
    Ep. 1664 - Angry Old Man Screams At Americans

    enFebruary 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • President Biden's State of the Union address criticized for false claims and lengthCritics slammed President Biden's State of the Union speech for false claims, length, and lack of meeting constitutional mandate, while some praised it for economic recovery and job creation.

      During his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden made numerous false claims and repeated them while yelling at Americans about the importance of spending vast amounts of money to save democracy, as per the perspective of Ben Shapiro during his podcast. The event was criticized for its length and content, with some politicians, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, creating a scene. Biden's age and health were also topics of discussion, with concerns about his ability to complete another term. The speech was praised by the media, but many Americans remain skeptical of the president's economic record, which he touted in the address, despite the significant number of jobs created and the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the address was seen as a monarchic institution that failed to meet the constitutional mandate for a state of the union statement.

    • President Biden's Inaccurate ClaimsDespite inaccuracies in Biden's speech about the economy, COVID-19, and job creation, it's crucial to fact-check and be aware of misinformation.

      During his recent speech, President Joe Biden made several inaccurate statements about the economy, COVID-19, and his role in job creation. For instance, he claimed that the economy was reeling two years ago when it had already started recovering. He also ignored the fact that the massive job losses during the pandemic were largely due to government-imposed lockdowns. Furthermore, Biden claimed credit for creating jobs, but the speaker reminded us that it's individual people and businesses who create jobs, not the government. Additionally, Biden claimed that his presidency saved democracy, but the speaker argued that American democracy was never in serious danger. Lastly, the speaker encouraged listeners to protect their online privacy by using ExpressVPN to hide their internet activity from prying eyes, including the government and big tech. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of fact-checking and being aware of misinformation, especially when it comes from political figures.

    • President Biden's Call for BipartisanshipPresident Biden urged bipartisanship but was criticized for attacking Republicans and boasting about accomplishments. He addressed inflation and plans to spend more, but his religious language and promises to restore the soul were met with skepticism.

      During his recent speech, President Biden emphasized the importance of bipartisanship and working together despite political differences. However, his message was overshadowed by frequent criticisms towards Republicans and claims of his own accomplishments. The speech also included discussions on inflation, which Biden attributed to external factors, and his plans to address it by spending more money. Despite the country's economic challenges, Biden expressed his belief in restoring the soul of the nation. However, the religious language and repetitive promises to restore the soul raised questions and criticisms. In essence, the speech showcased Biden's perspective on the current political climate and his plans for addressing issues, but the tone and delivery detracted from the intended message.

    • President's 'Buy American' Policy to Increase Construction CostsPresident's 'Buy American' policy will increase costs for federal infrastructure projects, while skepticism surrounds the Inflation Reduction Act's ability to reduce healthcare costs and inflation.

      During his recent speech, the President announced new standards requiring all construction materials used in federal infrastructure projects to be made in America, which will result in increased costs for taxpayers. The President's call to "buy American" means that taxpayers will spend more money on goods produced domestically. Additionally, the President criticized corporations for spending money on causes some people don't approve of and promoted PureTalk, a company that refuses to do so. Meanwhile, the President's promotion of the Inflation Reduction Act was met with skepticism, as the act has contributed to historically high inflation. Despite these challenges, the President claimed that the act would help reduce healthcare costs. Critics argue that the President's policies will result in higher costs for taxpayers and question the effectiveness of his efforts to reduce inflation and healthcare costs.

    • Government's role in drug prices: Balancing affordability and medical researchThe Inflation Reduction Act aims to address drug prices and climate change, but critics argue it may primarily benefit certain groups and its climate change initiatives are controversial

      The debate around drug prices and the role of the federal government involves complex trade-offs. While some argue that the government should use its power to drive down prices, others caution that doing so could halt medical research and development. Meanwhile, the Inflation Reduction Act, which aims to address both drug prices and climate change, has been criticized for potentially benefiting certain groups at the expense of others. The Act includes provisions for creating electric vehicle charging stations and offering tax credits for electric vehicles and energy-efficient appliances, but critics argue that these benefits may primarily go to those who can already afford such purchases. Additionally, the Act's climate change initiatives have been met with skepticism, with some questioning the effectiveness of the measures and the cost to taxpayers. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding government policies aimed at addressing major societal issues.

    • Biden Shifts Focus from COVID to Climate, Urges Action and DigitizationBiden calls climate crisis an existential threat, advocates for student loan debt relief, encourages digitizing old media, discusses taxes, and emphasizes wealthier Americans pay a disproportionate share despite contributing most to economy

      President Joe Biden has shifted his focus from the COVID-19 crisis to the climate crisis, urging Americans to act on it as an existential threat. Meanwhile, he continues to advocate for relieving student loan debt unconstitutionally. During his State of the Union address, he also encouraged families to preserve their history by digitizing old media with LegacyBox. Biden also discussed taxes, stating that the wealthy pay a disproportionate share, despite contributing the most to the economy in terms of taxes. However, his call for the rich to pay more taxes may not be necessary if he addresses spending and the national debt. It's important to remember that the wealthy not only pay their fair share but also pay for a significant portion of taxes for those who don't pay income tax.

    • Heated Debate over Taxing BillionairesBillionaires' assets not taxed, corporations make profits but pay no federal income taxes, and the tax system needs reform for fairness

      During Joe Biden's State of the Union address, there was a heated debate about taxing the wealthy, specifically billionaires, at a higher rate. The argument being made is that billionaires should not pay a lower tax rate than teachers or firefighters. However, some billionaires do not earn an income but rather live off their assets, which are not taxed until they are sold. The present tax system was criticized for being unfair, with some corporations making large profits but paying no federal income taxes. The speech became more interesting when Biden accused big oil companies of making record profits but not investing enough in increasing domestic production. This led to open laughter from the Republican side of the audience, highlighting a collective action problem within the Republican party where certain individuals benefit from yelling at Biden during speeches. The overall sentiment was that the State of the Union address was filled with lies and that the tax system needs to be reformed to be fairer for all.

    • Biden administration accused of false claims on deficit and oil refineriesThe Biden administration's statements about reducing the deficit and shutting down oil refineries have been called into question, with critics arguing that the administration is misrepresenting both the administration's own plans and those of the opposition.

      During a recent discussion, it was revealed that President Joe Biden's administration has made false claims about reducing the deficit and shutting down oil refineries. The administration's plan to spend vast amounts of money without addressing the deficit ceiling has led to accusations of lying and demagoguery. The proposed Republican economic plans, which include potential changes to Social Security and Medicare, have been misrepresented by the administration. It is important to note that the deficit has not been significantly reduced, despite claims to the contrary, and the ongoing debate highlights the political sensitivity surrounding entitlement programs.

    • President Biden's Accusations of GOP on Social Security and MedicarePresident Biden faced criticism for suggesting Republicans want to end Social Security and Medicare, but the GOP later clarified their stance. HR management is crucial for businesses, and a sale on The Daily Wire's Presidents for Sale memberships was announced.

      The ongoing debate around Social Security and Medicare reform involves significant changes, including potential tax increases and benefit cuts, due to the financial strain of these programs. However, during a recent speech, President Biden was accused of lying about widespread Republican support for sunsetting these programs. The discussion also touched upon the importance of HR management for businesses and The Daily Wire's Presidents for Sale sale. More specifically, Brian Rydell from the Manhattan Institute warned that if Social Security and Medicare aren't reformed, taxes could rise to 25% for payroll and 20% for a value-added tax. Benefits would be cut, and the retirement age would change. During a speech, President Biden was criticized for suggesting that Republicans wanted to end these programs for debt ceiling negotiations. This accusation was later walked back by Republicans. Additionally, the conversation addressed the importance of having a dedicated HR manager, as hiring the wrong person for a job can cause significant issues. The Daily Wire's Presidents for Sale sale was also mentioned, offering 40% off new annual memberships and various perks. It's important to note that the speech also touched upon various other policy topics, but the discussion here primarily focused on the Social Security and Medicare debate and the HR management and sale-related announcements.

    • President Biden's Speech: Criticizing Junk Fees and Misplaced StatementsPresident Biden criticized junk fees during a speech, but his comments on airlines treating passengers like baggage and education beyond 12 years being unnecessary were controversial. He acknowledged COVID-19 progress but incorrectly linked violent crime to the pandemic.

      During a recent speech, President Biden spent an unusual amount of time criticizing junk fees, such as baggage fees from airlines, and surprising resort fees from hotels. This focus on small fees seemed misplaced, especially when compared to the larger issues like China and education. Biden also made controversial statements, such as suggesting airlines treat passengers like baggage and implying that educating children beyond 12 years is unnecessary. Despite these distractions, the President did acknowledge the progress made in combating COVID-19, which has led to a significant decrease in deaths. However, he also incorrectly attributed the rise in violent crime to the pandemic, rather than acknowledging the role of government policies and societal unrest.

    • President Biden's State of the Union address misrepresented crime issueBiden's address blamed COVID policies for crime, used Tyre Nichols' death for racial narrative, and undermined trust between communities and law enforcement.

      During his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden placed blame for the spike in crime rates on COVID-19 policies, rather than acknowledging the role of protests and anti-police rhetoric. He also used the tragic death of Tyre Nichols at the hands of police officers as a prop to push a racial narrative, despite the incident not being racially motivated. Biden's actions, which included inviting Nichols' family to the address and delivering a speech about the fears of black parents, were criticized for misrepresenting the issue and contributing to mistrust between communities and law enforcement. The president's broad condemnation of the police and continued emphasis on race as the primary cause of crime undermines efforts to address the root causes of crime and rebuild public trust.

    • Political Divisions on Controversial TopicsPresident Biden's State of the Union address addressed divisive topics, including border control, fentanyl deaths, abortion rights, gun control, and transgender rights, leading to confrontations between Democrats and Republicans.

      During his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden addressed various controversial topics, including border control and immigration, fentanyl deaths, and abortion rights. He backloaded more contentious parts of his speech, such as his call for gun control and his support for transgender rights and abortion. The discussion around border control led to confrontations between Biden and Republicans, with some suggesting that his border policies were responsible for the increase in fentanyl deaths in the US. The most divisive moment came when Biden expressed his desire to protect and restore abortion rights, which received the biggest applause from Democrats. The speech also included Biden's call for comprehensive immigration reform and his plan to secure the border and provide a pathway to citizenship for certain groups. Overall, the State of the Union address highlighted the political divisions in the US on various issues.

    • President Biden's Controversial Speech: China, Spy Balloon, and Unfounded ClaimsDespite a Chinese spy balloon overflying the US, President Biden made controversial claims about China's weakness and an unnamed individual's involvement in an attack on House Speaker Pelosi's husband, raising concerns about his mental state and bipartisan leadership.

      During a recent speech, President Joe Biden made bold claims about China's weakness and his administration's handling of foreign policy, despite a visible Chinese spy balloon flying over the continental United States. Biden also accused an unnamed individual, believed to be a Trump supporter, of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, without providing evidence. These claims, along with Biden's aggressive tone and random yelling, raised questions about the president's mental state and his ability to lead bipartisanly. The speech underscored the increasing political polarization and the growing use of divisive language and conspiracy theories in American politics.

    • Polarized reactions to the State of the Union speechThe President's State of the Union speech was met with conflicting reactions, with accusations of hypocrisy and gaslighting, and polarized media coverage.

      Despite the calls for peace and an end to political violence, the recent State of the Union speech by the President was met with conflicting reactions and accusations of hypocrisy and gaslighting. The media, in particular, was criticized for its positive coverage of the speech, which some perceived as disingenuous given the President's divisive rhetoric and past actions. The speech saw the President labeling half of the American population as extremist enemies of the republic, and the response from the opposition was often rude and heckling. Despite the President's claims for unity and upholding the rule of law, there are ongoing concerns about attacks on democratic institutions and fundamental rights. The media's response to the speech was polarized, with some praising it as inspiring and others calling out the lies and hypocrisy.

    • Media praises Biden's State of the Union speech, contrasts with GOP behaviorMedia highlights Biden's eloquent delivery and unifying message, while noting contrasting GOP behavior during speech

      President Biden delivered an exceptional State of the Union address, marked by passion, well-written content, and practiced delivery. The media, particularly MSNBC hosts, praised his performance. However, the focus will shift from Biden's speech to the pugnacious behavior of his opposition, as Republicans were seen yelling and heckling during the address. Despite Biden's call for unity and strength in American democracy, many Republicans remained seated during this moment. The media will likely focus on this contrast between Biden's message and the reaction from the GOP.

    • Heated Political Debates: Andy Ogles Heckles President Biden and Joe Rogan's Controversial CommentsRepublican representative Andy Ogles heckled President Biden during a discussion about Fentanyl, while Joe Rogan's comments about Jews and money sparked controversy. The political discourse remains passionate and contentious, with both sides standing firm in their beliefs.

      The political landscape is heated, with intense debates and criticisms coming from both sides. During a discussion about Fentanyl and its impact on American lives, a Republican representative, Andy Ogles, heckled President Biden, blaming him for the issue. While some saw it as adding to the lively atmosphere, others deemed it inappropriate. Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered a strong Republican response, and new generation Republican leaders like her, Ron DeSantis, and Tim Scott, are seen as a threat to Democratic dominance. In a separate incident, Joe Rogan's comments about Jews and money sparked controversy, with some interpreting it as an anti-Semitic statement. The interpretation of Rogan's words depends on the perspective, with some seeing it as a simple acknowledgment of Jews' affinity for money, while others view it as perpetuating a harmful stereotype. Overall, the political discourse remains passionate and contentious, with both sides standing firm in their beliefs.

    • Context is key in understanding statementsIlhan Omar's comment was misconstrued, highlighting the need to consider context. Pornography's harmful effects on individuals and society underscore the importance of respecting autonomy and dignity.

      Context matters when interpreting statements. Ilhan Omar's "it's all about the Benjamins" comment was not an anti-Semitic slur as some assumed, but a reference to the influence of money in politics regarding American support for Israel. Meanwhile, the exploitation of Twitch star QT Cinderella through deepfake pornography highlights the harmful effects of pornography on individuals and society as a whole. Despite the prevalence of pornography, it's essential to recognize its negative consequences and the importance of respecting individuals' autonomy and dignity.

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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Biden's Doomed Electric Car Push, and Bud Light's Woke Backlash, with Eric Bolling, Andrew Klavan, and Dr. Marilyn Singleton | Ep. 528

    Biden's Doomed Electric Car Push, and Bud Light's Woke Backlash, with Eric Bolling, Andrew Klavan, and Dr. Marilyn Singleton | Ep. 528

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Eric Bolling, host of Newsmax's Eric Bolling The Balance, to talk about Biden's doomed electric car push, a progressive liberal host seeing the light on the financial costs of the transition to electric, Bud Light losing billions in market value after woke, whether this could be a watershed moment for companies stopping the woke push, Biden's gaffes overseas in the U.K., the reality of his cognitive decline, and more. Then Andrew Klavan, host of Daily Wire's The Andrew Klavan Show, joins to discuss a new video showing one of the "Tennessee Three" breaking the law and attacking people in cars during the 2020 social justice protests, the media's celebration of them, performance and stagecraft in politics, the left's idea that morality grows out of power, how the right needs to learn how to win the argument, targeting of religious people in America, the difference between Caitlyn Jenner and Dylan Mulvaney, whether Trump can win in 2024, and more. Then Dr. Marilyn Singleton, a physician speaking out about the relentless focus in DEI even in medicine, joins to talk about the true effect of these efforts in the realm of healthcare, and more.

    Bolling: https://www.newsmaxtv.com/Shows/Eric-Bolling-The-Balance

    Klavan: https://www.andrewklavan.com

    Singleton: https://marilynsingletonmdjd.com


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    A Winter Walk And Talk About Macro, Economics & Health

    A Winter Walk And Talk About Macro, Economics & Health

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