legacies, with the third president's statue being sent to the New York Historical Society. Overall, these stories highlight the importance of preserving history while enjoying the present, whether it's through cigars, merchandise, or engaging in current events.

    • Removing controversial statues and reinterpreting historyWell-intentioned actions to remove controversial statues and reinterpret history can overlook historical significance and the complexities of human nature, potentially leading to misunderstandings and dangerous situations.

      The focus on removing controversial statues and reinterpreting history based on modern sensitivities, rather than acknowledging and learning from the past, can hinder our understanding of historical realities and the complexities of human nature. The removal of a Teddy Roosevelt statue from the Museum of Natural History, due to claims of colonial subjugation and racial discrimination, was discussed, as well as the destruction of a statue of Christopher Columbus in New York City. These actions, while well-intentioned, can overlook the historical significance of these figures and the context of their times. The speaker argues that we must come to terms with the fact that reality, including historical reality, exists and that our singular choices and ideologies do make a difference in how our lives and society unfold. Ignoring these realities can lead us into dangerous situations, as seen in the Waukesha, Wisconsin tragedy where the motives behind a man's actions remain unclear and unexplored.

    • Lenient bail system released suspect with violent historyA suspect with a history of violent crimes was released on a $1,000 bail despite prior felonies, causing a tragic Christmas parade incident, highlighting the need for a more effective and just approach to setting bail.

      The lenient bail system in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, allowed a suspect with a history of violent crimes to be released just days before he allegedly drove his SUV into a Christmas parade, causing multiple deaths and injuries. The suspect's bail was set at $1,000 despite his prior criminal record, which included a bail jumping felony and second-degree recklessly endangering safety felonies. The Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office is now conducting an internal review into the matter, but it's consistent with the office's approach towards setting low bails for violent crimes. The tragic event in Waukesha highlights the need for a more effective and just approach to setting bail that takes into account the severity of the crime and the defendant's prior record. The delay in Joe Biden's reaction to the incident also raised questions about the double standard in how the media and political figures respond to similar incidents involving different races.

    • Politicians and Media React Differently to Tragedies Based on DemographicsDiscussions highlighted the potential dangers of releasing criminals on low bail and the serious consequences of disconnected statements from politicians and media figures, particularly in the context of high crime rates.

      During an internal review, it was discussed how the media and certain politicians respond differently to tragedies based on the demographics of those involved. An SUV incident at a holiday parade in Waukesha was used as an example, with attention given to the immediate calls for bail reform after the event. However, concerns were raised about the potential dangers of releasing criminals on low bail, and the potential consequences of such policies. It was also noted that some politicians and media figures seem disconnected from reality and the potential ramifications of their actions or statements. The discussion also touched upon the low intellectual capacity of many politicians and the serious consequences of their decisions. The conversation ended with a mention of the high crime rates in Washington D.C. and the lack of awareness or concern from those in power.

    • Homicides on the Rise in Major US Cities, Biden's Reelection Intentions, and Economic ConcernsMajor US cities see record homicides, Biden plans to run for reelection despite negatively impacting small businesses and causing inflation, supply chain bottlenecks, and potential tax increases, and concerns about the Fed's tapering and interest rate hikes.

      Homicides have been increasing in major US cities, with some cities reaching record numbers, and officials attribute the rise to various factors including the proliferation of illegal firearms, pandemic-induced disruptions, and a shortage of law enforcement. Another significant takeaway is that President Joe Biden has expressed his intention to run for reelection in 2024, despite his administration's policies negatively impacting small businesses and causing inflation, supply chain bottlenecks, and potential tax increases. Despite Biden's claims of a "jobs presidency" and "small business presidency," his approval ratings remain low, and many Americans are experiencing decreased real wages and increased costs. Additionally, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has expressed optimism about the current economic growth spurt, but there are concerns about the potential consequences of the Fed tapering stimulus and raising interest rates too quickly.

    • Embrace Reality and AdaptBen Shapiro encourages adapting to the realities of the world, rather than fighting against them, for cost savings and other challenges during Thanksgiving and beyond.

      While some may suggest skipping the turkey as a cost-saving measure for Thanksgiving, reality ultimately prevails. Reality, in the form of people's expectations and traditions, may make this a less viable option. Instead, adapting to the realities of the world and embracing systems that make sense is a better approach. In the face of uncertainty about the future, Ben Shapiro remains optimistic in the long term, believing that we will learn from our mistakes and adapt. The show also touched upon current events, including criminal justice reform and political debates. Ultimately, the message is to embrace reality and adapt to it, rather than trying to fight against it.

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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Laurence Fox: "I'm Thinking Of Leaving The Country"

    Laurence Fox: "I'm Thinking Of Leaving The Country"
    In the wake of his suspension from GB News, Laurence Fox joins us for a live interview followed by Q&A (recorded on September 29th 2023.) Apologies about the sound quality at the beginning, it does get fixed over the course of the interview. Become a Premium Member to receive exclusive benefits https://triggernometry.supercast.com/ OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube:  @xentricapc   Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/sign-up/ Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    2023 Year in Review, Part 2

    2023 Year in Review, Part 2

    This is the second of two episodes looking back on the major events of 2023.

    Our year in review continues with historians Jeremi Suri and Jeffrey Engel. As professional scholars, they share their perspectives on the controversy involving free speech and antisemitism on college campuses. They also look ahead to the presidential election of 2024 for which there appear no obvious parallels in U.S. history. The two historians and host Martin Di Caro conclude by sharing their favorite moments of 2023 as well as their thoughts on the importance of historical thinking.

    Voces Criticas ~ Democratizing Education ~ Sept 21 2017

    Voces Criticas ~ Democratizing Education ~ Sept 21 2017

    An interview with Professor Zeus Leonardo of UC Berkeley's Education Department. We discussed his research on race and pedagogy, about the challenges facing public education today, and about the differences between white privilege and white supremacy as a framework to discuss whiteness. We also discussed the events happening in the city of Berkeley and at UC Berkeley by right-wing groups seeking to disrupt the city, specifically discussing the enormous financial burden to provide security for these speakers.

    A Deeply Impacting Experience (Ep 2116)

    A Deeply Impacting Experience (Ep 2116)
    Yesterday I saw something that deeply impacted me. In this episode, I address this experience, plus the traditional media's final collapse and more evidence of foreign influence in our government. Sen. Ted Cruz issues warning on ‘Iranian spies’ working in the US government The Day the Delusions Died Americans’ Trust In News Media Falls To New Lows NYT Editors’ Note: Gaza Hospital Coverage Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices