
    Ep. 1663 - ChatGPT Prefers Nuclear Apocalypse To The N-Word

    enFebruary 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding AI's limitations and biasesAI doesn't truly think for itself, but relies on algorithms and human-set parameters, making it crucial to remember it's a tool shaped by humans, not an objective metric.

      While the advancements in AI technology are impressive, it's crucial to be aware of the biases and limitations built into these systems. AI, such as Chat GPT, may provide sophisticated answers or even generate content, but they don't truly think for themselves. Instead, they rely on algorithms and human-set parameters. The danger lies in delegating enormous power to AI and pretending it's an objective metric, when in reality, someone is controlling the system. This can lead to manipulation and suppression of information. As AI continues to advance, it's essential to remember that it's not a god machine making decisions, but a tool shaped by humans.

    • The lack of self-programming in AI systems can lead to negative consequencesBe aware of potential biases in AI systems and support companies that align with your values and don't censor content based on political agendas.

      The lack of self-programming in AI systems can lead to negative consequences, including political bias and unintended consequences. These issues arise when corporations and their trust and safety teams set the parameters for these systems, potentially silencing certain viewpoints. This is part of a larger trend of elites attempting to control the flow of information. The UN Secretary-General's call for action against disinformation on the Internet further highlights this concern. It's essential to be aware of these issues and consider supporting companies that align with your values and don't censor content based on political agendas. PureTalk, a veteran-owned phone company, is an example of such a company, offering excellent service and competitive pricing. By choosing companies that support your beliefs, you can make a difference and avoid being silenced by biased algorithms.

    • Decisions about access and presentation of info are made by complex entitiesEntities shaping digital info access include govts, regulators, tech co's, media. Prioritize inclusivity, respectful dialogue, and be aware of potential consequences of censorship.

      The decisions about what information we access and how it's presented to us are being made by a complex web of entities, including governments, regulators, policymakers, technology companies, and the media. These entities are setting up guardrails and creating codes of conduct for digital platforms, but there's a risk of bias and censorship. An example given was a hypothetical scenario where ChatGPT, an AI language model, was programmed to never use a racial slur, even if it meant disarming a bomb and saving millions of lives. This highlights the importance of understanding who is making these decisions and what values they prioritize. The AI is not making these decisions objectively, but rather reflecting the values of its programmers. It's crucial to be aware of this and strive for inclusivity and respectful dialogue while recognizing the potential consequences of censorship.

    • Understanding the Role of Human Control in AI BehaviorRecognize human control shapes AI behavior, contrasting Trump vs Biden AI-generated content, prepare for emergencies, be aware of AI reinforcing harmful stereotypes, and remember AI is a tool shaped by human input.

      While it's important to acknowledge the potential biases that can be programmed into AI, it's also crucial to recognize the role of human control in shaping AI behavior. The discussion highlighted the contrasting treatment of former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden in AI-generated content, with the former being criticized for divisive and harmful statements, and the latter being admired in a respectful and neutral manner. However, it's important to remember that the people controlling the AI's on/off switch have their own biases, which can lead to unexpected outcomes, such as the banning of an AI for transphobia. Another topic touched upon was the importance of being prepared for emergencies and having a long-term supply of prescription medication, as demonstrated by JACE Medical. Lastly, the discussion addressed the issue of AI generating content that reinforces harmful stereotypes, as seen when ChatGPT was asked to list things that specific groups of people need to improve. It's essential to remember that AI is a tool shaped by human input, and it's up to us to ensure that it's used in a respectful, productive, and unbiased manner.

    • AI content moderation and human judgmentThe line between AI and human moderation is blurring, raising concerns about potential bias and consequences. Clear and accurate reporting is crucial in understanding complex social issues.

      The line between AI content moderation and human judgment is becoming increasingly blurred, raising concerns about potential bias and the consequences of relying too heavily on AI. This was highlighted in a recent incident where a live stream event was canceled due to content concerns, leading to the implementation of OpenAI's content moderation API as a solution. However, the misconception that OpenAI's system is solely responsible for moderation and the potential for it to be influenced by external forces has sparked debate. Meanwhile, in real-world events, the definition of insurrection and its application to protests, such as the recent takeover of the Oklahoma capitol building by transgender activists, has been a subject of controversy in media reporting. The event, which involved a peaceful protest against a bill restricting gender-related health care for individuals under 26, was labeled an insurrection by some, while others saw it as a protected form of activism. This highlights the importance of clear and accurate reporting and the need for nuanced understanding in the age of AI and complex social issues.

    • Double standards in protests and rule-breakingWhile some protests and rule-breaking are supported, others face harsh condemnation. Regardless, breaking the law is unacceptable, and securing life insurance is a responsible action.

      Double standards exist when it comes to protests and rule-breaking, depending on the political affiliations of those involved. During past protests, such as those by teachers' unions in Wisconsin and anti-Kavanaugh demonstrators, the media and some politicians have supported and even praised the actions, despite law-breaking and rule-violations. However, when supporters of former President Trump were involved in the January 6th Capitol incident, the response was vastly different, with strong condemnation and calls for harsh penalties. It's important to remember that invading state or federal capitols and violating the law is not acceptable, regardless of political beliefs. Additionally, a reminder from the speaker: life is unpredictable, and securing life insurance coverage is a responsible step.

    • Chinese Spy Balloon Controversy: Lack of Transparency and InconsistenciesThe Chinese spy balloon controversy involves conflicting statements from the Biden administration, allegations of past inactions, and concerns over national security deficiencies.

      The recent controversy surrounding the Chinese spy balloon involves conflicting statements from the Biden administration and allegations of past inactions during similar incidents under the previous administration. The lack of transparency and inconsistencies in the narrative from the White House, along with the sudden activation of federal officials to discredit the previous administration, raises concerns about the truthfulness of the situation. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the alleged past incursions by Chinese balloons went undetected by the Pentagon, highlighting a potential deficiency in national security. The overall situation leaves many questioning the accuracy of the information being presented and the motivations behind the actions taken by both administrations.

    • Double standard in handling Chinese spy balloonsCriticisms of Biden's handling of Chinese spy balloons are debated with references to Trump's administration, highlighting the complexities of international relations and the importance of clear communication and transparency.

      There seems to be a double standard when it comes to criticizing the handling of Chinese spy balloons during the administrations of different presidents. While some argue that it's hypocritical to criticize President Biden for this issue when it allegedly happened under the Trump administration as well, others maintain that each situation should be evaluated independently. The debate also touched on the responsibility of the US intelligence community and the diplomatic implications of cancelling high-level meetings with China. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities of international relations and the need for clear communication and transparency.

    • China's Surveillance Balloons Over American Continent and Latin AmericaChina's actions are under scrutiny due to the presence of surveillance balloons, Biden's stance on TikTok, and ongoing concerns for accountability. Consumers can find promotional deals on Balance of Nature products and Jeremy's Razors.

      The discussion revolved around China's irresponsible actions, specifically the presence of Chinese surveillance balloons over the American continent and Latin America. The speakers expressed their disappointment with China's lack of accountability and called for a response. Meanwhile, there were also mentions of Joe Biden's stance on TikTok and his state of the union address. Additionally, there were promotional segments for Balance of Nature products and Jeremy's Razors Valentine's Day deals. The tone of the discussion was critical of China and light-hearted for the promotional segments. Overall, the key takeaway is that there are ongoing concerns about China's actions and accountability, and there are various products and deals available for consumers.

    • Americans Believe Biden Has Accomplished Little in OfficeA majority of Americans believe President Biden has not made significant progress in areas like creating jobs, improving infrastructure, or making electric vehicles more affordable.

      According to a recent poll, a majority of Americans believe that President Joe Biden has not accomplished much during his time in office. Despite the media portraying him as a strong leader, only 36% of Americans believe he has done a great deal or good amount, while 62% say he has done little or nothing. This lack of trust extends to both Democrats in Congress and Republicans, with only 28% and 25% respectively having trust for them. Furthermore, a plurality of Americans (56%) do not believe that Biden has made electric vehicles more affordable, and a majority (60%) do not believe he has created more jobs or improved infrastructure in their communities. These numbers suggest that Biden's approval ratings are low, and an election between him and a competent opponent could be competitive.

    • Dissatisfaction with Biden's Performance Among DemocratsOnly 37% of Democrats want Biden to run for re-election due to concerns about his age and perceived ineffectiveness, leaving the party in a difficult position for the 2024 election.

      There is growing dissatisfaction among Americans, particularly Democrats, with President Joe Biden's performance, leading to whispers about him not seeking a second term. A recent poll by the Associated Press and the Newark Center For Public Affairs Research shows that only 37% of Democrats want Biden to run again, with concerns about his age being a major factor. Despite his policy achievements, Democrats are yearning for the "magic" of the Obama era and feel that Biden lacks the charisma and energy for another term. Even Vice President Kamala Harris, who was seen as a potential heir apparent, is facing criticism for her lackluster performance as vice president. Biden's age and perceived ineffectiveness have left the Democratic party in a difficult position, as they grapple with the prospect of running an older candidate against a potentially resurgent Donald Trump.

    • Kamala Harris's Role Beyond Historical SignificanceCritics question Harris's effectiveness as a future party and national leader despite her historical significance and notable achievements, while the media portrays her as a failure in contrast to Biden's image as an indispensable leader.

      Kamala Harris's political journey has been marked by highs and lows, with her ability to define her role beyond being the first woman, African American, and Asian American vice president being a subject of ongoing debate. Despite her historical significance and notable achievements, such as advocating for abortion rights and speaking at Tyre Nichols' funeral, critics question her effectiveness as a future party and national leader. The media's portrayal of Harris as a failure contrasts with the perception of Biden as the indispensable leader, highlighting the challenges she faces in making a lasting impact. Regardless, Harris continues to play a supporting role in the Biden administration, with Democrats expressing concerns about her ability to prove herself as a future leader. The economic situation in the United States, with high inflation rates, adds to the challenges for the Biden administration in the upcoming State of the Union address.

    • High Inflation and Economic Challenges in the USThe US is grappling with high inflation, missed jobs, and ongoing economic uncertainty, with debates about potential recession and debt ceiling crises. The administration is shifting blame, while some argue throwing money at problems may not yield results.

      The United States is experiencing high inflation, with a rate of 6.5% in December, which is significantly higher than the Federal Reserve's target of 2%. This inflation predates the current conflict in Ukraine and has resulted in missing jobs due to economic policies implemented during the pandemic. The administration is attempting to shift blame for the economic challenges to external factors. Meanwhile, there is ongoing debate about the likelihood of a recession and a potential debt ceiling crisis. The State of the Union address will feature invited guests meant to highlight various initiatives. However, some critics argue that the focus on throwing money at problems, such as cancer research, may not yield the desired results. Ultimately, the economic landscape is complex and uncertain, with ongoing challenges and debates about the best ways to address them.

    • Biden's State of the Union Guests Cover Diverse IssuesBiden brings guests representing cancer research, lead poisoning, systemic racism, abortion rights, and personal stories to the State of the Union address, emphasizing his legislative agenda.

      During Joe Biden's State of the Union address, he will bring various guests to highlight different issues, including cancer research, lead poisoning, systemic racism, and abortion rights. The media has been discussing Biden's stutter, which he has had since childhood, and the challenges he faces in delivering major speeches. Despite his long career in public life, the focus on his stutter suggests setting a low bar for his performance. Meanwhile, Biden's guests will include Lynette Banar from a Native American reservation, Deanna Branch from Milwaukee, the family of Tyre Nichols, Gina and Heidi Norton Smith from Massachusetts, Paul Pelosi, and Amanda and Josh Ziarowski from Texas. The guests represent diverse issues, and Biden is expected to make an emphatic case for his legislative agenda during the speech. On a personal note, I recommend the Amazon series "Rogue Heroes" for an entertaining watch, which follows the SAS during World War 2.

    • The Importance of Fact-Checking and Critical ThinkingSensational stories require thorough research and fact-checking to avoid jumping to incorrect conclusions. SNL was praised for avoiding 'wokeness', but a case of alleged racist underappraisals was later found to be based on flawed assumptions.

      It's important to question the validity of sensational stories and do thorough research before jumping to conclusions. In the discussion, SNL was praised for creating entertainment without the need for excessive "wokeness." However, a story about black homeowners alleging systematic underappraisals due to racism was called into question. It was revealed that the professors involved in the case had conducted a flawed experiment and failed to disclose important information. The case, which received significant media attention, may have been based on faulty assumptions. This incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in today's information-driven world.

    • White flight and gentrification: Two sides of the same racist coin?Regardless of population flow, white people are often blamed for negative changes in urban areas, perpetuating a cycle of racism in urban development

      The discussion revolves around the controversial topic of racialization in urban development, specifically focusing on the phenomenon of white flight and gentrification. According to the speaker, both white flight and gentrification are perceived as negative outcomes driven by racism. White flight refers to the historical trend of white people leaving urban areas, while gentrification is the more recent trend of white people moving back into those same areas. The speaker argues that regardless of the direction of population flow, white people are labeled as racist. The Washington Post article mentioned in the discussion highlights the increasing number of white people returning to city centers and the resulting upheavals for long-time residents. The experts quoted in the article offer various explanations for this trend, including disillusionment with the suburban dream and a revalorization of city life. However, the speaker's overarching message is that the media and society at large tend to blame white people for any negative changes in urban areas, regardless of the underlying reasons.

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    My Patriot Supply - Get $50 a 4-week emergency food supply: http://www.preparewithBen.com/


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1-800-245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/SHAPIRO


    Masterworks - Get connected to Masterworks Advisers at https://masterworks.com/ben


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code SHAPIRO at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


    Tax Network USA - Take the first step toward resolving your tax debt! http://www.TNUSA.com/SHAPIRO


    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

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    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/BEN, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code SHAPIRO at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code SHAPIRO: https://www.goodranchers.com


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    Grand Canyon University - Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University: https://www.gcu.edu/


    Policygenius - Get your free life insurance quote & see how much you could save: http://policygenius.com/SHAPIRO


    Stamps.com - Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at https://www.stamps.com/shapiro. Thanks to Stamps.com for sponsoring the show!


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1-800-245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/SHAPIRO


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    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    We are excited to welcome Dan Bongino back to The Sunday Special this week. Bongino’s broadcasts at The Dan Bongino Show are characterized by his profound patriotism and a relentless pursuit of truth. In today’s episode, we forecast the 2024 election, discuss Trump’s unique political strengths, and potential presidential debate strategies for each candidate. We also weigh the merits of populist economics and the Right’s recent bifurcation on foreign policy. Tune in for another fantastic conversation on this episode of The Sunday Special.


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    ExpressVPN - Get 3 Months FREE of ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/BEN


    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898 for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    The Wellness Company - Exclusive Discount for my Listeners. Use promo code BEN at http://www.UrgentCareKit.com/BEN

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 16, 2024

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    We’re proud to announce that DailyWire+ is partnering with Angel Studios on their latest film, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot. The movie is the true story of how Donna and Reverend Martin inspired and supported 22 families from a rural Black church in Texas to adopt 77 of the most at-risk kids from the foster system. This film is the beginning of a determined fight for kids. In America, there are over 100,000 children who need a home, and that is unacceptable. Join the fight for kids today. Get showtimes to see Sound of Hope in theaters starting July 4th at http://angel.com/ben.

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 15, 2024

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    Ep#016: Ensuring Fairness in Precision Medicine with Dr. Kadija Ferryman
    Precision medicine has the potential to transform healthcare in terms of diagnostics, treatment, and prevention of disease. But what does a future with a more personalized approach to medicine look like? Who will ultimately benefit from precision medicine?

    In this episode, we dive into these questions with Dr. Kadija Ferryman, a cultural anthropologist whose research centers on the ethical dimensions of health risk technologies, especially as they relate to racial disparities in health. Kadija is an Industry Assistant Professor at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering. She is also an affiliate at the Data & Society Research Institute, where she led a research study on Fairness in Precision Medicine. This ground-breaking study examined the potential for biased and discriminatory outcomes in the emerging field of precision medicine.

    Together with Kadija, we talk about:

    ◦ BiDil: the first FDA-approved drug marketed to a single racial-ethnic group
    ◦ The promise and potential of precision medicine
    ◦ The 'Fairness in Precision Medicine' study
    ◦ The need for proactive ethical studies
    ◦ Bias in how we collect and examine electronic health data
    ◦ Bias in medical outcomes due to existing patterns of marginalization
    ◦ Human bias in AI and Machine Learning
    ◦ Implicit bias in healthcare professionals
    ◦ Establishing a more equitable medical future

    Get in touch with Kadija:
    ◦ Twitter: @KadijaFerryman
    ◦ Web: http://www.kadijaferryman.com
    ◦ Web (Data & Society): https://datasociety.net/people/ferryman-kadija/
    ◦ Web (CRDS): https://criticalracedigitalstudies.com

    Make sure to download the full show notes with our guest's bio, links to their most notable work, and our recommendations for further reads on the topic of the episode at pmedcast.com

    UPDATE: Hostages Freed, Barclays Earnings Disappoint, & UK Jobs

    UPDATE: Hostages Freed, Barclays Earnings Disappoint, & UK Jobs

    On today's podcast:

    (1) Hamas frees two more hostages from Gaza as the US sends more forces to the Middle East with world leaders calling for aid.
    (2) Barclays missed estimates at its investment bank and lowered UK guidance for the second consecutive quarter
    (3) The UK economy lost jobs again in the three months through August, a sign that inflationary forces may be abating.
    (4) Billionaire investors Bill Ackman and Bill Gross abandon their short position on US Treasuries. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Barbie, T-Swift and the Fed?

    Barbie, T-Swift and the Fed?

    Barbie and Taylor Swift are just about everywhere right now, they even got a mention at the Fed’s news conference today. Seriously! We’ll explain what these pop culture icons have to do with the today’s interest rate hike. Plus, how leaning on algorithms and AI for bureaucratic work could come with real costs for consumers. And, candid thoughts about climate change.

    Here’s everything we talked about today:

    Got a question about resuming student loan repayments for the hosts? Leave us a voicemail at 508-U-B-SMART or email us at makemesmart@marketplace.org.

    EP 38: Artifical Intelligence Bias, Universal Basic Income, Star Trek Medical Devices and the Democratisation of Health Diagnosis.

    EP 38: Artifical Intelligence Bias, Universal Basic Income, Star Trek Medical Devices and the Democratisation of Health Diagnosis.

    We talk to Professor Barry O'Sullivan, Director of the Insight Centre for Data Analytics in UCC. He is also deputy president of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) and current SFI researcher of the year. Barry discusses the impact of Ai, we talk about the inevitable bias in data based Ai and how it is extremely important to “teach” Ai responsibly. We discuss UBI, Universal Basic Income, job automation and the societal challenges ahead.

    “An inevitable revolution in healthcare is coming. In this revolution, the consumers are the drivers and technology is the equalizer.” - Dr. Basil Harris

    Dr. Basil Harris is CEO and founder of Basil Leaf Technologies www.basilleaftech.com Basil and his team were inspired by Star Trek to create a tricorder, a portable Ai device that could tell whether you had pneumonia or diabetes or a dozen other conditions all by yourself. This is like the one waved around by Dr. McCoy on the Star Ship Enterprise. With it, people can monitor their own blood pressure, heart rate and other health vitals. Basil emphasizes how this device is to free up doctors and health practitioners, not to replace them.