
    Ep. 1491 - Examining 2000 Mules And The 2020 Election

    enMay 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden administration faces criticism over economic issues, including stock market drop and baby formula shortageThe Biden administration is under fire for its handling of economic crises, with parents struggling to find baby formula and vulnerable populations feeling the impact of the ongoing stock market drop. Families can save over $800 a year by switching to PureTalk for wireless service.

      The Biden administration is facing criticism over its handling of economic issues, including the ongoing stock market drop and the baby formula shortage. While the White House has addressed the former with condemnation of Supreme Court protesters, they have been largely silent on the latter, leaving parents struggling to find essential formula for their babies. Meanwhile, the economic turmoil is affecting vulnerable populations, including infants and pensioners. The average family can save over $800 a year by switching to PureTalk for wireless service, providing a small financial relief during these challenging times.

    • Market downturns impact retirement funds, particularly public sector onesPublic sector retirement funds suffered significant losses in Q2 2022, increasing deficits and potential financial hardships for governments and retirees.

      For wealthy individuals with long-term investment portfolios, market downturns can be manageable, as they can afford to wait out the losses. However, for those who rely on their retirement savings, particularly those in public sector pension funds, market declines can lead to significant financial hardships and create massive deficits for the states. According to recent reports, these funds have experienced their worst quarterly returns since the beginning of the pandemic, leading to eroded holdings and increased deficits. The simultaneous declines in stocks and bonds have inflicted pain on both household and institutional investors alike. The Fed has warned of the potential for a recession due to elevated inflation, persistent interest rate hikes, and geopolitical risks, which could further impact these retirement funds. The value of these funds' assets, including stocks, bonds, and other assets, wield significant power on Wall Street, and their losses can have far-reaching consequences, including increased costs for governments and workers, squeezed municipal budgets, and higher taxes.

    • Higher inflation and interest rates could cause financial distressThe combination of inflation and rising interest rates could lead to economic challenges, potentially causing an increase in delinquencies, bankruptcies, and recession risks. Businesses are particularly vulnerable due to increased borrowing costs.

      The combination of higher inflation and rising interest rates could lead to financial distress for households and businesses, potentially causing an increase in delinquencies, bankruptcies, and other economic challenges. This situation could resemble the economic downturn of 2007-2008, but the current situation may not be as severe due to the artificial nature of the inflation and supply chain issues. However, the Federal Reserve's efforts to combat inflation through interest rate hikes could tip the economy into a recession. Businesses could be particularly vulnerable due to increased borrowing costs, which could negatively impact employment and investment. The global economy is also facing challenges, including supply chain disruptions, slowing growth, and geopolitical tensions. To mitigate these risks, experts suggest reducing government spending, lowering tax rates, and easing regulations to make the American economy more competitive. Instead, current global economic policies may tie the US economy more closely to struggling economies like China and Russia.

    • Preserving Memories and AssetsDigitize old photos, films, and videos to prevent loss, use Legacy Box for trusted digitization services, stay patient during market volatility, secure and prepare for future financial needs, and make informed decisions

      It's important to preserve and protect valuable memories and assets, whether they are physical or digital. The discussion highlighted the importance of digitizing old photos, films, and videos to prevent them from deteriorating and being lost forever. Legacy Box was mentioned as a trusted solution for this, offering digitization services for various types of media and ensuring safe handling of the items. Another topic touched upon was the volatility in the cryptocurrency market, with Bitcoin and Ethereum experiencing significant price drops. Financial advisors were suggested to do nothing and wait it out, especially for younger investors who should be risk-seeking when they are young. Lastly, the discussion emphasized the importance of being prepared and taking advantage of market downturns to buy assets at lower prices. However, the US government's approach to handling inflation and economic challenges was criticized for being misguided. In summary, securing and preserving cherished memories and assets, staying patient during market volatility, and making informed financial decisions are essential actions to consider.

    • Abortion Rights Debate Dominates US PoliticsThe Supreme Court's potential decision on Roe v. Wade fuels extreme positions on abortion, while the cost of living crisis takes a backseat in public discourse.

      The ongoing debate surrounding abortion rights in the United States is dominating political discussions, with both Democrats and Republicans taking extreme positions. The Supreme Court's potential decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has led to accusations of "ultra MAGA" behavior from the Biden administration, while some Republicans are advocating for severe restrictions or even a national ban on abortion. Democrats, in response, are pushing for more liberal policies, including allowing abortion until children are 11 years old. The political rhetoric is becoming increasingly divisive, with each side unwilling to compromise. Meanwhile, the cost of living crisis continues to affect millions of families, but it has taken a backseat to the abortion debate in the public discourse. Ultimately, this issue is likely to remain a contentious one, with both sides digging in their heels and unwilling to back down.

    • Home Improvements and Political ControversiesSpeaker endorsed Blinds.com for affordable, easy-install window coverings. Political leaders face criticism for extreme policies and protests at justices' homes raise safety concerns.

      During a discussion about home improvements and the importance of natural light, the speaker endorsed Blinds.com as a top choice for custom window coverings due to their affordability, ease of installation, and extensive selection. Meanwhile, in political news, Democratic leaders like Chuck Schumer are facing criticism for proposing extreme policies, such as federally legalizing abortion up to nine months, which is not widely supported. Additionally, some Democratic officials, like Lori Lightfoot, have encouraged protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices, which has raised concerns about safety and intimidation. The speaker expressed concern over the potential for violence and the double standard in media coverage of protests. Overall, the discussion touched on home improvements, politics, and the importance of thoughtful consideration and safety in public discourse.

    • Protests at Justices' Homes: Legal vs. IntimidatingProtests for abortion rights have led some on the left to employ tactics, such as leaking Supreme Court opinions and protests at justices' homes, which are increasingly viewed as unsavory and potentially damaging to their cause.

      There is a distinction between protesting outside businesses and protesting at private residences, particularly those of Supreme Court justices. While protests are allowed and protected under the law, intimidation and threats towards justices are not. The White House has condemned violence, threats, and intimidation, but has not explicitly stated that protests at justices' homes are off-limits. The media's treatment of Jen Psaki's comments on this issue has been inconsistent with their coverage of similar comments made by former President Trump. The left is starting to face criticism for their methods in support of abortion rights, including the leak of the Supreme Court majority opinion and protests at justices' homes. The Washington Post has acknowledged the legal restrictions on protests at judges' residences. Overall, the pursuit of abortion rights has led some on the left to employ tactics that are increasingly viewed as unsavory and potentially damaging to their cause.

    • Supreme Court Document Leak: A Politically Charged IssueThe Supreme Court document leak has highlighted deep political divisions and the importance of media objectivity, while also emphasizing the significance of prioritizing sleep for overall well-being.

      The recent Supreme Court document leak has sparked intense political polarization, with the left celebrating and the right expressing concern. While some believe a liberal law clerk could be responsible, others point to a conservative one. However, the widespread reaction on the left suggests it was likely an insider from that side. The media's handling of the situation has also been criticized, with some only recently acknowledging the origins of the Steele dossier. Regardless of the leaker's identity, the incident underscores the deep divisions in American politics and the potential consequences for women's rights. It's a reminder that our media should strive for objectivity and that our society needs more productive dialogue. In the meantime, it's crucial to prioritize our health, especially our sleep, as it significantly impacts our overall well-being. Beam Dream, a functional wellness brand, offers a sleep product that can help improve sleep quality and duration, allowing us to face each day with renewed energy and focus.

    • Question the sources of informationAlways critically evaluate the credibility of information sources, especially in controversial topics, and don't blindly accept what's presented to you.

      It's important to critically evaluate the sources of information we consume, especially when it comes to controversial topics and major news stories. The Steele dossier, which was once widely accepted as credible, serves as a reminder of this. The dossier, which alleged connections between Donald Trump and Russia, was circulated among journalists and government officials for years, but it was later discredited. The Wall Street Journal reports that much of the dossier's information came from a few people, some of whom were old friends and not Kremlin insiders as claimed. This shows how important it is to question the sources of information and not blindly accept what is presented to us. Additionally, Ben Shapiro encourages listeners to check out his show "Debunked" to learn how to answer leftist arguments effectively. So, whether it's news stories or political debates, always be curious and seek out the truth.

    • The Dossier's Questionable OriginsThe Dossier, used to allege Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, was based on unverified information from consultants and PR executives, not insider sources as portrayed.

      The dossier, which became a key piece of evidence in allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, was compiled from unverified information passed between consultants and PR executives, rather than from insider sources as it was portrayed. Igor Danchenko, one of the main sources for the dossier, relied on PR executive Dolan (later identified as NPR executive Timothy Dolan) for information that ended up in the dossier's most sensational allegations. These consultants, including a Russian Internet entrepreneur named Alexei Gubarov, were all connected through a marketing campaign. The FBI treated this information as closely guarded Kremlin secrets, and it was presented to then-President Trump by James Comey. Despite its questionable origins, the dossier significantly influenced the public's perception of Russian involvement in the election, and it continues to be a contentious issue. In the 2020 election, concerns about media bias and changing election laws have been raised, but there is not enough evidence to prove that election fraud occurred on a scale that would have changed the outcome.

    • Expansion of Voting Methods and Ballot Harvesting Concerns in the 2020 U.S. Presidential ElectionThe use of mail-in and early voting during the 2020 U.S. presidential election led to a larger voter base but raised concerns over potential voter fraud through practices like ballot harvesting, where political activists collect ballots from voters, which could lead to coercion and manipulation.

      The expansion of voting methods in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, particularly the unprecedented use of mail-in and early voting, led to a significant increase in the voter base. While this expansion was due to the pandemic, some argue that it also created opportunities for voter fraud. The practice of ballot harvesting, where political activists collect ballots from voters, was identified as a major concern due to its potential for coercion and manipulation. The documentary "2,000 Mules" alleges that thousands of mules, or ballot harvesters, were involved in the 2020 election in key battleground states. The speaker emphasized the importance of in-person voting and expressed concern over the shift towards mail-in and early voting, which he believes undermines the integrity of the electoral process.

    • Documentary '2000 Mules' raises concerns about ballot harvestingThe documentary '2000 Mules' suggests potential ballot harvesting activities during the 2020 US elections, but does not provide definitive evidence of widespread fraud.

      The documentary "2000 Mules" by Dinesh D'Souza raises concerns about ballot harvesting, specifically the alleged trafficking of ballots through multiple drop boxes by individuals associated with unspecified nonprofits in swing states during the 2020 US elections. The documentary uses geolocation data to show suspicious patterns of people going between these nonprofits and multiple drop boxes, implying potential ballot harvesting activities. However, it's important to note that the documentary does not make the hard claim that the ballots being dropped off were fraudulent or that people were voting on behalf of others without their consent. While the documentary is thought-provoking and should be watched for a better understanding of the claims, it does not provide definitive evidence of widespread election fraud as some might imply. The film's allegations have been met with fact-checks from left-leaning sources, which some find non-compelling. Ultimately, the documentary serves as a call for increased transparency and security measures in the electoral process.

    • Documentary '2000 Mules' raises concerns over potential voter fraud through ballot harvestingThe '2000 Mules' documentary claims thousands of individuals, called 'mules,' visited multiple drop boxes and organizations on the same day, but fact-checkers challenge its geolocation data's accuracy and reliability, leaving the claims unproven.

      The documentary "2000 Mules" claims that thousands of individuals, referred to as "mules," visited multiple drop boxes and organizations on the same day, raising suspicions of ballot harvesting and potential voter fraud during the 2020 US Presidential Election. The documentary's creators used geolocation data and identified patterns of travel to support their claims, specifically in states like Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. They suggest that these alleged illegal activities significantly influenced the election outcomes in these swing states. However, it's important to note that fact-checkers, such as PolitiFact and the Associated Press, have challenged the documentary's claims, stating that the geolocation data is not precise enough to confirm ballot depositing and that the documentary relies on faulty assumptions and anonymous accounts. The fact-checkers also point out that the election results in some of the contested states, like Pennsylvania, actually favored Trump more in 2020 compared to 2016. Ultimately, while the documentary raises concerns about potential voter fraud through ballot harvesting, the claims remain unproven, and the geolocation data's accuracy and reliability are subjects of ongoing debate.

    • Cell phone data not definitive proof for ballot harvestingThe '2000 Mules' documentary's claims of illegal ballot harvesting based on cell phone data are not definitive and could potentially capture innocent individuals, while evidence for paid schemes is lacking.

      The claims made by the documentary "2000 Mules" about illegal ballot harvesting based on cell phone data are not as precise or reliable as presented. Experts argue that cell phone location data can only provide approximate locations and cannot definitively prove that someone dropped off a ballot at a drop box. The documentary's identification of "mules" is based on patterns of cell phone activity near drop boxes and nonprofits, but this method is not foolproof and could potentially capture innocent individuals. Additionally, the documentary's claims of paid ballot harvesting schemes lack substantial evidence, and some states allow for ballots to be dropped off on behalf of others, with certain restrictions. The fact checks conducted by the Associated Press and PolitiFact raise questions about the documentary's evidence and methods, and further investigation is needed to determine the validity of these claims.

    • Documentary '2000 Mules' claims of massive voter fraud not supported by evidenceWhile there are concerns about mail ballot collection and return, the claims of widespread voter fraud depicted in '2000 Mules' lack concrete evidence. Identities of involved nonprofits and individuals need investigation.

      While there have been isolated instances of potential voter fraud in the 2020 elections, the claims of massive scale fraud, such as those depicted in the documentary "2000 Mules," are not supported by concrete evidence. The practice of collecting and returning mail ballots in violation of state laws is a concern, but it does not equate to dead people voting or ballots being punched in back rooms. The process is corrupt, but it does not necessarily mean that the ballots themselves are illegal. The documentary does not make the sensational claims that some people believe it does. However, there are open questions that need answering, such as the identities of the nonprofits allegedly involved and the individuals collecting and returning multiple ballots. The lack of clear evidence and the failure to contact and investigate these individuals raises concerns about the thoroughness of the investigation. It is important to wait for more information before making definitive conclusions.

    • Documentary raises questions about potential ballot harvesting and suspicious movements near drop boxesThe documentary presented cell phone data suggesting irregularities but failed to provide concrete evidence of voter fraud or fraudulently cast ballots.

      While the documentary presented intriguing cell phone data suggesting potential ballot harvesting and suspicious movements near drop boxes in swing states, it failed to provide concrete evidence of fraudulently cast ballots or actual voter fraud. The documentary raised important questions, such as the reliability of cell phone data and the absence of similar patterns in non-swing states. To substantiate their claims, the filmmakers need to provide more tangible evidence, such as video footage or witness testimonies, and address open questions regarding the data's accuracy and potential explanations for the observed patterns. Ultimately, while the data is suspicious, the conclusions drawn from it may not be fully justified without further investigation and evidence.

    • Ben Shapiro discusses '2,000 Mules' documentary and voter fraud allegationsBen Shapiro encourages listeners to stay informed on '2,000 Mules' documentary's voter fraud allegations, but believes more evidence is needed for a definitive conclusion. He criticizes dismissal of allegations by left and calls for law enforcement to investigate further.

      Learning from the discussion on The Ben Shapiro Show is the ongoing debate surrounding the documentary "2,000 Mules" and its allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 US Presidential Election. The speaker, Ben Shapiro, expresses his belief that more information is necessary to make a definitive conclusion, as the connection between the alleged mules and the election has not been definitively proven in the film. He also criticizes the dismissal of the allegations by the left and calls for law enforcement to take a more serious look at the cell phone data and any tapes mentioned in the film. Shapiro also mentions that The Truth About the Vote, the organization behind the documentary, plans to release more data. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to stay informed and wait for more evidence to emerge before making a judgment on the matter. Additionally, the show touches on other topics such as pro-abortion activists targeting churches, Mitch McConnell's potential push for a nationwide abortion ban, and Joe Biden's low approval ratings in a new poll.

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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Episode 87 - Nov. 6th, 2022 - Votes & Updates

    Episode 87 - Nov. 6th, 2022 - Votes & Updates 

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