

    enDecember 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the boundaries of streaming and realityCreators are experimenting with in-person events and virtual reality to challenge our perception of reality and consciousness, opening up new possibilities for creativity and connection in the digital age

      The world of streaming has expanded beyond the digital realm, with some creators experimenting with in-person events and even living their lives through virtual reality. Speed set the trend by selling out an arena for a real-life Fortnite stream, while another creator lived in VR for an extended period. These experiments challenge our perception of reality and consciousness, raising questions about the possibility of existing in different states of awareness every day. While some may argue that these experiences are not authentic, they open up new possibilities for creativity and connection in the digital age. Ultimately, these explorations push the boundaries of what it means to live and stream in the modern world.

    • Our relationship with technology can blur the lines between virtual and real lifeThe Matrix and 'Transfigure' remind us that our perception of reality can be manipulated, and our actions, whether intentional or not, can have far-reaching impacts

      Our perception of reality can be manipulated, leading us to question the authenticity of our experiences. The Matrix is an iconic example of this concept, where the protagonist takes a pill and enters a simulated reality. Similarly, in the short film "Transfigure," a girl's use of Photoshop to alter her appearance leads to unintended consequences, blurring the lines between virtual and real life. These stories remind us that our relationship with technology can be both empowering and dangerous, and that we must be mindful of the potential consequences of our actions. It's essential to remember that what we see may not always be what truly exists, and that our actions, whether intentional or not, can have far-reaching impacts.

    • The Ripple Effect of Consumer ChoicesOur consumption habits, no matter how small, can contribute to unethical labor practices and negative business consequences. Entrepreneurship can offer alternatives, but it's essential to consider ethical implications. Brands use product placement to gain popularity, but it can perpetuate issues. Be aware and strive for ethical, sustainable choices.

      Our consumption habits, no matter how small they seem, can have a ripple effect that leads to larger issues, such as exploitation of labor and unethical business practices. For instance, the demand for Jordans leads to long hours for underpaid workers. This phenomenon extends to various industries and can result in a vicious cycle of consumerism. Entrepreneurship can be a solution, but it's crucial to consider the ethical implications and potential negative consequences. Brands, like Beats, have used product placement effectively to gain popularity and success, but it's essential to remember that such practices can contribute to the perpetuation of these issues. Ultimately, it's crucial to be aware of the impact of our consumption choices and strive for ethical and sustainable alternatives.

    • Unexpected branding strategies create buzz and hypeBrands can use oversized boxes, athlete sponsorships, memes, and pop culture references to create unexpected marketing strategies that generate buzz and increase sales and engagement.

      Effective marketing strategies often involve unexpected and memorable branding. This can be seen in the example of Prince Street pizza's guerrilla marketing strategy with oversized pizza boxes left in public areas. Another example is Disneyland's sponsorship of athletes, which gained significant exposure through their public announcements. Brands like Red Bull have also used similar tactics in the past. These strategies create buzz and hype, which can lead to increased sales and customer engagement. The hype around new trends or products can last for a month or more, but eventually, it may fade. Brands must continually find new ways to keep their marketing fresh and engaging to maintain customer interest. Additionally, corporations can effectively use memes and pop culture references to connect with audiences and increase brand awareness. For instance, Lionsgate's marketing team used a meme to promote their product during a US soccer match, which gained significant attention. Overall, successful marketing strategies require creativity, unexpected elements, and a deep understanding of audience preferences and trends.

    • Turning Negative Attention into Positive PublicityCapitalize on negative situations by responding quickly and creatively on social media to generate positive publicity and increase sales.

      Casio used a public feud between Shakira and Gerard Pique to their advantage, turning a negative situation into a marketing opportunity. When Shakira dissed Casio watches in a diss track, Casio responded with a tweet that went viral, turning the situation into a meme. The tweet, which highlighted the longevity of Casio watches and the loyalty of their customers, trended number 1 on Twitter and resulted in a significant increase in sales. This incident demonstrates the power of turning negative attention into positive publicity and the enticing nature of drama and gossip, especially in Filipino culture where storytelling often extends beyond the initial event. The incident also showcases the importance of being quick and agile in responding to negative situations, as well as the potential reach and impact of social media.

    • From Scott Pilgrim to Wayside: The Untold StoryThe intended Scott Pilgrim series was scrapped and turned into Wayside, leading to Michael Cera's voice role and potential overlap in characters and impact on pop culture.

      The animated show "Wayside" was originally intended to be a Scott Pilgrim series but was scrapped and turned into a separate show due to unforeseen circumstances. This revelation sheds light on the connection between these two seemingly unrelated shows and the potential impact on pop culture. Michael Cera, who voiced a character in Wayside, later gained fame as the lead character in Scott Pilgrim. The similarities between the two shows' characters further highlight the potential connection. Additionally, both shows have Canadian origins, which may have contributed to the mix-up. Despite the change in direction, the Scott Pilgrim movie became an iconic film that resonated with audiences of all ages. If Wayside had been released as a Scott Pilgrim show, it might not have had the same impact. Another interesting tidbit from the conversation was the mention of Garth Brooks, a famous country singer. However, the connection to the previous topic was not clear.

    • Rumors of Garth Brooks' Involvement in a Series of MurdersDespite no concrete evidence, rumors persist that country music artist Garth Brooks may be linked to a series of murders due to a strange coincidence. The lack of evidence and the Internet's fascination with unsolved mysteries keep these theories alive.

      There are rumors suggesting country music artist Garth Brooks may be linked to a series of murders due to a strange coincidence - a murder occurring in each city on his tour nights. This theory, while unproven, has gained traction due to the consistency and lack of evidence against Brooks. The theory gained more attention when a fan held up a sign at one of his concerts asking "where are the bodies, g?" during his performance. Brooks himself fueled the rumors by expressing his preference for being a "bad guy" rather than a "good guy" in an interview. However, no formal investigation has been launched, and some believe it's a mere coincidence or an Internet detective's deep dive into the artist's life. Another intriguing case involves Etta Smith, who was arrested for predicting the location of a missing body, but had no evidence linking her to the crime. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, these cases highlight the power of the Internet and the public's fascination with unsolved mysteries.

    • Psychic office worker solves crimeAn office worker's psychic vision led to the discovery of a murder and the identification of the perpetrators, highlighting the potential value of psychic abilities in law enforcement but also raising ethical concerns.

      Edda, a seemingly ordinary office worker, became an unwitting detective when she received a psychic vision of a murder scene while listening to the radio. Despite initial skepticism from the authorities, Edda's vision led them to the body and the perpetrators, who had no connection to her. The incident left Edda with a newfound sense of purpose and the belief that she may have a unique ability to help solve crimes. Although her methods are unconventional, her contributions to solving the case demonstrate the potential value of psychic abilities in law enforcement. The incident also raises ethical questions about the use of such abilities in criminal investigations and the potential consequences for those who possess them.

    • The Power of Papa Legba in American Horror StoryTread carefully when exploring dark themes in art, as they can have real-life consequences, including physical symptoms and emotional distress.

      The urban legend of Papa Legba, a Haitian voodoo spirit, holds significant power and can cause harm, even when being recreated for a film production. The actors in American Horror Story experienced this firsthand, with real reactions and physical symptoms during filming. Despite the directors' dismissive attitude, the spirit's influence was undeniable. The fine line between creating art and dabbling in the unknown can be tempting, but it's essential to remember the potential consequences. Darker themes and art that makes us feel uneasy can be intriguing, but they also carry a level of risk. It's crucial to approach such subjects with respect and caution.

    • The Unintended Consequences of Our Digital FootprintsBe mindful of your online actions as they can lead to unintended consequences, such as privacy violations, artistic manipulation, and even harm to others.

      Our digital footprints can lead to unexpected consequences, as seen in the case of individuals who use the internet for harmful purposes. This was illustrated through discussions about serial killers and their early signs of animal cruelty, leading to human harm. Additionally, the ease of access to metadata and the potential misuse of digital content was highlighted, raising concerns about privacy and artistic integrity. The potential for deepfake technology to manipulate voices and images adds another layer of complexity to these issues. It's crucial to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to protect our digital presence.

    • Automating Income with AI and Voice RecognitionIndividuals can generate income by automating tasks like clipping and editing videos using AI and voice recognition, particularly on social media platforms like TikTok. Ethical considerations include proper crediting and compensation for original creators.

      Technology is increasingly enabling people to automate tasks and generate income with minimal effort. This was discussed in the context of using AI and voice recognition to create content, such as clipping and editing videos for popular social media platforms like TikTok. Some individuals are already making significant sums of money by using these methods, often by clipping and reposting content from popular podcasts or streams. The potential for easy income is particularly appealing to some, especially when compared to traditional employment. However, it's important to note that this is a developing trend, and there are ethical considerations to take into account, such as properly crediting and compensating the original creators. Ultimately, those who are willing to embrace and adapt to these new technologies stand to benefit the most.

    • Doing the extra work sets you apartSuccess often comes from putting in extra effort and making sacrifices. Creativity requires bringing something new and original. Even if not popular now, your work could be appreciated in the future. Be aware of social media boundaries while staying true to yourself.

      Success often comes from doing the things that others are unwilling to do. Whether it's in basketball, business, or any other field, those who are willing to put in the extra effort and make sacrifices can set themselves apart from the crowd. However, true creativity and standing out requires bringing something new and original to the table. It's important to remember that there are 7 billion people in the world, and even if only a small percentage may appreciate your work, it's still worth putting it out there. History shows that trends and popular culture often cycle back around, and what may not be popular now could be in the future. Social media offers a platform for open and free expression, but there are unspoken rules and boundaries that can limit that freedom. It's a delicate balance, and it's important to be aware of it while still staying true to yourself.

    • Exploring deeper meanings in SpongeBob SquarePantsThe seemingly simple episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants contain hidden depths, particularly regarding mental health, showcasing the creators' thoughtfulness and relevance in addressing complex issues

      The seemingly trivial episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants contain deeper meanings, particularly regarding mental health. For instance, the "Rock Bottom" episode is not just about SpongeBob's failed attempts to get on a bus, but an indirect representation of depression. SpongeBob's inability to communicate and accept help mirrors the isolation and obliviousness experienced by those suffering from depression. Similarly, in the "Patrick the Genius" episode, it's speculated that Plankton manipulated Patrick's intelligence to create confusion and chaos. These theories add layers of complexity to the animated series, showcasing the creators' thoughtfulness and the enduring relevance of addressing mental health issues in media.

    • Plankton's Control Over PatrickThe SpongeBob SquarePants series suggests Plankton manipulates or controls characters, like Patrick, through inventions or objects on their heads, with hints including autographs, gears, and town control, subtly foreshadowed in later episodes and pop culture references.

      In the SpongeBob SquarePants series, there are several hints and episodes that suggest Plankton may have been manipulating or controlling other characters, including Patrick, through inventions or objects placed on their heads. This theory is supported by instances where Patrick's head was shown to have an autograph from Plankton, gears similar to those in Plankton's inventions, and even led to the control of the entire town in the SpongeBob movie. The show's creators use subtle hints and foreshadowing, often continuing these hints in later episodes. These hints are often in plain sight, such as the "Illuminati" episode where celebrities were mentioned by name. Additionally, references to the Illuminati and other conspiracy theories can be found in various media, including SNL, further emphasizing the show's exploration of these themes.

    • The Power of Non-Verbal CommunicationObserving subtle cues like colors in handshakes or cups can reveal hidden info and help facilitate social connections.

      Creative communication and non-verbal cues can reveal hidden information and facilitate social connections. The discussion revolves around a secret handshake in a club and how different colored ribbons or cups can indicate specific preferences or characteristics. This concept was further expanded to a hypothetical situation at a house party where different colored cups could help determine how to approach someone based on their personality. The speakers also shared personal experiences with social media and how it has evolved over the years. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of observing subtle cues and being open to new ways of communicating.

    • Capitalizing on emerging social media platforms earlyIdentifying and utilizing emerging social media platforms can lead to financial success. Be grateful for opportunities and push yourself to make the most of them.

      Being early to identify and capitalize on emerging social media platforms can lead to significant financial success. This was evident in the case of Fitpicks on Tumblr, which paved the way for future success on Instagram and now, Pinterest. However, not everyone has the luxury of pursuing entrepreneurial ventures full-time. Many people must work traditional jobs to make ends meet and use their earnings to invest in side hustles. It's essential to be grateful for opportunities and take advantage of them, as they may not be available forever. Additionally, pushing oneself out of comfort zones and making the most of youth can lead to powerful experiences and achievements. Ultimately, it's essential to maintain a balance between health, wealth, and spirituality to navigate the challenges of life.

    • The importance of balancing various aspects of lifeNeglecting one area of life for another can lead to feelings of unfulfillment, as shown in the Spongebob episode where oil deposits represent neglected aspects. Tom Kenny's multiple roles add depth to the show.

      Focusing on one aspect of your life, such as wealth, can leave you feeling unfulfilled if you neglect other important areas, like health. This concept was discussed in relation to the Spongebob episode where the colorful "flowers in the sky" are actually oil deposits, symbolizing the polluted waters of Bikini Bottom. This illustrates the idea that all aspects of life should be attended to for true fulfillment. Another interesting revelation was that the voice actor for Spongebob, Tom Kenny, also voices other characters in the show, including Plankton and the narrator. These behind-the-scenes connections add depth and richness to our enjoyment of the cartoon.

    • Gavin values the surprise and excitement of theories about The Jumpers Jump PodcastGavin appreciates fan engagement, but values personal space and time, encouraging fans to share theories and respect his balance between public and private life.

      Gavin from The Jumpers Jump Podcast values the surprise and excitement of discovering theories about the show with his fans, and he finds it disrespectful when asked for a theory on the spot. He enjoys engaging with his audience and appreciates their enthusiasm, but also values his personal space and time. He sees himself as a source of entertainment and theories for his fans, but also wants to maintain a balance between his public persona and his private life. He encourages his fans to share their theories and engage with each other, and values their support and respect.

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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 186 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Gavin's sister cursed in the Philippines, Biting your finger superstition, Carlos' friend shroom story, Witnessing an exorcism in real life, Cursed wrestling family, Digging into your family tree, Faith in the Philippines, Culture shocks, Flying yellow spiders invading the U.S, Spiders in schools, Club experience overseas, Palawan private tour story, Doing documentaries in different countries, Podcasting in virtual reality, Using Sora Ai to make movies and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 185 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Secret portal guarded by tanks, Solar eclipse theories, Cern statue, Monkey man movie, How to not get targeted, Energy drink phenomenon, Maggot Tequila, The glitter conspiracy, Origin of rubber, Spiderman theories, Farid Doctor story, The Limitless pill, Gavin's crazy Uber encounter, Reps controversy, Ouija board ghost story, Origin of Witches and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Thanks to our Sponsors: New players, start by playing just FIVE BUCKS to get FIFTY BUCKS in Casino Credits in your pocket INSTANTLY! All you gotta do is download the DraftKings Casino app and sign up with code JUMPPOD. You’ll be soaking up the fun in no time! The Crown is Yours. Gambling problem? Call one eight hundred GAMBLER, or In West Virginia visit W W W dot one eight hundred gambler dot net. In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call eight eight eight seven eight nine seven seven seven seven or visit C C P G dot org. Please play responsibly. Twenty one plus. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. One per opted-in new customer. Five dollars in wagers required. Max. fifty dollars in non-withdrawable Casino Credits that expire in one hundred sixty eight hours. See casino dot draftkings dot com slash get fifty for eligibility, terms, and responsible gaming resources. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 184 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: How to not get cancelled, Culture food delicacies, Deception, Triplets separated for experiment, John's predictions, Making your own country, Antarctica theories, New species of human, Josh's curse, Dark magic theories, Illuminati, Epstein island, Crazy scam stories, Pokémon, Project X party, Side missions, Haunted mall ghost stories and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 183 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Doing a podcast outdoors, Camping and blood types, Ghosts saying your name, Face beside moon video, Reddit lamp story, Maid ghost story, Women gets possessed story, JFK coat theory, Guy travels to 2054, past and present theories, Sun carries energy, Significance of tattoos, having gratitude in life and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 182 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Kendrick & Drake beef theories, Authentic youtubers, Ghost hunting in the Philippines, Hauntings of Silliman University, Duwende sighting, Restaurant ghost caught on camera, Possessed cousin story, Amy Whitehouse mystery, Village that lives with the dead, Gordon Ramsey almost dying in Brazil, Philippines trip experience and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Jumpers Jump
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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 181 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Curse words in other languages, Spiderman cafeteria scene, Deleted scene in movie Midsommer, Predicting death reddit story, Dating simulation black mirror episode, Women goes blind on purpose,Youtube family channel mystery, 11 Mile drive ritual, Mackenize house mutual, Graffiti in elementary school, Missing girl true crime case, Expiration date on relationships, special nicknames between friends and much more! Thanks to our Sponsors: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @shop.mando and get $5 off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with  promo code JUMPERS at https://shopmando.com! #mandopod Stop paying full price for streaming services and only getting access to a fraction of their content. Get your money’s worth at https://EXPRESSVPN.com/JUMPERS. Use our link and get an extra three months of ExpressVPN for free!  New players, start playing with just FIVE BUCKS and get ONE HUNDRED BACK INSTANTLY in Casino Credits. Download the app and use code JUMPPOD to book your one-way ticket to fun with DraftKings Casino! The crown is yours. Gambling problem? Call one eight hundred GAMBLER or visit W W W dot one eight hundred gambler dot net. In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call eight eight eight seven eight nine seven seven seven seven or visit C C P G dot org. Please play responsibly. Twenty one plus. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. Eligibility and other restrictions apply. One per opted-in new customer. Five dollar wager required. Max. one hundred dollars in casino credits awarded, which require one time play-thru within one hundred sixty eight hours. See terms at casino dot draftkings dot com slash promos. Restrictions apply. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 180 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Matilda's crazy sixth sense, Growing up with spirits, Supernatural entities, Shadow people lore, Ghost occurrences, Talking to spirits, Sleep paralysis demon, Sabrina's first paranormal experience, Past life regression, Their Dad's sixth sense, Aunt ghost story & picture, Carlos' egg cleanse story, Condo live reading, Supernatural theories and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    *Helping leaders navigate their calling and career in today’s distracted media-driven culture*

    Do you have a message or story the world needs to hear? As a Hollywood producer and media consultant, I offer advice for leaders and creatives each week on creative leadership, digital media, branding and marketing strategies, film and TV production – and the faith to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your career.

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    *More About This Episode* Interview: Lucas Miles, Pastor – Producer – Author, The Christian Left

    Here’s Lucas Miles’ top three tips to help you fulfill your vision:

    1. Stay in proximity. Attend the conferences, network with others in the industry of what you want to do and invest in honing your craft.
    2. Resist the urge to force it. Don’t be the guy who’s always trying to oversell yourself. Allow God to create some timing in your life.
    3. Advance on all fronts. Don’t feel like you need to do everything at once, but instead strategically look at how your work is being received. Focus on the grace and the wind that’s moving those things forward, while keeping the other things in mind.


    Lucas Miles is a trusted voice in the American church who has consistently addressed some of the most challenging topics in theology, politics, and culture. He is the host of Faithwire’s The Lucas Miles Show and a cohost of The Church Boys podcast, where he has interviewed some of the biggest names in media such as Mario Lopez, Jim Cavaziel, Kathie Lee Gifford, Candace Bure, and Sean Hannity.


    Lucas and his work have been featured in books and on TV and radio programs, as well as syndicated in articles across both political and religious news outlets, such as The Blaze, Faithwire, Fox News, CBN, Bible Gateway, and The Christian Post. He is also the author of the critically acclaimed book Good God: The One We Want to Believe In but Are Afraid to Embrace and his latest book, The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church.


    An ordained pastor with over twenty years of ministry experience, Lucas has been involved in dozens of church planting efforts in the US and in remote locations in Latin America, East Africa, and Asia, not least of which is his local ministry, Nfluence Church, where he and his wife, Krissy, have been serving since planting the church in 2004.


    Additionally, Lucas is known for his work in Hollywood producing films and offering confidential pastoral support to many up-and-coming and established actors and artists. He has directed and produced several nationally released films, including Rodeo GirlCrowning Jules, and The Penitent Thief, as well as consulted on dozens of entertainment and literary projects. His work has been featured on Netflix, Showtime, Fox, Redbox, Sony, and Pure Flix. Lucas and his wife, Krissy, have been married since 2001 and reside in Granger, Indiana with their Doberman, Kenya.

    Find out more at https://lucasmiles.org

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    Get my new book: Maximize Your Influence – How to Make Digital Media Work for Your Church, Your Ministry, and You



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    New episodes are uploaded every other Wednesday. Make sure to Subscribe and hit the Notification bell to be notified when they go live.


    *Helping leaders navigate their calling and career in today’s distracted media-driven culture*

    Do you have a message or story the world needs to hear? As a Hollywood producer and media consultant, I offer advice for leaders and creatives each week on creative leadership, digital media, branding and marketing strategies, film and TV production – and the faith to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your career.

    Sign up for my blog and get a free eBook https://www.philcooke.com


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    Find out about Cooke Media Group here: https://www.cookemediagroup.com


    *More About This Episode* Interview: Ruth O’Reilly-Smith – Christian Radio Host – UCB Media, Author


    Ruth O’Reilly-Smith is a Christian radio host for United Christian Broadcasters radio and the author of “God Speaks - 40 Letters From The Father's Heart.” She was born in South Africa and has lived in the UK since 1999 where she met and married her husband. Ruth started out in radio in 1995, while studying teaching at the University of Pretoria. The radio bug had bitten and she went on to work as presenter of a variety of music and talk-based shows, along with heading up the news desk at a Christian community radio station. Since moving to the UK, Ruth has continued in radio and worked in the news room and as host of music and talk-based programs for two separate global Christian media charities (Christian Vision and UCB.)


    Ruth currently hosts a week day radio show called, This Is My Story on UCB2, which is part of United Christian Broadcasters, a national Christian radio station broadcasting across the UK. Ruth also enjoys writing and wrote for the Our Daily Bread Ministries publication for a number of years and then authored the new devotional book “God Speaks – 40 Letters From The Father’s Heart,” published by Authentic Media and available here: https://www.ruthoreillysmith.com/god-speaks/


    Follow Ruth O’Reilly-Smith:

    Website: ruthoreillysmith.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RuthOnRadio
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruth-o-reilly-smith-0824416/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthoreillysmithpage


    Get Your Talent Noticed – 5 Tips to Advance Your Career

    Get Your Talent Noticed – 5 Tips to Advance Your Career

    Got talent or great ideas that are not being noticed? Here’s 5 tips from Phil Cooke to get your talent noticed and advance your career. https://philcooke.com It all starts with believing in yourself and the calling on your life.


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    Get my new book: Maximize Your Influence – How to Make Digital Media Work for Your Church, Your Ministry, and You



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    New episodes are uploaded every other Wednesday. Make sure to Subscribe and hit the Notification bell to be notified when they go live.


    *Helping leaders navigate their calling and career in today’s distracted media-driven culture*

    Do you have a message or story the world needs to hear? As a Hollywood producer and media consultant, I offer advice for leaders and creatives each week on creative leadership, digital media, branding and marketing strategies, film and TV production – and the faith to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your career.

    Sign up for my blog and get a free eBook https://www.philcooke.com


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    Find out about Cooke Media Group here: https://www.cookemediagroup.com


    *More About This Episode* Get Your Talent Noticed – 5 Tips to Advance Your Career

    Take action today! These 5 tips can help move your career forward.


    1. Invest in yourself.

    Believe in yourself. Get the tools you need for where you want to go with your career. Get a better computer, camera, lighting gear. Go to the right conferences – and pay for it if your company won’t.


    Ask yourself: What are the areas I can be investing in that will help me in my career and calling and move me towards my future?


    2. Do it for free.

    Look for opportunities to volunteer or work for free to help get your name out there. Speak at conferences, get on workshop panels, write magazine articles. Get your work and your voice out there.


    3. Take social media seriously.

    Take advantage of the opportunities on social media. Design your social media to talk about your career, your expertise, your talent. Throw ideas out there and teach people things. Use social media strategically and it will change the way people think of you.


    4. Start speaking and writing.

    Start blogging, podcasting, speaking at events. If you’re not good at speaking, then take a class or read a book to gain that skill. (Check out Phil’s book to find out how to speak to a digital generation.)


    And don’t be discouraged if you only have two people listening. That’s two more than you had before. Get your ideas out there.


    5. Just do it.

    What do you want to do? Write a book, produce a movie, become a social media expert? Hone your talent. Create a portfolio, create a demo reel, develop a website. Don’t wait for an agent. Start now and just do it.


    Your lack of equipment or budget shouldn’t be holding you back. Get serious about your talent and your calling and get your talent on the radar.

    Marketing Your Church: Impact Your Community by Serving Others

    Marketing Your Church: Impact Your Community by Serving Others

    Every pastor wants to impact their community, but we often forget about the opportunity a funeral, wedding or food drive offers to impact your community simply by serving others. Phil Cooke shares the explicit and implicit types of advertising you can use to market your church and compel people to come back and visit.


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    Get my new book: Maximize Your Influence – How to Make Digital Media Work for Your Church, Your Ministry, and You



    Subscribe to My Podcast for more good advice for leaders and creatives: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phil-cooke-podcast/id1439369056

    Prefer video? Subscribe to My YouTube Channel and Get More Great Advice https://www.youtube.com/c/philcookeofficial?sub_confirmation=1

    New episodes are uploaded every other Wednesday. Make sure to Subscribe and hit the Notification bell to be notified when they go live.


    *Helping leaders navigate their calling and career in today’s distracted media-driven culture*

    Do you have a message or story the world needs to hear? As a Hollywood producer and media consultant, I offer advice for leaders and creatives each week on creative leadership, digital media, branding and marketing strategies, film and TV production – and the faith to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your career.

    Sign up for my blog and get a free eBook https://www.philcooke.com


    Follow me:

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    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/philcooke/

    Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/philcookes-podcast/id1439369056 

    Find out about Cooke Media Group here: https://www.cookemediagroup.com


    *More About This Episode* Marketing Your Church: Impacting Your Community By Serving Others

    Communicating the message of your church can be done in a variety of ways. Sometimes the right message at the right time in the most appropriate way can transform somebody’s life. The touchpoints of a wedding, funeral or food drive offer subtle ways to reach your community by providing a memorable experience through serving others.


    How to Write a Memoir: Interview with Philip Yancey

    How to Write a Memoir: Interview with Philip Yancey

    Have you ever wondered how to write your memoir? In Phil Cooke’s interview with best-selling Christian author Philip Yancey, you’ll explore the steps he went through in writing his memoir titled “Where the Light Fell.” Discover the best point of view to write from, what events to include and even what events not to include as you write your life story in this insightful interview. https://philcooke.com


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    Follow Philip Yancey

    Website: https://philipyancey.com

    Writing: https://philipyancey.com/writing/questions-on-writing

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/PhilipYancey

    Find out more about “Where the Light Fell”: https://bit.ly/PYwebWTLF


    Get Phil Cooke’s new book: Maximize Your Influence – How to Make Digital Media Work for Your Church, Your Ministry, and You



    Subscribe to My Podcast for more good advice for leaders and creatives: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/phil-cooke-podcast/id1439369056

    Prefer video? Subscribe to My YouTube Channel and Get More Great Advice https://www.youtube.com/c/philcookeofficial?sub_confirmation=1

    New episodes are uploaded every other Wednesday. Make sure to Subscribe and hit the Notification bell to be notified when they go live.


    *Helping leaders navigate their calling and career in today’s distracted media-driven culture*

    Do you have a message or story the world needs to hear? As a Hollywood producer and media consultant, I offer advice for leaders and creatives each week on creative leadership, digital media, branding and marketing strategies, film and TV production – and the faith to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your career.

    Sign up for my blog and get a free eBook https://www.philcooke.com


    Follow me:

    Twitter https://twitter.com/philcooke

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/philcookepage/

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/philcooke/

    Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/philcookes-podcast/id1439369056 

    Find out about Cooke Media Group here: https://www.cookemediagroup.com


    *More About This Episode*

    About Philip Yancey: For Philip Yancey, writing is a way to explore faith.  He explains: “At times we ask questions like ‘Where is God when it hurts?’ or ‘Does prayer make any difference?’  As a freelance writer, I feel privileged to explore such questions full time.”


    True to his calling, Yancey wrestles in print with God, with the Church, and with fellow believers. In the process he has authored over two dozen books, including the bestsellers What’s So Amazing About Grace and The Jesus I Never Knew.  In all, his books have sold more than 17 million copies in English and have been translated into some 50 languages worldwide.


    After surviving a church background of what he now calls “toxic faith,” Yancey ultimately came to know a God of grace and beauty.  His recently published memoir, Where the Light Fell, tells that complete story for the first time.


    Philip Yancey and his wife live in the foothills of Colorado, where they enjoy mountain climbing, skiing, wildlife, and many other pleasures of the Rocky Mountains.