
    Ep. 1516 - We’re In A Recession, So Let’s Trans The Kids!

    enJune 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Fed raises interest rates, Biden faces criticism, and privacy concerns persistThe Fed increased interest rates to combat inflation and prevent a recession, Biden faced criticism over LGBTQ+ policies and COVID-19 response, and privacy concerns continued with data collection and monetization by tech and government. Protect personal info with a VPN like ExpressVPN.

      The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 0.75 percentage points, the largest increase since 1994, in an attempt to combat inflation and prevent a potential recession. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden faced criticism over government actions regarding the LGBTQ+ community and transgender kids, while dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the announcement of a possible recession. Amidst these events, privacy concerns remain relevant as personal data is constantly being collected and monetized by both big tech and the government. To protect personal information, using a VPN, such as ExpressVPN, can help hide IP addresses and encrypt data to ensure safety and privacy.

    • Government and Central Banks' Control Over Economy vs Free-Market CapitalismGovernment and central banks' excessive control over the economy can lead to high inflation and the importance of individuals maintaining control over their affairs through trusted resources.

      The current economic situation, with the government and central banks exerting significant control over the economy, goes against the original principles of free-market capitalism. The idea that the government or central banks should devalue assets or force spending goes against the role of the government as a backstop during economic shocks. This centralization of policy-making has led to an echo chamber of similar decisions around the world, resulting in issues like high inflation. It's important for individuals to be aware of this trend and seek out trusted resources, like Rockauto.com for auto parts, to maintain control over their own affairs. The current interest rates are expected to increase but are not permanent. The Fed's benchmark rate is projected to end the year at 3.4%, reflecting an upward revision of 1.5 percentage points from the March estimate.

    • Impact of Inflation and Rising Rates on Economy and Stock MarketRising interest rates and inflation are negatively impacting the economy, causing a decrease in retail sales, potential drop in stock market, and drying up of credit in real estate market. Consumer spending is down due to inflation on necessities, and PE ratios may be unsustainable.

      The rising interest rates and inflation are negatively impacting the economy, leading to a decrease in retail sales and a potential drop in the stock market. The real estate market is also being affected as mortgages become more expensive, causing a drying up of credit and a decrease in spending power for consumers. Companies' projected earnings may be out of alignment with reality, leading to unsustainable PE ratios. The unexpected decrease in consumer spending in May, as reported by the Associated Press, underscores the seriousness of the situation. The surge in inflation on necessities like gas is causing consumers to be more cautious about spending, leading to a decline in retail sales. The only sector seeing growth is the restaurant industry, but even that is largely due to inflation. The PE ratios of stocks are currently out of whack due to the large amount of money poured into the economy during the pandemic, but as the economy begins to sink and earnings decline, these ratios are likely to come back down to earth, leading to a potential drop in the stock market.

    • PE ratios aligning with earnings but potential drop could cause misalignment and market downturnPE ratios aligning with earnings, but potential earnings drop could misalign them, leading to market downturn and economic challenges for Biden administration. Inflation, economic uncertainty from policies, and stagflation predictions add to investment concerns.

      The PE ratios of stocks are currently aligning with their earnings, but a potential drop in earnings could cause the PE ratios to become misaligned once again, leading to a drop in stock prices. This misalignment could contribute to a larger market downturn and a challenging economic outlook for the Joe Biden administration. The administration's policies, including restrictions on oil and gas production, are contributing to inflation and economic uncertainty, which can impact investment decisions and further impact the stock market and economy. Larry Summers, a former treasury secretary, predicts that stagflation could be the next step in this economic cycle. Additionally, for individuals looking to access cash or save money amidst economic uncertainty, exploring financial options such as mortgage refinancing could be beneficial.

    • Economic Uncertainty: Inflation, Slow Economy, and StagflationThe current economic situation may involve inflation, a slowing economy, and stagflation due to eroded public trust in experts and institutions. The Fed's handling of inflation and the administration's ideological agenda have contributed to this uncertainty, potentially leading to market disconnects.

      The current economic situation, as predicted by the speaker, is likely to involve inflation and a slowing economy, which could lead to stagflation. This is due in part to the policies pursued by the Biden administration, which have undermined public trust in the ability of experts and institutions to effectively manage the economy. The Federal Reserve, tasked with managing inflation, has faced criticism for its handling of the situation, leading to a loss of faith in its policies among the public. This loss of trust can have negative consequences, including disconnecting market reactions from Fed announcements. The administration's commitment to an ideological agenda, regardless of its impact on Americans, has further eroded trust and added to the uncertainty. The Hayekian perspective, emphasizing the importance of markets and the collective knowledge of the world, is offered as a potential solution to this problem.

    • Encouraging Business Investment in the USWhite House advisor Brian Deese proposes reforming corporate tax system and creating a stable business environment to incentivize domestic investment, but there's no clear prediction on economic situation or inflation.

      The discussion revolves around the need for policies to encourage businesses to invest in the United States, rather than lowering corporate tax rates or providing subsidies. Brian Deese, a White House advisor, suggests reforming the corporate tax system and creating a more stable business environment to incentivize domestic investment. However, there is a lack of clear predictions or estimates regarding the economic situation and inflation from the administration. The speaker expresses frustration with the administration's handling of the oil and gas industry, suggesting easing regulations and engaging with oil producers to increase production and bring down prices. The administration's approach is criticized for prioritizing ideology over pragmatism.

    • White House Criticizes Oil Companies Amid Gas Price Crisis, Offers No Clear SolutionsThe White House criticized oil companies for high gas prices and Putin's ties, but failed to provide concrete solutions, while neglecting American flags on embassies and focusing on cultural symbols overseas.

      The White House's criticism of oil companies during the gas price crisis lacks substance and is accompanied by a lack of actionable solutions. Karine Jean-Pierre accused oil companies of taking advantage of the war in Ukraine and being on Putin's side, but when asked about potential actions to increase refinery capacity or prepare for natural disasters, she had no clear answers. Meanwhile, she and the administration have shown little hesitation to display symbols of American culture overseas, such as gay pride flags, while neglecting the display of American flags on American embassies. Instead of focusing on blame and empty rhetoric, the administration should focus on implementing policies that will increase refinery capacity, reduce dependence on foreign oil, and prepare for potential natural disasters. Additionally, it is important for individuals to take care of their own affairs by creating a will to ensure the distribution of assets and guardianship of children in case of unforeseen circumstances.

    • Biden administration's energy policies face criticism for inconsistencyThe Biden administration's energy policies are under fire for their inconsistency and potential negative impact on the oil and gas industry, as the administration pushes for a transition to clean energy while asking for increased production in the short term, and its commitment to green energy is questioned due to its current inefficiency and high cost.

      The Biden administration's energy policies are facing criticism for their inconsistency and potential negative impact on the oil and gas industry. While the administration is pushing for a transition to clean energy, it is also asking these companies to increase production in the short term. At the same time, the administration's commitment to green energy is being questioned due to its current inefficiency and high cost compared to fossil fuels. The administration's response to economic challenges and geopolitical issues has also been criticized for being focused on cultural issues rather than addressing these pressing matters directly. The administration's handling of energy policies and its apparent lack of a clear plan has left many feeling uncertain about the future of the industry and the country's energy security.

    • Biden administration's pro-LGBTQ+ executive orderThe Biden administration's executive order supports LGBTQ+ equality and gender transition for children, but critics argue it may infringe on parents' rights and promote confusion about gender affirmation and conversion therapy.

      During Pride Month, the Biden administration announced the most pro-LGBTQ+ executive order in history, focusing on equality and the subsidization of gender transition for children. However, the administration's policies have been criticized for potentially infringing on parents' rights and promoting confusion regarding gender affirmation and conversion therapy. The administration's stance on these issues has been criticized for being propagandistic and illogical, with some arguing that it goes against criminal law and basic tolerances. Despite these criticisms, the Biden administration continues to champion LGBTQ+ rights and equality, with the president himself expressing support for the community. However, the execution and implications of these policies remain a topic of ongoing debate.

    • Biden Administration Takes Action to Support LGBTQ+ Students and FamiliesThe Biden administration is actively addressing discriminatory legislation against LGBTQ+ children and families through key agencies, opposing over 300 anti-LGBTQ+ laws, expanding healthcare access, and implementing inclusive school policies.

      President Biden is taking active steps to address discriminatory legislation against LGBTQ+ children and families. He is directing key agencies to protect families and children, prevent conversion therapy, safeguard healthcare, and support LGBTQ+ children. The administration opposes over 300 anti-LGBTQ+ laws introduced in state legislatures, particularly those targeting transgender children and their parents. Biden's actions include charging the DHS and HHS with protecting children and families from attacks on their access to healthcare and releasing new policies for states to expand access to comprehensive healthcare for LGBTQ+ patients. The Department of Education is addressing the impacts of state laws targeting students and releasing a sample school policy for achieving full inclusion for LGBTQI+ students. The administration's efforts also include potentially withdrawing federal funding from schools that do not allow students to use bathrooms aligning with their gender identity or that do not inform parents about socially transitioned students. Overall, the Biden administration is taking a proactive stance to protect and support LGBTQ+ students and families, addressing harmful and discriminatory attacks.

    • The Daily Wire's Book Club and Western Film PremiereThe Daily Wire promotes thought-provoking content and opposes the Biden administration's expansive definition of 'conversion therapy'.

      The Daily Wire is a platform that offers various forms of entertainment and knowledge-sharing, including a book club and uncanceled projects, all with a mission to challenge the viewer and fight against leftist agendas. During this week, they held their 3rd Thursday book club discussing "Shane" by Jack Schafer, and premiered the western film "Terror on the Prairie," featuring Gina Carano. Meanwhile, the Biden administration's agenda for Pride Month includes addressing "conversion therapy," which the administration has broadly defined to include any attempt to help children question their gender identity or sexual orientation, even if it doesn't involve physical harm or electroshock therapy. The Daily Wire strongly opposes this definition and the potential consequences it could have on children's access to necessary medical care and support.

    • Biden administration tackles conversion therapyThe Biden administration is working to prevent conversion therapy, a harmful practice aimed at changing sexual orientation or gender identity, through funding bans and healthcare access improvements.

      The Biden administration is taking action to address conversion therapy, which involves attempting to change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity, particularly in the context of minors. Many medical associations have condemned traditional conversion therapy as ineffective, harmful, and immoral. Despite bans in some states, conversion therapy still exists, and the Biden administration is taking steps to prevent its funding and practice both domestically and internationally. The administration is also addressing barriers to healthcare access for LGBTQI+ individuals and youth, particularly in regards to mental health care and suicide prevention. It is important to note that conversion therapy is a complex issue, and opinions on its effectiveness and morality vary greatly. The Biden administration's actions reflect a commitment to promoting affirming and inclusive environments for all individuals, particularly those who face discrimination and marginalization.

    • Policies promoting LGBTQ+ ideologies linked to rising suicidal ideation among youthPolicies promoting LGBTQ+ ideologies, while intended to increase tolerance, lead to discrimination, barriers, and societal issues for LGBTQ+ youth, diverting attention and resources from education and pressing issues.

      The promotion of certain ideologies and policies, particularly those related to the LGBTQ+ community, has been linked to rising suicidal ideation rates among young people in the United States. Despite claims that these policies aim to increase tolerance and respect, they also lead to significant barriers and discrimination for LGBTQ+ youth, resulting in issues such as homelessness and overrepresentation in foster care. Meanwhile, education and other pressing issues continue to be overlooked in favor of promoting these agendas in schools. For instance, the Biden administration's policy requiring schools to allow boys into girls' private areas to receive federal funding for meals. This focus on promoting controversial agendas in schools is a major concern for many, as it diverts attention and resources from more pressing educational and societal issues.

    • Court ruling forces Yeshiva University to recognize LGBTQ+ club, potentially eroding religious autonomyA court decision forces a religious Jewish university to allow an LGBTQ+ club, risking the loss of its religious status and autonomy, while the left's push for inclusivity could harm young children through early gender transitions.

      The left's push for inclusivity in education has led to a court ruling that Yeshiva University, a religious Orthodox Jewish institution, must recognize an LGBTQ+ club on campus, effectively stripping it of its religious status. This sets a precedent for other religious educational institutions and could potentially lead to the erosion of their values and autonomy. The left's intentions, despite their rhetoric of tolerance, may be driven more by domination and the imposition of their views on others. Additionally, there's a growing trend to lower the recommended age for gender transition, which raises concerns about the potential harm to young children.

    • Transgender surgeries for minors and COVID-19 vaccines for young children: Balancing individual rights, health, and scienceWPATH recommends some transgender surgeries for minors, prioritizing feelings over reality, while the push for COVID-19 vaccines for young children emphasizes scientific evidence.

      The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) now recommends that some transgender surgeries can be performed on minors as young as 15 or 17, despite potential risks. This is based on limited scientific evidence and expert opinion. The belief is that biology is an imposition on one's self-perception, and denying early treatment is considered unethical. This perspective, rooted in expressive individualism, prioritizes feelings over reality and can lead to the rejection of societal norms, rules, and even science. Another topic touched upon is the push for COVID-19 vaccines for children under 5, despite low death rates and limited long-term study data. The emphasis on science to guide decisions is noticeable in this context, as well. Overall, these discussions highlight the complex and evolving nature of societal debates surrounding individual rights, health, and the role of science.

    • Despite vaccines, Fauci tests positive for COVID-19Vaccines reduce severity of COVID-19 but don't prevent transmission, staying updated with vaccinations is crucial

      Despite following all the recommended COVID-19 guidelines, including getting vaccinated and boosted, Anthony Fauci, the top medical adviser for the coronavirus pandemic, still tested positive for the virus. This serves as a reminder that while vaccines can help prevent serious illness and death, they do not prevent transmission. The definition of being adequately protected against COVID-19 is transitioning to include up-to-date vaccinations, meaning more than two doses. This news comes as the Biden administration pushes for executive orders during pride month that could result in more children being subjected to drugs and castration. It's important to remember that while experts should be trusted, their recommendations and guidelines are not always 100% effective or infallible.

    • Ongoing cultural and political debatesProtests, investigations, and policy discussions continue over identity, education, and free speech issues, shaping our society and fueling important conversations for a fair and inclusive future

      Societal debates and political tensions continue to unfold in various parts of the country. For instance, protests against a drag queen story hour have led to a potential hate crime investigation. Simultaneously, Texas lawmakers have asked the White House for a legal definition of the word "woman." These issues come as Ibram Kendi releases a new book promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) to children. Elsewhere, George Washington University changes its colonials moniker for unclear reasons. These events highlight the ongoing cultural and political discourse surrounding issues of identity, education, and free speech. Despite the confusion and controversy, it's clear that these debates will continue to shape our society and fuel important conversations. Ultimately, it's crucial for individuals to stay informed and engaged in these discussions to ensure a fair and inclusive future for all.

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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    (16:24) Markets: Q1 rate cut looks unlikely, December CPI print slightly hot, soft landing in jeopardy?

    (29:46) Carta's mistake, why verticalized SaaS tools could be in trouble, Chamath's 8090 incubator

    (51:02) Why and how Sacks is taking on Slack, where Carta went wrong with founders

    (1:05:17) DEI debate: cultural significance, real solutions, Motte-and-bailey


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    Does Political Experience Matter?

    Does Political Experience Matter?

    The difference in experience among Senate candidates is one of the story lines Kyle Kondik, Managing Editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball, is following in the 2022 midterm elections. As a group, Republican Senate (and gubernatorial) candidates have less experience running for office and than do Democratic candidates on the slate this election. How will candidate experience and qualities impact election outcomes?

     Also in this episode, Ahmed, a student who participated in the Center’s Global Perspectives in Democracy Program, shares about his experience in the United States this summer and his views on democracy in Iraq.

    Links in this episode:

    The Long Red Thread, by Kyle Kondik

    Bonus Interview: The Power Of Precious Metals (ft. Birch Gold's Phillip Patrick)

    Bonus Interview: The Power Of Precious Metals (ft. Birch Gold's Phillip Patrick)
    Phillip Patrick joins The Chicks to talk about precious metals and why they are so important in today's economy. They discuss everything from how Birch Gold can help you protect your hard earned money to Mock's concerns with building a house in today's economy!

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