
    About this Episode

    Episode 14: "Who am I?"

    We know more about ourselves than ever before, we can get a DNA sample to 23 and me and discover extensive information about our biological family and our own physical characteristics. We can develop an online persona for a cluster of social media platforms and present ourselves any way we want. But how can we know who we really are?

    Dr Christopher Watkin is an Associate Professor in French Studies at Monash University, where he holds an ARC Future Fellowship. Chris writes books and journal articles, teaches, makes YouTube videos and is the author of the recent Australian Christian Book of the Year Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture.


    Got questions?

    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything by contact us at deeperquestions@thirdspace.org.au - We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

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    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Recent Episodes from Deeper Questions

    Ep 18: "Whatever happened to New Atheism?" with Justin Brierley (Season Finale)

    Ep 18: "Whatever happened to New Atheism?" with Justin Brierley (Season Finale)
    Episode 18: “Whatever happened to New Atheism?" (Season Finale)

    Around the mid 2000s atheism became sexy. It was everywhere. Headlined by Richard Dawkins and the other ‘four horsemen’ of New Atheism; Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett. They -and many other public atheists- were dominating best seller lists, YouTube algorithms and making news with their witty and swashbuckling commentary. But it seems like those days have moved on pretty quick. We only really hear about Richard Dawkins now when he’s being cancelled, and atheism hasn’t really risen at all when you look at the numbers. So what happened to New Atheism, and what could be taking its place?

    Well, for our final episode of season 1, we’re delighted to have Justin Brierley joining us from the UK. Thanks to his popular Unbelievable? Radio show which brought (and still brings) prominent Christians and sceptics together for dialogue, he was able to have a ringside seat to many of the proponents and arguments of New Atheism. His new book ‘The surprising rebirth of the belief in God’ covers the downfall of the movement along with the cultural shift that seems to be happening. You can also listen to the podcast docu-series with the same title, you won't regret it.

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    Got questions?

    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything by contacting us at deeperquestions@thirdspace.org.au - We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

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    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Ep 17: "How do we find our voice?" with Grace Tame

    Ep 17: "How do we find our voice?" with Grace Tame
    Episode 17: “How do we find our voice?"

    Deeper Questions is a show that seeks to explore a vast array of topics and experiences in the spirit of curiosity and listening. This exploration will sometimes include heavy and uncomfortable themes that may shake us up and affect us in important ways, but they may also change us for the better. For this episode we have a very special guest joining us - the one and only Grace Tame. We spend the episode zigging and zagging through some of her experiences and reflections on life. I find her voice refreshing and something that can help us find ours in the midst of adversity and trials. Very thankful for her honesty and openness here.

    Since being announced Australian of the Year in January 2021, Grace has become a household name as a brave and passionate advocate for a number of important social causes, but especially for the systemic change to prevent child sexual abuse. The Grace Tame Foundation works with government, not-for-profits, legal experts and educators to improve protections in legislation and to inform and educate people in our communities about sexual abuse and survivor issues. She’s also written a memoir The Ninth Life of a Diamond Miner, which we discuss at length here.

    *Warning: This episode contains references to the sexual abuse and assault of minors, trauma, and other graphic content which some listeners may find distressing. Resources are available below if you’d like to talk to someone.

    Survivor Resources:
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    Got questions?

    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything by contacting us at deeperquestions@thirdspace.org.au - We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

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    If you’re a fan of the show and want to help us grow our audience or make a contribution, you can sign up to our Patreon page here.

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Ep 16: "What does healthy masculinity look like?" with Al Stewart

    Ep 16: "What does healthy masculinity look like?" with Al Stewart
    Episode 16: "What does healthy masculinity look like?" with Al Stewart

    The last 50-60 years have brought unprecedented change when it comes to understanding, and re-writing our understanding, of gender roles in society. Today’s episode is not so much going to look at all the aspects of gender we could cover, but we want to zero in on manhood and masculinity. Being a man has always brought a range of advantages and power dynamics that we’re coming to understand more and more, but there also challenges that we’d do well to try and dig into as well.

    Today we have Al Stewart who has recently written a book on masculinity, called The Manual: Getting Masculinity Right. I’m privileged to call him a friend and someone that I’ve admired and worked alongside over my time with Third Space and City Bible Forum. He’s currently the director of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, and has extensive experience in Christian ministry. We don’t tend to get pastors on this show much, but he’s learnt a lot about blokes over the last few decades, and has plenty of great insights.

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    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything by contact us at deeperquestions@thirdspace.org.au - We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

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    If you’re a fan of the show and want to help us grow our audience or make a contribution, you can sign up to our Patreon page here.

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Ep 15: "Can trees save the world?" with Tony Rinaudo

    Ep 15: "Can trees save the world?" with Tony Rinaudo
    Episode 15: "Can trees save the world?"

    When people think of climate change I imagine they think of the smog and smoke pouring into the atmosphere as we burn fossil fuels to power our cities, cars, and lifestyles. And you would be right. But perhaps an understated accelerant is the loss of vast forest ecosystems which are often destroyed for agriculture, housing development, and the forestry industry. Not only are trees a vital source of oxygen that ensures we can breathe the breath of life, but they are also one of our most powerful defences against climate change. The original carbon capture technology immaculately designed by the first agronomist.

    Speaking of agronomists, today we have Tony Rinaudo joining us. Also known as 'The Forestmaker'. Tony works for World Vision and has been a force in the climate change story. He worked in Niger for a couple of decades helping farmers with work with nature to restore native forest land, and to grow enough food to support their local communities. His focus has been in Africa, but his work is going global, thanks to a strategy called ‘Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration’ which well get to. In 2018 he won the Right Livelihood Award (Alternate Nobel Prize) "for demonstrating on a large scale how drylands can be greened at minimal cost, improving the livelihoods of millions of people".

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    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything by contact us at deeperquestions@thirdspace.org.au - We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

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    If you’re a fan of the show and want to help us grow our audience or make a contribution, you can sign up to our Patreon page here.

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Ep 14: "Who am I?" with Christopher Watkin

    Ep 14: "Who am I?" with Christopher Watkin
    Episode 14: "Who am I?"

    We know more about ourselves than ever before, we can get a DNA sample to 23 and me and discover extensive information about our biological family and our own physical characteristics. We can develop an online persona for a cluster of social media platforms and present ourselves any way we want. But how can we know who we really are?

    Dr Christopher Watkin is an Associate Professor in French Studies at Monash University, where he holds an ARC Future Fellowship. Chris writes books and journal articles, teaches, makes YouTube videos and is the author of the recent Australian Christian Book of the Year Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture.


    Got questions?

    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything by contact us at deeperquestions@thirdspace.org.au - We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

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    If you’re a fan of the show and want to help us grow our audience or make a contribution, you can sign up to our Patreon page here.

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Ep 13: "What's your favourite drink (and why is it single malt whisky)?" with Jane Overeem & Bec Polmear

    Ep 13: "What's your favourite drink (and why is it single malt whisky)?" with Jane Overeem & Bec Polmear
    Episode 13: "What's your favourite drink (and why is it single malt whisky)?"

    Sometimes on Deeper Questions there’ll be niche, and then there’ll be next level niche like today. Digging into a topic that is ridiculously particular and concentrated where you might come in knowing absolutely nothing of what we’re talking about. Well if that’s you today then don’t worry! I think we manage to handle it in a way that caters to people with no prior knowledge, people that associate whisky with ‘that unnatural burning sensation in my throat and chest’ - as well as some juicy bits for those who have a decent top shelf when it comes to whisky.

    Today we have Jane Overeem, the co-owner of Overeem distillery, as well as Bec Polmear, the co-founder at Waubs Harbour Distillery. Both distilleries have been recognised on the world stage with Overeem taking home awards from the World Whiskies awards in 2019, and a gold medal in 2023 for their Port Cask. Waubs Harbour are new to the scene and have been recognised almost immediately, winning a master medal and two gold medals at the World Whisky masters 2023.

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    Got questions?

    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything by contact us at deeperquestions@thirdspace.org.au - We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

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    If you’re a fan of the show and want to help us grow our audience or make a contribution, you can sign up to our Patreon page here.

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Ep 12: "How can we help save a life?" with Mitch McPherson

    Ep 12: "How can we help save a life?" with Mitch McPherson
    Episode 12: “How can we help save a life?"

    Suicide is one of those taboo topics that we push as far out of minds we possibly can. And for good reason. It’s utterly tragic when someone takes their own life. When their circumstances and emotional wellbeing reach such a point that they no longer feel they can go on. Where it feels so bleak, so hopeless, and a permanent escape is the only option. And so today we wanted to bring it front of mind, with a guest who is doing some incredible work in this space to help get us talking.

    Mitch McPherson who is the founder of SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY – a not-for-profit organisation working in the mental health space, promoting positive mental health and prevent suicide by normalising conversations about mental health and encouraging people to seek help when they need it. Mitch established the organisation in 2013 after his younger brother Ty died by suicide, and has been a champion in the mental health space ever since - sharing that it’s OK to not be OK, that we can find help, and that we can help each other out in tough times.

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    Got questions?

    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything by contact us at deeperquestions@thirdspace.org.au - We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

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    If you’re a fan of the show and want to help us grow our audience or make a contribution, you can sign up to our Patreon page here.

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Ep 11: "What’s with our obsession with True Crime?" with Michael Guerzoni

    Ep 11: "What’s with our obsession with True Crime?" with Michael Guerzoni
    Episode 11: "What’s with our obsession with True Crime?"

    In early 2023, Triton Digital‘s Australian Podcast Ranker showed that Casefile, an Australian True Crime podcast - had risen to number 1 in Australia, beating Hamish and Andy. Apart from Casefile, there are approximately 120 podcasts about true crime, just from Australian content creators. Since Serial, the popular spinoff from This American Life, in 2014, it seems our appetite for this kind of journalism meets narrative nonfiction is insatiable. What does it tell us about us as people and as a society?

    Dr Michael A. Guerzoni is a criminologist at the School of Social Sciences in the College of Arts, Law and Education. Michael’s research examines organisational culture, deviance, and crime prevention, with a particular focus on the safeguarding of children within religious institutions. The results of his doctoral thesis was published as a book titled Child Protection in the Church: An Anglican Case Study (Routledge Studies in Crime and Society). He’s also the author of a number of scholarly journals and book chapters. Michael has done way too much reading on this subject and brings compassion as well as expertise to this episode.

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    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything! We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too!

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    If you're a fan of the show and want to help us grow our audience/contribute towards production you can sign up to our Patreon page here.

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Ep 10: "Are you spiritual but not religious?" with Natasha Moore

    Ep 10: "Are you spiritual but not religious?" with Natasha Moore
    Episode 10: “Are you spiritual but not religious?"

    Every time the census rolls around there is intrigue, vigorous campaigning, non-stop commentary and at times feverish hysteria about the decline of institutional religion. And while Australia continues to become more and more secular, it doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone is becoming less spiritual. For this episode we’ll meander through a bunch of topics, disciplines, authors and ideas that we hope you’ll find as interesting as we did.

    Natasha Moore is a Senior Research Fellow at The Centre for Public Christianity: a not-for-profit media company that offers a Christian perspective on contemporary life. She has a PhD in English Literature from the University of Cambridge and is the author of For the Love of God: How the Church is better and worse than you ever imagined as well as The Pleasures of Pessimism. She spoke recently in Hobart as part of the Henry Baldwin Lecture series, and our conversation interacts with the lecture.

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    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything! We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

    Ep 9: "Would Jesus identify as an Evangelical?" with Con Campbell

    Ep 9: "Would Jesus identify as an Evangelical?" with Con Campbell
    Episode 9: “Would Jesus identify as an Evangelical?"

    Evangelicalism seems to have a massive PR problem. You probably see in the news the same thing that I do: high profile scandals, a loud voice in the culture wars, and behaviour that doesn’t line up with the historical Jesus. So I wanted to discuss the perception and the reality of Evangelicalism - both the label and the movement. As well as how it lines up with the central figure of Christianity; Christ, and his teachings.

    Constantine Campbell is a Professor and Associate Research Director at the Sydney College of Divinity, and previously served as Professor of New Testament studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago and Moore Theological College in Sydney. He specialises in ancient Greek language and completed his doctorate at Macquarie University 2007. Con is also the author of 16 books, with a focus on ancient Greek linguistics, New Testament interpretation, and the writings of St Paul. His latest book is Jesus vs Evangelicals.

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    Got questions?

    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything! We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too.

    Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios