
    Podcast Summary

    • Senator Manchin's Decision Halts Biden's Radical AgendaManchin's decision to abandon the Build Back Better bill dealt a significant blow to Biden's efforts to pass a radical left agenda, causing panic on the left and offering savings for families with PureTalk USA.

      Senator Joe Manchin's decision to abandon the Build Back Better bill was a significant blow to President Biden's efforts to pass a radical left agenda. The reaction from the left was intense, with some going as far as accusing Manchin of insanity. Despite reassurances that the numbers related to the Omicron variant were not scary, there was widespread panic. Meanwhile, for those looking to save money during the holiday season, PureTalk USA offers an attractive alternative to traditional wireless carriers. With great nationwide 5G coverage, significant savings for families, and a risk-free 30-day trial, making the switch to PureTalk is a smart choice. Biden's attempts to shift from a moderate to a leftist agenda were also discussed, with the revelation that Bernie Sanders wrote his Time 100 profile adding to the intrigue. Overall, the failure of the Build Back Better bill marks a significant setback for the Biden administration and highlights the challenges of passing major legislation in a divided Senate.

    • Manchin's opposition to BBB bill was predictableManchin's opposition to the BBB bill was based on his stated priorities, including a $1.5 trillion revenue limit, a corporate tax rate below 25%, no budget gimmicks, and a focus on innovation rather than elimination for climate change.

      Senator Joe Manchin's opposition to the "Build Back Better" legislation was not a surprise. He had made his priorities clear back in July, including his opposition to revenue exceeding $1.5 trillion and a corporate tax rate above 25%. Manchin also stated that he would only sign onto a bill without budget gimmicks and with spending on innovation, not elimination, regarding climate change. Despite media speculation, there was no sudden breakdown in the relationship between Manchin and President Biden. Manchin's opposition was based on his inability to explain the legislation to his constituents in West Virginia. The media was taken aback by the outcome, but it was a predictable development given Manchin's consistent stance on the issue.

    • Senator Manchin's Concerns Over Build Back Better ActSenator Manchin raises concerns over inflation, national debt, and essential services reliability in Build Back Better Act. He believes true costs are hidden and timing misaligned, prioritizing American people's well-being.

      Senator Joe Manchin has expressed concerns about the potential risks of the Build Back Better Act, specifically in regards to inflation, national debt, and the reliability of essential services. He believes that the true cost of the bill is being hidden from the public and that the timing of the legislation is not aligned with technological capabilities or market readiness. Manchin's opposition to the bill is not a personality issue, but rather a matter of prioritizing the well-being of the American people and the nation's security. The senator has a history of bipartisan support for clean energy investments and innovation. Despite efforts by the White House and congressional leadership to pass the bill, Manchin has remained firm in his stance, causing significant disbelief and panic within the Democratic Party.

    • Manchin Surprises Everyone by Reversing Position on Build Back Better ActDespite earlier promises to continue negotiations, Senator Joe Manchin has announced he will not support the Build Back Better Act, leaving the White House and Democrats in a deadlock. The infrastructure bill's passage may have given Senate Republicans leverage to prevent the larger spending bill's passage.

      The ongoing negotiations between the White House and Senator Joe Manchin over the Build Back Better Act have reached a dead end. Manchin surprised everyone by announcing on Fox News that he would not support the bill, despite earlier promises to continue negotiations. The White House responded with a statement accusing Manchin of betrayal and a sudden reversal in his position. This signals that the White House has given up on reaching a compromise with Manchin, and the Build Back Better Act is unlikely to pass. The infrastructure bill, which was passed separately, may have given Senate Republicans a strategic advantage in preventing the passage of the larger spending bill. The unpredictable nature of Manchin's position and the White House's harsh response have left many wondering about the future of Biden's presidency and the prospects for bipartisan cooperation in Congress.

    • Insights from Hostage Negotiator and Mafia EnforcerUnexpectedly, Senator Joe Manchin's opposition to Biden's Build Back Better package could benefit Biden, serving as an early wake-up call for him and potentially shifting Democrats' focus to more popular policies.

      The conversation on the Jordan Harbinger Show offers valuable insights from various fascinating guests, including a hostage negotiator and a pimp turned mafia enforcer, among others. Meanwhile, in politics, Senator Joe Manchin's decision to oppose President Joe Biden's Build Back Better package might unexpectedly benefit Biden in the long run. Manchin's move could serve as an early wake-up call for Biden, similar to what Bill Clinton experienced in the 1994 election. The Democrats, led by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are frustrated with Manchin's decision, but their agenda might not be as popular as they believe, given that a majority of senators oppose the bill. Bernie Sanders' advice to Manchin is also questionable, as Sanders would not be elected in West Virginia, a state that struggles economically and where Sanders' proposed policies might not resonate.

    • Democratic Leadership's Promise at StakeProgressives demand action from Democratic leadership to keep their promise and pass the Build Back Better bill, while the entire democracy hangs in the balance.

      The Democratic leadership, including President Biden, made a promise to pass the Build Back Better bill alongside the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. However, when Manchin blocked the passage of Build Back Better, the leadership's credibility was put on the line. Progressives, such as AOC and Ilhan Omar, are frustrated and demanding action from the Democratic leadership to keep their promise. The entire democracy is at stake, and the progressives refuse to give up on passing this agenda. Despite the challenges, they remain committed to fighting for the interests of working, middle class, and poor people. It's essential for the Democratic leadership to find a solution and deliver on their promise to pass Build Back Better. The progressive wing believes that if they had held out on voting for the infrastructure bill, Manchin might have eventually agreed to pass both bills together. However, Manchin's actions were not unexpected, and the focus should be on the Democratic leadership to keep their promise and find a way forward.

    • Saving on Gas with GetUpside vs. Debating Student Loans and Senate RepresentationGetUpside app saves users up to 50¢ on first fill-up and 25¢ per gallon thereafter, while political debates over student loans and Senate representation continue, emphasizing the need for compromise and understanding.

      While progressive politicians like AOC continue to advocate for policies that are at odds with the wider American public, the high cost of living, particularly gas prices, is a pressing concern for many people. To help combat this, an app called GetUpside offers cash back on every gallon of gas purchased, allowing users to save up to 50¢ per gallon on their first fill-up and up to 25¢ per gallon thereafter. Meanwhile, the debate over student loan debt and the role of institutions like the Senate in American democracy continues to be a contentious issue. Progressives like AOC argue that the Senate is undemocratic due to its equal representation of smaller states, while others view it as a necessary part of the system that ensures balance and representation for all Americans. Ultimately, the ongoing debates highlight the need for compromise and understanding between different political perspectives.

    • Progressive politicians' influence on Democratic PartyDespite criticism, progressive policies like Critical Race Theory and voter suppression allegations shape Democratic agenda. Democrats face potential reality checks on COVID-19 and public opinion.

      Despite the criticism and mockery, progressive politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hold significant influence over the Democratic Party, with President Joe Biden taking cues from their policies. This includes the push for Critical Race Theory in education and allegations of voter suppression. The debate around these issues highlights the stark differences between various communities and the ongoing struggle for equal rights and access to resources. The discussion also touched upon the importance of being prepared for unexpected events, using the analogy of Santa Claus getting life insurance. However, the broader context suggests that Democrats, particularly those in power, may soon face reality checks on various fronts, including COVID-19 and public opinion.

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      Policygenius.com/Shapiro offers a quick and easy way to get life insurance by answering a few questions about yourself and comparing personalized quotes to find the best price. With licensed experts advocating for you, unbiased help, and no added fees or sold information, Policygenius could help you save up to 50% on life insurance. Meanwhile, in other news, The Daily Wire introduces a new show called "The Search," featuring unfiltered conversations with interesting friends like Jordan Peterson and Candace Owens. The Democrats, however, have boxed themselves in with their progressive policy agenda and their extreme COVID-19 response, leading to economic destruction, opioid deaths, and widespread depression. Despite the new variant being less deadly than Delta, they continue to cling to their idea that the government can eliminate COVID-19 completely.

    • Fear of COVID-19 continues for some despite vaccination and reliable infoSome individuals remain excessively fearful of COVID-19, relying on government guidance over personal autonomy. Despite low child mortality rate, fear of variants can be unwarranted, encouraging balanced perspective and personal decision making.

      Some individuals, specifically those mentioned in the discussion, continue to live in excessive fear of COVID-19 despite being vaccinated and having access to reliable information. They are fixated on the idea that the government should be their primary source of guidance, even if it means surrendering personal autonomy. Chris Chiliza, in particular, expresses this anxiety in his article, where he shares his personal experiences and the daily stressors that come with the ongoing pandemic. However, it is important to note that the number of children who have died from COVID-19 remains low, and the fear of omicron and other variants may not be warranted. People, including parents, are capable of making decisions for themselves and their families without relying on external authorities. It's crucial to maintain a balanced perspective and not let fear dictate our lives.

    • Observing the improving COVID-19 situationDespite rising cases, the focus should be on vaccines and living with COVID-19, not in constant fear. The data shows that severe illness and deaths are decreasing in some areas.

      Despite the widespread fear and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, the data shows that the situation is improving in some areas, and the impact of vaccines is evident. Chris Chiles shares his personal experience of feeling emotionally raw but finds solace in following the data and observing the statistics, such as the case and death numbers in the United Kingdom. Contrary to popular belief, the increase in cases does not always lead to a corresponding increase in deaths, as seen in the UK data from November 2020. The vaccines have been effective in preventing severe illness and deaths, and the focus should be on continuing vaccination efforts and living with the virus rather than living in constant fear. The media and politicians have contributed to the fear and uncertainty by constantly moving the goalposts and keeping people in a state of dread, but it's essential to look at the facts and find reasons to believe in a better future.

    • Despite increase in COVID-19 cases, there's no corresponding increase in deathsOmicron is less deadly than previous variants, causing fewer deaths despite more cases, posing a challenge for pandemic response measures

      Despite a significant increase in COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant in various countries like the UK, South Africa, and New York, there has been no corresponding increase in deaths. This trend is evident in the UK, where the 7-day rolling average of deaths is actually lower than a week ago. Similarly, in South Africa, the hospitalization rate for the current wave is significantly lower than the last wave, indicating that Omicron is less deadly than previous variants. New York City, which has seen a massive spike in cases, is also experiencing minimal death rates. The reason for this trend is that Omicron is highly contagious but less deadly than previous variants, making it a desirable infection for those who have not been vaccinated or previously infected. This poses a problem for Democrats, who have relied on public fear of variants to justify their pandemic response measures. As a result, they are now faced with cognitive dissonance and are unable to decide whether to continue lockdowns and other restrictive measures or allow for a return to normalcy.

    • Democratic Party's inconsistent COVID-19 responseDespite evidence, Democratic leaders' COVID-19 response remains uncertain, fueled by media panic and inconsistent policies

      The Democratic Party's response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be inconsistent and uncertain, with leaders ping-ponging between strict measures and relaxation, despite evidence suggesting that other factors, such as delayed healthcare and ICU strain, are contributing to current hospital strains more than the Omicron variant itself. Meanwhile, the media continues to fuel panic with sensational headlines, but the data buried in these articles often tells a different story. For instance, a significant percentage of ICU patients in cities with strained ICUs do not have COVID infections. The incoming mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, who was expected to be a moderate, has taken a firm stance on COVID-19, temporarily shutting down schools in areas with large outbreaks. The emphasis on emotional intelligence in his administration adds another layer of uncertainty to the situation. Overall, the inconsistent messaging and shifting policies from Democratic leaders, coupled with the media's role in fueling panic, create a bizarre and unpredictable situation that leaves the public unsure of what to expect.

    • Proposed COVID-19 plan opposed by Biden administrationThe Biden administration initially dismissed the Great Barrington Declaration, a COVID-19 plan focusing on protecting the vulnerable while allowing herd immunity, without clear explanation, but now adopts a similar approach.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an alternative plan proposed by a group of epidemiologists known as the Great Barrington Declaration. This plan suggested focusing on protecting the vulnerable while allowing young, healthy individuals to live their lives and build herd immunity. However, the Biden administration's COVID-19 response team, led by Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, actively tried to discredit this plan without providing a clear explanation as to why it was wrong. Now, the administration is shifting its messaging to focus on the severity of the virus rather than case numbers, which is similar to what was proposed in the Great Barrington Declaration. The attempt to discredit the plan raises questions about transparency and the motivation behind the administration's messaging.

    • Health officials' fear tactics towards unvaccinated vs. Omicron's realityDespite health officials implying severe illness and death for unvaccinated with Omicron, data shows it's less deadly than Delta. Focus on accurate info, not fear tactics or inconsistent messaging.

      Health officials like Jeff Zients and Anthony Fauci have been pushing fear tactics towards the unvaccinated, implying that they will face severe illness and death due to Omicron, while assuring the vaccinated that they will be safe. However, the data suggests that Omicron is less deadly than Delta, and the unvaccinated should be less worried. The inconsistency in messaging and continued fear-mongering, despite the changing nature of the virus, raises questions about the true intentions behind these statements. Additionally, the focus on vaccines as the sole solution to the pandemic, while ignoring other measures like masking and social distancing, can be misleading. It's important for individuals to make informed decisions based on accurate information and not be swayed by fear tactics or inconsistent messaging from health officials.

    • Understanding the role of testing, boosters, and masks in the fight against COVID-19Testing, boosters, and masks are crucial measures in preventing the spread of COVID-19 alongside vaccines. While there may be debates on the effectiveness and necessity of certain measures, the ultimate goal is to minimize the virus's impact and protect the most vulnerable populations.

      While vaccines are important in the fight against COVID-19, they are not the only solution. Dr. Fauci emphasizes the importance of testing, boosters, and masks. However, the effectiveness and necessity of these measures can be confusing due to conflicting messages from experts. For instance, the value of testing asymptomatic individuals and the efficacy of cloth masks are subjects of debate. The use of boosters, particularly for the elderly, has been shown to increase antibody levels, but b cell and t cell immunity still exist. Masks, especially N95 and KN95 masks, can complement the protection provided by vaccines in certain situations. It's important to remember that the ultimate goal is to minimize the spread of the virus and protect the most vulnerable populations. The situation remains fluid, and ongoing research and communication from experts will be crucial in navigating the evolving pandemic landscape.

    • Ben Shapiro's frustration with COVID-19 fear cultureBen Shapiro urges individuals to question COVID-19 data, resist unnecessary guidelines, and live their lives, while those who wish to live in fear can do so.

      During the discussion on the podcast, Ben Shapiro expressed frustration with individuals who excessively worry about COVID-19 case counts and follow government guidelines without questioning the data. He believes that those individuals are creating a culture of fear and are not truly connected to the data. Shapiro suggested that people who wish to live in fear can do so, but the rest of the population will continue to live their lives and take in productive individuals from states with excessive fear. He encourages people to resist complying with unnecessary guidelines and sign the "Do Not Comply" petition on The Daily Wire's website. The podcast also mentioned the closing arguments in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial and Google's strict vaccine mandate.

    Recent Episodes from The Ben Shapiro Show

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 30, 2024

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    We review the first—and likely only—debate between President Biden and former President Trump.


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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    The polls show Donald Trump beginning to pull away as the Biden team struggles for an answer; will World War III break out if Biden begins to collapse?; and the Supreme Court proves it isn’t a conservative policy think tank.


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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Mind the Gap

    Mind the Gap
    Scott Galloway discusses caring for family, the impact of our population’s health on the economy, and an MBA in a post-corona world. He also sits down with Matthew Frieman, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Maryland, to discuss the state of play of COVID-19 and the development of therapeutics and a vaccine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    How Monkeypox Went From Containable to Crisis

    How Monkeypox Went From Containable to Crisis

    In mid-June, cases of monkeypox were in the double digits in the United States. There were drug treatments and vaccines against it. There didn’t seem to be any reason for alarm.

    But in the weeks since, the virus has spread rapidly across the country, with some local and state officials declaring public health emergencies.

    Guest: Apoorva Mandavilli, a science and global health reporter for The New York Times.

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    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

    The Video Interview We ALL Need to See (Ep 1225)

    The Video Interview We ALL Need to See (Ep 1225)
    In this episode, I address the fireworks during the interview with Attorney General Bill Barr regarding the Spygate investigation. I also cover the enormous Nancy Pelosi blunder and how it hurts the Democrats’ long term. Finally, I address the real political battle plan for the liberals going forward.  News Picks: Attorney General Barr drops some hints about the investigation into the Spygate scandal.  VP Pence strikes back at fake-news CNN.  Liberal media outlets edit their headlines to protect the Democrats. A new study investigating the possibility of herd immunity in California.  The Spygate scandal is only going to get worse for the FBI. Here’s the latest.  The federal debt has exploded. This is absolutely unsustainable.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Which country has the world's best healthcare system?

    Which country has the world's best healthcare system?
    I got my start as a blogger. But more specifically, I got my start as a health policy blogger. My first piece of writing I remember people really caring about was a series called “The Health of Nations,” in which I checked out books from college library, downloaded international reports, and profiled the world’s leading health systems. It was crude stuff, but it taught me a lot. The way we do health care isn’t the only way to do health care. It’s not the best way, or the second best, or the third. Ezekiel Emanuel is a bioethicist, oncologist, and co-director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Health Transformation Institute. He was a top health policy advisor in the Obama administration, he’s a senior fellow at the Center for American progress, he makes his own artisanal chocolate, and he’s got a new book — Which Country Has the World’s Best Healthcare? — where he goes into more detail than I ever did, or could, to profile other health systems and rank them against our own. So, yes, this is a conversation about which country has the world’s best health system. But it’s also about how innovation in health care actually works, whether there’s any evidence private insurers add actual value, whether health care is the best investment to make in improving health (spoiler: no), how do you improve a health system when half of the political system will fight like hell against those improvements, and much more. Emanuel has also been doing a lot of work on coronavirus policy, and so we spend some time there, discussing the question that’ tormenting me now: Are we simply giving up that fight? And is there even a politically viable option to giving up, given how much time the government has wasted and how exhausted the public is? Book recommendations: Master of the Senate by Robert Caro The Last Place on Earth by Roland Huntford On His Own Terms: A Life of Nelson Rockefeller by Richard Norton Smith Want to contact the show? Reach out at ezrakleinshow@vox.com Please consider making a contribution to Vox to support this show: bit.ly/givepodcasts Your support will help us keep having ambitious conversations about big ideas. New to the show? Want to check out Ezra’s favorite episodes? Check out the Ezra Klein Show beginner’s guide (http://bit.ly/EKSbeginhere) Credits: Producer/Editer/Audio Wizard - Jeff Geld Researcher - Roge Karma Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    “Cold Stone Schemery.”

    “Cold Stone Schemery.”

    Roger Stone is rewarded for covering up Trump’s corruption with a commuted prison sentence, the White House orchestrates a hit job on Dr. Anthony Fauci for telling the truth about the pandemic, and Congress debates the next round of pandemic relief as the economy stalls. Then Pod Save the People’s Kaya Henderson talks to Jon Lovett about the debate over re-opening schools this fall.