
    Ep. 1403 - Happy New Year, Everyone Is Still Stupid

    enJanuary 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • COVID-19 as a Pagan God and the Divide Between Blue and Red StatesThe COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for individuals to make risk-reward calculations, challenging both the left's worldview and the importance of flexible, affordable education options

      The COVID-19 pandemic has been viewed by some as a pagan god visiting wrath upon their enemies, rather than just a disease. This perspective has led to blame and division between blue and red states. However, with the emergence of the Omicron variant, which is highly transmissible but less deadly than previous variants, people are starting to see the reality that COVID is a challenge in life that requires risk-reward calculations. The left's worldview is being challenged, and they must choose to accept the inherent risks in life or crack down even harder on health guidelines. Meanwhile, Grand Canyon University offers an affordable and flexible education option for those looking to improve themselves and advance in their careers.

    • COVID-19 Cases Surge but Deaths Remain Low in Several StatesDespite a rise in COVID-19 cases due to the omicron variant, deaths have stayed low in some states and globally. The speaker argues against the continued focus on testing and panic, as there's no medical reason to change treatment vectors for this virus.

      Despite a surge in COVID-19 cases due to the omicron variant, deaths have remained relatively low in several states, including California and New York. The speaker emphasizes that this pattern is consistent globally. He criticizes the continued focus on testing and the resulting panic, arguing that there is no medical reason to test for a virus that does not change treatment vectors. The speaker also notes that some political figures, such as President Biden, have shifted their rhetoric to acknowledge the limitations of federal control over the virus. However, he points out that while some on the left are beginning to accept this reality, others continue to cling to the idea that COVID-19 only affects the "unworthy" and that testing and lockdowns can stop transmission. The speaker concludes by questioning the logic of the continued focus on testing and the resulting panic.

    • Politicians' holiday actions spark criticismDespite Omicron surge, Biden faced minimal scrutiny for leaving, while Ocasio-Cortez faced intense criticism for vacationing, highlighting the politically charged nature of pandemic response accountability.

      During the holiday season, while the country was experiencing a significant Omicron spike, both President Joe Biden and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drew criticism for their actions. Biden, despite stating there was no federal solution, left for Delaware, while Ocasio-Cortez, who has criticized Florida's handling of the pandemic, vacationed there with her boyfriend. Critics accused both of hypocrisy, but their responses were vastly different. Biden's absence was largely ignored by the media, while Ocasio-Cortez faced intense scrutiny and accusations of sexual frustration from some Republicans. The media's treatment of these situations was striking, with Biden's departure receiving minimal attention while Ocasio-Cortez's vacation being heavily criticized. Ultimately, these incidents highlight the politically charged nature of the pandemic response and the differing ways public figures are held accountable for their actions.

    • Political focus shifts, empathy neededEmpathy is crucial during challenging times, selective acknowledgement of information can lead to confusion, prioritize self-care, and remember that new info doesn't change old opinions.

      The political discourse has seen a shift in focus, with some individuals, including AOC, questioning the whereabouts of Governor Ron DeSantis, while he was attending to his wife's cancer treatments. This situation highlights the importance of empathy and understanding, especially during challenging times. Additionally, there seems to be a trend of selectively acknowledging information, with some individuals and political parties suddenly expressing concerns and opinions on issues that have been discussed for a long time. This includes the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its mitigation measures. It's crucial to approach such situations with a clear understanding of the facts and a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue. Furthermore, there's a reminder to prioritize self-care and invest in tools that can improve our daily lives, such as the X Chair, which offers customized support and comfort. Lastly, it's important to remember that new information doesn't necessarily mean that previous opinions were incorrect, but rather that our understanding of the situation may evolve as we learn more.

    • Media and health officials' inconsistent approach to OmicronDespite evidence suggesting Omicron's comparability to the flu and the significance of natural immunity, some public figures have only recently acknowledged this, leading to frustration over perceived contradictions in COVID-19 risk discussions and response measures.

      The realization of the comparability of Omicron to the flu and the significance of natural immunity seems to be a late discovery for some public figures, despite the evidence suggesting otherwise for months. Chris Hayes and Dr. Anthony Fauci's recent comments highlight the inconsistency in how the media and health officials have approached the discussion of COVID-19 risks, particularly for those who are vaccinated or have recovered from the virus. The frustration lies in the perceived contradiction between the panic and restrictions imposed earlier and the more relaxed stance towards Omicron. This inconsistency raises questions about the rationale behind the previous measures and their potential impact on individuals and society.

    • Natural immunity from previous infections may offer some protection against severe COVID-19 symptomsNatural immunity from past infections may reduce severity of COVID-19 symptoms, but it doesn't prevent reinfection or transmission. Cloth masks are not effective against airborne Omicron transmission, and experts are acknowledging this. Stay informed about the latest research and recommendations.

      Natural immunity from previous infections may offer some protection against severe COVID-19 symptoms, even if it doesn't prevent reinfection or transmission. This is likely the reason why South Africa, with a large population that has already been infected and recovered, is experiencing less severe cases of the Omicron variant. Additionally, cloth masks are not very effective against airborne transmission of Omicron, and experts like Dr. Scott Gottlieb are now acknowledging this. However, the data on mask effectiveness hasn't changed, and some experts have been saying this for years. Despite this, the narrative around masks and natural immunity is only now starting to shift. It's important for individuals to stay informed about the latest research and recommendations from trusted sources.

    • CDC's Quarantine Decision Not Based on Solid ScienceThe CDC's decision to reduce COVID quarantine period to 5 days is criticized for being driven by economic concerns rather than solid scientific evidence. Previous public health messaging, including mask studies and social distancing, has also been questioned for lacking sound science.

      The CDC's recent announcement reducing the COVID quarantine period from 10 days to 5 days is not based on solid scientific evidence. The speaker argues that much of the guidance surrounding COVID, including the 6-foot social distancing rule and mask studies, is not based on sound science. The CDC's decision to shorten the quarantine period is due to the potential economic impact of having a large workforce out of commission. The speaker criticizes previous public health messaging for prioritizing saving lives over keeping the economy running, and accuses those who held that view of wanting to sacrifice the vulnerable. Now that many people have contracted COVID, particularly the more contagious Omicron variant, there seems to be a shift in perspective, with a recognition that competing priorities must be balanced. However, the speaker's criticism of previous messaging is controversial and divisive.

    • Struggling to accept new reality of COVID-19Some individuals who have been overly fearful of COVID-19 are finding it hard to adjust as data shows the virus is less severe. They are pushing back against relaxed guidelines, causing tension and criticism towards public health officials.

      The COVID-19 response has led to cognitive dissonance among some individuals who have been overly fearful of the virus. They have been criticizing policies and leaders who don't align with their perspective, even when those policies are data-driven and beneficial. However, as the situation evolves and the data shows that the virus is less severe than previously thought, these individuals are struggling to adjust. They have been living in fear for so long that they are having a hard time accepting the new reality. This has led to pushback against relaxed guidelines, such as shorter quarantine periods, despite the scientific evidence supporting them. The CDC and Dr. Fauci have faced criticism for not following the science consistently and instead being influenced by social and business pressures. Ultimately, the virus is highly infectious but less deadly than initially thought, and people need to learn to live with it while taking necessary precautions if they are immunocompromised or vulnerable. The pushback against this new reality is a reminder of the emotional toll the pandemic has taken on people and the importance of clear and consistent communication from public health officials.

    • CDC testing guidelines and mask debates cause controversyExperts debate testing asymptomatic individuals and mask effectiveness during COVID-19, with conflicting opinions leading to confusion and potential false positives from testing dead virus. Democrats face challenges balancing public health and economic realities in an election year.

      The current COVID-19 response strategies are causing controversy and confusion, with debates raging over testing asymptomatic individuals, mask effectiveness, and vaccine mandates. The CDC's guidelines on testing during the second half of the infectious period have generated questions, and some experts suggest testing the asymptomatic to prevent transmission. However, others argue that dead or shed virus may still test positive, leading to potential false positives and the need for continued lockdowns. Meanwhile, the debate continues over the effectiveness of cloth masks against the omicron variant, with some experts maintaining their efficacy while others call for N95 masks instead. The situation is further complicated by conflicting messages from public figures and the implementation of strict vaccine mandates, which have caused worker shortages and business closures in areas with high omicron cases. The Democrats are facing a difficult situation as they try to balance public health concerns with economic realities and political considerations in an election year.

    • Fed's anticipated rate hikes and mortgage refinancing opportunitiesThe Fed's upcoming interest rate hikes may prompt some homeowners to consider refinancing their mortgages to lock in current low rates and save on monthly and long-term costs. American Financing offers a free mortgage review for those considering this option.

      The Federal Reserve is expected to taper and raise interest rates multiple times in the near future, making it an ideal time for those looking to refinance their mortgages. Rates are projected to rise, leading to increased costs for borrowers. American Financing offers a free mortgage review with no obligation, and refinancing could potentially save homeowners thousands of dollars monthly and long-term. Additionally, Ben Shapiro has announced the launch of his new book club, which will provide members with book recommendations, personal notes, and discussions on the third Thursday of each month. Lastly, the ongoing debate over vaccine mandates and their impact on businesses and individuals continues, with the Supreme Court set to hear arguments on the legality of Joe Biden's federal mandate. The Do Not Comply petition, which opposes the mandate, has already garnered over a million signatures and continues to grow.

    • Combination of Omicron and Fed rate hikes causing uncertainty for investorsThe Omicron variant and Federal Reserve interest rate increases are causing uncertainty for investors, potentially leading to a stock market downturn and increased unemployment.

      The combination of the Omicron variant and the looming Federal Reserve interest rate increases is causing uncertainty and concern for investors, potentially leading to a stock market downturn and increased unemployment. The economic rebound in 2021 was not as strong as expected, and the continued expansion of unemployment benefits has hindered job recovery in some states. The Democrats' continued spending and refusal to return to normal policies have contributed to this situation. To distract from these issues, the media has focused on negative stories about those who oppose President Biden and has attempted to reframe the narrative around economic issues. However, if the stock market continues to decline and unemployment rates rise, the Democrats could face significant political consequences in the upcoming midterm elections.

    • Democrats focus on insignificant issues while ignoring pressing mattersDemocrats are distracting from their lack of success and record of corruption by focusing on 'Let's go Brandon' and trying to change voting procedures, while the Omicron variant and Democratic abandonment of responsibility go unaddressed.

      The media and Democrats are focusing on insignificant issues while ignoring more pressing matters. The phrase "Let's go Brandon" being used as a euphemism for an insult towards President Joe Biden became a major story, overshadowing concerns about the Omicron variant, Democratic abandonment of responsibility, and lack of civility in politics. Democrats, feeling threatened by the potential Republican takeover of Congress in 2022, are trying to change voting procedures to make it easier for them to win. They are particularly concerned about banning ballot harvesting, a corrupt practice where activists collect ballots from voters, which can lead to voter fraud. Democrats are panicking and trying to shift the conversation away from their lack of success and record of corruption. Don Lemon, a CNN anchor, represents their lack of care for public opinion, and the upcoming election is expected to be a significant event for conservatives and reasonable people alike.

    • Media and Democrats label January 6th an 'insurrection' for political gainMedia and Democrats exploit January 6th anniversary to divert attention from current issues and portray themselves as democracy protectors, while ignoring BLM riots' anniversary and deaths.

      The media and Democrats are focusing heavily on the one-year anniversary of the Capitol incident on January 6th, 2021, labeling it an "insurrection," despite it not meeting the technical definition of the term. This coverage is a deliberate attempt to divert attention from current issues and to portray the Democrats as the better alternative to those who participated in the event. CNN is hosting a live event to commemorate the anniversary, while ignoring the anniversary of the Black Lives Matter riots that caused significant property damage and resulted in deaths. The Democrats' primary goal is to instill fear and panic in the public, as reported by Politico. This focus on January 6th serves as a final pitch for the Democrats, emphasizing their opposition to those involved in the incident and their commitment to protecting democracy.

    • January 6th event and its implications for US democracyThe January 6th event, which lacked institutional support and corporate media coverage, is perceived by some as a harbinger of increasing political violence, but not all Americans agree on its characterization.

      The perceived threat to democracy in the United States is not coming from institutional support or corporate media for protests, but rather from the actions of a group of individuals on January 6th, 2021. This event, which lacked institutional support and corporate media coverage, is seen as a harbinger of increasing political violence by a significant portion of the population. However, it's important to note that not all Americans agree on the characterization of the events of January 6th, with some seeing it as an attempt to defend freedom or patriotism. Additionally, while some polls suggest a concerning number of Americans believe violence against the government is sometimes justified, the vast majority do not support a violent coup against the American government. It's crucial to remember that these polls have margins of error and should be interpreted with caution. Overall, the debate around the state of democracy in the US is complex and multifaceted, and it's essential to consider multiple perspectives and sources of information.

    • January 6th Capitol Riot Used as Justification for Voting Law ChangesDemocrats view the January 6th capitol riot as an ongoing threat and are using it to justify bypassing traditional legislative processes to pass new voting laws, while the media continues to focus on the event to criticize Republicans.

      The Democrats are using the events of January 6, 2021, as a rallying cry to push for changes to federal voting laws. They view the ongoing threat to democracy as justification for bypassing traditional legislative processes, such as the filibuster, to pass new laws. The media, in turn, continues to focus on January 6th as a way to criticize the Republicans and justify the Democrats' actions. Despite the appearance of peace and quiet in American politics, the January 6th capitol riot is seen as an ongoing threat, with numerous bills being proposed and passed at the state level to change election rules. The Democrats believe that without these changes, another January 6th-style attack could occur, and they are determined to prevent that at any cost.

    • Concerns about election manipulation and proposed changes to voting proceduresThere are ongoing debates about election security and potential manipulation following the Capitol siege. Some advocate for expanding absentee voting, increasing drop boxes, and allowing ballot harvesting, while others argue for maintaining current procedures to prevent election 'theft'.

      There are concerns about potential attempts to manipulate voting procedures following the events of the January 6th Capitol siege. Some individuals and political entities are advocating for measures like expanding absentee voting, increasing use of drop boxes, and allowing ballot harvesting at the federal level under the guise of protecting democracy. These proposals echo actions taken in Pennsylvania during the 2020 election and are being justified by claiming that without these changes, elections could be "stolen." This rhetoric is being used to garner support for Democratic efforts to change voting laws, including potentially eliminating the filibuster and federalizing voting procedures. It is crucial to recognize the importance of educating the public about civics and ensuring the security and fairness of elections to prevent the spread of misinformation and maintain trust in democratic processes.

    • Democrats' focus on January 6th Capitol riots for Senate rule change unlikely to succeedDespite Democrats' efforts to change Senate rules using January 6th Capitol riots, the focus of voters in the 2022 midterms is expected to be on economic issues, making it unlikely to succeed.

      While some Democrats are considering using the January 6th Capitol riots as leverage to change Senate rules and pass voting measures without the filibuster, it is unlikely to be effective. The conversation may shift, but the focus of voters in the 2022 midterms is expected to be on economic issues rather than the events of January 6th which occurred over a year ago. Despite this, Democrats are continuing their efforts to change the narrative and engage in debates about Senate rules. However, with growing concerns about the economy and inflation, the party is bracing for a challenging 2022 election cycle. It's important to note that the above analysis is based on the perspective shared in the text and may not reflect the views of all Democrats or political analysts.

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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    PreBorn! - Help save babies from abortion: https://www.preborn.com/BEN


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    #7 We Can All Do Better

    #7 We Can All Do Better

    I was planning on releasing an episode from another amazing guest but given recent events, I think it’s an important time to stop and reflect about a new era that we have well and truly entered. This is an episode about tolerance and finding common ground to overcome some of the biggest problems the world is facing. These thoughts have been weighing heavy on my mind for a few years now, but over the past few months I’ve been putting it altogether. Challenging my beliefs and assumptions. Although many of us are genuinely concerned with the direction the world is heading in, I believe that we can all do more. We can all do better. I was honestly a bit nervous about releasing this episode, because I don’t want to sound like I’m coming to the defence, or attacking any certain type of person. I am not discrediting real experiences or feelings from people either. I also don’t want to come across as preachy. My aim is to open up dialogue and challenge you to think further about your role, whatever your opinion is, and how you can do better. The purpose of this podcast is not only about doing good and hearing about different ways to do good. But it’s also about challenging misconceptions and challenging beliefs, ideas and assumptions. It’s open having open discussion and critique in a supportive community that cares about a sustainable future for every being. The fact that I even feel the need to preface this episode with that little disclaimer means that I am anxious about the response that it’s going to get, even though the whole point is to open dialogue. How ironic is that! Despite my anxiety, I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas, so long as they’re constructive.