
    Ep. 1732 - Jeffrey Epstein Blackmailed Bill Gates

    enMay 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Jeffrey Epstein's Mysterious Life and DeathDespite allegations of sexual misconduct with minors, Jeffrey Epstein continued to associate with the rich and famous, even after serving a short sentence for soliciting prostitution from a minor.

      The mysterious life and death of Jeffrey Epstein continue to raise serious questions. Epstein, a financier, allegedly hobnobbed with the rich and famous, including Bill Gates, despite a checkered past and questionable sources of wealth. His death in 2019 under suspicious circumstances in a supposedly secure jail cell only added to the intrigue. Epstein's financial dealings and connections to powerful individuals came under scrutiny in the late 1990s and 2000s, with allegations of sexual misconduct with minors emerging in the 2000s. Despite these allegations, Epstein continued to associate with the rich and famous, and even after serving a short sentence for soliciting prostitution from a minor in 2008. The disappearance of records from Epstein's estate and the contents of his infamous "little black book" continue to fuel speculation and controversy.

    • Bill Gates' blackmail ordeal with Jeffrey EpsteinJeffrey Epstein attempted to blackmail Bill Gates over an affair, demonstrating Epstein's pattern of exploiting compromising information for financial gain. This is not the only reported instance of Epstein's blackmail activities.

      Jeffrey Epstein's long-standing relationship with Bill Gates involved Epstein attempting to blackmail the Microsoft co-founder over an affair with a Russian bridge player. Epstein discovered the affair in the early 2010s, paid for the woman's education, and then demanded reimbursement, implying that he would reveal the affair if not paid. Gates acknowledged Epstein's blackmail attempts and met with him solely for philanthropic purposes. Epstein's tactics demonstrate his pattern of gaining access to influential individuals, discovering compromising information, and then using it for financial gain. This is not the only reported instance of Epstein's blackmail activities, as he has been linked to financial dealings and potential blackmail of academics Noam Chomsky and Leon Botstein. Despite Epstein's attempts to blackmail him, Gates publicly denied being blackmailed by Epstein. The revelation of Epstein's blackmail schemes underscores the long-standing speculation that he had powerful connections and government support, allowing him to evade prosecution for his criminal activities for an extended period.

    • Powerful individuals and Epstein's relationshipsQuestions about cover-ups and protection of the elite arise from connections between Jeffrey Epstein and powerful individuals. Bill Gates denies wrongdoing, while Tim Scott tries to stand out in the 2024 presidential race with a positive message. Protect personal data with a trusted VPN like ExpressVPN.

      The relationship between powerful individuals and Jeffrey Epstein raises questions about potential cover-ups and protection of the financially and politically elite. Bill Gates' denial of any wrongdoing with Epstein is just one example of many. Meanwhile, in the 2024 presidential race, Tim Scott's campaign is seen as a long-shot bid due to his conciliatory demeanor and lack of edge. However, he is trying to differentiate himself with a positive, optimistic message. In the midst of these developments, it's important to prioritize online privacy with a trusted VPN like ExpressVPN to protect personal data and maintain anonymity.

    • Senator Tim Scott's campaign faces criticism for lack of enthusiasm and authenticityDespite being seen as likable and intelligent, Senator Tim Scott's campaign struggles to generate excitement and lacks a clear attack plan on Trump. His success in the race depends on adapting a more abrasive persona and effectively challenging the frontrunner.

      Tim Scott's presidential campaign is facing criticism for lacking enthusiasm and authenticity, with some comparing his speaking style to that of Howard Dean's infamous "scream" moment. While Scott is seen as a likable and intelligent senator, his inability to generate excitement and get combative may make it difficult for him to appeal to the Republican base. Additionally, he currently lacks a clear attack plan on Trump and is starting from behind in the polls. However, Scott does have some high-profile endorsements and financial backing, and is focusing on performing well in Iowa. Ultimately, his success in the race will depend on his ability to adapt a more abrasive persona and effectively challenge Trump.

    • Trump's focus on DeSantis despite Scott's nominationDespite Tim Scott's potential nomination, Trump's comments reveal his main rival to be Ron DeSantis, with media attention intensifying the spotlight on DeSantis as a significant contender for the Republican nomination. Pure Talk offers an affordable alternative in the wireless industry without hidden fees or contracts.

      While Democrats don't seem too concerned about Tim Scott's potential nomination due to his conciliatory approach, Donald Trump's response to Scott's candidacy highlights his focus on Ron DeSantis as his main rival. Trump's lack of genuine good wishes towards competitors, especially those who pose a significant threat to him, is evident in his statement towards Scott. The media's antipathy towards DeSantis further highlights the intensity of the attention being paid to him as a potential contender for the Republican nomination. Meanwhile, Pure Talk offers a refreshing alternative in the wireless industry, providing unlimited talk, text, and data at a fraction of the price of major carriers without the hidden fees or contracts.

    • Media bias against Ron DeSantisMedia falsely reports on DeSantis, creating antipathy, while supporting Trump, despite Disney project cancellation and fabricated NAACP travel advisory

      The media's coverage of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis is heavily biased, with Trump receiving support and DeSantis facing antipathy and false stories. For instance, a recent report claimed Disney had canceled a billion-dollar project in Orlando due to Rhonda Sands, but the truth was Disney had planned to cancel it beforehand due to financial losses. Similarly, the NAACP's supposed travel advisory against Florida was fabricated, but the media ran with it. The media's actions are part of an attempt to discredit DeSantis, who is seen as a potential roadblock to Trump's nomination. Additionally, it's important to have life insurance for financial security, and Policy Genius can help you find the best deals.

    • NAACP's Florida Travel Advisory: Politically MotivatedThe NAACP's travel advisory for Florida lacks substance, as the organization's president issues warnings while board members vacation there. Florida's laws promote black history education and prohibit affirmative action, and the focus should be on tangible actions to promote equality and opportunity.

      The NAACP's travel advisory for African Americans regarding Florida is politically motivated and lacks substance. Florida law mandates the teaching of black history, but prohibits affirmative action programs and anti-racism training in publicly funded programs. The NAACP's president, Derek Johnson, has issued a warning that Florida is unsafe for African Americans, but several NAACP board members have vacationed in Florida under Governor DeSantis. This hypocrisy undermines the credibility of the NAACP's message. Florida is making significant strides in helping black Americans succeed, and it's important to focus on tangible actions to promote equality and opportunity, rather than fear-mongering and political stunts.

    • Media attacks on Ron DeSantis and his wife, CaseyPolitico's comparison of Casey DeSantis to Lady Macbeth sparked negative coverage, but Ron DeSantis remains a strong contender in the Republican primaries, with significant wins and endorsements. Media focus on him indicates a preferred nominee, potentially leading to baseless attacks.

      The political discourse surrounding Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a turn towards negative coverage, with articles targeting both him and his wife, Casey. The most notable of these attacks came from Politico, which compared Casey to Lady Macbeth, based on the testimonies of anonymous Republican lobbyists, a former GOP Congressman, and Roger Stone. However, despite these attacks, Ron DeSantis remains a formidable contender in the Republican primaries, with a significant win in Florida and a growing number of endorsements. The media's focus on DeSantis, rather than Trump, indicates that they have a preferred nominee, leading to a series of what some may view as baseless attacks. Meanwhile, Innovation Refunds continues to help small businesses secure significant tax refunds through the Employee Retention Credit, providing much-needed financial support for businesses in various industries.

    • Businesses can reclaim payroll tax refunds through ERC program, Daily Wire Plus offers exclusive docuseries, Debt ceiling negotiations ongoingBusinesses can reclaim payroll tax refunds through ERC program, Daily Wire Plus members get early bird discount on 'Convicting a Murderer' docuseries, Debt ceiling negotiations ongoing with potential concessions from Biden to McCarthy

      Businesses can potentially reclaim payroll tax refunds through the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) program, which has already helped clients claim over $5 billion. This is a free service offered by Innovation Refunds, and they only get paid when their clients receive their refunds. Meanwhile, for those interested in true crime and investigative journalism, Daily Wire Plus is offering an exclusive 10-part docuseries, "Convicting a Murderer," featuring Candace Owens. By becoming a Daily Wire Plus member now, you can get an early bird discount of 30% off using the code "truth." In the political sphere, the debt ceiling negotiations between President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy are ongoing, with a deadline approaching. Despite Biden's initial refusal to negotiate over the debt ceiling, Republicans, who control the purse strings, have passed a bill to increase it in exchange for keeping spending at 2022 levels. This is not a massive cut to government spending, but rather a moderate one. Biden's initial stance has put him in a difficult position, and McCarthy is likely to secure concessions from the administration.

    • McCarthy uses debt ceiling negotiations to secure GOP concessionsMcCarthy is using Biden's reluctance to negotiate preemptively to position himself as a moderate, pushing for work requirements and spending reductions while Democrats insist on unilateral actions and are addicted to spending.

      Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is leveraging the ongoing debt ceiling negotiations with President Biden to secure concessions for his Republican party. McCarthy is using Biden's refusal to negotiate preemptively to his advantage, aiming to make Biden appear stubborn and weak. The Republicans are pushing for work requirements for certain government funding and aiming to reduce spending levels. McCarthy's stance on these issues is positioning him as a moderate figure in the negotiations, while Democrats, such as Steve Cohen, are advocating for unilateral actions that are not feasible. The underlying issue is the Democrats' addiction to spending, and McCarthy aims to bring spending levels down and reduce dependence on China. The parties are at an impasse, with McCarthy setting a timeline for a deal and Democrats insisting they can unilaterally raise the debt ceiling, which is not the case.

    • President's Constitutional Authority on National DebtLegal scholar Tribe asserts president's power to honor debt, but Biden admin faces criticism for questionable military strikes and lack of transparency

      According to legal scholar Lawrence Tribe, the president has the constitutional authority to honor the national debt without the need for a deal on the debt ceiling. However, the Biden administration has faced criticism for its handling of military strikes, specifically one in Syria where a civilian was reportedly killed and later identified as a shepherd, not a senior Al-Qaeda leader as initially claimed. The Pentagon is currently investigating the incident, and no evidence has been presented to validate the initial claims. The administration's handling of this situation, along with past incidents, has raised questions about their credibility and transparency.

    • Inconsistent international actions and prioritiesThe current administration's handling of international affairs and military aid has been inconsistent, with downplayed threats, overestimated aid, and prioritized releases, raising concerns about transparency, accountability, and values.

      The current administration's handling of international affairs and military aid has been inconsistent and questionable. From downplaying significant threats like the Chinese spy balloon, to overestimating the value of military aid to Ukraine by billions of dollars, to prioritizing the release of a WNBA player over an ex-Marine still detained in Russia, the administration's actions have left many questioning their priorities and the level of oversight in place. Additionally, the lackluster attendance at a WNBA game despite the release of a high-profile player highlights the ongoing stigma and lack of interest in women's sports, particularly basketball. Overall, these incidents raise concerns about transparency, accountability, and the value placed on various lives and priorities.

    • Acknowledging the Power and Miracle of ChildbirthExpress gratitude for women's strength in childbirth, recognize the humanity of unborn children, and respect diverse beliefs.

      The power and capability of women, particularly in giving birth, is a miraculous and amazing experience. The speaker expresses deep gratitude towards his wife for bringing their fourth child into the world, acknowledging the physical and emotional challenges involved. He also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the humanity of unborn children and the insanity of denying their personhood. Additionally, the speaker shares his dislike towards the LA Dodgers' decision to uninvite a controversial group for their pride night, acknowledging the potential offense to their Catholic fan base.

    • LA Dodgers Invite Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Back to LGBTQ+ Pride NightThe Dodgers reversed their decision to remove the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence from their LGBTQ+ pride night event, acknowledging their role in promoting acceptance and sparking a larger debate about the use of sports platforms in political and cultural issues.

      The Los Angeles Dodgers have reversed their decision to remove the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence from their annual LGBTQ+ pride night event following backlash from various communities. The team has issued an apology and invited the Sisters back to participate in the June 16th event, acknowledging their important role in promoting acceptance and challenging societal norms. However, this decision has sparked a larger debate about the role of sports teams in political and cultural issues, with some arguing that they should remain neutral and others insisting that they use their platform to take a stand. The Dodgers' decision reflects the increasing pressure on organizations to take sides in the ongoing culture war, with fans and critics quick to voice their opinions. Ultimately, the incident underscores the importance of open dialogue and understanding in fostering a more inclusive and accepting society.

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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    GOP Presidential Debate Recap | PBD Podcast | Ep. 325

    GOP Presidential Debate Recap | PBD Podcast | Ep. 325

    Patrick Bet-David and the Home Team react to the third GOP presidential debate. Biggest winners and losers, most significant takeaways. Protect yourself against Central Bank control with - American Hartford Gold https://bit.ly/3ZJ2pTl Text PBD to 65532 or call 866-939-6984 Purchase tickets to the PBD Town Hall: Live Meet the Candidate Event with Robert F. Kennedy Jr on December 6th: https://bit.ly/3sog9qg Connect one-on-one with the right expert to get the answers you need with Minnect! https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0 Text PBD to 65532 or call 866-939-6984 Subscribe to:  @VALUETAINMENT   @vtsoscast   @ValuetainmentComedy   @bizdocpodcast  Want to get clear on your next 5 business moves? https://valuetainment.com/academy/ Join the channel to get exclusive access to perks: https://bit.ly/3Q9rSQL Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3sFAW4N Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get the latest updates in real-time! Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

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    55: Defeating Emotional Blackmail and Manipulation with Susan Forward

    55: Defeating Emotional Blackmail and Manipulation with Susan Forward

    Have you been stuck in a cycle with someone that leaves you feeling like you can never win? Where you feel like you are always giving in? Not saying what you are really feeling? If so, you may be experiencing emotional blackmail. It’s not pretty, and you can be left with the uncomfortable feeling that there’s no way out without sacrificing who you are in the process. Don’t despair - there’s hope for you! In today’s episode, we’re going to chat with the world’s foremost expert on ending the grip of emotional blackmail, Dr. Susan Forward, one of the nation’s leading psychotherapists, and a New York Times bestselling author who has spent decades helping people break out of toxic cycles and discover healthier ways of relating.

    What is emotional blackmail? The structure of emotional blackmail begins with a demand, followed by pressure to fulfill the request, and finally, being threatened with punishing consequences. The threat can be blatant or subtle. Subtle threats come in the form of pouting, sulking, passive aggressive comments, while blatant threats are overtly articulated consequences of ‘if ____, then ____’.

    FOG: Emotional blackmail, although incredibly powerful and hurtful, can become normalized by both the receiver, and the doer.  Another way to know if you may be being emotionally blackmailed is to check in on if you feel as though you are in a fog. FOG stands for Fear, Obligation, and Guilt. These three components cause us to feel overwhelmed and make it so it is difficult to find our way out of an imbalance of power, unable to clearly see the dynamics, and make us have a tendency to comply.

    The Need to Please Disease- When we are vulnerable we have a tendency to rationalize unhealthy and unloving treatment in an effort to protect ourselves from further guilt and fear. We can end up giving in, no matter the price, just so that the other person is not angry with us. The lethality and toxicity of constant giving in accumulates until the person who is the target of emotional blackmail becomes depressed and angry, and internalizes this to become self-hatred.

    Water wearing down the rock: Constant compromise and giving in to something and someone that does not feel aligned with your own needs and desires can wear you down. Like water wearing down the boulder, you become the pebble- a smaller version of yourself. By having the courage to look at what is really happening in the dynamic, you will find opportunities for change and growth.

    Stand up for your own truth.  Everyone is terrified of other people’s anger and retaliation- this is a core fear that goes back into childhood for many. Despite anger being such a powerful force, there are behavioral strategies that help equalize the balance of power and help you become more assertive and self-protective. It takes courage to stand up for your own truth, however it is worth it.

    Honest look at ourselves. None of us are immune or exempt from being emotional blackmailers ourselves. Take time to look at your own patterns around getting others to do what you want. How do you handle when someone disagrees with you, or doesn’t want what you want? Do you plead? Coax? Get pouty? Become punitive? Do you punish through withholding things or love? Do you take their denial personally and as a threat to the relationship itself? Do you say things like “If you really loved me you would…” Or “if you really cared about us you would…” We are all guilty of some of these at times, and the question is not if, but rather to what degree and how often?

    Admit and Acknowledge: Do you feel like you have been emotionally blackmailing someone? Begin by labeling your behavior as such. Then, find the courage and humility to sit down and tell the person you are bullying that you are aware of your actions. Naming and sharing this goes a long way. Admitting and acknowledging is a way of fessing up and owning your actions and it creates a climate of much greater safety. With this safety healing and repair can begin. Saying sorry will not be enough however. You will have to show the person you have hurt that you are ready to own your actions through behavioral changes over time. And elicit their help! Ask the person you have hurt what they need from you to feel safer, and more trusting. Find ways together to move forward, and stay open to getting counseling!

    Admitting and acknowledging is a two way street! It is important to look at your own responsibility and behavior as the compliant one as well. Read through the following checklist to find out if you are a target of emotional blackmail:

    -       I tell myself that giving in is no big deal

    -       I tell myself that giving in is worth it to get other person to quiet down/calm down

    -       I tell myself that what I want is wrong

    -       I tell myself that it is not worth the hassle- I’ll give in now and take a stand later

    -       I tell myself that it is better to give in then to hurt their feelings

    -       I don’t stand up for myself

    -       I give away my power

    -       I do things to please other people and get confused about what I want

    -       I acquiesce

    -       I give up people and activities I care about to please the other person

    Yes to the above? Don’t wait for the other person to change. Do the above statements resonate with you? If so, it is time to look inside and find the courage to make changes yourself. Find the emotional maturity and empowered stance to stop the victim/blame cycle by realizing that you do not need to put yourself second any longer. Be willing to look to your past to see if complacency is an automatic, inherited, or learned behavior that began in your childhood. Be willing to take the reins in your own hands and set limits and boundaries. You have just as much responsibility as the blackmailer to change the dynamic, and you have just as much right as the other person to have your needs met. This can be a difficult and daunting shift in perspective for anyone who has a history of abuse as it brings up true fear and guilt around displeasing people- reach out for support when needed!

    Negotiating for a healthier relationship. We all have choices when a relationship goes off the track. We can accept things the way they are, we can negotiate for a healthier relationship, or worst comes to worst you can end the relationship. That said, there are strategies, communication skills, and behavioral changes that are worth trying in an effort to shift the dynamics before giving in more, or giving up.  

    Feeling your fear: Shifting yourself out of an emotional blackmail situation requires the willingness to tolerate the discomfort of displeasing someone, and often this can bring up fears. Many of our fears are old feelings that we mistake as coming from current events. We confuse our past with the present, and so when we get hurt we react in accordance with prior experiences. We will do nearly anything to protect ourselves from our fear of other people’s anger. Differentiating the present from the past will leave you with more confidence and many more choices for ways to react. Help yourself see that you are now an adult, no longer hopeless or dependent, and that your past does not need to dictate your experience any longer. From this knowing, ask yourself ‘what is the worst thing that can happen?’ Then believe you have the courage and resilience inside to handle this. Lastly, it comes down to allowing yourself to feel fear, and being with it.

    *NOTE: There are certain situations and people where the fear is very warranted. If the person emotionally blackmailing you is completely locked into their angry defensive way of being, then you must ask yourself if it is really worth it or possible to work with them. Listen to your fear in these situations as it may be protecting you from true threat.

    Be with your guilt: Guilt, along with fear, is often the major contributor to complacency. The fear of guilt itself is a powerful force. Realize that you can tolerate the guilt- no one died from guilt! Your dignity, self-respect, and health will all thank you for addressing this. Have a talk with your discomfort- take a close look and ask yourself the following questions:

    -Is what I did or want to do malicious?

    -Is what I did or want to do cruel?

    -Is what I did or want to do abusive?

    -Is what I did or want to do insulting?

    -Is what I did or want to do belittling?

    -Is what I did or want to do demeaning?

    -Is what I did or want to do truly harmful?

    If you answer no to these questions, then there is nothing to be guilty of. That is not to say that changing your behavior won’t be uncomfortable, but you can begin to redefine the discomfort as a sign of growth and change!

    Do it and the feelings will show up! Many people incorrectly assume that they need to feel stronger before they can take steps and make changes in reaction to emotional blackmail. This is not true! As you begin to shift to a new set of behaviors, the sense of empowerment will follow. Others may be shocked by your changes, and have strong reactions. Allow for this and do not take it on! It may not feel great at first, and that is OKAY.

    How to de-escalate the conflict: Blackmail thrives on conflict and escalation, and pushing one person lower and lower on the power structure. A natural tendency when we are emotionally attached is to get defensive, however defensiveness breeds defensiveness. If you can find non-defensive responses, the emotional blackmailer will no longer be able to attack and you WILL shift the dynamic. This requires learning to protect yourself, versus defending yourself. Doing so requires non-defensive communication skills. For example, try saying “I am sure you see it that way, and you are entitled to your feelings, however I am not willing to have this conversation now, let's talk about it when you are calmer…” Other non-defensive communications that can shift the other person’s resistance and defensiveness sound like:

    “Can we talk about why this is so important to you?”

    “Will you help me understand?”

    “It is not acceptable for you to continually make me feel guilty and scared- how can we work together to find a way to get your needs met in a way that doesn’t compromise mine?”

    “I feel as though you are pushing me and our relationship to the edge of a cliff and I don’t know if you are taking me seriously when I say I am not happy. I want to find ways together to solve our problems and conflicts in a way that doesn’t leave one of us feeling emotionally battered- can we talk about this?”

    “I am not willing to live this way any more, I need to be treated with respect and caring and want to find ways to make us both feel safer and more loved”

    “You could be right, however I am feeling…”

    Stop! And take a breath. Next time you are asked to do something you are not okay with, first thing to do is to STOP. Take a breath. This immediately pulls you out of your habitual pattern and away from the automatic reaction. Instead of saying yes, or no, say “I am not able to make this decision right now, I need to think about this. I’ll get back to you- but I need some time to figure out how I am really feeling about this”. This stance will allow you to calm down, garner your strength, and have the time necessary to connect with yourself beyond the fear and guilt. A healthy decision is made when we are able to balance and check in with both our intellect and our emotions- this takes time. Putting things back on your own timeline will make for your ability to be in your integrity and this will inevitably shift the power structure!


    Find out more about Susan Forward's work at her website

    Email Susan at susanforward6@aol.com  if you are interested in phone consultations- she responds to each email personally!

    www.neilsattin.com/blackmail Visit to download the show guide, or text “PASSION” to 33444 and follow the instructions to download the show guide to this episode with Susan Forward!

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