
    Ep. 1487 - The Left’s Abortion Meltdown

    enMay 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Supreme Court's Draft Decision on Roe v. Wade Leaked, States ReactThe Supreme Court's draft decision to potentially overturn Roe v. Wade has caused political turmoil, with states acting to protect or restrict abortion rights. Consumers can save on cell phone bills with PureTalk's affordable 5G coverage.

      The Supreme Court's draft decision to potentially overturn Roe v. Wade has caused a political frenzy, with states already taking action to either protect or restrict abortion rights. Meanwhile, consumers can save money on their cell phone bills by switching to PureTalk, which offers the same 5G coverage as the big guys but at half the cost. Chief Justice John Roberts confirmed the authenticity of the leaked draft, expressing concern over the breach of trust. The court is expected to release the final opinion by the end of June or early July. In the interim, the marshal of the Supreme Court may investigate the leak and potentially arrest those involved. The controversy over the draft decision is likely to simmer for months, but releasing the opinion now could put an end to the speculation.

    • Post-Roe v. Wade: States' Divergent Approaches to AbortionThe Supreme Court's potential overturning of Roe v. Wade will lead to a patchwork of state laws on abortion, with some enshrining the right and others banning it.

      The United States is heading towards a post-Roe v. Wade era, and states are preparing to implement their own abortion laws based on their political leanings. California and New York are attracting people with their pro-choice policies, while other states, such as Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia, are preparing to restrict or ban abortions. The Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade could lead to a diverse range of state laws on abortion, with some states enshrining the right to abortion in their constitutions and others banning it altogether. Some experts argue that the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment could be used to protect the lives of unborn children, but this interpretation has not been adopted by the courts before. Ultimately, the issue of abortion is becoming increasingly polarized, with each state charting its own course.

    • Roe v. Wade's Ending Doesn't Mean Abortion Ban NationwideDespite Roe's overturning, abortion remains legal in some states and the political impact may not be as significant as expected.

      The end of Roe v. Wade does not mean the end of abortion in the United States. While some states may ban or heavily regulate the procedure, others will continue to allow it. The misconception that Roe is the only thing keeping abortion legal in the country is based on ignorance, according to the speaker. Furthermore, the political impact of the potential overturning of Roe may not be as significant as Democrats anticipate, as most Americans are not deeply invested in the issue and tend to vote based on other concerns, such as the economy and education. The pro-life and pro-choice movements will likely continue to exist and operate at the state level.

    • Americans' voting decisions not influenced by hypothetical abortion scenariosMost Americans are not strongly invested in abortion issue, unaware of recent legislation, and focused on personal concerns like inflation and education policies, making attempts to shift elections based on abortion laws ineffective.

      Americans' voting decisions are not influenced by hypothetical scenarios, especially when it comes to abortion laws. The ongoing debate about Roe v. Wade and potential restrictions on abortion access does not resonate deeply with most Americans, as shown by polling data. Only a minority of Americans are strongly invested in the issue, and many are unaware of recent abortion-related legislation in their states. Democrats' attempts to rally support based on hypotheticals have consistently failed, as seen in the case of Wendy Davis in Texas. Instead, Americans are more concerned with issues that directly impact their lives, such as inflation and education policies. Therefore, attempts to shift elections based on abortion laws are unlikely to be effective. Additionally, Boll and Branch offers high-quality organic cotton sheets for a better night's sleep.

    • Challenging the Subjective Reality of Pro-Abortion ArgumentsThe pro-abortion argument, rooted in subjective worldview, ignores objective truths and natural consequences, contradicts moral principles, and equates the killing of an unborn child with a private choice.

      The Olin brand sheets, with their high reviews and versatility, offer a superior bedding experience. Meanwhile, the Democratic support for abortion is rooted in a subjective worldview that prioritizes individual interpretation of human life and biology. This perspective, which denies objective truths and natural consequences, has led to the argument that women have the right to terminate pregnancies. However, this argument is flawed as it ignores the objective reality that human life is not subjective and that biology is not an imposition, but a natural outcome of certain actions. The Democrats' position on abortion also contradicts basic moral principles, as it equates the killing of an unborn child with a private choice, ignoring the fact that this choice involves the death of another human being. Ultimately, the subjective reality promoted by the pro-abortion argument must be challenged, and objective truths must be upheld to ensure the protection of all human life.

    • The deeply polarized views on abortion in the USThe ongoing Supreme Court debate on Roe v. Wade highlights deeply held beliefs on both sides, with Democrats reacting strongly against potential overturning while largely silent on draft leak, and radical positions fueling asymmetric polarization.

      The ongoing debate surrounding the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court has highlighted the deeply polarized views on abortion in the United States. The discussion around this issue has revealed the moral relativism on both sides, with Democrats reacting strongly against the prospective decision while largely remaining silent on the leak of the draft opinion. The use of language and arguments for and against abortion has come under scrutiny, with some arguing that life begins at conception and deserves legal protection, while others maintain that a woman should have the right to choose up until the point of birth. The radicalism of these positions, as well as efforts to change the Supreme Court's composition, has contributed to the asymmetric polarization on this issue. Ultimately, the debate underscores the deeply held beliefs and convictions on both sides, with little room for compromise or agreement.

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      ZipRecruiter is a valuable tool for businesses looking to hire new employees. The platform makes hiring easier by using its powerful technology to find and match candidates with job listings. Employers can easily review and invite their top choices to apply, and have access to a suite of tools to filter, review, and rate candidates. With over 90% of employers getting a quality candidate within the first day, it's no wonder ZipRecruiter is the number 1 rated hiring site based on customer satisfaction ratings. Meanwhile, during a discussion on abortion, Joe Biden attempted to defend Roe v. Wade on religious grounds, but his analysis was criticized for being lacking or inaccurate, especially regarding the historical stances of major world religions on the issue. It's important to note that religious beliefs should not be the basis for law, but rather, human life begins at conception and deserves legal protection based on biology and human reason. Despite his past statements, Biden's career has been focused on protecting Roe v. Wade, and he has been inconsistent on his stance towards pro-life beliefs.

    • Political Debates over Abortion and Supreme Court NominationsThe abortion debate is politicized, with figures on both sides advocating for justices who align with their views and criticizing potential overturning of Roe v. Wade. However, the inconsistent application of personal choice to other issues and the politicized nature of the debate highlight the need for nuanced discussion.

      The politicization of Supreme Court nominations and the issue of abortion have led to intense debates and contradictory statements from political figures. The left has pushed for Supreme Court justices who align with their political views, while criticizing the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade as a threat to personal freedoms. However, critics argue that this issue was never truly a matter of personal choice but rather a political one, as evidenced by the reaction of former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, who issued a statement condemning the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade while remaining silent on the leak of the draft opinion. The inconsistency in the application of personal choice to other issues, such as vaccinations and healthcare, further highlights the political nature of the debate. Additionally, the Obama's statement perpetuated the notion that a woman's decision to terminate a pregnancy is a rare and difficult one, which is contradicted by data showing that many women have multiple repeat abortions. Overall, the issue of abortion and the politicization of the Supreme Court have led to a complex and nuanced debate that requires a careful consideration of the facts and the underlying motivations.

    • The Roe v. Wade debate goes beyond abortionThe potential overturning of Roe v. Wade raises questions about individual freedoms, government interference, and personal autonomy, with implications extending beyond women's rights.

      The ongoing debate surrounding the Supreme Court's potential overturning of Roe v. Wade goes beyond just the issue of abortion. It raises questions about individual freedoms, government interference, and the limits of personal autonomy. While some argue that the right to make decisions regarding one's body is essential, others believe that societal interests and potential harms warrant restrictions. The discussion also touched upon the historical context of Roe v. Wade and its relation to other landmark cases. Ultimately, the implications of this decision extend beyond just women's rights, potentially impacting our understanding of personal liberties and the role of government in our lives.

    • Abortion Rights Activism and the Supreme CourtSupporters of abortion rights call for activism, Democrats push for constitutional protection, Biden administration speaks out, and there's a job opportunity at The Daily Wire and a solution for high gas prices.

      The ongoing debate around abortion rights and the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court has led to calls for activism from those who support reproductive rights. This activism is seen as a solution to the issue, although it may not have a significant impact on federal elections. Meanwhile, Democrats are pushing for abortion rights up to birth and enshrining them in the constitution, which some believe is an electoral loser. The Biden administration, represented by Kamala Harris, has also spoken out on the issue, emphasizing the importance of protecting women's rights to make decisions about their own bodies. Additionally, there is a growing need for great employees at The Daily Wire, particularly for a senior ad operations manager role, and a solution for high gas prices is the Upside app, which offers cash back on every gallon purchased.

    • A contentious debate over abortion rights in the USDemocrats and Republicans have strong views on abortion rights, with Democrats criticizing Republican efforts to restrict access and Republicans arguing for protecting the unborn. The issue is complex, with moral and legal arguments on both sides, and the future of Roe v. Wade is uncertain.

      The ongoing debate around abortion rights in the United States has become a highly charged political issue, with both Democrats and Republicans expressing strong views. Kamala Harris, among other Democrats, has criticized Republican efforts to restrict abortion rights as a "war on women," while Republicans argue for protecting the rights of the unborn. The issue is complex, with moral and legal arguments on both sides. The Democrats face procedural challenges in changing the current laws, and the future of Roe v. Wade remains uncertain. It's important to note that this is a deeply personal and emotional issue for many people, and the rhetoric used on both sides can be divisive. Ultimately, the rights and freedoms of all Americans are at stake, and it's crucial for everyone to engage in respectful and productive dialogue to find a solution that respects the dignity and autonomy of all individuals.

    • Senate to Hold Symbolic Vote on Abortion RightsThe Senate is holding a symbolic vote on codifying abortion rights into law, demonstrating political stance amidst Supreme Court's expected overturning of Roe v. Wade, despite lacking necessary votes.

      The Senate is set to hold a symbolic vote on codifying the right to abortion into law, despite not having the necessary votes, as the Supreme Court is expected to overturn Roe v. Wade. This action, led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and supported by Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren, among others, is seen as a way to show where senators stand on the issue. However, the rhetoric surrounding the vote is heated, with some arguing it's a necessary democratic response and others seeing it as an unnecessary and meaningless exercise. The debate highlights the deep divide on the issue of abortion and the role of the Supreme Court in shaping American laws.

    • The filibuster debate in the context of Roe v. WadeHistorically used to block progress on civil rights and reproductive laws, the filibuster is at the center of the ongoing debate over Roe v. Wade. Some propose abolishing it, while others argue for its preservation. The potential impact on the court, the role of politicians, and alternative solutions are under discussion.

      The ongoing debate around the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade has led to intense discussions about the filibuster, the role of politicians, and potential alternative solutions. Historically, the filibuster has been used to prevent progress on civil rights and reproductive laws. Some politicians, like Lisa Murkowski, have expressed concerns about the potential impact on the court, but critics argue they betrayed reproductive rights by supporting justices who were appointed with the intention of overturning Roe. Cory Bush has proposed abolishing the filibuster and forcing pro-life Americans to fund abortions. The Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services could also be used to expand access to abortion services. The debate is seen as a political winner for Democrats, but some argue that overturning Roe would be a radical, not conservative choice, as it sets a dangerous precedent and further polarizes the country. The media and some politicians have lost their composure in the discussion, with some, like Bret Stephens, criticizing the potential decision as an ill-judged one that would do more harm than good.

    • Political nature of Supreme Court and consequences of changesUnderstanding historical context, constitutional underpinnings, and acknowledging complexity and emotional weight of issues is crucial when discussing Supreme Court decisions and their potential impacts.

      The ongoing debate surrounding the Supreme Court's potential overturning of Roe v. Wade and other landmark decisions highlights the deeply political nature of the court and the consequences of implementing significant changes without democratic consent or broad consensus. The conversation also emphasized that labels like "conservative" or "liberal" do not necessarily define one's stance on specific issues, and that understanding the historical context and constitutional underpinnings of these decisions is crucial. Moreover, the discussion underscored the importance of acknowledging the complexity and emotional weight of issues like abortion and the need for empathy and respect for individual rights and freedoms.

    • Discussing the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade on The ViewHosts expressed strong opinions on abortion, emphasizing women's rights and potential consequences for other freedoms. They urged clear arguments for why abortion should be allowed, especially regarding third party's life.

      During a discussion on The View regarding the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade, hosts expressed strong opinions on the issue, with some seeing it as a matter of women's rights and others warning of potential consequences for other areas of personal freedom. However, it was noted that when discussing abortion, those advocating for the procedure must make a clear case for why it should be allowed, especially when a third party's life is involved. Some hosts also expressed concerns about potential implications for other rights, such as same-sex marriage and voting rights. Overall, the conversation highlighted the deeply held and complex views on this divisive issue.

    • Leaked Supreme Court draft opinion sparks reactions on Roe v. WadePlanned Parenthood remains committed to fighting for legal abortion access despite the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade. Amazon pledged to reimburse employees for travel related to obtaining abortions. The controversy continues to polarize the nation.

      The leaked Supreme Court draft opinion suggesting the overturning of Roe v. Wade has sparked intense reactions, with Planned Parenthood expressing disappointment and preparations for continued advocacy for legal abortion access. The opinion, which is not yet final, has been described as horrifying and unprecedented, and comes as anti-abortion groups push for a nationwide ban. Despite the setback, Planned Parenthood remains committed to fighting for the right to safe and legal abortion. The organization's centers continue to operate, and abortion remains legal at present. The controversy has also led to other developments, such as Amazon's pledge to reimburse employees for travel related to obtaining abortions, and Skeet Davidson's controversial comments about Kanye West's children. Overall, the situation underscores the ongoing debate and polarization surrounding abortion rights in the United States.

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    enJune 23, 2024

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    • - Segregation still in Schools 
    • - SCOTUS 
    • - Songs Of The Episode #1 - 6FO “Walk To The Park” 
    • - @djintence Unpopular Opinion - Boneless Chicken Wings 
    • - Songs Of The Episode #2 - Mally Stakz “Don’t Know” 
    • - Breaking News - Dave Chappelle “Netflix Is a Joke” attacked on Stage 
    • - Beyonce at Functions and Crazy Situations Occur 
    • - Songs Of The Episode #3 - D. Roy ft; LennAsia “Boo Baby” 
    • - Wise Guys Corner: T.K. Kirkland Opinion. We break it down, “If I get married to a person, I can either be completely faithful or pay the bill but i cannot do both things. It has to be either our. 
    • - Wise Guys Corner: If you have the capital to cover all bills does the same rules still apply?

    "Fighting Back Post-Roe."

    "Fighting Back Post-Roe."

    Hysteria host Erin Ryan joins the pod to discuss the political fight to restore abortion access in America, and how Democrats should confront the activist Supreme Court. Then later, Amy Hagstrom Miller from Whole Woman’s Health talks about how abortion providers will continue to serve patients among a challenging patchwork of state laws.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.