
    Ep. 1666 - Will A Whistleblower Spill The Beans On The Bidens?

    enFebruary 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden Faces Challenges in Reelection Campaign Amidst Corruption AllegationsDespite being the incumbent, Biden's reelection campaign is threatened by investigations into his family's business dealings and potential misuse of government resources, as well as the ongoing classified document scandal.

      President Joe Biden is facing new challenges in his reelection campaign, as he prepares to expand his message beyond labeling his opponents as evil. With Donald Trump potentially fading as the Republican front-runner, Biden will need to earn more votes than in 2020. However, his administration is under investigation for corruption, specifically regarding the Biden family's business dealings and potential misuse of government resources. Senator Chuck Grassley testified about whistleblower disclosures indicating that the FBI has evidence that Joe Biden was aware of his family's schemes. These investigations, along with the ongoing classified document scandal, could pose significant obstacles for Biden's reelection bid. The media's scrutiny of Biden was minimal during the 2020 campaign due to his status as the vice president, but this may change as he faces increased competition and the weight of these investigations.

    • FBI investigations into Biden family could lead to loss of trustAllegations of FBI malfeasance and potential Biden family corruption could result in mistrust towards the FBI and the Biden administration, with possible whistleblowers coming forward and concerns about the FBI's transparency and potential bias.

      The ongoing investigations into potential corruption involving President Joe Biden and his family, as well as allegations of FBI malfeasance, could lead to significant mistrust in both the FBI and the Biden administration. Senator Chuck Grassley has revealed that there may be whistleblowers coming forward with evidence that Joe Biden was aware of his son Hunter's business dealings, and that the FBI had verified or verifiable information regarding potential criminal conduct by the Bidens. However, the FBI has been opaque about this information, leading to questions about their transparency and potential bias. Additionally, there are concerns about the FBI's own corruption, as shown by whistleblower documents uncovered by the Heritage Foundation and the Daily Signal, which allege that the FBI has labeled certain groups as extremist based on information from far-left organizations. These twin scandals could result in a loss of trust in both the FBI and the Biden administration, and could lead to increased scrutiny through investigative subcommittees. It's also important to protect your online privacy, as big tech and government entities may be monitoring your activity. ExpressVPN is a tool that can help secure your devices and keep your internet activity hidden.

    • Biden Avoids Fox News Interviews Due to Negative CoveragePresident Biden has not granted an interview to Fox News, citing negative coverage, and instead chooses to engage with friendly networks. Biden's strategy to focus on spending and entitlements to counter corruption allegations and perceived incompetence may face challenges within the Democratic Party.

      President Joe Biden has not granted an interview to Fox News during his presidency, breaking a long-standing tradition of presidents engaging with the network airing the Super Bowl. This decision is likely due to Biden's office's belief that Fox News portrays him and his administration negatively, with hosts like Tucker Carlson launching frequent attacks. Biden has instead given interviews to friendly networks like PBS and Telemundo. The avoidance of Fox News interviews raises questions about Biden's willingness to engage with diverse sources and his handling of challenging questions. The twin threats to Biden's 2024 campaign are corruption allegations and his own perceived incompetence. To counter these threats, Biden is shifting his strategy towards focusing on spending and entitlements, drawing on the playbooks of previous Democratic campaigns. However, this approach may be challenging for the Democratic Party, as it tries to balance the demands of progressive and more traditional voters.

    • Pressure from the radical left on social issues and economic policiesBiden's campaign focuses on spending more money and preventing Republicans from doing the same, while the media shapes public perception and economic instability may lead to investing in gold.

      The political landscape has significantly shifted since the 2016 presidential campaign, with candidates feeling pressure from the radical left on social issues and economic policies. Bernie Sanders, who seemed poised for victory in 2016, was derailed by criticism from the left, accusing him of not caring enough about race and social issues. Since then, Joe Biden has had to appease the radical left during his campaigns by adopting radical stances on social issues and economic policies. However, now that he has secured the base, Biden is focusing on a two-pronged campaign: promising to spend more money than ever before and positioning himself as the one who can prevent Republicans from doing the same. The media, which is now largely pushing coverage rather than reporting objectively, is playing a role in shaping public perception of the economy and Biden's performance. With record-breaking national debt and future spending showing no signs of slowing down, inflation and high taxation are likely concerns. Investing in precious metals like gold, which has historically been a reliable store of value during economic instability, could be a wise hedge against potential economic challenges.

    • Uncertain Economic Environment: Soft Landing or Higher Interest Rates?The Fed's response to inflation and President Biden's policies could lead to higher interest rates and slower growth, making diversification into precious metals a potential smart investment strategy.

      Despite some optimistic signs of economic growth and potential reconsideration of recession predictions, the high inflation rates and aggressive Federal Reserve actions suggest that a soft landing may not be in the cards. Instead, the economy could face higher interest rates and potentially slower growth due to both the Fed's response to inflation and President Biden's regulatory and spending policies. Diversifying investments, such as precious metals, could be a smart strategy in this uncertain economic environment. Experts at Birch Gold, with their positive customer reviews and ratings, can help answer questions and guide investment decisions.

    • Biden's Economic Agenda and Social Security-MedicareDespite assurances, both parties may face Social Security and Medicare insolvency due to demographic trends and financial situation. Long-term planning needed for these programs.

      President Joe Biden's economic agenda involves promising more spending while deflecting attention from potential issues with Social Security and Medicare. Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, argues that Democrats are not radical and their economic program is popular. However, the reality is that both parties will likely face the impending insolvency of these programs due to demographic trends and the current financial situation. Republicans are not planning to cut Social Security and Medicare during Biden's presidency, but the long-term issue remains. The speakers also mentioned the importance of having life insurance to ensure financial security for loved ones.

    • Democrats and Republicans Refuse to Address Social Security and Medicare's Financial InstabilityBoth parties need to address Social Security and Medicare's impending insolvency through measures like reducing benefits, increasing taxes, or raising the retirement age, but the public may not want to face the consequences, leading to inaction.

      Despite the financial instability of Social Security and Medicare, with Medicare's hospital insurance trust fund projected to be depleted by 2028 and Social Security's trust fund set to run out in 2034, President Biden and the Democratic Party continue to demagogue the issue and refuse to consider any changes. Biden accused Republicans of wanting to cut these programs, but the reality is that both parties will need to address the impending insolvency through measures such as reducing benefits, increasing taxes, or raising the retirement age. However, the American public may not want to face the consequences of these difficult decisions, allowing the issue to be debated without any serious action being taken. This pattern has persisted since at least 2006, when efforts to privatize portions of Social Security were met with opposition.

    • The Political Landscape Shifts: Populism and Economic NationalismBoth parties adopt populist and economic nationalist positions, Biden promises protection of entitlements, GOP debates big government spending and protectionist trade policies, Politicians' inconsistency and dishonesty complicate the debate.

      The political landscape is shifting, with both Democrats and Republicans adopting populist and economic nationalist positions. Joe Biden is attempting to appeal to working-class Americans by promoting his brand of America First and promising to protect entitlement programs. The Republican Party, to counter this, must present its own viable blend of populism and economic policies that resonate with its base. However, the debate on economic policy within the GOP is becoming increasingly acrimonious, and it remains to be seen whether embracing big government spending and protectionist trade policies is the path to electoral victory. The discussion also touched upon the dishonesty and inconsistency of politicians, with some advocating for the protection of entitlement programs while also promoting global solutions to crises, such as climate change. Ultimately, the political arguments may be simpler and more important than the complex economic arguments, as it comes down to whether the Republican Party can effectively challenge Biden's populist push.

    • The Shifting Political Landscape and Electric BusesThe political landscape is shifting towards social issues, influencing public transportation investments like electric buses, making economic discussions secondary.

      Electric buses are a significant investment for the future of public transportation in America, offering cost savings on fuel and maintenance, leading to improved services and reliability. However, the political landscape is shifting, with the Democratic Party's focus on social issues, or "wokeness," becoming a deeply held religious belief for many. This religious worldview is not merely an economic issue but a full-fledged religious belief system, influencing institutions like churches and politics. Joe Biden's attempts to steer the conversation back to economic issues may not be successful, as the left's social agenda will continue to demand attention. This trend is not limited to America but is a global movement, with institutions like the Church of England embracing same-sex blessings as part of this broader shift in values.

    • Emotional Debate on LGBTQ+ Rights and Traditional Christian Teachings in the Church of England's SynodThe Church of England Synod committed to apologizing for past harm and welcoming same-sex couples, while maintaining traditional Christian marriage teachings, sparking emotional debates and criticisms from both sides.

      The Church of England's Synod debate on LGBTQ+ rights and traditional Christian teachings resulted in a commitment to apologize for past harm and welcome same-sex couples, while maintaining the doctrine of marriage between a man and a woman. Emotionally charged speeches from both sides indicated a continuation of the debate. Some argue this decision goes against historical Christian beliefs, which consider homosexual acts as sinful. Others believe rejecting this view is necessary to avoid intolerance and bigotry. Critics argue the Church is being influenced by secular left-wing ideologies and transgressivism. The debate also touched on the economy and hiring, with a promotion for ZipRecruiter. Controversially, it was suggested that the cult of wokism, which some see as a religion, requires human sacrifice in the form of children being sacrificed to the trans God.

    • Allegations of harm to minors in transgender clinicsCritics argue against rushing gender-affirming healthcare for minors, citing potential consequences like mental health issues and socially contagious gender identification. Society should provide support and wait for children to grow up before making life-altering decisions.

      The rush to administer gender-affirming healthcare to minors, including hormones and surgeries, without proper consent or consideration of the potential consequences, is being scrutinized following whistleblower allegations. This practice, which has been widely promoted in schools and society, is being criticized as cultic and rooted in a belief that body and soul are completely separate. The consequences, including skyrocketing rates of mental illness and socially contagious gender identification, are becoming clear. The St. Louis transgender treatment clinic is under investigation for allegedly harming up to 600 children. Critics argue that society should instead provide informed support and wait for children to grow up before making life-altering decisions. The controversy surrounding this issue may impact public figures like Joe Biden, who will likely face questions about his stance on gender identity and the number of genders during debates.

    • Rising suicide rates among transgender teens and concerns over gender clinicsWhistleblower allegations of unnecessary treatments and indoctrination at St. Louis Children's Hospital raise concerns, while political figures' health and the Democratic Party's stance on transgender issues fuel debate

      Despite increasing acceptance of transgender issues, suicide rates among teenagers continue to rise, and allegations of indoctrination and harmful practices at gender clinics are causing concern. A whistleblower's affidavit and investigation into St. Louis Children's Hospital reveal instances of minors being prescribed hormones or undergoing surgeries unnecessarily. The whistleblower also accused the clinic of promoting a "cult of gender dysmorphia," with children presenting with non-traditional identities or pressured by parents to conform. The Democratic Party's support for this issue may create a divide between their base and the concerns of parents and conservatives. Meanwhile, the health of a political figure, John Federman, who was criticized for focusing on his own health during a campaign, has raised questions about the motivations behind such criticisms.

    • Media coverage of Fetterman's condition and Twitter hearingsMedia misrepresented Fetterman's abilities and Twitter hearings revealed complex relationship between tech and gov't, but free speech protections must be respected

      The media coverage surrounding John Fetterman's condition and his ability to serve in the Senate has been misrepresented, with some outlets downplaying his struggles and others exaggerating them. Meanwhile, the ongoing Twitter hearings in Congress have highlighted the complex relationship between tech companies and government agencies, with accusations of speech suppression and calls for investigation. However, it's important to note that there was no proven conspiracy between Twitter and the FBI regarding the censorship of certain stories. Additionally, some politicians and media figures have advocated for censorship of speech they find objectionable, despite the constitutional protections for free speech. It's crucial to maintain a nuanced understanding of these complex issues and to avoid oversimplification or sensationalism.

    • The Meaning of Hate Speech and Racist SpeechThe terms 'hate speech' and 'racist speech' lack clear definitions and are often manipulated to silence opposing views, leading to a dangerous intersection of wokeism and the broader left-wing agenda that stifles individual freedom and personal growth.

      The terms "hate speech" and "racist speech" are not clearly defined categories in constitutional law, and their meanings have been manipulated and expanded by certain groups to encompass anything they disagree with. This is why some individuals and organizations are pushing for censorship. A recent viral clip from a Vice panel showcases this phenomenon, where an Asian man shares statistics about the success of the Asian community, and is met with disdain and accusations of racism from his fellow panelists. However, the man argues that personal agency and responsible decisions are the real reasons for Asian success, a point that is not welcome in the current cultural climate that emphasizes collective victimhood and the denial of personal responsibility. This highlights the dangerous intersection of wokeism and the broader left-wing agenda, which seeks to obliterate structures and institutions in the name of equality, but ultimately stifles individual freedom and personal growth.

    • Personal responsibility vs. blaming societyRecognizing personal responsibility is crucial for solving individual and societal issues, but some people prefer to blame external factors, hindering progress and promoting a culture of victimhood.

      Personal responsibility is key to solving most problems in life, yet some people prefer to blame society instead. This was evident in a recent discussion about personal responsibility and innovation. The speaker emphasized that the majority of problems are solvable by individuals, and the idea of taking control of one's life should be energizing. However, some people continue to blame society for their struggles, often refusing help or opportunities. This mindset is a concern as it hinders progress and perpetuates a culture of victimhood. Another example of this mindset can be seen in the education system, where schools are failing, yet leaders refuse to acknowledge the role of parenting or personal responsibility. Instead, they call for more funding and ignore the root causes of the problem. This lack of personal responsibility and focus on external factors also extends to global issues, such as terrorism, where individuals are held responsible for their actions, yet some blame larger systems or external forces. It's essential to recognize the importance of personal responsibility and agency in solving both individual and societal problems.

    • Selective application of agency in terrorism discourseAgency, the ability to act independently, is used selectively in discussions of terrorism, particularly in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Terrorists' actions are sometimes glorified, while Israeli responses are criticized, distorting perspectives and perpetuating violence.

      The concept of agency – the ability to act independently and make decisions – is used selectively in the discourse surrounding terrorist attacks, particularly in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On one hand, terrorists like Hossein Karaka, who drove his car into a bus stop in Jerusalem, are glorified by some for their actions, despite the harm they cause to innocent civilians. On the other hand, any retaliation taken by the Israeli government against terrorists is often condemned by the international community, with the implication being that the terrorists have agency while the Israeli response does not. This selective application of agency can lead to a distorted perspective on the situation, where the actions of terrorists are seen as justified or understandable, while the actions of those seeking to prevent further harm are criticized or ignored. It's important to recognize that agency is a fundamental human right that should be extended to all individuals, regardless of their actions or beliefs. The use of agency to justify violence and harm against innocent civilians is not only morally wrong, but also perpetuates a cycle of violence that only serves to cause further suffering. Instead, we should focus on finding peaceful solutions to the complex issues at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and work towards a future where all individuals have the opportunity to exercise their agency in positive and constructive ways.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Bonus-gate and Computer-gate roil the Legislature and two ex-House Speakers end up as cell mates for two weeks

    Bonus-gate and Computer-gate roil the Legislature and two ex-House Speakers end up as cell mates for two weeks

    In Episode 2 we examine the scandal "cousins" Bonus-gate & Computer-gate, that roiled the Legislature and how 2 ex-House Speakers ended up as cell mates for a time.


    Plus, it’s the Ories vs. the Zappalas in a western PA grudge match; Porn-gate takes down 2 Supreme Court justices, and Philly’s Traffic Court gets expunged.

    Octavia Butler: Visionary Fiction‬

    Octavia Butler: Visionary Fiction‬
    Today we are wrapping up Science Fiction Week with a very special episode from our friends at NPR's history podcast Throughline.

    As a part of their Imagining New Worlds series, they dive into the life of visionary science fiction writer Octavia Butler.

    Octavia crafted cautionary tales combined with messages of hope and resilience. Her work made her the first Black woman to win the Hugo and Nebula, science fiction's most prestigious awards. (Encore episode)

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