
    Ep. 1476 - Ilhan Omar Thinks Singing About Jesus Publicly Is Very, Very Bad

    enApril 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Media Criticism of Religious Traditions During HolidaysMedia often criticizes religious practices, particularly during holidays, while consumers can support companies that align with their values

      During a time when many people celebrate their religious beliefs, there is a persistent effort by some in the media to criticize and attack these traditions, particularly those rooted in Christianity and Judaism. Ilhan Omar recently expressed her disapproval of a Christian ministry singing about Jesus on an airplane during Easter weekend. Meanwhile, the media continues to focus on the attempted Twitter takeover by Elon Musk, while Disney is reportedly backing away from its "woke" agenda. Ben Shapiro emphasized the importance of public religious practice and its role in maintaining social fabric and mental health. Despite this, the media often targets and criticizes religious expression, particularly during holidays. It's important to recognize and support the value of religious traditions and practices, rather than attacking them. Additionally, consumers have the power to vote with their wallets by choosing companies that align with their values, such as PureTalk USA, which offers affordable cell phone plans and supports conservative values.

    • Ilhan Omar's Frustration Over Christians' Prayer Session on PlaneReligious freedom and respect for diverse beliefs are crucial in multicultural societies, avoiding misunderstandings and tensions.

      Ilhan Omar expressed frustration over a group of Christians singing about Jesus on a chartered plane, leading to her tweeting about having a prayer session of her own. However, the larger issue for Omar seemed to be why these Christians were allowed to pray publicly on the plane, rather than any supposed discrimination. The incident highlights the complexity of religious expression in diverse and multicultural contexts, and the potential for misunderstandings and tensions to arise. It's a reminder that religious freedom and respect for others' beliefs are essential components of a pluralistic society. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the personalized approach to various aspects of modern life, including mattresses, with Helix Sleep offering customized solutions for optimal sleep.

    • Criticizing Judeo Christian religion during holy weeksDuring holy weeks, there's a pattern of criticizing Judeo Christian religion while ignoring other religions. This can oversimplify religious texts and be disrespectful, while most conflicts and suffering stem from political and ideological differences.

      There is a persistent attempt to criticize and undermine the Judeo Christian religion during its holy weeks, while other religions are generally off-limits from such criticism. This was evident during Passover and Easter weekends, with articles suggesting giving up God during these times. However, it's important to note that most conflicts and suffering in the world today are not rooted in religious practice. Instead, they stem from political and ideological differences. Furthermore, the criticisms of religious practices during holy weeks often involve misinterpretations or oversimplifications of religious texts, which can be harmful and disrespectful to the religious communities involved. It's crucial to approach religious texts and practices with sensitivity and nuance, recognizing their symbolic and metaphorical meanings.

    • Religious Discussions: Complexities and DepthRespect religious texts' complexities and acknowledge their moral foundations, rather than reducing them to simplistic interpretations. Embrace compassion and openness towards others, regardless of differences.

      During a religious discussion, it's important to consider the complexity and depth of historical and philosophical contexts behind religious texts and practices, rather than reducing them to simplistic or misleading interpretations. The speaker in this conversation highlighted the issue of collective punishment in the Exodus story from the Bible and the moral debates it raises in Jewish tradition. He criticized an atheist's dismissive and hostile attitude towards religious texts, arguing that such individuals often imbibe from the moral foundations of these texts without acknowledging or respecting their complexities. The speaker also emphasized the importance of human compassion and openness towards others, even towards those who may seem different or threatening. The conversation touched upon various topics, including the Passover Seder, Midrashim, Jewish history, and contemporary geopolitical issues, demonstrating the richness and complexity of religious traditions and their ongoing relevance to contemporary moral and social issues.

    • Religious tolerance and acceptancePractice respect, understanding, and tolerance towards religious practices. Criticize offensive actions, not reactions to them. Emphasize religious freedom and expression.

      Tolerance and acceptance should be practiced when it comes to publicly practicing one's religion, as discussed in relation to Ilhan Omar and her religious practices. The importance of religious freedom and expression was emphasized, as well as the negative consequences of secularism and atheism. However, the media's treatment of Islam was criticized for exhibiting soft bigotry, where Muslims' reactions to perceived offenses are seen as justifications rather than addressing the actual offensive actions. The conversation also touched on various unrelated topics, such as waiting in line at an auto store and Beto O'Rourke working there. Ultimately, the importance of respect, understanding, and tolerance towards religious practices was the main theme of the discussion.

    • Religious disrespect can lead to violent responsesIgnoring violent responses to religious disrespect can perpetuate a cycle of intolerance and division. Respect for all religions and the rule of law is crucial for maintaining peace and stability.

      The response to acts of religious disrespect can sometimes lead to more harm than the initial act itself. The discussion referenced the example of a right-wing group in Sweden planning to burn a Quran, which resulted in widespread rioting and violence. However, it was noted that the rioters were often not the same individuals as those burning the Quran. Instead, the media often focuses on the act of religious disrespect, ignoring the violent response that can follow. This can create a cycle of violence and intolerance. Additionally, there is a double standard when it comes to the public practice of religion. While there is significant sympathy for those who riot in response to perceived disrespect of other religions, there is often a lack of similar sympathy for the Judeo-Christian religion that underpins Western civilization. This creates a dangerous and divisive environment, and it is important to remember that respect for all religions and the rule of law is essential for maintaining peace and stability in society.

    • Middle East Alliances Shift Amid Iran Tensions and Jerusalem RiotsThe Middle East's geopolitical landscape is changing with Sunni Muslim countries aligning with Israel against Iran, while tensions escalate in Jerusalem and mortgage rates surge, making it vital for homebuyers to act fast.

      The geopolitical landscape of the Middle East has undergone a significant shift due to the actions of the United States under the Obama and Biden administrations. The attempt to engage with Iran, despite its radical and hostile behavior towards Israel and other regional powers, has led to a realignment of alliances. Sunni Muslim countries have formed alliances with Israel, recognizing the common threat posed by Iran. This shift has been exemplified by the Abraham Accords under the Trump administration. Meanwhile, tensions have escalated in Jerusalem, with rioting encouraged by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. Elsewhere, the media continues to downplay the seriousness of inflation, but mortgage rates are rising at record speeds, making it crucial for homebuyers to secure loans now before rates increase further.

    • Tensions and Conflicts at the Al Aqsa MosqueMuslims have built mosques on sites holy to other religions, leading to tensions and conflicts. Israeli security protects Muslim worship while restricting Jewish worship. Media often blames Israel for Muslim violence and ignores Palestinian attacks on Jewish sites.

      The Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, a site holy to Jews, has been used as a staging ground for riots against Israeli authorities. Muslims have built mosques on sites considered holy to other religions throughout history, leading to tensions and conflicts. Israeli security forces have protected Muslim worship on the Temple Mount since 1967, while Jewish worship is restricted. The media often covers these incidents as if Jews are initiating the violence, but it is Muslims who riot and vandalize holy sites in an attempt to shift attention away from their own governments and blame Israel. Recently, Palestinian rioters vandalized Joseph's Tomb, a significant Jewish site in the West Bank, amid a wave of gun and knife attacks on Jews. These attacks have been celebrated by Hamas, and the media fails to cover them due to the soft bigotry of low expectations towards Muslim countries. Despite this, Israeli authorities have always rebuilt what was destroyed and will continue to do so.

    • Media treatment of religious conflicts: inconsistent and biasedMedia coverage of religious conflicts can be inconsistent and biased, affecting public perception and potentially leading to negative consequences. Recognizing the importance of religion in human life is crucial for understanding complex conflicts.

      The treatment of religious conflicts and tensions in the media, particularly those involving Islam, can be inconsistent and biased. The discussion highlighted the ongoing situation in Israel and the Middle East, where parties like Ra'am freeze their participation in the coalition due to violence against Palestinians, while Hezbollah, a Muslim political party in Lebanon, openly calls for the destruction of Israel. Meanwhile, the situation in Ukraine, involving a western country under attack by a nonwestern power, has garnered more attention and condemnation from the left. This inconsistency may be rooted in a perceived negative association with religion, but it's essential to recognize the importance of religion in human life and consider the potential consequences of dismissing it. Additionally, the situation in Ukraine continues to escalate, with Mariupol being surrounded by Russian forces and the potential for heavier fighting on the horizon.

    • Ukraine Crisis: Nuclear Threat and Western InterventionThe Ukraine crisis involves a potential nuclear threat from Russia, unexpected invasion causing civilian deaths, and the West's decision on intervention with human rights and costs in mind.

      The situation in Ukraine has escalated dramatically, with President Zelensky warning about the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons. The invasion was unexpected, and civilian deaths in areas without military equipment have added to the crisis. Zelensky is urging world leaders, including Joe Biden, to visit Ukraine and show support. However, some skepticism exists about the priority of human rights concerns in foreign policy. The conflict in Ukraine may lead to a prolonged battle with Russia, and the West will need to determine its priorities and the cost of intervention. Putin's willingness to use tactical nuclear weapons adds complexity to the situation. Ukraine's history of undercutting Israel's defense and its own past actions in the conflict make the concept of "never again" a complex issue. Ultimately, the West will need to carefully consider its interests and the potential costs of intervention in Ukraine.

    • Senator Coons' Concerns Over Ukraine and Potential US InvolvementSenator Coons urges action in Ukraine to prevent crisis escalation, but critics question inconsistent stance on Russian interventions. Rising gas prices in Ukraine and Musk's Twitter takeover attempt also make headlines.

      The situation in Ukraine and the potential involvement of the United States is a topic of ongoing debate. Senator Chris Coons from Delaware has expressed concern over Russia's actions in Ukraine and the potential for it to turn into a crisis similar to Syria. He emphasizes the importance of defending freedom in Ukraine to prevent further escalation. However, some critics point out that the same politicians who are now expressing concern were relatively silent during previous Russian interventions, such as in Syria under the Obama administration. Additionally, the situation in Ukraine has contributed to rising gas prices, and the GetUpside app offers a solution for consumers to earn cash back on their fuel purchases. Elsewhere, Elon Musk's attempt to take over Twitter has hit a roadblock with Twitter implementing a "poison pill" to prevent a hostile takeover. The media's portrayal of Musk's bid as a rich person trying to control Twitter is ironic, given that many media outlets are owned by wealthy individuals.

    • Twitter's Board Activates Poison Pill to Prevent Elon Musk from Buying More SharesTwitter's board uses a poison pill defense to make Musk's acquisition less attractive, buying time for negotiations and considering other buyers

      Twitter's board has activated a "poison pill" defense mechanism to prevent Elon Musk from acquiring more than 15% of the company's shares and potentially taking control. This strategy, which was common during the era of corporate raiders in the 1980s, makes it less attractive for Musk to buy Twitter by flooding the market with new shares at a discounted price if he exceeds the threshold. The board's move gives Twitter more time to negotiate deals and consider other potential buyers, such as Silver Lake, a private equity firm that already has a stake in the company. The use of poison pills is not uncommon in corporate America, with companies like Netflix and Papa John's employing similar tactics in the past. Critics argue that the media's celebration of Twitter's move reveals their priorities, which are maintaining control over the narrative and preserving their preferred beliefs. The debate around Musk's potential acquisition of Twitter has sparked discussions about free speech and hate speech, with some arguing that Musk's actions could lead to an increase in harmful content on the platform.

    • Media's Monopoly on Messaging Threatens Free Speech and TruthElon Musk's potential Twitter takeover could disrupt media's monopoly on messaging, exposing lies and agendas in controversial issues like Florida's parental rights bill, protecting free speech and promoting truth.

      The media and certain activist groups have been trying to maintain a monopoly on messaging, particularly when it comes to controversial issues. They have been caught lying about the facts and pushing their agendas, often in children's programming. Elon Musk's potential takeover of Twitter could disrupt this monopoly and expose the truth, which is why the media are so opposed to it. The controversy over Florida's parental rights bill in education is a prime example of this. The media and activist groups spread misinformation about the bill, but when people found out the truth, the backlash was significant. The media attempted to bully companies like Disney into taking their side, but when Disney refused, the media turned on them and exposed their left-wing agendas. The media's monopoly on messaging is a threat to free speech and the truth, and Musk's potential takeover of Twitter could help break this monopoly and bring transparency to the conversation.

    • Disney's LGBTQIA+ representation and issues in theme parksThe debate over Disney's handling of LGBTQIA+ representation and issues in their theme parks continues, with calls for official recognition of gay days and more non-binary characters. However, this has sparked controversy and backlash, particularly regarding the normalization of puberty blockers and medical transition for minors.

      The debate surrounding Disney's handling of LGBTQIA+ representation and issues in their theme parks has intensified, with some critics calling for official recognition of gay days and the inclusion of more non-binary characters. However, this has sparked controversy and backlash, particularly regarding the potential impact on children and the validity of certain transgender perspectives being promoted. For instance, the normalization of puberty blockers and medical transition for minors is a contentious issue, with some experts raising concerns about long-term health effects and the potential for irreversible physical changes. Overall, the discussion highlights the complex and often polarizing nature of these issues, with both sides passionately advocating for their beliefs. It's important for individuals and organizations to approach these topics with sensitivity, understanding, and a commitment to the well-being of children and the broader community.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Transgender TransitionsTransitions involve serious medical procedures with potential risks and long-term effects. Parents and individuals should approach the process with caution and thorough research.

      Transgenderism is a complex and serious internal condition, not a vague feeling or rejection of stereotypical roles. Medical transitions, such as surgeries and hormone therapy, can help some individuals navigate the world more comfortably, but the process can be brutal and costly, both financially and physically. There are risks and unknown long-term effects associated with these treatments. The media often presents the transition experience through a rosy lens, but the reality can be much more challenging. Some individuals may experience a lack of sexual function and psychological distress, and there is limited scientific data on the long-term effects of hormone therapy and surgeries. It's important for parents and individuals considering transition to be aware of these risks and to approach the process with caution and thorough research.

    • Corporations face backlash for opposing public valuesCorporations and political figures need to be mindful of shifting public opinion or risk backlash and consequences.

      Corporations, including Disney, face backlash when they take stances that go against the values of the American people. This was evident when various organizations spoke out against a voting law in Georgia but remained silent during the "don't say gay" bill controversy in Florida. Now, Disney is facing threats from Florida lawmakers, including the potential loss of a special tax district and even the stripping of its original Mickey Mouse copyright. This backlash serves as a reminder that corporations need to be mindful of public opinion or risk facing consequences. Additionally, the media and political landscape is heavily influenced by an echo chamber, with figures like Jen Psaki feeling safe to disparage opposing viewpoints without significant blowback. However, this bubble could potentially burst, leading to significant consequences for the Democrats. Overall, it's crucial for corporations and political figures to be aware of the shifting tides of public opinion and the potential consequences of their actions.

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    Denying Hamas Atrocities, and Whiny Anti-Israel Students Playing Victim, with Rich Lowry and Charles C.W. Cooke | Ep. 653

    Denying Hamas Atrocities, and Whiny Anti-Israel Students Playing Victim, with Rich Lowry and Charles C.W. Cooke | Ep. 653

    Megyn Kelly discusses the people in America and around the world who continue to deny and downplay the true scope of the Hamas atrocities in the October 7 terror attack, the IDF releasing bodycam footage showing what Hamas did, more neutral arbiters speaking out about the real story, and more. Then Rich Lowry and Charles C.W. Cooke of National Review join to discuss why denying or downplaying the reality of Hamas’ atrocities is anti-Semitic and anti-Israel, the similarities between Hamas and ISIS, American media getting spun by Hamas, the White House having to do clean-up on President Biden's answer about the U.S. and hostages in Gaza, Biden’s false story about his uncle Frank, whiny Harvard students responding to anti-Israel backlash by playing the victim and claiming “privilege," the extreme anti-Israel sentiment it takes to rip down posters of Israelis and American held hostage in Gaza including children, "cancel culture" and who deserves the punishments they get, the State Department holding “listening sessions” for staff crying over pro-Israel statements, The New York Times finally addressing their false reporting on the Gaza hospital story, Dave Chappelle's alleged anti-Israel comments at a comedy show, celebrities like Alyssa Milano calling for a ceasefire, Rep. Ilhan Omar's self-own, anti-Israel protests in America, increasing connection between BLM and anti-Israel movement, and more.

    More from National Review: https://www.nationalreview.com/nrplus-subscribe/


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    Benjamin Netanyahu | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 130

    Benjamin Netanyahu | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 130

    Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s life has been spent serving the state of Israel, from the Israel Defense Force to serving 5 terms as prime minister, and he’s shown no signs he’s done yet.

    During his first term in the 90’s, the prime minister was foundational in tearing out most of the socialist government in Israel. His ongoing strategies resulted in fundamentally remaking the country, particularly in regards to economic freedom and military strength.

    In our episode, PM Netanyahu recounts his lengthy career and explains what it looks like to continue keeping peace while on the edge of disaster at all times. Plus, he tells us about how he managed his relationship with the United States and what he has on the agenda if he is reelected.

    Become a Daily Wire member at dailywire.com/SUNDAY and get access to bonus questions with Benjamin Netanyahu! https://utm.io/ueRSp

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