
    Ep. 146 - The Terrible Potential Consequences Of Giving Psychiatric Drugs To Kids

    enNovember 19, 2018
    What were the contributing factors to Maddie's suicide?
    How may ADHD medication have affected Maddie's mental state?
    What concerns arise from prescribing ADHD medication to children?
    What is the argument regarding diagnosing ADHD in children?
    How should society address bullying and mental health in schools?

    Podcast Summary

    • A 9-year-old girl's suicide raises concerns about bullying and ADHD medicationThe tragic suicide of a 4th grade girl with ADHD highlights the complex effects of bullying and the need for caution with medication.

      The tragic suicide of a 9-year-old girl named Maddie Witsett serves as a reminder of the complex and often devastating effects of bullying on children. The incident also raises concerns about the potential role of ADHD medication in such tragedies. Maddie, who was in the 4th grade and had been diagnosed with ADHD, hanged herself at home after an apparently normal day. Her parents believe that her medication may have played a part in her suicide, as she had reportedly been experiencing mood swings and other side effects. While bullying was also identified as a significant factor, the case underscores the need for caution and careful consideration when it comes to prescribing and administering ADHD medication to children. The tragedy is a grim reminder of the importance of addressing both bullying and mental health issues in our schools and communities.

    • The Complexity of Child SuicideWhile bullying is a known factor in child suicide, it's not the only one. Mental health medications, family issues, and other factors must be considered to fully understand and address this complex issue.

      Children are innocent and trusting, and their lack of cynicism makes it difficult for them to cope when they encounter unkindness or adversity. The suicide of a child is a tragic and complex issue, and while bullying is a known contributing factor, it is not the only one. The number of children attempting or contemplating suicide has doubled in the past decade, and it is essential to consider other potential factors, such as mental health medications with suicidal side effects. The intuitively shocking nature of a child's suicide underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of this issue. We cannot oversimplify and blame it solely on bullying. Instead, we must acknowledge the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon and work to address all the contributing factors.

    • Concerns over the increasing use of psychiatric drugs and suicide among kidsThe rising rate of suicide among kids and the increasing use of psychiatric drugs, particularly for ADHD, have raised concerns about their potential connection. While correlation does not prove causation, the lack of research data on long-term effects should warrant caution.

      While bullying among children is a long-standing issue, the current rate of suicide among kids is alarmingly high, and it's been linked to the increasing use of psychiatric drugs. Over 7 million children in the US alone are currently taking some form of psychotropic medication, with over half of them diagnosed with ADHD. Although correlation does not prove causation, the fact that these two issues are increasing together raises concerns. Drug companies acknowledge this connection, as they list suicide as a potential side effect, and health officials in Canada have mandated stronger warnings. However, there is a lack of research data on the long-term effects of these drugs on children's developing brains. Pediatric psychologist Ronald Brown emphasizes that there is more use of psychotropic medication with children than there is research data on it. This lack of information should serve as a reason for caution, not a justification for continued prescription.

    • Psychiatric drugs for children: Proceed with cautionUse of psychiatric drugs for children comes with serious risks, including suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, altered personality, violence, and aggression. These risks are often downplayed but cannot be ignored.

      The use of psychiatric drugs for children, particularly for conditions like ADHD, should be approached with extreme caution. The drugs have been linked to serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, altered personality, violence, and aggression. These risks are often downplayed by drug companies and the medical establishment, but the evidence suggests that there is a connection. Furthermore, mass shooters and school shooters have frequently been on or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs, which raises serious concerns. It's important to remember that these drugs are being prescribed for behaviors and thought patterns that are often considered normal for children. While it's not possible to definitively blame psychiatric drugs for every instance of violence or suicide, the correlation is significant and cannot be ignored. Ultimately, the decision to prescribe these drugs to children should be made with great care and with a full understanding of the potential risks and benefits.

    • Subjectivity in ADHD diagnosisADHD diagnosis is based on societal norms, not objective medical criteria. Normal energetic behaviors should not be considered disordered unless they significantly impact specific situations.

      The diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is subjective and dependent on societal norms, rather than being based on objective medical criteria. The speaker argues that energetic and talkative behaviors in children, which are often associated with ADHD, are normal and should not be considered disordered unless they significantly interfere with specific situations, such as schoolwork. The speaker also draws a comparison between the objective diagnosis of medical conditions like cancer and the subjective diagnosis of mental disorders like ADHD. The speaker questions who decided that certain childhood behaviors are disordered and why we have labeled them as such. The speaker suggests that these labels may be used to categorize people who don't fit into the systems we have in place, rather than reflecting true medical conditions.

    • Is ADHD a Clear-Cut Disorder?ADHD diagnosis and treatment raise philosophical questions about the role of doctors and drug companies in defining normal behavior and consciousness, and the connection between the brain and consciousness is not fully understood.

      The diagnosis and treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as a mental disorder raises philosophical questions about the role of doctors and drug companies in determining normal behavior and consciousness. The speaker argues that ADHD is not a clear-cut disorder, but rather a label applied based on arbitrary lines drawn by those who may not fully understand the human mind or consciousness. Furthermore, while some brain diseases can be diagnosed through scans, ADHD cannot be diagnosed in this way, suggesting that it may not be a brain disease but rather a disorder of consciousness. The speaker emphasizes that the connection between the brain and consciousness is not fully understood, and that diagnosing and treating ADHD based on personality surveys and other methods is a decision that those in the medical and pharmaceutical fields are not fully equipped to make.

    • The uncertainty of mind function and potential side effects of drugsThe potential for drugs to cause suicidal thoughts in children, despite being rare, is a significant concern due to incomplete understanding of drug effects on the mind.

      Despite declaring that the mind isn't functioning correctly and attempting to correct it, we don't fully understand what the mind is. This uncertainty makes potential side effects, such as suicidal thoughts, particularly concerning. The ability of a drug to influence someone's thoughts, including the thought of ending one's own existence, is still not fully understood. Drug companies warn that it's rare, but the fact that they don't know how these drugs can cause such thoughts is a significant cause for concern. It's never safe to give something to a child that might potentially cause suicidal thoughts, even with a low probability. While there may be extreme situations where a child needs a drug to save their life, the idea of giving drugs to children to help them focus for schoolwork is a risky trade-off. We cannot accurately quantify how often these thoughts occur, as doctors can only know if the child discloses them, which is often not the case due to fear, embarrassment, or lack of understanding. Furthermore, even if a drug doesn't cause suicidal thoughts, it still alters a child's personality, which raises ethical concerns.

    • Considering the complex effects of drugs on children's behavior and consciousnessDrug companies and doctors should exercise caution when prescribing behavior-altering drugs to children, as long-term effects are not fully understood and could significantly impact their consciousness, desires, and perception of the world.

      Giving a child a drug to change their behavior could be more complex than just calming them down. It could potentially alter their consciousness, desires, and perception of the world. The long-term effects of such drugs are not fully understood, and the drug companies and doctors should be more cautious before prescribing them to more children. The family of Maddie Woodsett, who are dealing with the consequences of such a drug, should be supported in their difficult time. It's crucial that we start asking tough questions and holding those responsible accountable for the potential risks associated with these drugs.

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    Usage of these medications has continued to increase over the past few decades, yet the risk of adverse side effects and potentially detrimental reactions can be rather unpredictable. Some side effects are often misdiagnosed as symptoms of another issue or illness, which then calls for additional medication that may, in turn, further exacerbate how the child or young adult is already feeling.


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    To Learn More About the Show, Visit: www.ChangeItUpRadio.com



    Today grief counselor, Elissa Sheinkin, joins me to discuss: how to survive the loss of a loved one to suicide; find your purpose and getting unstuck.


    Elissa Sheinkin is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a National Certified Counselor who specializes in helping children, adults and families cope with life’s challenges. Life challenges include counseling for the dying, the bereft, divorce, mental and medical illnesses, infertility, job loss, and relocation just to name a few. Her experience is in both private practice and with Hospice Care Network. Elissa is licensed in New York, New Jersey and Florida. 

    1-ON-1 COACHING:

     If you want go from feeling hopeless to hopeful, lonely to connected and like a burden to a blessing, then go to 1-on-1 coaching, go to www.thrivewithleo.com. Let’s get to tomorrow, together. 

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