
    Ep. 1660 - If You’re Black And Cops Kill You, The Vice President Will Speak At Your Funeral

    enFebruary 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Politicians use crime stories for political gainNational politicians attend funerals for political points, exploiting tragedies and often misaligning cases with proposed solutions.

      The response of national politicians to crime stories depends on whether they fit a left-wing narrative. Local stories, even those involving police brutality against minorities, often receive little national attention unless they align with the desired narrative. When they do, major figures attend funerals to make political points, which can be exploitative and insincere. Vice President Kamala Harris's attendance at Tyre Nichols' funeral, despite not knowing him, is an example of this phenomenon. The George Floyd Justice and Policing Act, which the left wishes to push as a solution to police violence, does not perfectly fit the Tyre Nichols case, but the media and politicians have run with it anyway. This politicization of funerals is a gross exploitation of tragedy for political gain.

    • Exploiting Tragedies for Political GainAl Sharpton's actions at Tyre Nichols' funeral and Charles Blow's opinion piece highlight the issue of exploiting tragic events for political gain, raising questions about authenticity and motivation.

      Al Sharpton's actions at Tyre Nichols' funeral, where he eulogized a person he never met and accused black police officers of racism, despite acknowledging that white people also face police brutality, raises questions about the authenticity and motivation behind his actions. This incident highlights a long-standing issue of exploiting tragic events for political gain. Additionally, Charles Blow's opinion piece acknowledges the ugliness of this behavior but still continues to engage in it. Furthermore, during times of social unrest, corporations may use consumers' money to fund causes they don't support. PureTalk, a wireless company, stands out as an alternative that doesn't engage in such practices. In essence, it's crucial to be aware of those who exploit tragedies and consider supporting companies that align with our values.

    • Politicians exploiting human tragedy for political gainPoliticians and media figures attending funerals of victims to make political points is disrespectful, undermines grieving process, and should focus on addressing issues through honest debate and policy changes.

      The exploitation of human tragedy for political gain is a disturbing trend that has become all too common in today's culture. The discussion highlights the case of politicians and media figures attending funerals of victims of police brutality and using their grief as a platform for political debates and narratives. This behavior is not only disrespectful to the families, but it also undermines the normal grieving process and turns it into a performance. The left acknowledges the yucky nature of this exploitation but argues that the broader political debate about policing reform is necessary. However, using funerals as a jumping off point for political points is cynical and plays into a broader left-wing narrative. The focus should be on addressing the issues at hand through honest debate and policy changes, rather than exploiting human suffering for political gain. Additionally, the FBI's search of President Biden's home for classified documents adds to the ongoing political discourse and further emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in government.

    • Different Handling of Classified Documents by Biden and TrumpWhile Biden's classified documents were discovered before the election, there were no public disclosures until January 2022. Trump's documents were made public through multiple press releases following their discovery.

      There appears to be a discrepancy regarding the handling and disclosure of classified documents between former President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. While classified documents were found at Biden's home and the Penn Biden Center before the election, there were no public disclosures or press releases from the National Archives until January 2022. In contrast, there were multiple press releases following the discovery of classified documents at Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence. A cover-up is suspected, as the general counsel for the National Archives was reportedly instructed not to reveal any information about the Biden documents before the election. The lack of transparency raises questions about the administration's handling of the situation and their prioritization of privacy. This discrepancy in treatment between the two presidents has fueled ongoing scrutiny and debate.

    • White House cooperation with DOJ investigation raises transparency concernsQuestions surround White House handling of classified doc discovery, including timing, access, and transparency, with Hunter Biden's involvement adding complexity

      The White House has been cooperating with the Department of Justice (DOJ) in their investigation regarding the discovery of classified documents at President Biden's residences. However, questions have been raised about transparency, as the initial announcement about the discovery came only after the election. Additionally, there are concerns about who had access to the documents, including Hunter Biden, and there have been reports of efforts to prevent the National Archives from releasing information about the discovery. Hunter Biden himself has recently sent threatening letters to prosecutors and a Fox News host over the handling of his personal data. The White House has been transparent in providing information as it becomes available, but the timing and details of the discovery have raised questions.

    • Hunter Biden's Defamation Lawsuit Against Tucker Carlson Unlikely to SucceedDespite Hunter Biden's attempt to sue Tucker Carlson for defamation, the lawsuit is unlikely to succeed due to his status as a public figure and the reporting not originating from Fox News.

      Hunter Biden's threat of a defamation lawsuit against Tucker Carlson over a rent payment discrepancy is unlikely to succeed, as he is a public figure and the reporting in question was not even from the Fox News network. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by a quarter point, marking the highest target range since 2007, and signaling more increases to come. In Washington, negotiations between Kevin McCarthy and Joe Biden over the debt ceiling are ongoing, with Biden seeking a clean increase and McCarthy looking for strings attached. McCarthy should consider using unpopular issues as leverage in the negotiations to force Biden to defend them publicly. The Fed's efforts to combat inflation, along with the ongoing debt ceiling negotiations, are major news items that could impact the economy.

    • Politics and Hypocrisy: Past Actions and Beliefs Forgotten for Political GainPolitics involves complexities and contradictions, where past actions and beliefs can be overlooked for political gain. It's essential to prioritize securing life insurance to protect loved ones from financial hardships.

      Politics and hypocrisy often go hand in hand. During the discussion, it was highlighted that Joe Biden, who currently advocates for raising the debt ceiling, once voted against it in 2006. Furthermore, there is a controversy surrounding Ilhan Omar's eligibility for a spot on the foreign affairs committee due to her past anti-Semitic remarks. However, some individuals are defending her, despite her history of hateful speech. This situation underscores the complexities and contradictions in politics, where past actions and beliefs can be conveniently forgotten or overlooked for political gain. Additionally, it's important for individuals to prioritize securing life insurance to protect their loved ones from financial hardships in the event of their passing. Policygenius offers a simple and efficient solution for finding affordable life insurance policies.

    • Political feuds and attacks continueTrump and DeSantis engage in public spat, while DeSantis pushes back against critical race theory in schools and promotes black conservatism, sparking debate among pundits

      The political landscape is filled with controversy and attacks, with members of Congress like Ilhan Omar facing bigotry and accusations, while presidential hopefuls like Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump engage in public feuds. In the latest development, Trump attacked DeSantis as a "rhino globalist," despite DeSantis' record on entitlements and past elections. Meanwhile, DeSantis has been making waves by rejecting critical race theory in Florida schools and promoting black conservatism instead. The media and political commentators are divided on the significance of these events, with some seeing it as a power struggle between potential presidential candidates, and others viewing it as a clash of ideologies. Regardless, it's clear that the political scene is heating up, and the stakes are high for all involved.

    • Trump Takes Steps to Create Conservative Environment in FloridaTrump's efforts in Florida include banning critical race theory, restricting drag performances, relaxing COVID-19 restrictions, and providing payroll tax refunds to small businesses.

      Former President Donald Trump is attempting to appeal to his Republican base in Florida by creating a politically conservative environment. He's taking steps to ban critical race theory, restrict drag performances, and relax COVID-19 restrictions, among other actions. Some critics view this as a right-wing fantasy land, but Florida has a significant and growing base of black and Hispanic voters who have recently shifted to the Republican Party. Additionally, small business owners have faced financial challenges in recent years, and a payroll tax refund program could provide some relief. The push to the right, particularly on cultural issues, is driving this shift, and businesses with five or more employees may be eligible for a payroll tax rebate through Innovation Refunds. The program, which has already returned over $1 billion to businesses, can help businesses recover some of the taxes they paid during the pandemic.

    • Daily Wire's victory against vaccine mandate and call for new membersThe Daily Wire, a major media company, won a lawsuit against the federal government over the vaccine mandate, allowing 80 million Americans to opt out. They're celebrating this victory and encouraging new members to join their cause, emphasizing their unique stance in the media landscape.

      The Daily Wire is celebrating a victory from last year when they sued the federal government over the vaccine mandate and won, offering a 40% discount on annual memberships as a way to join their winning team. They emphasize that this is the only major media company to take such action, allowing 80 million Americans to opt out of the mandate. Additionally, the left's attempts to change language and policy are seen as creating a gateway to understanding their true intentions, which are often criticized as idiotic or obscuring reality. An example of this is a graphic suggesting to evolve away from violent language, which is met with frustration and mockery. Overall, the Daily Wire is using this moment to celebrate their past successes and encourage new members to join the cause.

    • The Complexity of Gender Identity and Self-ExpressionRespect each person's right to self-identify and express their gender authentically, recognizing the complexity and nuance of these issues.

      The concept of identity and self-expression, particularly regarding gender identity, is a complex and nuanced issue. The speaker expresses strong opinions regarding Dylan Mulvaney's public transition and the idea of undergoing surgeries to align one's appearance with their gender identity. However, it's important to note that everyone's experience with gender identity is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all definition of what it means to be a man or a woman. The speaker's critique of Mulvaney's public transition and face reveal can be seen as reducing the complexity of gender identity to physical appearances and surgeries. It's crucial to respect each person's right to self-identify and express their gender in the way that feels most authentic to them. Additionally, the speaker's comments about the role of TikTok and Chinese influence in shaping public discourse on gender identity are not directly related to the topic of gender identity itself and could be seen as a distraction from the main issue. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of respecting each person's right to self-expression and identity while recognizing the complexity and nuance of these issues.

    • Sam Smith's new music video sparks controversy with explicit and hypersexualized contentSam Smith's new music video, 'I'm not here to make friends,' has sparked controversy for its explicit content and potential impact on young viewers, despite the singer's explanation that it's about self-love and expressing different aspects of himself.

      Sam Smith, a well-known singer, has recently released a new music video titled "I'm not here to make friends," which has sparked controversy due to its explicit and hypersexualized content. The video, which features Sam Smith wearing nipple tassels and spanking men dressed as women, among other things, has received significant attention and criticism, with some expressing concern over the age restrictions and potential impact on young viewers. Sam Smith has explained that the video is about self-love and expressing different aspects of himself, but many find the content to be confusing and inconsistent with his previous identities as a gay and genderqueer person. The video has already amassed over 4.8 million views on YouTube within just five days of its release, highlighting the ubiquity and normalization of such content in modern media.

    • Normalization of extreme personal authenticity on YouTubeGenuine freedom and happiness come from social context and community, not individualistic autonomy.

      Personal authenticity, as portrayed in some extreme forms on platforms like YouTube, can be misleading and potentially harmful, especially for younger audiences. The speaker critiques the normalization of fetishistic and bizarre behaviors, suggesting that they do not represent true societal or personal fulfillment. Instead, he advocates for the importance of social context and community, as argued by social scientist Robert Nisbett in his book "The Quest for Community." Nisbett's work emphasizes that genuine freedom and happiness lie in the ability to orient oneself towards a higher good within a supportive social context. The speaker encourages listeners to reconsider the importance of community and social connections in their lives, rather than focusing solely on individualistic autonomy.

    • Perception and Treatment of Women at the GymRecognize women's right to feel safe and respected in public spaces, promote open communication, and clearly define boundaries to prevent harassment.

      There's a ongoing debate about how women are perceived and treated in public spaces, particularly at the gym. Some argue that women are victimized by men's gazes and unwanted attention, while others believe that this is a natural part of human attraction and courtship. The line between respectful interaction and harassment can be blurry, and it's important for individuals to communicate their boundaries clearly. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that women's bodies are not objects to be consumed, and they have the right to feel safe and comfortable in public spaces. Ultimately, promoting respectful behavior and open communication can help create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone.

    • How women's clothing choices influence perception and objectificationResearch shows our brains process images of women differently, focusing on body parts. Objectification can lead to women being seen as sexual objects, but it doesn't justify disrespectful behavior. Society pressures women to conform to beauty standards, and promoting respect, understanding, and body positivity is crucial.

      The way women choose to dress can influence how they are perceived and objectified by others, particularly men. According to research, our brains process images of women differently than those of men, focusing more on individual body parts rather than the whole person. This objectification can contribute to the trend of women being seen as sexual objects. However, it's important to note that this is not a justification for harassment or disrespectful behavior towards women. Instead, it's a reminder that the way we dress can impact how we are perceived and that it's crucial to respect each other's boundaries and dignity. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the societal pressure on women to conform to certain beauty standards and the impact of the patriarchy on shaping these expectations. Ultimately, it's essential to promote a culture of respect, understanding, and body positivity, where individuals are valued for their whole selves rather than their body parts.

    • Men and Women Process Bodies DifferentlyMen tend to focus on whole bodies, while women focus on individual parts. This difference impacts attraction and self-comparison in relationships, but commitment allows for a deeper understanding of one's partner.

      Men and women process visual information about bodies differently. In the study discussed, men were better at recognizing whole bodies, while women were better at recognizing individual parts. This behavior is not limited to how men and women view each other in romantic relationships but also extends to how they compare themselves to others. However, it's important to note that these findings do not dictate how relationships should be or how attraction develops. The longer people know each other, the more they see each other as a whole. The study also highlights the importance of commitment in relationships, as it allows both parties to get to know each other beyond physical appearance. The discussion also touched upon the issue of unwanted attention in public spaces, such as gyms. While it's understandable that some people may feel uncomfortable, it's essential to acknowledge that people will naturally glance at each other. Solutions include working out in groups or at separate gyms. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that human nature exists, and societal trends should not overshadow our natural behaviors.

    • Online vs Offline Staring: Women's PerspectiveWomen on TikTok with OnlyFans accounts find being stared at inappropriately in public unsettling, but it's okay when they're being paid. Society should respect people's boundaries and progress beyond inappropriate staring.

      Some women on TikTok who also have OnlyFans accounts are comfortable with being looked at as long as they're being paid for it. However, they find it displeasing when men stare at them in public, especially when they're wearing similar clothing. This behavior is not about clout chasing but rather about being compensated for their time and efforts. It's essential to recognize that staring grossly at women is inappropriate, while glancing at them is a natural human instinct. Nonetheless, society needs to progress beyond this, and it's crucial to respect people's boundaries, whether online or offline. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of consent and understanding the nuances of online and offline interactions.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    The RETURN of Gabbie Hanna & Nikita Dragun + a SUSPICIOUS Gift From MrBeast

    The RETURN of Gabbie Hanna & Nikita Dragun + a SUSPICIOUS Gift From MrBeast
    On episode 58 of 'JUST TRISH,' Trisha addresses her former frenemies--Gabbie Hanna and Nikita Dragun--making a social media comeback after being away from the spotlight. Is there hope for a reconciliation? Plus, Moses receives a SUSPICIOUS gift from Mr. Beast. And the crew reacts to Brooke Schofield's controversial interview with Whitney Cummings.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    5 Strategies to Win a Debate

    5 Strategies to Win a Debate

    This video is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Get 3 Months of ExpressVPN FREE! www.expressvpn.com/BENYT

    I am giving you my top 5 strategies to win a debate. It's really not about tactic, it's about trying to understand what the other person thinks and then critiquing what they think.

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    Piers Morgan Uncensored: Husam Zomlot and Orly Goldschmidt

    Piers Morgan Uncensored: Husam Zomlot and Orly Goldschmidt

    On tonight's episode of Piers Morgan Uncensored, Piers is joined by the Palestinian Ambassador Husam Zomlot and Israeli Diplomat Orly Goldschmidt as Piers asks, How far should the US go to back Israel in this war?

    Watch Piers Morgan Uncensored at 8 pm on TalkTV on Sky 522, Virgin Media 606, Freeview 237 and Freesat 217. Listen on DAB+ and the app. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.