
    Ep. 1706 - Shocking Details Emerge As Pentagon Leaker Arrested

    enApril 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Media's role in national security leaksThe media's handling of national security leaks can be influenced by political affiliations, and their eagerness to blame external forces can sometimes be premature. It's crucial to maintain a critical perspective on media reporting, especially in sensitive areas like national security.

      The media's handling of national security leaks is questionable and often influenced by the political affiliations of the current administration. The latest example involves the arrest of a Massachusetts Air National Guardsman, Jack Tashira, who leaked sensitive US intelligence documents to a Discord channel, rather than going through traditional media outlets. The media's eagerness to blame Russia for the leak was premature, as Tashira had no connection to Russian national security forces. The media's role in helping to identify the leaker before his arrest is also noteworthy. This incident highlights the importance of maintaining a critical perspective on media reporting, especially when it comes to national security matters.

    • Media focus on leaker's identity vs contentMedia response to leaks depends on leaker's political stance. Left-wing leaks focus on content, while right-wing leaks focus on leaker's identity. Protect your data with a VPN for privacy.

      The media's response to national security leaks can vary greatly depending on the perceived political affiliation of the leaker. When the leaker is perceived as left-wing, the focus is often on the content of the leaks, while when the leaker is perceived as right-wing, the focus shifts to the person behind the leaks. This was evident in the recent case of a 21-year-old man who allegedly leaked US secrets, with the media quickly homing in on his identity and personal background, rather than the content of the leaks. This trend was contrasted with past leaks by Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, where the focus was primarily on the leaked information itself. It's important to remember that privacy is a concern for everyone, and taking steps to protect your data, such as using a VPN service like ExpressVPN, can help keep your browsing activity private and secure.

    • Massive leak of classified military documents reveals US involvement in conflictsSuspected Air National Guard employee's arrest highlights importance of securing digital info, potential risks of careless handling leading to significant security breaches

      The arrest of Jack Tashira, a 21-year-old Air National Guard employee, has brought attention to a massive leak of classified military documents revealing sensitive information about US involvement in conflicts like Ukraine and the Middle East. Tashira is suspected of sharing these documents online, leading to a significant security breach. The documents suggest that the US has personnel on the ground in Ukraine and has been pressuring allies for support. They also reveal estimates of high casualty numbers and the US's attempts to leverage allies to further its interests. The leak has caused concern about the security of classified information and the potential consequences of such breaches. The focus has shifted from the content of the documents to the identity of the leaker, highlighting the importance of securing digital information and the potential risks of careless handling.

    • Media's Inconsistent Response to Leaks Based on Political AffiliationThe media's inconsistent response to leaks based on political affiliation can obscure the complexities of maintaining national security secrets and potentially harm U.S. interests.

      The treatment of leaks by the media and the public varies greatly depending on the target and source of the leaks. For instance, a person who leaks information damaging to Democrats may face intense scrutiny and criticism, while someone who leaks information damaging to Republicans may be hailed as a hero. This inconsistent response can contribute to the belief that all leaks are acceptable. However, it's important to remember that maintaining national security secrets is crucial for the United States to pursue successful foreign policies, particularly during times of conflict. Overclassification of information is a concern, but there are also things the government does that should not be made public. The media's disparate treatment of leaks can obscure these complexities and potentially harm U.S. interests. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the context and implications of each leak, rather than applying a blanket judgment based on the political affiliation of those involved.

    • Selective enforcement of laws in classified info leaksDespite the law being applied unequally in cases of classified info leaks, those with political implications often face no consequences, while figures like Manning and Ellsberg face prosecution

      There seems to be a disparity in how leaks of classified information are investigated and prosecuted based on the political implications of the leaks. For instance, while a Pentagon official, Colin Call, leaked classified information about Chinese spy balloons, there has been no known prosecution. Similarly, investigations into major IRS leaks and a Supreme Court justice leaking the outcome of a landmark abortion case have yielded no results. Comparatively, figures like Chelsea Manning and Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked damaging information in the past, have faced consequences but are viewed differently due to the political context of their leaks. The selective enforcement of laws and media coverage of these incidents raises concerns about fairness and transparency.

    • Expanding online monitoring to prevent classified document leaksThe Biden administration is broadening online surveillance, targeting social media and chat rooms, to prevent future leaks of sensitive information.

      The Biden administration is responding to the leak of classified Pentagon documents by expanding online monitoring, including social media sites and chat rooms, in an attempt to prevent future incidents. This comes after intelligence agencies failed to detect the documents' circulation online for weeks. The administration is considering new authorities to monitor private chat rooms, which currently requires probable cause. Meanwhile, in Tennessee, Democrat Justin Pearson was reinstated to the state legislature after being expelled for storming the capitol. The process for reinstatement involved the Shelby County Board of Commissioners' unanimous approval. The focus on increased online monitoring and the reinstatement of Pearson highlight the ongoing challenges of maintaining security and order in the digital age and in political spheres.

    • Two Tennessee lawmakers' controversial pasts contradict their public imagesDespite their passionate speeches for civil rights and equality, two Tennessee lawmakers faced criticism and questions about their authenticity due to their past actions, which included exaggerated performances and alleged assault with a traffic cone, leading to concerns about their true intentions.

      During a recent event at the Tennessee General Assembly, two lawmakers gained attention for their passionate speeches against controversial bills. However, it was later revealed that both lawmakers, including the one described as "cosplaying" civil rights leaders, had questionable past actions that contradicted their public images. The first lawmaker's exaggerated performances were criticized for being a poor representation of historical figures and lacking authenticity. The second lawmaker, Justin Jones, was exposed for his involvement in past Black Lives Matter protests where he allegedly assaulted drivers with a traffic cone, for which he was indicted on reckless endangerment charges. Despite their claims of fighting for civil rights and equality, their past actions raised concerns about their true intentions and credibility.

    • Legislative actions on gun violence and school safetyBipartisan support for enhancing school security and emergency preparedness in Tennessee, while politicians push for diversity in Senate appointment in California

      While the media narrative often focuses on race and political chaos, actual legislative actions addressing critical issues like gun violence and school safety are being made. For instance, Tennessee's House Bill 322 passed with bipartisan support, implementing measures to enhance school security and emergency preparedness. However, some politicians, such as Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones, and Justin Pearson, opposed the bill. Meanwhile, in California, there is growing pressure for Governor Gavin Newsom to appoint a black woman to replace Diane Feinstein in the Senate, should she resign, as part of a pledge he made earlier. Despite these political dynamics, significant legislative progress continues to be made.

    • The Importance of Qualifications and Historical Accuracy in RepresentationThe media and entertainment industry should prioritize qualifications and historical accuracy over race in casting decisions to promote more nuanced and inclusive representation.

      The discussion revolves around the issue of race and representation in various fields, including politics and Hollywood. The speaker expresses concern over the prioritization of race over qualifications and historical accuracy. They argue that the media and entertainment industry often perpetuate this issue, leading to controversial casting choices and debates. The speaker also shares their personal experiences and beliefs about the historical figure Cleopatra, emphasizing that she was likely of African descent. The speaker concludes by pointing out the inconsistency in casting and the need for a more nuanced and inclusive approach to representation.

    • Historical accuracy and religious respect in entertainmentEnsure factual accuracy and respect for historical figures and religious beliefs in entertainment to avoid controversy and maintain integrity.

      The importance of accuracy and respect for historical figures and religious beliefs was a recurring theme in the discussion. Netflix's production of a Cleopatra series with Jada Pinkett Smith raised questions about the need for factual accuracy and the potential impact of intersectionality. Meanwhile, the importance of having a life insurance plan was emphasized, with Policy Genius offering a solution for finding affordable and customized coverage. Jordan Peterson's perspective on taking the Lord's name in vain as a caution against the casual use of the sacred was also discussed. The damaging effects of intersectionality, particularly on trans individuals, were criticized, with calls for accountability and respect for individual choices and experiences.

    • Washington state protects trans patients and doctors from other states' lawsWashington state is considering legislation to limit parental consent for gender transition procedures and protect trans patients and doctors from other states' laws, while there are concerns about housing males in female prisons and high inflation under the Biden administration.

      While some states are limiting gender affirming care for minors, Washington state is moving in the opposite direction. The state is trying to protect trans patients and doctors from other states' laws and is considering legislation that would limit parental consent for gender transition procedures and keep the state from disclosing a child's whereabouts if they run away for such care. Elon Musk, a parent and critic, has called for criminal penalties for sterilizing minors without consent. Meanwhile, there are concerns about housing males in female prisons in Washington state, with some inmates reporting sexual assaults. The Biden administration, which supports such policies, is also facing criticism for its handling of inflation, which remains high despite recent decreases. The 12-month inflation rate is still over 5%, more than double the target rate, and real wages have decreased since Biden took office.

    • BRICS Considering New Trading Currency Amid US Dollar UncertaintyBRICS nations, representing over 40% of the world's population, are exploring the creation of a new trading currency to reduce reliance on the US dollar, potentially impacting US debt affordability and global economic stability.

      The BRICS nations, which include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, representing 41% of the world's population, are considering creating their own trading currency to replace the US dollar in foreign trade. This comes after a report suggesting the US dollar's demise as the world's reserve currency, leading to a temporary price spike and sell-off in the stock market. The potential shift could make it more expensive for the US to raise debt, impacting its ability to afford social spending. Meanwhile, political tensions and instability, such as Brazil's Lula de Silva's calls for BRICS currency and Biden administration's issues, add to the uncertainty in the global economy. Employers continue to face challenges in hiring, making ZipRecruiter an effective solution. Despite these challenges, Biden's trip to Ireland was marked by a dog incident and an announcement of an extension, neither of which came to fruition.

    • Biden's Commitment to US-Ireland Alliance and Global UnityPresident Biden emphasized unity and cooperation between nations to achieve peace, equality, diversity, and hope, while acknowledging challenges and exceptions. He remains the favorite to win re-election despite low approval ratings.

      Despite some awkward moments and notable exceptions, President Joe Biden expressed his commitment to the United States' alliance with Ireland and the world during a press conference. He emphasized the importance of unity and cooperation between nations to achieve peace, equality, diversity, and hope. Biden also acknowledged the challenges and exceptions to this commitment but reaffirmed the United States' role as a reliable partner. Despite his current low approval ratings, Biden remains the odds-on favorite to win re-election due to the Republicans' inability to unite behind a strong candidate. The president's grandfather was a recurring theme in his speech, symbolizing love and resilience. Overall, Biden's message emphasized the importance of unity and cooperation in addressing global challenges.

    • Addressing election concerns requires a clear planFocusing solely on criticisms without proposing solutions could hinder the Republican Party's chances in future elections. Understanding the political landscape and effective mechanisms is crucial for enacting change.

      While there are valid concerns about election integrity, it's essential to have a clear plan to address them if one believes there was widespread fraud. Donald Trump's claims of election theft lack substantial evidence, and focusing solely on his criticisms without proposing solutions could hinder the Republican Party's chances in future elections. Additionally, understanding the functioning of government systems is crucial to effectively enact change. For instance, Trump's promise to remove "Soros district attorneys" would be ineffective because these individuals are employed at the state level, not the federal level. Thus, it's vital to have a comprehensive understanding of the political landscape and the mechanisms that can be utilized to bring about desired change.

    • Political double standards and hypocrisyRepublicans face criticism for bringing up controversial figures or taking strong stances, while Democrats' disruptive behaviors are hailed as fighting for democracy. Leadership involves making tough decisions, even if politically risky.

      The political landscape is filled with hypocrisy and double standards. If you're a Republican, mentioning certain names or taking strong stances can label you as a villain, while Democrats get a pass for disruptive behaviors. For instance, Republicans like Donald Trump are criticized for bringing up George Soros, a left-wing billionaire funding a sexual assault lawsuit against him, while Democrats' occupation of state capitols is hailed as fighting for democracy. On the other hand, getting things done, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signing a six-week abortion ban, despite political risks, is a demonstration of leadership. The choice is clear: focus on achieving results or prioritize feeling good about oneself, even if it means losing. DeSantis' bold move on the abortion ban, despite potential backlash, is a prime example of leadership and staking out a position, even if it's politically risky.

    • The Republican Party faces a significant decision in 2024Consumer sentiment can influence companies and politicians, while traditional gender roles can spark controversy. Society's choices impact the political landscape.

      The political landscape in the United States is shaped by the choices we make as a society. During the discussion, it was pointed out that the Republican Party faces a significant decision in 2024, with the possibility of continuing to follow the leadership of an aging president or making a change. Meanwhile, polling data suggests that President Biden currently holds a solid lead over former President Trump. A man's decision to publicly burn expensive Jack Daniels bottles as a protest against the company's perceived wokeness was discussed as an example of the power of consumer sentiment. In a related vein, a piece in the Wall Street Journal by a former corporate activist expressed regret for his role in pushing corporations to take public stances on social issues, arguing that market forces were already driving change. Conversely, a viral video of a male ballet dancer who received a female scholarship showcased the potential for controversy when traditional gender roles are challenged. Ultimately, these examples illustrate the importance of considering the consequences of our choices and the role that public opinion plays in shaping our world.

    • Breaking Gender Norms in BalletThe Royal Academy of Dance allows a transgender person to pass ballet exams and perform in female classes, sparking controversy over inclusivity and preserving artistic traditions.

      The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) has broken traditional gender norms in ballet by allowing a male-to-female transgender person, Sophie Rebecca, to pass ballet exams and perform in female classes. Rebecca, a former racing driver, faced rejection from ballet classes as a teenager due to her gender struggles, but was eventually able to pursue her dream after the RAD abandoned its gender-specific rules in 2013. Although Rebecca did not excel in her studies, her achievement has sparked controversy over the changing standards of ballet and the impact on the art form's authenticity. Critics argue that allowing men to dance as women in ballet undermines the traditional feminine grace and elegance that defines the dance style. The debate highlights the ongoing tension between inclusivity and preserving artistic traditions.

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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

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    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    We are excited to welcome Dan Bongino back to The Sunday Special this week. Bongino’s broadcasts at The Dan Bongino Show are characterized by his profound patriotism and a relentless pursuit of truth. In today’s episode, we forecast the 2024 election, discuss Trump’s unique political strengths, and potential presidential debate strategies for each candidate. We also weigh the merits of populist economics and the Right’s recent bifurcation on foreign policy. Tune in for another fantastic conversation on this episode of The Sunday Special.


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    ExpressVPN - Get 3 Months FREE of ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/BEN


    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898 for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    The Wellness Company - Exclusive Discount for my Listeners. Use promo code BEN at http://www.UrgentCareKit.com/BEN

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 16, 2024

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    We’re proud to announce that DailyWire+ is partnering with Angel Studios on their latest film, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot. The movie is the true story of how Donna and Reverend Martin inspired and supported 22 families from a rural Black church in Texas to adopt 77 of the most at-risk kids from the foster system. This film is the beginning of a determined fight for kids. In America, there are over 100,000 children who need a home, and that is unacceptable. Join the fight for kids today. Get showtimes to see Sound of Hope in theaters starting July 4th at http://angel.com/ben.

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 15, 2024

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    Ep. 1167 - Man Killed For 'Being White.' Media Ignores, Focuses On Another Fake Racism Scandal Instead

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media went wall to wall with coverage of a white woman in New York who supposedly tried to steal a bike from a group of black teens. The story was completely made up, and the woman was herself the victim. But we can learn a lot from this story, and the victim's own response to it. Also, Nebraska is the latest state to ban the mutilation of children. The reaction from trans activists has been as calm and measured as you expect. Plus, Target is celebrating gay pride by teaming up with a clothing company that makes Satanist merchandise. In our Daily Cancellation, the ACLU claims that a "trans girl" has been banned from his high school graduation ceremony. The truth is, of course, very different.


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    The Global and Economic Fallout from the Israel-Hamas War & 23andMe Data Breach

    The Global and Economic Fallout from the Israel-Hamas War & 23andMe Data Breach
    Episode 166: Neal and Toby explain what is happening in the war between Israel and Hamas and how the world is reacting to it. Plus, retailers say holiday shopping is already underway and what happened with the 23andMe data breach? Walgreen pharmacists stage a walkout and the men's marathon world record was shattered over the weekend in Chicago. Also, the winner for the Nobel Prize in Economics was announced and Toby explains what "coffee badging" is and how it is impacting return to office. Finally a look at the week ahead. Listen to Morning Brew Daily Here: https://link.chtbl.com/MBD Watch Morning Brew Daily Here: https://www.youtube.com/@MorningBrewDailyShow Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    38: Mandalay Bay | The Untold Eyewitness Stories

    38: Mandalay Bay | The Untold Eyewitness Stories
    On this special episode, we walk to Rick and Jeff about their experiences with the Las Vegas shootings on October 1, 2017. For their full written accounts please visit the website at www.TheConfessionalsPodcast.com Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcast Twitter: @TConfessionals Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel Tony's Instagram: tony_merkel Tony's Facebook: www.facebook.com/tbmerkel

    60 Minutes Goes Full Pravda (Ep 1997)

    60 Minutes Goes Full Pravda (Ep 1997)
    In this episode, I address the shocking episode of 60 Minutes where they try to gaslight America about January 6th.  News Picks: The Fox legal settlement could chill free speech moving forward. A terrific piece about the 2024 election, and how to win. Censorship efforts ramped up dramatically after the death of George Floyd. Legendary Coach Phil Jackson Blasts the Woke NBA, Says He Doesn't Watch Games Anymore. Ray Epps Is Going on '60 Minutes,' and the Gaslighting Has Already Started. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    RTÉ The Musical: Part 4

    RTÉ The Musical: Part 4

    RTE can’t escape scandal. The controversies of the last six months have demonstrated how the organisation operated in the dark.

    But there is a bigger story.

    On Free State, Joe and Dion look at how RTE was captured. How free and fearless journalism has been replaced by cronyism.

    They trace the story of decline back to the 1970s to see how journalism and journalists in RTE were censored during the Troubles. Dion and Joe disagree about Section 31 which banned Sinn Fein from television and radio. 

    They look too at how self-censorship took over before it increasingly resembles the political establishment, with challenging voices -and northern nationalists - not welcome. While it rightly mobilised to support the people of Ukraine, Gaza has been a different story with even the smallest show of support forbidden. 

    Instead of being the crusading station it once was, RTE comforted the comfortable and left the afflicted to fend for themselves.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.