
    About this Episode

    Join Myself on iHeartRadio, Spotify & Apple Podcasts for Part II of an Over-The-Phone Interview with Australian| Indian Actor @neil.p_creations Who also founded The Actors & Performers Podcast Show 🐓 @chookas_podcast.

    Neil shared some of his lived experiences as an Indian Australian in the TV & Film industry and I’ve gotta say I was quite shocked when he shared his first hand experiences of racism and exclusion because of the colour of his skin! It took me to a passage in the Bible that talks about equality! In Colossians 4:25: Jesus was all about Equality and Justice he also wasn’t about prestige or titles! So it got me spurred on then to think that we should be about treating all people equally?

    I talk with Neil on angelic & supernatural experiences & whether His religion or expression of diversity or faith has landed him in hot water before during acting and auditions.

    I opened up the airwaves for prayer and imparted an invitation to all my viewers and Neil to soak in the atmosphere of worship with the Angels, Holy Spirit and God the Father.

    Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    To make sure the next episode is free "pay it forward" here https://linktr.ee/TheDraykPodcastShow

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges 
    http://worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Drayk Podcast Show.

    Enjoy the Show!

    Recent Episodes from The Powers Of Drayk

    Ep 07 | When GESTAPO Moves In

    Ep 07 | When GESTAPO Moves In

    Join Myself on iHeartRadio, Spotify, Audible & Apple Podcasts for a Press Release following one husband's crude attempt to defame and shame me for breathing freely and asking if I could ask some questions + film him 'with his strict permission of course' whilst I exercised today, and surveyed him on wearing a mask whilst sweating profusely, I was genuinely concerned for his wellbeing and safety! My response after a number of members in the local community took to inciting people to push me into the river, and dob me in for not wearing a mask along the cooks river, some serious vigilante leftism is going on down here since the lockdowns were extended another 4 weeks. Yet wearing a mask and continuing to be afraid of your fellow neighbour is completely unscientific and does not protect anybody from a virus. So far four unlawful police visits with one detective even attempting to gain entry illegally today by asking my landlord for a spare key, have resulted in no charges and no fines for so called non-compliance to a Covid 19 health direction, but Gestapo if your listening keep it coming, I know I'm getting under your skin, you are not my Health bureaucrats nor do I abide, fear or trust your governance or restrictions. Fear Has no place on The Drayk Podcast Show!

    Enjoy the Show.

    Studio Session 03 | On SURVIVING The Apocalypse

    Studio Session 03 | On SURVIVING The Apocalypse

    Welcome to The Powers of Drayk powered by WORTHPROTECTING.COM.AU.

    Dom your host here,

    And It’s good to be back in the radio hot seat after weeks of flooding and other 'not so natural' disasters in Australia.

    To all the Queenslanders/ Mullumbimby/Murwillumbah and Northern rivers families tuning in, my prayers and thoughts go out to all of you!
    I can’t imagine the days are getting any easier being holed up in an evacuation centre.

    ‘Thank-you to all the people getting in there boats grabbing what they have and helping those less fortunate than you! You are the real Australian hero right now’.

    During tonight's segment my guest Tim Johnstone mentioned several articles and videos that I have attached to the Full Description & Show Notes.

    1. https://www.holistichealthonline.info/browns-gas-hydrogen-generator-for-healing-applications-tesla-extraordinary-technology-conference-2018/

    2. https://youtu.be/KszbbwSGeD4

    3. https://www.crrow777radio.com/365-hydrogen-browns-gas-the-real-elemental-deal-free/ 

    ★ You can follow my Guest on his Instagram on some_call_him_timm for more on natural remedies, technologies and the Convoy for Freedom.

    â–ș You can follow The Powers Of Drayk Instagram on

    â–ș Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    ♄ To make sure the next episode is free PayItForward here!

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges
    worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Powers Of Drayk Podcast.

    John 8:47-58

    John 8:47-58

    Tonight the conversation around Drayk's microphone will be on 'Belonging to God & not tasting death'.

    The Passage of scripture I will be expounding briefly on is John 8:47-58.

    The jews couldn't fathom that the younger than Father Abraham Jesus is greater than He, Jesus responds to the jews outlandish remarks that he is demon-possessed and a samaritan with 'I am not possessed by a demon but I honour my Father and you dishonor me'? Seconds away from being stoned by the know-it-all christians of his age, Jesus is forced to leave the temple grounds and go into hiding.

    Season 1 of TPOD Returns Next Wednesday 530 PM AEST.

    You can follow The Powers Of Drayk Instagram on @thepowersofdrayk.

    Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    To make sure the next episode is free PayItForward here!

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges
    worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Powers Of Drayk.

    Stay Powerful!

    EP 03 | The Dangerous GOOD

    EP 03 | The Dangerous GOOD

    Welcome to The Powers Of Drayk Podcast powered by worthprotecting.com.au.
    Dom your host here, It’s good to be with you for another episode.

    Today the conversation around Drayk's microphone will be on the dazzling diamonds we are called to be as men of God! And the trap of being emotionally dead and other male compartmentalisations.

    This personal reflection was taken from Chapter 02 of the Dangerous Good By Kenny Luck.
    Pastor Kenny Luck is the founder of Every Man Ministries (EMM) in Laguna Hills, California and hosts a regular podcast called the Every Man Show.

    Australia where are all the powerfully convicted men? More simply what’s happened to morality?
    Let’s talk about one story of when morality goes out the window and anything goes including murder.

    You can follow The Powers Of Drayk Instagram on @thepowersofdrayk.

    Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    To make sure the next episode is free PayItForward here!

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges
    worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Powers Of Drayk.

    Enjoy the Show!

    Studio Session 02 | On JUSTICE For The Voiceless & Injured

    Studio Session 02 | On JUSTICE For The Voiceless & Injured

    Studio Session 02 |On JUSTICE For The Voiceless & Injured
    Guest starring: Maria Zeee (AU) in the Studio for a Special Edition Broadcast

    Well this morning I have someone you may already know from all her Nightly lives on Instagram with personalities like Joel Jamal, Senator Malcolm Roberts, Joel brown and An0maly.. to name just a few, she is a Christian with a bold heart for Justice, and there hasn’t been an idle moment Maria didn’t advocate and stand up for truth during this bungled vaccine rollout ! and coverup.

    Maria Zeee is a personal friend and she’s just arrived in the studio with me today LIVE!
    to produce this very Special #UNPLUGGED studio session on ‘JUSTICE’

    ★ You can follow my Guest on her Instagram on @maria.zeee, her backup accounts @maria.zeee2.0 and @maria.zeee3.0 and Telegram on AwakenandArise for more uncensored coverage.

    â–ș You can follow The Powers Of Drayk Instagram on @thepowersofdrayk.

    â–ș Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    ♄ To make sure the next episode is free PayItForward here!

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges
    worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Powers Of Drayk Podcast.

    Enjoy the Show!

    Youtube Medical Misinformation Disclaimer:
    Please note the opinions discussed in today's episode are not given by any medical experts or intended for the community to be in contradiction of the current medical advice available during the PHO in place. The Powers Of Drayk Podcast does however encourage viewers discretion, critical thinking and independent research of topics discussed on this show.

    Studio Session 01 | On FAITH In Times Nearing The End

    Studio Session 01 | On FAITH In Times Nearing The End

    Studio Session 01 |On FAITH In Times Nearing The End
    Guest starring: Dia Beltran (AU) in the Studio for a Special Edition Broadcast 

    Well this morning I have someone you may already know from her WEEKLY interviews on Youtube with household personalities like Primod, George Christensen, Evelyn Rae and Sophie York.. to name just a few, this conservative powerhouse is not only a socio-political commentator, she is a woman pursuing God’s heart in an age of godless idolatry, medical segregation and selfish agendas and what you might not have known about my guest today is that Dia Beltran is a personal friend and she’s just arrived in the studio with me today LIVE!

    Dia graced me with the whole morning to produce this very Special #UNPLUGGED studio session on ‘FAITH in times nearing the end’

    ★ You can follow my Guest on her Twitter @dia_latina, Facebook & Instagram on @dialatina and Youtube on DiaBeltran for more interviews.

    â–ș You can follow The Powers Of Drayk Instagram on @thepowersofdrayk.

    â–ș Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    ♄ To make sure the next episode is free PayItForward here!

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges
    worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Powers Of Drayk Podcast.

    Enjoy the Show!

    Youtube Medical Misinformation Disclaimer:
    Please note the opinions discussed in today's episode are not given by any medical experts or intended for the community to be in contradiction of the current medical advice available during the PHO in place. The Powers Of Drayk Podcast does however encourage viewers discretion, critical thinking and independent research of topics discussed on this show.

    Ep 02 | The SEGREGATED & Unloving Church

    Ep 02 | The SEGREGATED & Unloving Church

    Well tonight I have Evelyn Rae from Caldron Pool, coming on the air with me to talk about the biblically catastrophic events this week including: an earthquake in Victoria, what other signs believers should look out for if we sync the politically unstable climate we are in to the book of revelation, ways to opt out of tyranny as a Christ filled daughter and a roadmap on how we the church can dismantle heading into a segregated and unloving society tomorrow!

    You can follow my Guest on her Twitter @_evelynrae, Facebook & Instagram on @Evelynrae_gratn and caldronpool.com for more of her featured articles.

    You can follow The Powers Of Drayk Instagram on @thepowersofdrayk.

    Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    To make sure the next episode is free PayItForward here!

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges
    worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Powers Of Drayk.

    Enjoy the Show!

    Ep 01 | An Open Letter From BBB

    Ep 01 | An Open Letter From BBB

    Join Myself on iHeartRadio, Spotify, Audible & Apple Podcasts for a Reading of An Open Letter penned by The Burning Bush Brotherhood (U.S.A)

    From the Burning Bush Brotherhood

    “Gird yourselves with sackcloth and wail you priests.

    Mourn, you who serve the altar” Joel 1:13.


    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

    We write this letter in anguish and pain of heart, carrying a burden we have borne in silence for too long. Today we write with boldness, a boldness that is found not in ourselves but in our desire to hold fast to the Holy Traditions of our beloved Orthodox Faith—the true medicine of the world. We write as a brotherhood of clergy in America not bound by jurisdiction or diocese. The fires of current trials have brought us together, and our brotherhood has been forged in tears, brokenness, and prayer. It is in the ashes of what this past year and a half has wrought that we have felt the disruption of the Church at many levels, but have found like-minded brother priests whose resurrectional joy, silent suffering, and confessor-like endurance kept the spark of zeal ignited. Sadly, because of the nature of our testimony, we cannot publicly disclose ourselves, but we judge our voice to be a necessary voice crying in the wilderness out of love and pain for the Church.

    You can follow The Powers Of Drayk Instagram on @thepowersofdrayk.

    Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    To make sure the next episode is free PayItForward here!

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges
    worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Powers Of Drayk.

    Enjoy the Show!

    Ep 08 | Sin Is BREAKING God's Law

    Ep 08 | Sin Is BREAKING God's Law

    Join Myself on iHeartRadio, Spotify, Audible & Apple Podcasts for an Over-The-Phone Interview with Arianne Tassios Camera | Believer | Missionary | & Wife to Jesse.

    This is God's Law | Dom speaks to Ari about Why Trusting the government is the very thing that is separating us from knowing God’s love, What the spirit has been saying about The false prophets today diverting us from the truth!! And how we can be walking in self sacrificing love again! Because trust me you don’t want to be remembered as a Cain slaying your own brother or dobbing in your mother for these so called health regulations. And a final word of caution before I introduce you to my guest; Don’t be shocked if you start experiencing the world's hatred! In the coming weeks! God's love will get us through this He is the source of love itself!

    You can follow my Guest on her Instagram on @ariannetassioscamera

    You can follow The Powers Of Drayk Instagram on @thepowersofdrayk.

    Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    To make sure the next episode is free PayItForward here!

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges
    worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Powers Of Drayk.

    Enjoy the Show!

    Ep 06 | The Great AWAKENING

    Ep 06 | The Great AWAKENING

    Join Myself on iHeartRadio, Spotify, Audible & Apple Podcasts for an Over-The-Phone Interview with Dave Oneeg's | Believer | Activist | & Surfer

    This is The Great Awakening | Dom speaks to Dave about the rampart Government propaganda being used to discredit the hundreds of thousands already standing for Freedom & Medical Autonomy, The PCR test & influenza, the end times, What a Sheep is to God and So much more.

    You can follow my Guest on his Instagram on @daveoneegs1 or his Telegram Channel @daveoneegschat

    You can follow the host of The Drayk Podcast Show's Instagram on @tdpshow.

    Link to My Telegram Channel is below


    To make sure the next episode is free PayItForward here!

    All our podcast episodes are pre-recorded at an independent studio in Sydney, Australia.
    This station acknowledges
    worthprotecting.com.au as primary sponsor of The Drayk Podcast Show.

    Enjoy the Show!