
    Ep. 1725 - Trump STEAMROLLS CNN

    enMay 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's opposition to CNN and Caitlin Collins resonates with RepublicansTrump's unpredictable and confrontational style during CNN town hall boosts his primary performance

      During last night's CNN town hall, former President Donald Trump's opposition to Caitlin Collins and the media in general resonated strongly with Republicans. Trump thrives on opposition and the dynamic between him and CNN is crucial for both parties. CNN needs Trump's ratings, while Trump needs the opposition to solidify his position as the Republican representative. Despite the risks of walking into a potentially biased interview, Trump's unpredictable and confrontational style is what many Republicans find appealing. This dynamic played out in full force during the town hall, resulting in Trump's best day in the primary so far.

    • Interviewer focused on irrelevant questions during CNN town hallDemocrats need to ask new and substantive questions to effectively fact-check Trump, instead of asking about topics Republicans have already heard and Democrats want to criticize him on.

      During a CNN town hall event with Donald Trump, the interviewer focused on questions that Republican voters don't care about, while ignoring important topics that could potentially impact their voting decisions. This dynamic played perfectly into Trump's favor, allowing him to knock down the interviewer and rally support from the Republican audience. Democrats, who want Trump to be nominated due to perceived electability but also dislike him intensely, need to ask new and substantive questions to effectively fact-check him. Instead, Caitlin Collins asked about topics that Republicans have already heard and Democrats want to criticize Trump on, making it easy for Trump to dismiss her questions and engage in his signature rhetoric.

    • Trump's Aggressive Performance at Republican Primary Town HallTrump focused on personal attacks during the town hall, energizing his base but raising questions about his ability to connect with a wider audience in the general election. Also discussed was the health benefits of adding rough greens to a dog's diet.

      Former President Donald Trump's aggressive performance during the Republican primary town hall event was met with a receptive crowd, allowing him to focus on personal attacks against his critics. Unlike other candidates who might face questions about policy or COVID-19, Trump was able to dodge such queries and instead target Caitlin Collins, with the audience's support. This strategy, while effective in energizing his base, raises questions about his ability to connect with a broader electorate in the general election. Meanwhile, the discussion also touched upon the importance of improving a dog's health by adding rough greens to their food, as suggested by naturopathic doctor Dennis Black.

    • Interview on 2020 election claimsInterviewers should demand concrete evidence when discussing sensitive and controversial issues, and it's crucial to distinguish between a rigged and a stolen election.

      During a recent interview, the interviewer, Caitlin Collins, challenged former President Trump about his claims of a rigged 2020 election. Trump continued to assert his belief, leading to a heated exchange. However, the conversation lacked specific evidence from Trump, making it a he-said-she-said situation. Collins could have pressed for concrete proof but instead allowed the argument to devolve into a verbal back-and-forth. It's crucial for interviewers to be prepared for such topics and demand solid evidence when discussing sensitive and controversial issues. The interview also highlighted the importance of understanding the difference between a rigged and a stolen election. While there were changes to voting rules before the 2020 election, it's essential to acknowledge that these alterations do not automatically equate to voter fraud deciding the outcome. Ultimately, clear and specific evidence is necessary to support such claims.

    • Understanding and catering to specific audiencesTommy John Underwear's unmatched comfort and CNN's failed attempt to satisfy both Republican and Democratic audiences highlight the importance of catering to specific audiences.

      Comfort and durability set Tommy John Underwear apart from competitors. With a no-wedgie guarantee, moisture-wicking fabric, and stretch four times greater than other brands, Tommy John Underwear offers unmatched comfort. Meanwhile, the January 6th interview between Donald Trump and Caitlin Collins showcased the stark divide between Republican and Democratic perspectives. Trump's supporters didn't care about the topic, while Democrats were critical. CNN's handling of the situation left both Republican and Democratic audiences dissatisfied, as they failed to deliver on their promises to each group. Trump's performance during the interview, including reading a timeline from a piece of paper, further solidified his connection with his supporters and boosted CNN's ratings. Ultimately, Tommy John Underwear's commitment to customer comfort and satisfaction, and Trump's ability to engage his audience, demonstrate the power of understanding and catering to specific audiences.

    • Trump defends Capitol riots response during CNN interviewTrump maintains unapologetic stance, resonating with Republican voters, despite potential election drawbacks

      During a CNN interview, Donald Trump defended himself against accusations regarding the Capitol riots timeline and his response. He fact-checked a reporter, emphasizing that he asked for peace hours after the incident, and not three hours as claimed. Trump's aggressive attitude and refusal to back down resonates with Republican voters, who have grown tired of compromise and feel attacked by Democrats. Trump also addressed the E. Jean Carroll allegations during the interview, but CNN primarily focused on the election and Capitol riots. The interview underscores Trump's unapologetic stance and his connection with Republican voters, despite potential drawbacks in a general election. Additionally, the interviewer mentioned using the Hello app for prayer and meditation to help cope with stress.

    • Republican voters not concerned with E. Jean Carroll case verdictDespite the E. Jean Carroll civil case verdict, Trump's base remains unphased, viewing his aggressive response as effective and his comments as reflecting a long-standing reality.

      The E. Jean Carroll civil case verdict against Donald Trump, which involved allegations of sexual abuse and defamation, is not seen as a top concern for Republican voters. During a discussion, it was pointed out that Trump's aggressive response to the allegations, which included questioning the credibility of the accuser and sharing details not allowed in court, seemed to be working in his favor among his supporters. The audience's laughter during the interview was not indicative of approval for rape, but rather a reaction to what they perceived as the accuser's odd behavior and the overall silliness of the situation. Trump's comments about women letting famous men do as they please, which were made in the Access Hollywood tape, were also defended as reflecting a long-standing reality. Overall, the discussion suggested that the allegations against Trump were not having a significant impact on his popularity among his base.

    • Trump's Interview on CNN: Important Issues and ControversyTrump discussed key issues like debt ceiling and gun rights, while maintaining his controversial style. His stance on mental health and protecting the debt limit resonated, but his middle-of-the-road stance on abortion may not satisfy all voters.

      During a CNN interview, Donald Trump provided decent answers on important issues such as the debt ceiling and gun rights, while also maintaining his controversial style. Despite the controversy surrounding his interactions with interviewer Caitlin Collins, Trump's stance on protecting the debt limit and defending the second amendment resonated with many Americans. The interview also highlighted the importance of addressing mental health issues in relation to gun violence. However, it's important to note that Trump's middle-of-the-road stance on abortion may not satisfy all voters on either side of the issue. Overall, the interview provided insight into Trump's positions on key issues and showcased his unapologetic approach to politics. CNN's decision to air the interview, despite potential backlash, may have been driven by ratings and the desire to present Trump as a viable contender for the presidency.

    • Trump's stance on abortion during the debateTrump expressed his past accomplishments and willingness to negotiate on abortion during the debate, but his refusal to answer serious questions and personal attacks towards the moderator resonated with his supporters.

      During the recent Republican primary debate, former President Donald Trump was asked about his stance on abortion and potential federal ban if re-elected. He answered by expressing his past accomplishments and willingness to negotiate. Trump's answer on abortion was seen as his best policy response of the night. However, the debate also included questions on Ukraine and personal attacks towards the moderator. Trump's refusal to answer serious questions and his response to personal attacks resonated with his supporters. The success of Trump's campaign in the primary depends on whether he focuses on policy issues or personal attacks in the general election against Joe Biden. Trump's stance on Ukraine involved criticizing the current administration's decision to provide military equipment to Ukraine and implying that he could have prevented conflicts with Russia. The debate also included Trump's personal attacks on the moderator, which received applause from the crowd. Overall, the debate highlighted Trump's policy positions and his combative approach towards critics.

    • CNN Town Hall with Trump a Success, Labor Market Struggles, 'Convicting a Murderer' SeriesTrump dominated the CNN town hall, labor market struggles with post-lockdown unemployment, and an exclusive 10-part series 'Convicting a Murderer' is coming on Daily Wire Plus.

      The CNN town hall with Donald Trump was a significant win for him, as he outperformed the hosts and the event ended early due to his dominance. The labor market's struggles with post-lockdown unemployment make hiring difficult, but ZipRecruiter can help find the best candidates. Upcoming on Daily Wire Plus is an exclusive 10-part series, "Convicting a Murderer," led by Candace Owens, who uncovers the truth behind the Steven Avery case. The town hall sparked controversy, with some Democrats expressing anger over Trump's platform and others potentially secretly enjoying the attention. Joe Scarborough, who has a history with Trump, compared the event to the January 6th Capitol riots, a stark contrast to his past supportive stance.

    • CNN Town Hall with Trump Sparks ControversyCNN's town hall with Trump drew criticism for allowing him to spread disinformation and attack a victim without consequence. Some saw it as a Trump infomercial, while others viewed it as an opportunity for Democrats to highlight his divisive rhetoric.

      The CNN town hall featuring Donald Trump was a disaster, with the former president dominating the event and the audience cheering and laughing at his responses, even when they were factually inaccurate or offensive. The town hall was criticized heavily for giving Trump a platform to spread election disinformation and attack a sexual abuse victim, Caitlin Collins, without consequence. CNN faced significant backlash for the event, with some critics calling it a Trump infomercial. However, Democratic politicos saw the town hall as an opportunity to highlight Trump's divisive rhetoric and potential vulnerabilities in the 2024 election. Ultimately, the town hall may have helped Trump in his bid for the Republican nomination by keeping him at the forefront of the political conversation and allowing him to shape the narrative around key issues.

    • Debate failed to address important questions and potential alternativesThe Republican debate lacked substance, with Trump's presence overshadowing potential alternatives and Biden's scandals being overlooked

      While the Republican primary debate on CNN may have entertained viewers with Trump's presence and theatrics, it failed to address important questions and potential alternatives for voters. Trump's low approval rating and past election loss to Joe Biden increase his risk of losing again. Meanwhile, the House Oversight Committee's allegations of Biden family influence peddling and financial deception warrant further investigation. If the media and public continue focusing on Trump, they risk overlooking the issues and scandals surrounding the current president.

    • Allegations of financial transactions involving Biden family in Romania, China, and UkraineFBI refuses to share info on Biden family's potential bribes, while former intel officials discredit Hunter Biden's laptop, causing distrust and strengthening Biden's position

      There are allegations of financial transactions involving the Biden family in countries like Romania, China, and Ukraine, raising questions about financial disclosures and national security risks. These transactions reportedly involved multiple Biden family members, including Hunter Biden, his uncle James Biden, and others. The FBI is currently refusing to provide Congress with an informant file alleging potential bribes taken by President Biden while he was Vice President. The FBI's refusal to release unverified information about the Bidens while doing so in the past regarding the Trump family is causing growing distrust in the FBI. Meanwhile, former intelligence officials who signed a letter discrediting Hunter Biden's laptop have had numerous visits to the White House. The focus on Donald Trump and distractions from these allegations against the Biden administration are strengthening Joe Biden's position in the binary election landscape.

    • Concerns over US leadership and economic stabilityPresident Biden's confusion and inflation, border crisis, and lack of focus on solutions contribute to instability in the US.

      The current state of affairs in the United States, as evidenced by President Joe Biden's on-stage confusion and the embedded inflation in the economy, raises concerns about the country's leadership and economic stability. Meanwhile, the border crisis continues to escalate, and the focus on political figures like Donald Trump and Joe Biden detracts from addressing the issues with potential solutions, such as investing in early childhood education. Kamala Harris, as a potential successor, faces criticism for her own performance and lack of clarity on key issues. The lack of focus on viable solutions and the continued confusion and chaos under the current administration could lead to further economic and social instability.

    • Focusing on individual controversies can distract from larger issuesIt's essential to prioritize significant issues over individual controversies involving politicians, such as alleged lies or uncanny valley presence, to maintain a clear moral compass and effective governance.

      The focus on individual politicians, such as Kamala Harris and George Santos, can distract from larger issues. Kamala Harris's uncanny valley presence and George Santos's alleged lies are examples of this distraction. Meanwhile, Dianne Feinstein's return to the Senate despite her incapacitation highlights the low standards for qualifications in Congress. Internationally, the indiscriminate firing of rockets at Israeli civilians by terrorist groups in Gaza is a moral test, and those who equate the actions of terrorists with those defending against them demonstrate a lack of moral compass. The situation in Israel serves as a reminder of the importance of focusing on significant issues rather than getting bogged down in individual controversies.

    • Political Tensions and Criticism in Israel and the USCongresswomen Rashida Tlaib's event commemorating Nakba Day amidst Palestinian rocket attacks drew criticism for perceived anti-Semitic sentiments, while Tom Hanks spoke out against censorship of classic literature.

      The political landscape in Israel is marked by ongoing tension and the threat of violence, while some members of the Democratic party in the United States have faced criticism for their actions and associations. Rashida Tlaib, a Democratic congresswoman, held an event commemorating Nakba Day, which marks the establishment of Israel as a catastrophe, at the same time as Palestinian terrorist groups fired rockets into Israeli civilian areas. The event was initially planned for the Capitol but was moved to a Senate committee room after objections from House Speaker McCarthy. Bernie Sanders, another Democratic congressman, allowed Tlaib to hold the event in his committee room. Tlaib's actions and Sanders' association with her have drawn criticism for their perceived anti-Semitic sentiments. Tom Hanks, an old-school Hollywood figure, has recently spoken out against censorship and editing of classic literature to avoid offending modern sensitivities. This contrasts with the ongoing debate and controversy surrounding political correctness and censorship in various spheres of society.

    • Old School Liberals vs The Left: A Clash of BeliefsOld school liberals uphold individual rights and free speech, while the left advocates for censorship and state control over children's lives, raising concerns about constitutional rights and family dynamics.

      There's a distinction between old school liberals and those on the left. Old school liberals, like Tom Hanks, believe in free speech and individual rights, while those on the left often push for censorship and banning of ideas they find morally objectionable. A recent headline from the Associated Press highlights a concerning trend in democratic-led states, where the state is given more power over children's lives than their parents. In Washington, a new law allows gender affirming care for minors without parental consent, and the state can even prevent parents from being reunited with their children. This is a clear violation of parents' constitutional rights and a dangerous precedent, as it puts the state in a position of power over families. The left's push for censorship and state control over children's lives contrasts sharply with the belief in individual rights and free speech held by old school liberals.

    • Washington bill leaves room for subjective decisions on parental involvementThe Washington bill allows children to live with third-party caregivers without parental involvement, raising concerns for children's wellbeing and familial bonds.

      The discussed bill in Washington does not guarantee parental notification or involvement in disputes regarding their transgender children's living arrangements. Contrary to initial claims, the bill does not prevent the state from taking children away from their homes without parental consent. Instead, it requires the department of children, youth, and families to make a good faith effort to notify parents and offer services to resolve conflicts. However, the bill leaves room for subjective determinations that a reunification is not possible, effectively allowing children to live with third-party caregivers without parental involvement. This lack of clear guidelines and potential for arbitrary decision-making raises concerns about the potential for children's wellbeing and the importance of maintaining strong familial bonds.

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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    You should always "follow the money" when evaluating bias, and that includes when you hear alarmist predictions about climate change. 

    Climate Science as a field of study is so dependent upon the existence of man made climate change that it constitutes a conflict of interest.

    The Democrat Climate Change Town Hall produced insane proposals. 


    What is Google Really Up to with Richie Googler Caught in James O’Keefe Sting: Project Veritas ‘Selectively Edited’ My Words

    What is Google Really Up to with Richie Googler Caught in James O’Keefe Sting: Project Veritas ‘Selectively Edited’ My Words
    Jen Gennai, head of responsible innovation and global affairs at Google, wrote in a Medium post that members of James O’Keefe’s conservative group Project Veritas filmed her without her consent and “selectively edited” her words to make it seem like Google was influencing the 2020 election. Gennai called this nonsense and wrote that “I was explaining how Google’s Trust and Safety team is working to help prevent the types of online foreign interference that happened in 2016.” Gennai quotes Google CEO Sundar Pichai in saying that “we do not bias our products to favor any political agenda.”

    Gennai added that Project Veritas has done this to numerous other people working in tech, and that “they wanted someone who would give them juicy soundbites about tech’s alleged bias against conservatives.” The video Project Veritas posted on YouTube has been taken down due to “a privacy complaint by a third party.”