
    Ep 148: Create your Successful Weight Mindset for 2024

    enJanuary 02, 2024

    About this Episode

    Happy New Year 2024! 🎉 

    We all know the classic New Year's resolution: shedding those post-holiday pounds. But let's dive deeper into what truly matters for your success in 2024—YOU. 

    That's right, the common denominator in any successful weight loss or health journey is none other than the wonderful person looking back at you in the mirror.

    In this episode, we're skipping the usual logistics of weight release (you already know how to do that) and shining a spotlight on something even more crucial—YOU - and your ability to stick with yourself on your journey.

    Do YOU believe you can be successful?

    Do YOU respect yourself?

    Do you know how to inspire yourself when the going gets tough?

    Really the key to your success on ANY weight release endeavor is shifting the you --your mindset and beliefs--before you get started.. 

    If you're determined to make your weight release journey not just a resolution but a long-term success, join me for the first Thin Thinking episode of the year. 

    Bring along your January Jazz hands excitement, and let's kick off 2024 with a podcast episode that focuses on the most important person in this journey—YOU.

    Get ready to refocus, embrace the new, and make 2024 your year of transformation. 

    Come on in.


    FREE Weight Release Masterclass with Hypnosis

    How to Stop the "Start Over Tomorrow" Weight Struggle Cycle and Begin Releasing Weight for Good.

    In this masterclass, we will look at the 3 main subconscious barriers to losing weight long term. We will also look at the mental shifts you can make today to break through to a successful long-term weight mastery mindset.

    We will also be doing a weight release hypnosis session.

    PLEASE Join me–it’s free!

    How to Stop the "Start Over Tomorrow" Weight Struggle Cycle and Begin Releasing Weight for Good.


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • What we usually try to do after the holidays in terms of our weight management and weight goals and what we should be doing. 
    • The three main areas that are often out of place when we struggle with our weight and how we're going to work on these areas. 
    • You and your relationship with weight and how you can fully focus and thrive with this relationship.


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:



    Recent Episodes from Thin Thinking Podcast

    Ep 158: Reversing Osteoporosis is Possible…but it’s the Wrong Thing to Focus On

    Ep 158: Reversing Osteoporosis is Possible…but it’s the Wrong Thing to Focus On

    Did you know that approximately 10 million individuals in the United States alone suffer from osteoporosis, and a staggering 44 million have low bone density?

    Maybe you have been struggling with your own bone health--or like me-- have had a diagnosis but not had much help from your doctor other than a prescription and a pat on the back, "Take some calcium every day and come back in 3 years."...What?!!

    I was so frustrated by the lack of information and help with regards to how to improve my bone health available from my health care plan that I started looking for more answers and luckily, I found them, "Eureka!".

    In today’s episode, I sit down with the renowned Kevin Ellis, also known as The Bone Coach and together, we unravel the mysteries surrounding bone health and explore practical steps to enhance your bone strength, especially as we age.

    Kevin also walks us through the critical factors that demand our attention for improved bone health. He also provides actionable steps you can take right now to start building a foundation for stronger bones.

    In this episode, he also debunks common misconceptions about our bones and bone health, offering clarity on what truly matters.

    If you care about your bone health and want to invest in a stronger future for your bones, this episode is a must-listen.

    So, grab your vertebrae and come on in.


    Review Contest – Chance to Win a FREE Live Shift Process!

    1. Write a review on your favorite podcast platform.

    2. Take a screenshot of the review.

    3. Send it to support@shiftweightmastery.com.

    4. Get a coupon code for a FREE Shift Hypnosis download.

    5. Be entered into the drawing for a LIVE Shift Weight Mastery Process.


    Join Kevin’s FREE Stronger Bones Masterclass with Free Bone Health Recipes here!


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • Who is Kevin and how did he start helping people struggling with osteoporosis.
    • The truth about bone health.
    • Why does Kevin treat and serve more women compared to men. 


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    Ep 157: 7 Steps to Break Weight Self-Abuse

    Ep 157: 7 Steps to Break Weight Self-Abuse

    Happy Anniversary!!

    It's been now three years since we began our Thin Thinking podcast and we have grown into an amazing worldwide gathering place to get the mindset we need for long-term weight management, self-management, and health management--with the inspiration and motivation to keep going and keep believing in ourselves in this area of our lives.

    THANK YOU for being a part of this amazing movement.

    As we celebrate this milestone, in today’s episode, we're diving deep into a topic that resonates with many: breaking free from the self-abusive relationship we often cultivate with ourselves.

    Join us for a special episode where we confront the harsh reality of negative self-talk and the impact it has on our weight struggles. It's time to rewrite the script, replacing cruelty with kindness and embarking on a transformative journey of self-compassion.

    We're peeling back the layers of self-abuse to reveal a gentler, more nurturing inner dialogue—one that empowers you to release weight from the inside out.

    So, put on your party hats and step inside our celebration of the third anniversary of the Thin Thinking Podcast.

    Together, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and compassion that transcends societal expectations. Tune in and be part of this empowering conversation.

    And thank you for being an essential part of our community. Here's to another year of growth, self-love, and transformation!


    Review Contest – Chance to Win a FREE Live Shift Process!

    1. Write a review on your favorite podcast platform.

    2. Take a screenshot of the review.

    3. Send it to support@shiftweightmastery.com.

    4. Get a coupon code for a FREE Shift Hypnosis download.

    5. Be entered into the drawing for a LIVE Shift Weight Mastery Process.


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • My own struggles of being poked at and criticized because of my weight.
    • Why do we abuse ourselves and the thing that we develop when we struggle with our weight.
    • A little exercise that you can use to shift your relationship with any particular body part that you struggle with.


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    Ep 156: Functional Nutrition with Chelssea Tompkins

    Ep 156: Functional Nutrition with Chelssea Tompkins

    Skin issues, fibromyalgia, anxiety, weight, and hormone imbalances. 

    It's a common instinct to reach for a pill to address these health challenges, but what if I told you that the key to unlocking a healthier you lies within your gut?

    Today’s episode is a riveting conversation with functional nutritionist Chelssea Tompkins, where we explore the transformative world of functional medicine.

    This revolutionary approach transcends surface-level solutions, aiming to uncover the root causes of health concerns rather than merely treating symptoms.

    Chelssea sheds light on how issues like leaky gut and mineral imbalances serve as the foundational challenges behind various health issues. 

    In this episode, discover the incredible potential of using food as a gateway not only to a healthier lifestyle but also to healing ourselves from the inside out.

    So, grab your headphones, bring your gut and biome, and immerse yourself in this enlightening episode of the Thin Thinking Podcast. 

    Come on in!


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • What is functional nutrition.
    • Some common misconceptions about nutrition that Chelssea encountered while working with patients.
    • The concept of food as medicine and the different types of testing that Chelssea does for her patients.


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    Ep 155: Mastering Anxiety with Tiger King’s Steven Diamond

    Ep 155: Mastering Anxiety with Tiger King’s Steven Diamond

    Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the US and affect over 40 million adults today.

    In this episode, we have the honor of hosting none other than Steven Diamond, the renowned magician who captured our attention in the hit Netflix television series, Tiger King. 

    But Steve's story extends far beyond the spotlight, as he has transitioned into a master coach, dedicating his life to helping those grappling with various forms of anxiety find healing and forge a new path forward.

    Join us as Steven takes us on a captivating journey through his life story, sharing his personal struggle with anxiety and OCD and how he discovered his true calling in assisting others.

    This episode is not just a narrative; it's a roadmap for anyone seeking practical tools to manage anxiety in their daily lives. Please join me and come on in...!



    I want to provide a heads up: this episode does include a graphic description of a murder scene. If you have young children nearby or if you may be triggered, I recommend exercising caution or refraining from listening to this particular episode.



    My colleague Cherie Schwartz, a Holistic Weight Loss & Health Coach who works with women over 50, is sharing a complimentary 5-day masterclass series to activate your fat-loss cycle and take control of your hormonal changes over 50 so you can increase your metabolism and energy. 

    Get the complete Weight Loss For Women Over 50 Masterclass Series at no cost to you  

    >>> Claim your front-row seat to the online event here now!


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • Who is Steven Diamond: How did he become a magician and how did he develop anxiety and OCD.
    • Steven's turning point into deciding it's time for him to deal with his past trauma.
    • What made Steven venture into learning how the brain works, become an anxiety coach, and create his own program/course.


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    Ep 154: Healthy Body Love Meditation and Mantras

    Ep 154: Healthy Body Love Meditation and Mantras

    It's a common struggle to criticize ourselves, especially when it comes to matters of weight, and our bodies but let's change that narrative together, today.

    In today’s episode, I am thrilled to invite you to a special meditation and mantra session dedicated to appreciating and celebrating our bodies just as they are.

    Join me as we embark on a journey of self-love and acceptance, right here in the present moment.

    This session is designed to help you see your body for the magnificent entity that it is, while also setting the groundwork for a path towards a healthier and lighter future.

    By acknowledging and loving our bodies today, we open doors to respecting and advocating for them as we nurture them toward greater well-being.

    So, grab a comfortable spot, bring that beautiful body of yours, and join me for this transformative Healthy Body Love Meditation and Mantra Session.

    Come on in!


    Know what to do to lose weight, but can’t stick with it?

    Join my FREE Masterclass: "How to Stop the "Start Over Tomorrow" Weight Struggle Cycle and Begin Releasing Weight for Good."

    You can also sign up for the FREE HYPNOSIS DOWNLOAD for Shift Out of Sugar Cravings here.


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • My take on Valentine's Day celebration.
    • One thing that I do that might be helpful for you in terms of loving your body.
    • My goal for this meditation and mantra session.


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    Ep 153: Pre-Prepping your Mind for Weight Maintenance

    Ep 153: Pre-Prepping your Mind for Weight Maintenance

    Weight maintenance. It seems so distant and unachievable when we are struggling with weight. That wonderful state of maintaining your ideal weight forever.

    For many of us--no matter how close or far away reaching our weight goal is, maintenance is something we think, "I'll worry about it when I get there--if I ever get there!"

    But preparing mentally for maintenance ahead of time is so important--not only because our mind will focus more confidently when it knows where it's going but also the transition into this new way of being can be a multi-layered mental and physical event that needs steady navigation.

    In today’s episode, we're delving deep into the crucial yet often overlooked aspect of weight management – the art of preparing for maintenance. It's not merely about shedding pounds; it's about fostering a mindset that sets the stage for sustained success.

    Join me as we unravel the steps to prepare your mind for the journey of maintaining your ideal weight like a master. It's not just about arriving; it's about embracing the confidence that you can stay there and truly believing it's well within your reach.

    Tune in, join the conversation and let’s navigate the intricacies of maintaining a healthy weight with a newfound perspective. Your sustainable wellness journey awaits, so come on in!


    Know what to do to lose weight, but can’t stick with it?

    Join my FREE Masterclass: "How to Stop the "Start Over Tomorrow" Weight Struggle Cycle and Begin Releasing Weight for Good."


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • What usually happens when we hit our ideal and goal weight. 
    • Some mindset you ought to have before hitting weight maintenance.
    • The maintenance identity and the weight release identity.


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    Ep 152: Keeping and Improving Mobility with Dr. Fitness

    Ep 152: Keeping and Improving Mobility with Dr. Fitness

    It's easy to overlook the incredible gift of physical mobility until it starts slipping away. Oftentimes, loss of mobility comes so slowly we don’t even know it’s happening until it becomes a major issue.

    In this eye-opening episode, Dr. Fitness, a renowned expert, coach, trainer, and teacher in the realm of mobility, reveals insights that could transform the way you think about your body's movement..

    Dr. Fitness also shares invaluable tips on how to reclaim lost mobility and, more importantly, how to proactively prevent issues from arising as we gracefully age.

    Imagine staying limber, balanced, and spry well into your nineties and beyond. Dr. Fitness is here to guide us on this journey, offering practical advice and expert knowledge to help you bid farewell to mobility concerns. 

    So, ditch the cane, and join me in with the amazing Doctor Fitness.

    Come on in!


    Get a FREE mobility consultation with Dr. Fitness

    Simply give your name and email by texting this number: 904 - 236 - 5858. Use code: walk.


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • Who is Dr. Fitness and how does he help people in terms of mobility and how did he come to do this type of work.
    • Why is mobility considered the foundation of who we are.
    • Things that people need to address if they want to be able to move faster and improve mobility.


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:

    Ep 151: 5 Steps to Stay ON TRACK with Your Weight Release

    Ep 151: 5 Steps to Stay ON TRACK with Your Weight Release

    Good or bad. On or off. All or nothing.

    These states of being are like well-worn road in the neural highways of the struggle with weight.

    However, true consistency lies in knowing how to navigate those moments when we find ourselves off track-- being able to keep going despite wanting to start over yet again. Bottom line--we need to build a bridge over the murky waters between "being good" and "being bad" onto a new road of long-term weight consistence. 


    In today's episode, I'm excited to share with you the five key steps to guide you back onto the path of consistency. It's all about building a bridge from the old, worn-out highways to a shiny new route-a fabulous highway that leads to sustained progress, weight release, and newfound momentum.

    Join me on this road trip into uncharted territory, where we redefine the way we approach our weight journey. Let's not just stay on track; let's pave the way for a transformative experience.

    Come on in!



    The 30-Day Shift Weight Mastery Process with ADDITIONAL BONUS SET of 5 Top Hypnosis Downloads is available only through January 23rd 2024.


    Begin your powerful journey to long-term weight success with this revolutionary 30+ day process that shifts you out of the struggle with weight and yourself by addressing your subconscious habits and beliefs with hypnosis, meditation and cognitive coaching.

    2-Shift your mind over the 30+ day process
    3-Continue your journey to long-term weight mastery

    Here is the link to learn more. 


    Check out what some of my clients' think of our Shift Weight Mastery Process:

    This works! Rita is and her methods are amazing. And, if you’re wondering – I was very skeptical at the beginning!! Rita is your person for weight loss.
    – Rebecca M.

    This is so Inspiring! Rita has helped me change my thinking about my ability to lose weight. No one else has helped me understand how to nurture myself nutritionally and emotionally the way Rita has. She is a wonder!
    – Roberta G.

    I Cannot Thank Rita Enough! I feel like I’m no longer stuck in the endless cycle of dieting and gaining. I no longer bounce between white knuckling restrictive diets and going off the deep end. I am so pleased with my results and the permanent mindset change! I cannot say thank you enough Rita!
    – Cheryl A.


    Join the shift and start your journey to long-term weight mastery!


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • The actual biggest challenge that we face when we go into the journey of permanent weight mastery.
    • The key to success in terms of permanent weight mastery.
    • The gray feeling: what is it and what happens when we are in this situation.


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:




    Ep 150: Rocio Shares Her Mindset Behind 95 Pounds Release

    Ep 150: Rocio Shares Her Mindset Behind 95 Pounds Release

    Sometimes when we are making change we need to be inspired by others who have been trailblazing the courageous road ahead of us. That is why I am excited about sharing this powerful interview.

    In today's inspiring episode, I had the pleasure of connecting with Rocio Pena from Melbourne, Australia, whose journey is a testament to the power of inner transformation and the unwavering commitment to redefine oneself.

    We dive into Rocio's lifelong struggle with weight, exploring her experiences, including her decision to undergo bariatric surgery. However, what sets her story apart is the remarkable shift she made from focusing solely on external changes to initiating a profound transformation from within.

    Over the past year, Rocio has released an astonishing 95 pounds, all while reshaping her identity and the new life she envisions for herself.

    We also dive deep in so many topics, including Rocio's innovative approach to determining her ideal weight. Instead of relying on conventional charts, she shares her experience with using a DEXA scan to gain a deeper understanding of her body. The insights she shares are nothing short of fascinating.

    So, join me in this compelling episode from down under. Together, let's explore the power of self-discovery and the incredible possibilities that unfold when we embark on the journey of true transformation.

    Come on in!



    The 30-Day Shift Weight Mastery Process with ADDITIONAL BONUS SET of 5 Top Hypnosis Downloads is available only through January 23rd 2024.


    Begin your powerful journey to long-term weight success with this revolutionary 30+ day process that shifts you out of the struggle with weight and yourself by addressing your subconscious habits and beliefs with hypnosis, meditation and cognitive coaching.

    2-Shift your mind over the 30+ day process
    3-Continue your journey to long-term weight mastery

    Here is the link to learn more. 


    Check out what some of my clients' think of our Shift Weight Mastery Process:

    This works! Rita is and her methods are amazing. And, if you’re wondering – I was very skeptical at the beginning!! Rita is your person for weight loss.
    – Rebecca M.

    This is so Inspiring! Rita has helped me change my thinking about my ability to lose weight. No one else has helped me understand how to nurture myself nutritionally and emotionally the way Rita has. She is a wonder!
    – Roberta G.

    I Cannot Thank Rita Enough! I feel like I’m no longer stuck in the endless cycle of dieting and gaining. I no longer bounce between white knuckling restrictive diets and going off the deep end. I am so pleased with my results and the permanent mindset change! I cannot say thank you enough Rita!
    – Cheryl A.


    Join the shift and start your journey to long-term weight mastery!


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • Who is Rocio Pena, her weight struggle story, and the different diets that she tried.
    • Rocio's experience in getting an adjustable lap-band surgery and how it developed into an infection in her body.
    • What was Rocio's breaking point when she finally realized she needed to change her mindset in order to change her weight and her life and her mindset shifts after starting my program.


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:



    Ep 149: ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka

    Ep 149: ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka

    Many times ADHD in women goes undiagnosed for years. My guest today didn't know about her own ADHD until her son was diagnosed--she just always thought she had a weird brain.

    Today, in this Thin Thinking Episode, we are delving deep into the world of ADHD with none other than Tracy Otsuka, the brilliant mind behind the groundbreaking book, ADHD for Smart Ass Women: How to Fall in Love with Your Neurodivergent Brain.

    Tracy, a certified ADHD coach and the charismatic host of the wildly popular podcast, ADHD for Smart Ass Women, is set to challenge stereotypes and reshape perceptions surrounding ADHD in women.

    Prepare to be captivated as Tracy shares her expertise, personal stories, and the transformative message of her book. Whether you have a personal connection to ADHD or are simply curious about the intricacies of the neurodiverse brain, this episode promises to be an eye-opener.

    Tracy also invites us to view ADHD through a new lens, recognizing its unique place in the beautiful tapestry of human diversity.

    So, set aside that to-do list for a moment and join us as we embark on a journey of inspiration and challenge.

    Come on in.


    Check out Tracy's book, ADHD For Smart Ass Women here.


    In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

    • Who is Tracy Otsuka, what she does, and who she helps.
    • The definition of ADHD and why women who have ADHD are often diagnosed with anxiety and depression.
    • ADHD and weight management: its relation and how women with ADHD are more prone to eating disorders. 


    Links Mentioned in the Episode:
