
    Ep. 1682 - Shocking New January 6 Tape Explodes Media Narratives

    enMarch 07, 2023
    How did Tucker Carlson's footage change views on January 6th?
    What role did police officers play during the Capitol Riot?
    How did the media misrepresent Jacob Chanley's actions?
    What was Anthony Fauci's involvement in the lab leak theory?
    Why are recent protests in Atlanta significant for U.S. authority?

    Podcast Summary

    • The True Story Behind the January 6th Capitol Riot Unveiled.The recently released footage by Tucker Carlson has revealed that January 6th Capitol riot was not only caused by rally attendees but police officers played a role in guiding some people into the building. The media's portrayal of the event was not entirely true, and the response made Republican followers a subject to be painted as rioters. January 6th became the inflection point in American history that needs to be remembered.

      The January 6th Capitol Riot has become a touchstone for American politics, and the release of footage by Tucker Carlson has given new insight into what happened that day.While much of the footage was empty rooms, the parts that were telling showed that the riot was not only caused by people from the rally outside, but that police officers were involved in guiding people into the building.Many of the images that were portrayed in the media were false, and the reaction to January 6th was extreme, with the throwing off of Donald Trump from social media and the painting of all Republicans as rioters.The global left used January 6th as a pretext for attacking democracy and accusing right-wingers of being complicit.The event became a rally cry, and the inflection point in American history that needed to be remembered, similar to September 11th.The reality of what happened on January 6th has been shown to be much more complex than what was portrayed in the media.

    • Tucker Carlson Exposes Media Exaggeration of Capitol RiotsMedia coverage of the January 6th riots was exaggerated, with inaccurate narratives presented to the public. Some details were withheld from the public for two years, leading to conspiracy theories. Despite being predicated on a falsehood regarding the election, the media hyped it up to be a greater threat than it actually was.

      In a recent segment on his show, Tucker Carlson revealed that much of the media coverage of the January 6th riots at the Capitol building was exaggerated.While there was, in fact, a riot and police officers were attacked, some of the narratives presented to the public were inaccurate.The footage shown by Carlson indicated that members of the January 6th committee may have been misled, and that certain details were withheld from the public for two years, leading to conspiracy theories.Despite the riots being predicated on a falsehood regarding the election, the media hyped it up to be a grave threat to democracy, which was not entirely accurate.Some rioters were let in by police, and the threat was not as severe as the media suggested; the building was cleared in two hours, and the Senate resumed certification.

    • Internal Surveillance Footage Casts Doubt on January 6th Riot NarrativeThe full internal surveillance footage, not shown during the trial, reveals that Jacob Chanley was escorted by Capitol Police officers and not a true threat to American democracy. This footage challenges the narrative that the majority of people inside the Capitol were violent rioters looking to harm legislators. The lack of transparency in withholding this evidence raises questions about the fairness of the trial.

      The January 6th committee had full access to internal surveillance footage, which revealed that Capitol Police officers acted as Jacob Chanley's tour guide as he strolled around the Capitol building.At least nine officers were within touching distance of Chanley, but none tried to stop him.The footage shows Chanley giving thanks for Capitol Police officers in a prayer on the floor of the Senate.The public was not allowed to see all of the footage during the trial, preventing people from believing that two things can be true at once.While Chanley was sentenced to prison for his actions, the footage reveals that he was not a true threat to American democracy.The evidence presented makes people doubt the idea that the vast majority of people inside the building were violent rioters looking to harm legislators.The failure to make all of the footage public was done behind closed doors, and casts doubt on the fairness of the trial.

    • Misreporting on the Capitol Riot and its ConsequencesThe media's misreporting on the Capitol Riot and Officer Brian Sicknick's death has been exposed by Tucker Carlson. The QAN Shaman, Jacob Chanley, was given a harsher sentence than some for violent crimes, despite being escorted around the Capitol building by police officers. Bambi offers a valuable service for businesses with HR-related concerns.

      The QAN Shaman, Jacob Chanley, was shown on video being escorted around the Capitol building by police officers, despite claims that he was an insurrectionist.The media portrayal of Chanley was troubling to him, but his behavior during the riot was deemed indefensible by the judge in his trial.Notably, Chanley's sentence was harsher than some for violent crimes.The media's failure to report on the police escort and other lies perpetuated about the events of January 6th have been exposed by Tucker Carlson.Additionally, the death of Officer Brian Sicknick was wrongly reported in the media, and he was made the face of the people hurt by the riot despite not being killed by it.Bambi is a service that provides businesses with an HR manager, crucial for avoiding HR-related bankruptcy.

    • The Controversy Surrounding Officer Brian Sicknick's Death During January 6th RiotsWhile Officer Brian Sicknick was undoubtedly brave in defending Congress and the Capitol, the evidence shows that his death was not a result of the January 6th riots. Reports of heart attacks, suicides, and the initial belief that he was hit with a fire extinguisher have since been debunked, with a medical examiner determining that he died of natural causes due to two strokes.

      The death of Officer Brian Sicknick during the January 6th riots has been shrouded in controversy and misinformation.Initially, it was reported that he was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, but this has since been debunked.There were also reports of heart attacks and suicides, but these were not directly related to the riot.The media coverage of Sicknick's death, along with the image of the now-infamous "QAnon Shaman," became symbols of the riot for Democrats.However, surveillance footage has shown Sicknick walking around the Capitol after the supposed attack, and a medical examiner later determined that he died of natural causes due to suffering two strokes.While Sicknick was undoubtedly courageous in defending Congress and the Capitol, the evidence does not support the narrative that he died as a result of the riot.

    • Capitol Riot Footage Exposes Extreme Political PolarizationThe release of surveillance footage from the Capitol riots has further highlighted the deep political polarization in the country. The situation highlights the need for better communication and a willingness to consider alternative perspectives to avoid further division. Meanwhile, Rex MD offers a simple alternative to men's health concerns, providing access to medication that is affordable and easy to obtain.

      The recent release of surveillance footage from the January 6th Capitol riots has caused a stir in the polarized political climate.The footage sheds light on the events leading up to Ashli Babbitt's death and contradicts initial claims about the cause of her death.The fallout from the release of the footage has been polarized, with Donald Trump congratulating Tucker Carlson on the scoop and Democrats remaining largely silent.The situation has highlighted the extreme polarization in contemporary politics, with individuals and groups motivated to suppress information that could go against their narratives.Meanwhile, Rex MD is offering an alternative solution to men's health concerns by providing an easy, cost-effective way to obtain medication, showing a company that is seeking to offer a solution to a problem facing many individuals.

    • The Media's Role in the January 6th Capitol RiotsThe media's handling of the January 6th Capitol riots footage highlights the need for unbiased and fair reporting. It's crucial to remember the significance of transparency and journalistic integrity in shaping public perception and understanding of events. The recently released footage also raises questions about the accuracy of the narrative created by the media previously.

      The media's handling of the footage from the January 6th Capitol riots has brought up questions of fairness and impartiality.While some individuals saw the police escorting the rioters and assumed they were doing something wrong, others attempted to cover up the evidence and shift the blame onto certain figures.The media created a narrative that emphasized certain individuals, such as the Qan shaman and the man in the Buffalo horns, as leaders of a violent insurrection that threatened to destroy democracy.However, footage recently released by Tucker Carlson contradicts this narrative, leading to criticism from CNN and other outlets.The media's handling of the footage has raised concerns around journalistic standards, fairness, and partisanship, and has sparked debate about what the full footage reveals about the events of January 6th.Ultimately, the handling of the footage underscores the importance of journalistic integrity in shaping public perception and understanding of events.

    • The Deceptive Nature of the Mainstream Media and Dr. Anthony Fauci's EmailsDon't always rely on the media for the full story, especially when dealing with sensitive topics. Be sure to seek out and evaluate the evidence for yourself.

      The mainstream media's coverup of narratives that are unfriendly to left-wing ideas is an ongoing problem, demonstrated by CNN's refusal to investigate the Covid Lab Leak theory due to Jeff Zucker's belief that it was a Trump talking point.This is despite CNN's claim to be the "most trusted name in news." As a result, people are slowly waking up to this deception from the media.Even Dr.Anthony Fauci, who is hailed as a hero, has been found to be deceptive in new emails uncovered by House Republicans.These emails show that he prompted a scientific paper to disprove the lab leak theory, which he had final approval on.Overall, this proves that audiences cannot always trust that the media is providing them with the full story and must remain vigilant in seeking out the truth for themselves.

    • Anthony Fauci's Involvement in the Lab Leak Controversy RevealedEmails reveal that Dr. Anthony Fauci influenced the Proximal Origin paper to support the natural origin theory while dismissing the lab leak theory publicly. Critics argue that Fauci's involvement shows a tendency towards secrecy and favoritism towards information that supports his preconceived notions, raising questions about the trustworthiness and transparency of scientific research.

      The controversy surrounding Anthony Fauci's involvement in the lab leak theory gained traction as emails revealed that he had influenced scientific papers to support the natural origin theory, while publicly downplaying the lab leak theory.The Proximal Origin of SARS Covid two, a paper authored by a group of evolutionary virologists that supported the natural origin theory, was edited and approved by Fauci before its publication in Nature Magazine.Fauci cited this paper as evidence to dismiss the lab leak theory at a White House press conference alongside President Trump.Dr.Christian Anderson, a co-author of the paper, admitted in released emails that Fauci prompted and oversaw the publication of the paper to disprove the lab leak theory.Critics argue that Fauci's involvement shows a tendency towards secrecy and favoritism towards information that supports his preconceived notions.Furthermore, the recent violent protests at a planned law enforcement training facility in Atlanta, allegedly spurred by the killing of a 26-year-old protestor by police, exemplify the growing unrest and distrust of authority in the United States.

    • A Fatal Encounter at the Protest and the Role of the Southern Poverty Law CenterA legal observer employed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, who frequently labels conservatives as hate speech proponents, was arrested alongside a shooter who attempted to shoot patrol trooper officers. Prager U stands out as an educational nonprofit in spreading messages of Liberty, economic freedom, and Judeo-Christian values to the next generation. Meanwhile, Bethany Mandel and Carol Markowitz's new book Stolen Youth highlights the dangers of social media, especially TikTok's tendency to target users with inappropriate content.

      The Patrol Trooper officers were forced to return fire and fatally wound a protester who had attempted to shoot them with a handgun.CNN initially reported the man as a protestor, seemingly legitimizing the violence he had committed.Interestingly, one of the people arrested alongside the shooter was a legal observer employed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization frequently used by the left to label conservatives as hate speech proponents.The Southern Poverty Law Center has since had more people arrested for terrorism than the NRA, which the media often portrays as the main source of domestic terrorism.Amidst the chaos and unrest, Prager U stands out as an educational nonprofit that spreads messages of Liberty, economic freedom, and Judeo-Christian values to the next generation.Donations to Prager U are tax deductible and will be doubled, providing an opportunity to help restore faith in the future of America.Finally, the new book Stolen Youth by Bethany Mandel and Carol Markowitz highlights the dangers of social media, particularly TikTok's tendency to target users with content revolving around sex, drugs, and more.

    • TikTok's Algorithm Directs Minors Towards Harmful ContentTikTok's algorithm can lead young users to view content about drugs and other harmful activities. Scholars and experts suggest that right-wing extremism is a greater concern than left-wing extremism, and that economic inequality can contribute to political unrest.

      The article revealed that TikTok has powerful algorithms that can quickly direct minors towards endless spools of content about sex and drugs.A 13-year-old account was served at least 569 videos about drug use and promotional videos for online sales of drug products and accessories.The media was criticized for their disparate treatment of political violence, where the executive editor of The Atlantic suggested extremist right-wing violence is more problematic than left-wing violence.However, scholars who looked closely at extremism suggest it's the extremist right-wing violence that should be a concern.Experts suggest that the solution to extremist left-wing violence is fairness and justice.The article also notes that economic inequality contributes to political unrest, citing the example of the years of lead in Italy in the 1980s, fuelled by a poor economy.

    • The Impact of Economy and Politics on Behavior and PoliciesA stable, inclusive economy and effective policies can prevent extreme actions and divisions within parties. However, justifications for criminal activities and controversial policies can lead to unrest and division. The consequences of policies must be carefully considered and assessed.

      The state of the economy has a strong impact on people's actions and behavior.A stronger economy with less wealth disparity could prevent extreme and violent actions.Violence from the left is often justified by their agenda, leading to a crack up within the Democratic party.Recently, a bill was proposed to loosen restrictions on criminal activities in Washington DC, including carjacking.While crime rates are rising, many Democratic leaders believe long sentences do not deter crime, and DC already has a higher incarceration rate than any state in America.Joe Biden is now considering reinstating the detention of migrant families, a practice that was strongly opposed when Trump was in office.This shows how reality sometimes sets in, and the consequences of certain policies are felt.

    • Biden administration considering reopening migrant detention centreDespite campaign promises for a more compassionate approach to immigration, the Biden administration is resorting to more restrictive measures, including the possibility of reopening a Trump-era detention centre and using ankle bracelets and cell phones to monitor families. This has sparked criticism of the administration's inconsistency and similarities to Trump's policies. Biden's recent performance also raises questions about his abilities as president.

      The Biden administration is reportedly considering reopening a Trump-era migrant detention centre that was closed over concerns of mistreatment of minors, in response to the surge of migrants at the US border.This move marks a significant reversal of Biden's campaign promise to adopt a more compassionate approach to immigration.Officials have said that the Biden administration has already ended the practice of family detention and has chosen to release them into the US temporarily.With the rise of migrants, the administration is now resorting to more restrictive measures, including the Reed detention of families, as well as using ankle bracelets and cell phones to monitor them.Critics have highlighted the inconsistency of the administration's policies and how Biden's approach is increasingly mirroring Trump's policies, despite the former being more focused on finding ways to reduce the number of illegal crossings and expanding legal pathways for migrants.Joe Biden's recent performance attempting to climb up a staircase further adds to questions about his abilities as president.

    • Kamala Harris shares her passion for water policy and childhood stories while discussing politics; author addresses contradiction in left's beliefs.Kamala Harris is a strong advocate for water policy and investing in it can create a positive impact for the environment. The article also highlights the importance of understanding different political beliefs and avoiding labeling individuals with extreme names like Hitler or Mussolini.

      The article discusses Kamala Harris' deep thoughts, including her love for water policy and her stories about her childhood, during an event.She expresses her passion for water policy and discusses the impact of investing in it.Harris also shares her thoughts on why she didn't become a conservative when she was young.The article then shifts to talk about the contrast between Ron DeSantis in Florida and Gavin Newsom in California.NBC News' presidential historian Michael Belo calls DeSantis "like Mussolini," an accusation that the author disagrees with.The author likes when the left's hypocrisy is exposed, as in this case.The article ends with a criticism of the left's tendency to label people as Hitler or Mussolini when they don't like them.

    • False Narratives and the Media's Fear of Ron DeSantisIt is important to ignore false comparisons and accusations made about politicians and instead judge them based on their actions and policies. The media's fear of Ron DeSantis has led to false narratives being spread about his leadership, which only serves to further divide the country. It is crucial to look past the media's attempt to vilify politicians and focus on their actual track record.

      The media's fear of Ron DeSantis has led to false comparisons and accusations being made about his leadership.Despite winning his position by 20 points, some have taken to calling him a "local Mussolini" for his emphasis on civil liberties and law and order.However, there is no evidence that DeSantis has ever attempted to ban books or require bloggers to register with the government.Instead, his emphasis on protecting children from explicit material in schools has been twisted into false narratives.The media's attempt to vilify DeSantis speaks to their desire for Trump to return, as they believe he would be a more beatable opponent.However, their fear of DeSantis is unfounded and only serves to further divide the country.It is important to look past false narratives and judge politicians based on their actual actions and policies.

    • The Hypocrisy of the Left in Corporate and Political InterferenceThe left is criticized for condemning Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for speaking out against corporate involvement in politics while endorsing such practices themselves, as shown by their targeting of Walgreens and calls to boycott MLB in Florida and Georgia. DeSantis is commended for taking a stand against this hypocrisy.

      The author highlights the hypocrisy of many on the left, who criticize Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for standing against corporate interference in politics, while they themselves endorse such practices.They point out that Governor DeSantis went after Disney for injecting itself into political matters, with the Parental Rights and Education Act, and encouraged corporations to remain apolitical or lose their special tax breaks.In contrast, the left is now targeting Walgreens for refusing to distribute abortion medication in certain states.They are even calling for MLB to abandon Florida and Georgia, due to DeSantis' supposed "culture wars." The piece suggests that these actions show the double standard present in the corporate and political worlds, with the left endorsing corporate involvement when it suits them and condemning it when it does not.Governor DeSantis is presented as someone who is willing to take on this hypocrisy, which makes him a target for those on the left.

    • Protecting Children's Privacy and Providing Actual GuidanceChildren deserve privacy and protection from outside influences that may teach them lies. It is not the job of parents to give kids a "safe and supportive environment" to grow up in a screwed-up way but rather to provide rules and actual guidance. Children should be taught to fight against delusions and parents may be contributing to the rise of minority identities in society.

      The article discusses a case of what the author considers to be bad parenting, as a mother shares on social media that her 12-year-old child has come out as transgender.The author disagrees with the mother's decision to publicize such personal information about a child, arguing that children deserve privacy and protection from outside influences that may teach them lies.The author also suggests that it is not the job of parents to give kids a "safe and supportive environment" to grow up in a screwed-up way but rather to provide rules and actual guidance.Furthermore, the author claims that indulging a child's "bizarre fantasy" that they can be a member of the opposite sex is harmful and that children should be taught to fight against delusions.The article concludes by suggesting that a genetic bottleneck and lack of parental guidance may be contributing to the rise of minority identities in society.

    • Three Out of Four Children Identifying as LGBTThe Shapiro Show discusses a family with three of four children identifying as LGBT. The host raises concerns about whether this is genetic evolution or the parents ushering them into gender-confusing ideologies. The show encourages listeners to become members to continue listening with a better understanding of LGBT identity controversies.

      The Shapiro Show discusses a family where three out of the four children identify as LGBT.Max came out as bisexual in June 2020, followed by Kat who announced she was a lesbian in February 2022, while the status of the fourth child is unknown.The children's mother, Heather, posted supportive messages on social media for both Max and Kat.The host raises concerns about whether this is a genetic evolution in humanity or a result of the parents ushering their children into gender and sexually confusing ideologies.The host expresses serious doubts about the happiness of the children, questioning whether they have been pushed into LGBT identities due to family culture rather than genetic predisposition.The show encourages listeners to become members to continue listening to the discussion and participate in the mailbag segment.

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    The King Of Satire And Disguise | Matt Walsh

    The King Of Satire And Disguise | Matt Walsh

    On today’s episode of the Sunday Special, I sit down with the man, the myth, the fearless leader of the Sweet Baby Gang, The Daily Wire’s very own Matt Walsh. Walsh’s knack for revealing lies with satire has been captured once again in "Am I Racist?”, where the toxicity of racial equity is on full display. In the film, Matt infiltrates a “White Privilege Grief Workshop,” disguises himself as a DEI consultant to the queen of the anti-racists, Robin DiAngelo, and all while threads the needle for us as viewers on the profound anti-Americanism that undergirds it all. All of us at The Daily Wire cannot wait for the rest of the nation to see the film, and grapple with the reality of the DEI industry. Don’t miss this inside look at "Am I Racist?", out in theaters September 13th. Welcome back to another episode of the Sunday Special.



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    International Fellowship of Christians and Jews - To give to IFCJ, visit https://benforthefellowship.org/

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enSeptember 08, 2024

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