
    Ep. 1668 - Record Numbers Of Teen Girls Are Suicidal. Thanks, Social Justice Warriors!

    enFebruary 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Mental health crisis among US teenagers, particularly girlsRecord levels of sadness, hopelessness, and suicide risk reported among US teenagers, with complex causes including individualism, pandemic, and social media usage. Rebuilding community connections and providing support are crucial.

      The mental health of teenage girls in the United States is at a crisis point, with record levels of sadness, hopelessness, and suicide risk reported in new data from the CDC. This trend is not limited to girls, as boys are also experiencing significant mental health challenges. The causes of this crisis are complex, but the shift towards individualism and the loss of community connections may be contributing factors. The pandemic and increased social media usage are also significant contributors to the mental health struggles of young people. It's important to note that this data is self-reported and may not fully capture the scope of the problem. However, it's clear that something is not working for our teenagers, and it's crucial that we address this issue as a society. We need to rebuild the ties that bind us together and provide support for young people in meaningful ways. Happiness and well-being cannot be found solely within ourselves, but rather in our obligations to others, to our communities, and to something greater than ourselves.

    • Perceptions and societal response can distort realityReports of mistreatment may be influenced by societal incentives and genuine experiences. Social contagion can blur lines between perception and reality. Consider investing in precious metals as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty.

      People's perceptions of their experiences and the societal response to those perceptions can lead to a distorted understanding of reality. The discussion touched upon the increase in reports of mistreatment among young women, which may be due to a combination of genuine experiences and societal incentives. Additionally, the phenomenon of social contagion, as seen in the rise of TikTok tics, can further blur the lines between perception and reality. The federal government's spending habits and the resulting economic implications were also addressed, with a recommendation to consider investing in precious metals as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty.

    • Social media and unusual behaviors: A growing concern among adolescentsDuring the pandemic, social media, particularly TikTok, may have contributed to the spread of Tourette-like symptoms among adolescents, possibly due to anxiety, isolation, and societal norms. Experts are studying various factors, and affected individuals often have psychiatric disorders and past traumatic experiences.

      Social media, particularly TikTok, may facilitate the spread of unusual behaviors, such as the recent outbreak of Tourette-like symptoms among adolescents. This phenomenon, known as social contagion, is not new, but it gained significant attention during the pandemic when young people were experiencing high levels of anxiety and isolation. Experts are studying various factors contributing to this trend, including the influence of social media, mental health issues, and societal norms. Notably, a large number of affected individuals were diagnosed with psychiatric disorders and reported past traumatic experiences. Additionally, the affected population was predominantly girls or gender non-conforming individuals, but the reason for this remains unclear. Some theories suggest that society's incentivization of mental illness and victimhood may contribute to these behaviors. Despite the controversy surrounding this issue, the most effective solution may be to encourage individuals to focus less on themselves and their perceived victimhood and instead foster connections and resilience in their communities.

    • The destruction of societal roles and expectations is fueling mental health issues among young peopleIndividualistic values promoted by corporations contribute to the breakdown of societal structures, leading to mental health issues and functional disorders, including suicidal ideation. Supporting values-aligned corporations and recognizing societal roles can help promote mental and emotional well-being.

      The lack of societal expectations and roles is leading to widespread mental health issues among young people, including the belief that they have physical or mental conditions they do not truly have. This phenomenon, often referred to as "mass hysteria," is fueled by cultural forces, including corporate America, that promote individualistic values to the detriment of societal structures. The destruction of these foundations can result in chaos and confusion, leading to a rise in functional disorders and suicidal ideation. To counteract this trend, individuals are encouraged to support corporations that align with their values and to recognize the importance of societal roles and expectations in promoting mental and emotional well-being. Additionally, scientists have identified the link between anxiety, trauma, and social stress in the production of physical symptoms, further highlighting the need for preventative measures to address the root causes of these issues. Ultimately, recognizing the role of societal structures in promoting mental health and well-being is crucial in addressing the current crisis.

    • The societal shift towards accepting LGBTQ+ identities may contribute to rising depression and anxiety among girlsThe societal shift towards accepting LGBTQ+ identities may lead to unclear expectations and lack of preparation for future roles, contributing to depression and anxiety among girls.

      The increase in suicidal ideation and depression among girls, despite the decrease in reported sexual violence, cannot be fully explained by sexual abuse alone. Instead, the author suggests that the societal shift towards accepting and promoting LGBTQ+ identities, which is highly associated with depression and anxiety, may be a contributing factor. The author argues that this shift has led to a lack of clear expectations and preparation for future roles, particularly for young men to learn how to defend women and provide for families, and for young women to learn skills necessary for raising children and having a functional household. The CDC's focus on teaching sexual consent, managing emotions, and creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students may not be the solution to the rising mental health issues. Instead, the author suggests revisiting traditional roles and expectations to provide a sense of purpose and direction for young people.

    • Societal norms prioritizing adult desires over children's well-being contributes to mental health crisis among young peopleClinical psychologist Dr. Shopa Tawfiq highlights the importance of resources in schools and criticizes societal norms that prioritize adults over children's mental health. Economic hardships during the pandemic add to the strain, but payroll tax refunds for eligible businesses may offer relief.

      The societal focus on adult autonomy and abandonment of duty towards children is contributing to the mental health crisis among young people. Clinical psychologist Dr. Shopa Tawfiq emphasized the need for more resources in schools to address this issue. However, she also criticized the current societal norms that prioritize adult desires over children's well-being. Meanwhile, the economic hardships caused by government policies during the pandemic have put additional strain on families and businesses. The availability of payroll tax refunds for eligible businesses could provide some relief. Ultimately, the abdication of duty by adults in various aspects of society, including parenting and governance, is a significant factor in the current generation's confusion, chaos, depression, and suicidal tendencies.

    • Exploring love and identity through queer family experiencesEmbracing and supporting loved ones' queer identities leads to personal growth and a more inclusive perspective.

      Expanding one's understanding of love and identity through the experiences of queer family members can lead to personal growth and a more inclusive perspective. The author, who identifies as a cisgender straight man, shares his experiences of his wife and daughter's connection through their shared queer identity and how it has broadened his own perspective. The author acknowledges the challenges that come with societal acceptance of queer identities but emphasizes the importance of embracing and supporting one's loved ones through their journeys of self-discovery. Ultimately, the author sees the future as promising, with the next generation of leaders being more inclusive and understanding of diverse identities.

    • The Breakdown of Traditional Relationships and Sexual NormsThe speaker argues that the current trend towards redefining relationships and sexual norms is leading to a crisis of loneliness and decreased sexual activity, and suggests a focus on meaningful human connections within traditional relationships as a potential solution.

      The current trend towards devaluing traditional relationships and sexual norms, as some see it, is leading to a crisis of loneliness and decreased sexual activity among Americans. The speaker argues that this is a result of the breakdown of societal institutions like marriage, which in turn was caused by attempts to redefine them to fit modern perspectives. They criticize the sexual revolution for contributing to this problem and suggest that a focus on meaningful human connections within the context of traditional relationships could be a solution. The speaker also touches on the role of technology and individual choices in this issue. Overall, they argue that the current state of affairs is a consequence of society's attempts to deviate from established norms and that a return to valuing traditional relationships could help address the resulting problems.

    • The Importance of Having Children vs. Not Wanting ThemSociety's focus on non-meaning can lead to feelings of isolation and unhappiness, but having children and meaningful relationships can provide a sense of connection and purpose.

      The decision not to have children is becoming increasingly common among young adults, with over half citing not wanting children as the main reason. However, the speaker argues that having children is a moral necessity and a way to become embedded in time and community. He criticizes society for valuing non-meaning over real-world meaning and contributing to feelings of isolation and unhappiness. Additionally, there is a correlation between political affiliation and relationship satisfaction, with Republicans reporting higher levels of satisfaction. The speaker suggests that employers, like those seeking employees on ZipRecruiter, can also benefit from finding the right "special someone" for their job roles. Overall, the speaker encourages valuing meaning and connection in all aspects of life, whether through parenthood or employment.

    • ZipRecruiter's Effectiveness in Hiring and Valentine's Day Gift SuggestionsThe Daily Wire's success with ZipRecruiter for hiring quality employees, while Valentine's Day gifts should be desired to avoid unwanted items. Societal issues discussed included mental health and criminal justice system concerns, leading to violence, and criticism towards CDC's decision to include COVID-19 vaccines for all ages in the immunization schedule.

      ZipRecruiter is an effective tool for hiring quality employees, as demonstrated by The Daily Wire's success in using it. On a lighter note, Valentine's Day gift suggestions were given, emphasizing the importance of getting something desired instead of unwanted gifts. However, societal issues were also addressed, with concerns raised about the handling of mental health and criminal justice systems, leading to incidents of violence. Lastly, criticism was directed towards the CDC's decision to include COVID-19 vaccines and boosters for children, adolescents, and adults in the recommended immunization schedule, despite limited data on their necessity and effectiveness for this age group.

    • CDC and Europe differ on COVID-19 vaccine schedules for kids, concerns about side effects ariseDifferences in COVID-19 vaccine schedules for children between the CDC and Europe raise concerns about potential side effects from Moderna, while a train derailment near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border leads to evacuations and health and environmental hazards, with questions being raised about government transparency and communication

      While the CDC and some European countries have differing views on COVID-19 vaccine schedules for children, particularly regarding Moderna, there are concerns about potential side effects. Meanwhile, in other news, a train derailment near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border led to a controlled burn of toxic chemicals, causing evacuations and raising concerns about potential health and environmental hazards. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, who has faced criticism for his job performance, was mentioned in passing. Ohio Senator JD Vance has raised questions about the safety of the air and water, the needs of affected residents, and the cause of the derailment. Overall, these events highlight the importance of prioritizing public health and safety, and the need for transparency and effective communication from government officials.

    • Balancing equity and safety in infrastructure projectsWhile addressing diversity and representation in infrastructure projects is important, it's equally crucial to prioritize safety concerns and ensure effective management to prevent tragedies like the East Palestine train derailment.

      While there are important issues related to diversity and representation in infrastructure projects, including the need for local communities to benefit from these projects, the current focus on these issues may be coming at the expense of addressing pressing safety concerns. For instance, the East Palestine train derailment, which involved the release of toxic materials, has received minimal attention from national media and political figures. A congressional inquiry and direct action from the Department of Transportation, led by Pete Buttigieg, are needed to address this tragedy. It's crucial to prioritize both equity and safety in infrastructure projects to ensure the well-being of all communities involved. Additionally, the recent shooting down of unknown objects by the US military raises concerns about competence and the potential for wasteful spending. The focus on these issues should not distract from the need for effective and efficient management of safety concerns in infrastructure projects.

    • US and Canada shoot down objects in their airspaceThe US and Canada have shot down several objects in their airspace, but the lack of clear information and hasty actions have raised concerns.

      The US and Canada have shot down several objects in their airspace, which are less sophisticated than the Chinese surveillance balloon discovered earlier this month. These objects were considered a risk to air traffic and the Chinese have been making excuses for their actions. The shooting down of the Chinese balloon, which was the size of three school buses and flew over the US for a week, is being hailed as a victory by some. However, the US response to the recent objects has been criticized for being reckless and without proper investigation. The debris from these objects has not been recovered yet, and there is uncertainty about whether they were collecting intelligence or not. The Biden administration has been criticized for its handling of the situation, with some accusing it of trying to deflect blame to the previous administration. The US policy on shooting down these objects is to evaluate each event on its own merits, but the lack of clear information and hasty actions have raised concerns.

    • Chinese Spy Balloons Detected in American AirspaceThe current administration has detected Chinese spy balloons in American airspace, emphasizing they're not indicative of alien activity. The College Board removed controversial topics from AP African American History, sparking disagreement and praise for Governor DeSantis' stance on education.

      The current administration has admitted to detecting Chinese spy balloons in American airspace, which were previously undetected during the previous administration. The White House officials, including John Kirby and Karine Jean-Pierre, have emphasized that these incidents are not indicative of alien activity. In a separate issue, the College Board, which administers Advanced Placement (AP) courses, has removed Black Lives Matter and other controversial topics from the AP African American History course following state-level demands. Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, has expressed her disagreement with this decision. Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida, has been praised for his stance on education matters, particularly in relation to the AP courses. Overall, these events highlight the ongoing debates and tensions surrounding national security, education, and cultural issues.

    • Florida's Department of Education debates education vs indoctrinationFlorida DOE opposes intersectionality and neo-Marxism in schools, while Chelsea Handler's video promotes benefits of having children and family lineage

      The debate over education and inclusion versus indoctrination was at the forefront of a discussion, with Florida's Department of Education drawing a line against the proposed syllabus containing intersectionality and neo-Marxism. Meanwhile, Chelsea Handler's Valentine's Day video showcasing a childless woman's life sparked a conversation about the importance of having children and being part of a larger chain of generations. Despite the backlash, the Florida Department of Education stood firm on their stance, emphasizing the importance of education over indoctrination. The video, while intended to be humorous, also highlighted the potential benefits of having children and being embedded in a family lineage.

    • Freedom from obligations vs. Meaningful responsibilitiesHaving higher goals and meaningful responsibilities, like raising a family, brings greater fulfillment to life than freedom from obligations alone.

      Freedom from obligations does not necessarily lead to human flourishing or fulfillment. Instead, having higher goals and meaningful responsibilities, such as raising a family, can bring greater fulfillment to life. The speaker uses Chelsea Handler as an example of someone who, despite being free from traditional obligations, seems unhappy and unfulfilled in her life. The speaker argues that this is because having a purpose and meaning in life, often found through caring for others, is essential for true human flourishing. The meme of a young woman with children versus a woman alone with a cat is used to illustrate this point. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that the burdens and responsibilities that come with a meaningful life are worth it for the fulfillment they bring.

    • The importance of obligations and connectionsEmbracing obligations and deep connections can lead to a more fulfilling and free life, contrary to the perception of being burdened or trapped.

      Having obligations and connecting deeply with others and the world around us can lead to a more fulfilling and free life, contrary to the perception of being burdened or trapped. The speaker contrasted his wife's life, which is filled with obligations to her family, with the life of Chelsea Handler, who is known for her individualistic lifestyle. The speaker argued that his wife feels more fulfilled because she has embedded herself in time and space, and has committed herself to something greater than herself. This sense of connection and obligation can provide a sense of purpose and meaning that goes beyond the superficial pleasures of living a carefree life. It's important to note that this perspective is not meant to criticize or judge those who choose to live differently, but rather to highlight the potential benefits of embracing obligations and connections.

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    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    We are excited to welcome Dan Bongino back to The Sunday Special this week. Bongino’s broadcasts at The Dan Bongino Show are characterized by his profound patriotism and a relentless pursuit of truth. In today’s episode, we forecast the 2024 election, discuss Trump’s unique political strengths, and potential presidential debate strategies for each candidate. We also weigh the merits of populist economics and the Right’s recent bifurcation on foreign policy. Tune in for another fantastic conversation on this episode of The Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 16, 2024

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    We’re proud to announce that DailyWire+ is partnering with Angel Studios on their latest film, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot. The movie is the true story of how Donna and Reverend Martin inspired and supported 22 families from a rural Black church in Texas to adopt 77 of the most at-risk kids from the foster system. This film is the beginning of a determined fight for kids. In America, there are over 100,000 children who need a home, and that is unacceptable. Join the fight for kids today. Get showtimes to see Sound of Hope in theaters starting July 4th at http://angel.com/ben.

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 15, 2024

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    Today I talk to LGBT cancer advocate Liz Margolies. For over 30 years, Liz has worked as a psychotherapist with a specialty in cancer, trauma, and sexuality. She’s an OG LGBT rights activist, and when four of her lesbian friends died of ovarian cancer within months of each other, Liz launched the National LGBT Cancer Network. Because the LGBT community not only has a harder time getting treatment but sexual and gender minorities are also at a much higher risk of getting cancer than the general population. Liz explains why. 

    Find out more about cancer within the LGBT community at www.cancer-network.org. For more information on us, visit https://OffScrip.com and follow @MatthewZachary, @VaxOnPod, and @OffScripHealth on Twitter. 

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    The Nonprofit, Pro Wrestling, Coffee Shop, Rare Cancer Bro Show

    The Nonprofit, Pro Wrestling, Coffee Shop, Rare Cancer Bro Show

    What do you get when you cross a professional wrestler, small business coffee company executive, nonprofit consultant, and rare cancer? Well, that would be the uniquely talented and inspiring unicorn that is Sean Wachter, who joined Matthew live in-studio for one hell of a conversation about how they're both somehow still alive. Well, that and much more, including a total 80s WWF throwback session to WrestleMania, a debate over Randy "Macho Man" Savage vs "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, and how Galaxy Quest got it right with "Never give up. Never surrender." Plus a healthy dose of nonprofit therapy and survivor guilt.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    It's Not a Tumor: The Multitalented Grace Wethor

    It's Not a Tumor: The Multitalented Grace Wethor

    Today on the show, I welcome an extraordinary young woman —> Grace Wethor is a living unicorn of talent and intelligence. Guitarist. Pianist, Trapeze Artist, Figure Skater, Model, Author, TED Speaker — and 6-year survivor of an inoperable brain stem glioma that she was diagnosed with at 13 years old in 2015. Grace is the author of "You're So Lucky" and a new docu-series called "You're So Lucky: The Next Chapter." She joins me to talk about what it's like to have your whole life interrupted at such a young age, and we compare notes against her experiences in the 2010s vs. my eerily similar experiences in the 1990s. Spoiler Alert: We've come pretty far, but we've got a ways to go. Enjoy the show.

    For more information, visit https://OffScripMedia.com and follow @MZOutofPatients, @MatthewZachary, @VaxOnPod, and @OffScripMedia on Twitter.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Carly Flumer Takes No Prisoners

    Carly Flumer Takes No Prisoners

    Today I talk to Carly Flumer, two-time thyroid cancer survivor, Director of Medical Engagement at MMG, and Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer torch bearer. Carly was diagnosed with stage I, metastatic papillary thyroid cancer in January 2017 at the age of 27. She went through treatment, got her masters degree in health communication, and has been blowing up the twitterverse and blogosphere with her story and advice on how to manage a cancer diagnosis. 

    For information on us, visit https://OffScrip.com and follow @MatthewZachary, @VaxOnPod, and @OffScripHealth on Twitter. 

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Autobots: Transform Diabetes and Roll Out

    Autobots: Transform Diabetes and Roll Out

    Today I talk to health marketing and digital health strategist Amy West. Amy is the Head of US Digital Transformation and Innovation at Novo Nordisk, a pharmaceutical company that specializes in diabetes medications and devices. At Novo Nordisk, Amy makes sure patient experiences drive medical innovation. Amy was listed as one of the Medical Marketing & Media Top 40 Healthcare Transformers in 2018. And she’s still the head of her class! Amy talks about innovation, empathy, and creative problem solving for chronic illness.

    And for information on us, visit https://OffScrip.com and follow @MatthewZachary, @VaxOnPod, and @OffScripHealth on Twitter.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.