
    Ep. 1683 - Andrew Tate and the Era of Sexual Confusion

    enMarch 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Andrew Tate's controversial comments on gender and sexualityAndrew Tate's comments on preferring a well-surgeried transsexual over an ugly woman reflect the confusion surrounding gender and sexuality in modern society, rooted in our rejection of teleology.

      The popularity of Andrew Tate, despite his controversial statements, lies in his critique of modern society, even if his proposed solutions are misguided. His recent comments about preferring to have sex with a well-surgeried transsexual over an ugly woman highlight the confusion surrounding gender and sexuality in today's society. This confusion, according to Tate, stems from our society's rejection of teleology, or the belief that things were created with a purpose. This rejection has led to a morass of sexual chaos, and Tate's comments, though bizarre, reflect this cultural disconnect. The fascination with Tate, despite his problematic views, underscores the need for a clearer understanding of gender and sexuality in our society.

    • The historical and biological roots of male and female rolesUnderstanding the historical and biological context of male and female roles helps us recognize their significance and potential consequences in modern society.

      The purpose of male and female, and the roles associated with masculinity and femininity, are rooted in the biological function of reproduction. Throughout the animal kingdom, sex is primarily oriented toward reproduction, and the pleasure derived from it is a secondary benefit. This teleological perspective, which holds that every action has a purpose, has historically shaped the roles of men and women, with women primarily responsible for bearing and rearing children, and men for protecting and providing. However, in modern society, this connection has been severed, leading to confusion and societal issues. It is important to recognize the historical and biological context of these roles in order to understand their significance and the potential consequences of disregarding them.

    • Rules of marriage and sex rooted in family creationWhen the purpose of sex is removed, rules and language surrounding it can seem arbitrary or discriminatory.

      When the connection between sex and reproduction is severed, it can lead to confusion and misunderstandings, as the remaining animal instincts can result in sexist or fetishistic behaviors. The traditional rules of marriage, such as chastity before marriage and monogamy, were once rooted in the purpose of creating a family unit and providing for biological children. However, when these rules are removed from this context, they can be perceived as sexist or outdated. On the other hand, focusing solely on sexual pleasure and secondary sexual characteristics can lead to fetishistic behaviors. The teleological answer to sex is to have it with a trusted partner for the purpose of creating a family and having children. When this purpose is removed, the rules and language surrounding sex can sound arbitrary or discriminatory. It's important to remember that the rules and language surrounding sex make sense in the context of their original purpose.

    • Understanding the Perspective of Individuals with Unconventional Views on Masculinity and Women's RolesFocusing on the teleological consequences of sex and relationships can distort the secondary aspects of masculinity and femininity. The importance of family units and men as protectors and providers should not be overlooked.

      The context and purpose of relationships and gender roles are crucial in understanding the perspective of individuals like Andrew Tate, who have unconventional views on masculinity and women's roles. When the focus shifts from the teleological consequences of sex and relationships, such as marriage and childbearing, the secondary aspects of masculinity and femininity can become distorted and misconstrued as fetishistic or sexist. The importance of family units and the roles of men as protectors and providers should not be overlooked. Ultimately, the loss of moral guidance and societal frameworks has led to an unmet need that individuals like Andrew Tate are filling, despite the potential for misunderstanding and controversy.

    • The disconnect between sex and its purpose in relationshipsModern society's focus on subjective sexual pleasure over propagation, marriage, and community values leads to confusion, depression, and chaos.

      The disconnection between sex and its teleological purpose in relationships has harmful consequences for both men and women. The loss of masculinity in men leads to toxicity or enervation, while women experience confusion and upset. This is due to the fact that human beings were created with the purpose of propagation, marriage, enriching children, and protecting communities and values. However, in modern society, these purposes have been largely replaced by subjective sexual pleasure. A podcast called "The Whatever Podcast" illustrates this confusion, with one clip going viral over a male guest refusing to have sex with a transsexual woman, which is seen as sexist despite biology. This disconnect between sex and its purpose is leading to widespread confusion, depression, and chaos in society.

    • The Disconnection Between Sex and ReproductionThe disconnection between sex and reproduction in modern society can lead to confusion, objectification, and the destruction of gender distinctions. Understanding the biological and historical contexts of gender and sexuality is crucial to avoiding these negative consequences.

      The disconnection between sex and reproduction in modern society can lead to confusion and objectification, particularly for women. The discussion revolves around the implications of this disconnection, using examples from transgender issues and dating culture. The speaker argues that the removal of the teleology of male-female relationships can result in the fetishistic objectification of women and the destruction of the distinction between the sexes. Additionally, the speaker critiques the normalization of "talking stages" in dating culture and the use of the word "like" as a nervous tic or as a sign of immaturity in communication. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the biological and historical contexts of gender and sexuality, and the potential consequences of ignoring them.

    • The Talking Stage: Confusing Dating in Modern TimesIn traditional societies, relationships followed a clear progression, but modern dating lacks purpose and structure, leading to the 'talking stage' where the direction is unclear. Starting with a clear goal can help preserve memories and ensure a successful relationship.

      The speaker believes that human relationships, particularly romantic ones, have lost their sense of purpose and structure due to the rejection of traditional norms, such as the connection between sex, commitment, marriage, and childbearing. Instead, there is a phenomenon called the "talking stage," a confusing and awkward phase in the dating process where the purpose and direction of the relationship are unclear. To preserve memories and cherish the past, the speaker recommends using Legacy Box, a service that digitally preserves old media like film reels, photos, and VHS tapes. The speaker also shares that in traditional societies, relationships followed a clear progression from meeting someone, dating, marriage, having sex, and having children. The speaker argues that starting with a clear end goal for the relationship can help avoid confusion and ensure a successful and fulfilling relationship.

    • The loss of purposeful progression in relationships and societal eventsThe dismantling of traditional relationship milestones and societal norms, such as the talking stage, can lead to confusion and chaos, highlighting the importance of understanding the purpose and intent behind actions.

      The purposeful progression of relationships, as intended, has been dismantled, leading to confusion and chaos. This is evident in the distortion of traditional relationship milestones and societal norms. For instance, the talking stage, which once served to clarify intentions and commitments, is now seen as aimless and confusing. This dismantling of teleology is also highlighted in the controversy surrounding Tucker Carlson's revelation of previously unseen footage from January 6th, which challenges the widely held narrative of violent insurrection. The misallocation of resources during this event further underscores the importance of understanding the purpose and intent behind actions. Overall, the loss of clear purpose and progression in relationships and societal events can lead to widespread confusion and frustration.

    • Media initially reported Officer Brian Cichnik's death as a murder, but evidence suggested natural causesMedia's oversimplification of events and false narratives about January 6th have led to calls for censorship, but acknowledging complexities and truth is crucial.

      During a discussion on Tucker Carlson's monologue about the events of January 6th at the Capitol, it was highlighted that the media initially reported the death of Officer Brian Cichnik as a murder by rioters, despite evidence suggesting natural causes. This is a standard not typically applied to other police deaths. Tucker Carlson also gave credence to false narratives about the election being overturned and the event being peaceful. The inability of Democrats to acknowledge the complexities of the situation and maintain their narrative of January 6th as the worst event in US history since the Civil War, has led to calls for Tucker's censorship. Despite the complexity of the situation, it's essential to acknowledge the truth and not oversimplify events.

    • Discussion on Exodus and CensorshipDespite differing views, both Dennis Prager and Tucker Carlson's perspectives were acknowledged as biased. However, it was only Carlson who faced calls for censorship, highlighting the importance of upholding diverse perspectives in public discourse.

      During a discussion on Daily Wire Plus about the book of Exodus, Dennis Prager expressed his belief that love cannot be truly unconditional, as it should encourage growth and improvement. Meanwhile, in a separate context, Tucker Carlson faced calls for censorship from Democrats due to his presentation of footage related to the January 6th Capitol riots. Prager and Carlson's views, though differing, were both openly acknowledged as biased, but it was Carlson who faced calls for censorship. This raises questions about the hypocrisy of those demanding censorship and the importance of allowing diverse perspectives in the public discourse. The discussion on Exodus, which explores various aspects of the Bible, is available exclusively for Daily Wire Plus members and offers a fresh perspective on the text.

    • 8 words: Debating the Complexities of the Capitol RiotsDespite varying perspectives, it's crucial to acknowledge the complexities and nuances of the Capitol riots, with some viewing it as a serious attack on democracy, while others depict it as more nuanced. The narrative should be approached with accuracy and nuance.

      The narrative surrounding the events of January 6th, 2021, at the Capitol building has been a subject of intense debate, with some claiming it was the worst attack on democracy since the civil war, while others suggest it was more complex and nuanced. Tucker Carlson's portrayal of the events as orderly and meek has been met with strong disagreement from those who witnessed the riots firsthand. Mitch McConnell and other critics have expressed concern over how the events were depicted, but have not called for censorship or deplatforming. The chief of the Capitol Police has described the events as a riot, and it's important to remember that the narrative must be approached with nuance and accuracy, acknowledging the complexities and nuances of the events that transpired.

    • January 6th Capitol Attack: Context and Transparency DebatedPoliticians and media figures continue to debate the portrayal of the January 6th Capitol attack, with concerns over selective information, lack of context, and transparency.

      The debate surrounding Tucker Carlson's coverage of the January 6th Capitol attack revolves around context and transparency. McConnell and Schumer have been criticized for their selective use of information and lack of context in their calls for Carlson's removal from the airwaves. The Capitol Police chief, Thomas Manger, has also weighed in, expressing concern over misleading conclusions presented about the attack and the role of officers. Meanwhile, McCarthy defends his decision to provide footage to Carlson, arguing for transparency. The discussion also touched on the partisan media's handling of January 6th and the Biden administration's focus on the event over current issues. Despite the ongoing controversy, it's clear that the January 6th attack continues to be a contentious topic in American politics.

    • Border Crisis: Danger for Americans and Surge in MigrantsThe U.S.-Mexico border remains a hotspot for cartel violence, drug trafficking, and migrant surges, requiring the Biden administration to reconsider Trump-era policies for stronger border control and addressing root causes.

      The border between the United States and Mexico remains a significant source of danger for Americans, with cartels responsible for both the trafficking of deadly drugs like fentanyl into the U.S. and the kidnapping and murder of citizens on the Mexican side. The situation has grown so severe that the Biden administration is reportedly considering reinstating Trump-era immigration policies to address an unexpected surge in migrants and strengthen border control measures. Despite the administration's previous criticisms of such policies, they now find themselves in a position where they must confront the very issues they once condemned. The ongoing crisis at the border also highlights the urgent need to address the root causes of cartel violence and drug trafficking, as well as the importance of effective law enforcement and international cooperation to keep communities safe on both sides of the border.

    • Potential Changes in Immigration Policies and Political SpeculationThe end of Title 42 restrictions could lead to family detention, while rumors of Michelle Obama's 2024 presidential run add intrigue. President Biden's fitness to serve remains a topic, but substance and policy differences should be prioritized.

      The end of Title 42 restrictions may lead to potential changes in immigration policies, including the possibility of family detention. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden's fitness to serve continues to be a topic of discussion, with First Lady Jill Biden defending his ability to handle long travel and meetings. Additionally, rumors have surfaced about Michelle Obama considering a 2024 presidential run, with her recent emotional revelations about the 2017 inauguration adding intrigue to the political landscape. However, the focus on personal characteristics and emotions should not overshadow the importance of addressing policy differences and substance in political discourse.

    • Michelle Obama's Disappointment and Economic DevelopmentsMichelle Obama criticized lack of diversity at a Trump rally, while the Federal Reserve admitted higher inflation and interest rates than anticipated, potentially impacting President Biden.

      Michelle Obama expressed disappointment about the lack of diversity during a Trump rally, which some may view as racist. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is facing criticism for its handling of interest rates and inflation. Jerome Powell admitted that inflation is running higher than expected, and the ultimate level of interest rates may be higher than previously anticipated. These economic developments could potentially impact President Joe Biden. Additionally, there was a heated debate on ESPN between JJ Redick and Kendrick Perkins, which was a noteworthy moment.

    • ESPN's First Take: Manufactured Racial Controversies for Ratings?ESPN's 'First Take' discussion on racial bias in MVP awards and accusations of stat padding vs. distractions from important issues and division

      The sports news platform ESPN has been accused of manufacturing racial controversies for ratings. During a recent discussion on "First Take," Kendrick Perkins suggested that white NBA voters favor white players for MVP awards, implying racism. JJ Redick strongly disagreed with this narrative, stating that Nikola Jokic's achievements do not fit the narrative Perkins is pushing. Perkins also accused Jokic of stat padding. Meanwhile, Cori Bush, a Black Lives Matter congresswoman, has been criticized for spending $137,000 on a close friend and highest-paid private security guard, who has made controversial statements, including claims of being 1,000,000,000,000,000 years old and that Jews control the world. While attention is often focused on perceived racial issues based on appearance, it is essential to remember the bigger picture, which includes threats to global populations and the actions of powerful elites. These manufactured narratives can distract from important issues and create unnecessary division.

    • Political debates over education and historyRon DeSantis faces criticism for limiting certain perspectives in classrooms, while Cori Bush faces scrutiny for her associations. Ken Burns compares DeSantis' actions to Soviet and Nazi regimes, but it's important to maintain factual accuracy and acknowledge America's complex history.

      There are intense political debates surrounding education and history, with figures like Ron DeSantis facing criticism for limiting certain perspectives in classrooms. Meanwhile, Cori Bush, a Democratic congresswoman, has faced scrutiny for her associations with controversial figures. Ken Burns, a renowned historian, has entered the fray, comparing DeSantis' actions to Soviet and Nazi regimes. However, it's important to note that Potemkin villages were a Soviet phenomenon, and the historical context is complex. The discussion also touched on the need to acknowledge America's complicated history, including its founding principles and the existence of slavery. Amidst these debates, it's crucial to maintain factual accuracy and avoid oversimplifications or misattributions.

    • Media's portrayal of political figuresGovernor DeSantis may not control every legislative action, but media's dishonest portrayal of political figures like DeSantis and Trump can be exaggerated, often labeling them as threats.

      During the Florida legislative session, Governor DeSantis may not have control over every bill or amendment, as the Florida House and Senate have independent agency. However, the media's portrayal of political figures, such as DeSantis and former President Trump, can be dishonest and exaggerated. Trump is often labeled as a unique threat to the republic and anyone challenging him in a primary is deemed a threat as well. It's important to remember that media narratives may not always align with the truth. Other topics to be discussed on the show include riots in France and the investigation into who bombed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. If you're interested, consider becoming a member using the code Shapiro for a free trial on annual plans.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    52 - Women Speak Out: Why We March

    In this episode of Love Your Bodd, Heather caught up with some activists who participated in the Women's March NYC! Why was it so important for them to march? What were some memorable experiences they had while marching? If you'd like to hear about what the Women's March was like here in NYC, take a listen. These guests have some pretty incredible things to say!


    One guest, Crystal, mentions her photography project RISE UP IN LOVE. Love Your Bodd has collaborated with Rise Up in Love in the past so make sure to check out those previous episodes. Find out more info on the photo project here - 

    Rise Up In Love

    Facebook: facebook.com/riseupinlovenyc

    Instagram: @riseupinlovenyc
    or by using the hashtag #riseupinlove or #riseupinlovenyc


    Love Your Bodd Stuffz


    Email LYB: loveyourboddcast@gmail.com


    Tweet: @LoveYourBodd


    Instagram: @love_your_bodd


    Facebook: Love Your Bodd



    Find Heather @HeatherBoddy on Snapchat, Twitter & Instagram



    Get Resources: Love Your Bodd is a proud supporter of the Born This Way Foundation - check out their resources page to get help for whatever issue you might be facing - 



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    Post pornografía (parte 2)

    Post pornografía (parte 2)
    La pornografía es el motor velado de la economía informática mundial. Cada día, 250 nuevos portales abren sus puertas a un número creciente de usuarios de todas las edades y de cualquier parte del mundo. La acriz y directora porno Annie Sprinkle daría a la pornografía un giro aún más interesante al buscar en la imagen sexual un caracter documental. Se trata de pensar, como diría el teórico Norman Bryson, en una historia de las imágenes más que en una historia del arte; es decir, en lo que la imagen nos dice de la sociedad que la genera. "Para Sprinkle, la verdad de la sexuallidad que la pornografía pretende capturar no es sino el efecto de un dispositivo de representación, de un conjunto de coreografías corporales reguladas por códigos bien precisos, semejantes a los que dominan la danza, la acción cinematográfica clásica o el teatro". Un recorrido mordaz por los terrenos de la representación del cuerpo y la moral que lo cancela.