
    Ep. 1749 - Rogan, Musk and RFK Jr. SLAM ‘The Science’

    enJune 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • RFK Jr. vs. Dr. Peter Hotez: The Vaccine Debate ContinuesThe vaccine debate between RFK Jr. and Dr. Peter Hotez persists, with RFK Jr. criticizing Hotez's stance on vaccines and autism, and Hotez accusing RFK Jr. of spreading misinformation. Elon Musk has weighed in, but the issue remains divisive, with discussions focusing on open debate and content regulation.

      The debate between RFK Jr. and Dr. Peter Hotez over vaccines, specifically RFK Jr.'s anti-vaxx stance, continues to gain attention. Hotez, a vaccine researcher, has refused to debate RFK Jr. on the Joe Rogan Show despite challenges from both RFK Jr. and Rogan himself. RFK Jr. has criticized Hotez's stance on vaccines and autism, while Hotez has accused RFK Jr. of spreading misinformation. Elon Musk weighed in, criticizing Hotez for not accepting charity donations. The controversy has led to discussions about the importance of open debate and the role of platforms like Spotify in monitoring and regulating content. Despite the ongoing debate, it's clear that the issue of vaccines and their safety and efficacy continues to be a contentious and divisive topic.

    • Pfizer Scientist Declines Invitation to Debate RFK Junior on COVID-19 VaccinesDespite concerns over misinformation, Pfizer's top scientist declined an invitation to debate RFK Junior on Joe Rogan's podcast, missing an opportunity to address vaccine safety concerns. The scientific community's handling of controversial issues has been criticized, fueling the notion of unwillingness to engage in open dialogue.

      The debate between Pfizer Dean and Chief Scientist, Dr. Peter Hotez, and RFK Junior over COVID-19 vaccines and their safety continues, with Hotez declining an invitation to appear on Joe Rogan's podcast to discuss the matter. Hotez expressed concerns about RFK Junior's labeling him a "pharma shill" and the potential for moving goalposts during a debate. However, critics argue that Hotez's refusal to engage on a widely-listened-to platform like Rogan's is a missed opportunity to address the misinformation RFK Junior has been spreading. The scientific community has faced criticism for their handling of various issues in the past three years, and Hotez's reluctance to debate RFK Junior perpetuates the notion that the scientific establishment is unwilling to engage in open dialogue. With RFK Junior's claims gaining traction, it's crucial for someone to rebut his supposed misinformation. Hotez has offered to discuss the topic on other platforms but has yet to suggest a suitable alternative. Ultimately, the debate serves as a reminder of the importance of open dialogue and the potential consequences of misinformation.

    • Scientific consensus doesn't silence debatesThe burden of proof lies with those making unfounded claims, not on vaccines or scientific consensus.

      The scientific consensus on various issues does not automatically end debates or change people's minds. RFK Jr.'s claims about vaccines and autism, for instance, are not supported by solid scientific evidence. The infamous 1998 study linking MMR vaccines to autism was found to be fraudulent and has been fully retracted. It's essential to be aware of misinformation and understand that the burden of proof lies with those making the claims, not the vaccines. Companies like PureTalk, with dependable 5G networks and shared values, can help us access facts and truth.

    • Claims linking vaccines to autism lack evidence, but mistrust in science persistsThe need for open debate on scientific matters, including vaccines, arises from the erosion of credibility among those who reject evidence, despite scientific consensus debunking RFK Jr.'s claims about vaccine dangers, particularly regarding ethylmercury in vaccines.

      RFK Jr.'s claims linking vaccines to autism lack substantial evidence and have been debunked by scientific research. However, the underlying issue is the erosion of credibility among those who dismiss such evidence, leading to a need for open debate on various scientific matters, including vaccines, global warming, gender affirming care, universal masking, and COVID-19 vaccines. RFK Jr.'s claims, such as the alleged danger of ethylmercury in vaccines, have been refuted by studies showing that the amount of mercury in vaccines is significantly less than what is naturally ingested through everyday life. Additionally, the type of mercury in thimerosal, which was once used in vaccines, is not linked to serious damage. Despite these facts, RFK Jr. continues to make such claims, and it is crucial for those who support scientific evidence to engage in respectful and factual debates to counter misinformation.

    • The Importance of Open Dialogue in Debunking False ClaimsThe unwillingness of some to defend their claims can perpetuate false information. Open dialogue and transparency are crucial in addressing scientific claims, especially from influential figures.

      The unwillingness of certain individuals or institutions to engage in debate and defend their claims can lead to the perpetuation of potentially false or misleading information. RFK Junior, as an example given, has made controversial claims about Wi-Fi causing cancer and the harms of vaccines, but when challenged, there is a lack of response from those who support these views. This pattern is concerning because those same individuals have held positions of authority and influence in the scientific community for decades. Meanwhile, getting essential nutrients through fruits and vegetables can be challenging, but supplements like Balance of Nature can help ensure proper nutrition intake. However, the most important takeaway is the need for open dialogue and transparency in addressing scientific claims, especially when they come from influential figures.

    • Pfizer Vaccine Offers Nearly 100% Protection to AdolescentsThe Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine offers almost complete protection to adolescents based on a recent study, with zero cases in the vaccinated group and 18 cases in the placebo group.

      The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine offers nearly 100% protection to adolescents based on a recent study involving 1200 participants. The study showed zero COVID cases in the vaccinated group compared to 18 cases in the placebo group. However, it's important to note that larger studies may result in slightly lower protection levels, similar to the high protection seen in adults. The debate around vaccinating adolescents arises due to concerns about virus transmission and severe illness, especially for those with underlying risk factors. The expert class, including figures like Robert F Kennedy Jr., faces criticism for mixing personal agendas with scientific expertise, leading to a need to defend both. Unfounded claims about vaccines and science have become common, further emphasizing the importance of accurate information. Additionally, Helix Sleep recently released their Helix Elite collection, offering a personalized mattress experience for optimal sleep. Listeners can get up to 20% off all mattress orders and two free pillows by visiting helixleep.com/Ben.

    • Allegations of cover-ups and conflicts of interest involving COVID-19 origin and scientific authoritiesConcerns about potential cover-ups and conflicts of interest surround the origin of COVID-19 and the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, with Anthony Fauci's actions being a focus. Additionally, there are allegations of misinformation and cover-ups from scientific authorities on various topics, including COVID-19 origins and gender identity.

      There have been allegations of a cover-up involving the origin of COVID-19 and the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, with some of the first known infected individuals being researchers funded by the US government. Anthony Fauci, who headed the NIAID during this time, is listed as an investigator on the grants. The revelation of sick lab workers in November 2019 had little impact on the debate over the pandemic's origin. Meanwhile, there are concerns about accountability and potential conflicts of interest regarding Fauci's actions. Additionally, there have been allegations of cover-ups and misinformation from scientific authorities on various topics, such as the origins of COVID-19 and gender identity. For instance, Rachel Levine, who identifies as a woman and is the assistant secretary for health, helped Planned Parenthood expand transgender hormone treatments while working in Pennsylvania. These allegations raise questions about the credibility and transparency of scientific institutions and their communication with the public.

    • Debate over gender-affirming care for trans childrenThe AMA supports gender-affirming care, but critics argue its use of non-specific studies and misleading language is not evidence-based, potentially hindering public trust and understanding.

      There is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding the gender-affirming care model for trans-identifying children, with some claiming it is life-saving while others argue it is not evidence-based. The American Medical Association (AMA) has strengthened its support for this model, but some criticize its use of non-specific scientific studies and misleading language. The Associated Press has adopted similar language, suggesting that "sex assigned at birth" should be used instead of "biological sex," and that puberty blockers are "fully reversible," despite evidence to the contrary. Critics argue that this language and these claims are not evidence-based and can be propagandistic. The scientific establishment's unwillingness to debate these issues further undermines public trust and understanding, potentially hindering progress in areas like vaccines and public health. It's important to critically evaluate information and consider multiple perspectives on these complex issues.

    • Rebuilding Trust in Science through Open DebateThe scientific community must engage in open dialogue to rebuild trust and counteract pseudoscientific notions that gain media attention, ultimately ensuring scientific facts are not overshadowed by misinformation.

      The scientific community's handling of certain issues has led to a loss of credibility, making it essential to reestablish trust through open debate. The last century and a half of scientific advancements can be overshadowed if we don't address the concerns and falsehoods being spread. This issue is further complicated when these pseudoscientific notions gain media attention and silence those who challenge them. The suppression of free speech only fuels the belief in these anti-science messages. It's crucial for the scientific community to engage in open dialogue and rebuild trust, ensuring that scientific facts are not overshadowed by misinformation. On a lighter note, let's discuss practical matters. Summer is here, and we all want to enjoy family gatherings and backyard barbecues. Running out of propane at the grill can ruin the perfect summer night. Cinch, a propane grill tank home delivery service, offers a solution. With contactless delivery and no long-term commitments, you can ensure a steady supply of propane for your grilling needs. So, head over to Cinch.com and use promo code Shapiro to get your first tank exchange for just $10. Happy grilling!

    • Twitter's Regression in Content ModerationDespite incremental improvements in content moderation by tech companies, Twitter, once a leader, has seen significant regression under Elon Musk's leadership, leading to the cancellation of films and potential legal consequences for non-compliance with changing notions of truth promoted by the trans movement.

      There have been incremental improvements in tech companies' handling of content moderation, except for Twitter, which has seen significant regression. Twitter, once a leader, has become a tool for spreading anti-LGBTQ misinformation and hate speech under Elon Musk's leadership. This has led to the cancellation of films, such as "No Way Back," and even potential legal consequences, like jail time for non-compliance with changing notions of truth promoted by the trans movement, such as in Ireland. The common theme is the restriction of freedom in the name of the common good, as seen in the Biden administration's promotion of trans issues at home and abroad, despite the hypocrisy and potential harm to those with opposing views.

    • U.S. Foreign Policy: Inconsistent Approach and Domestic PoliticsThe U.S. foreign policy's inconsistent stance towards different countries could weaken its position globally and impact alliances. Domestically, the GOP's nomination battle centers around both personality and policy disagreements with Trump.

      The current administration's foreign policy actions have raised concerns due to seemingly contradictory stances towards different countries. For instance, the U.S. ambassador to Hungary publicly criticized the Hungarian prime minister, while the president and secretary of state have been perceived as being overly accommodating towards China, despite its human rights violations and disputes with the U.S. over issues like Taiwan and the South China Sea. This inconsistent approach could potentially weaken the U.S. position on the global stage and may impact relationships with key allies. Meanwhile, on the domestic front, the Republican Party is gearing up for a nomination battle, with a focus on both policy and personality aspects of former President Trump's candidacy. While criticisms of Trump's personality may not sway voters, disagreements over policy could significantly impact the outcome of the race.

    • Trump's attacks on his own appointeesCritics argue Trump's attacks on appointees undermine his ability to hire competent personnel, but his unconventional leadership style continues to garner support from many.

      Former President Donald Trump's attacks on his own appointed officials, including Bill Barr and John Kelly, highlight his perceived inability to hire competent personnel. This narrative, which is being pushed by critics and opponents, paints Trump as a petulant child who defies those who disagree with him. However, it's important to note that this character push may not be effective in swaying public opinion, as many people continue to support Trump for his unconventional and bold leadership style. Additionally, some of Trump's critics, like Chris Christie, have their own questionable records and inconsistent stances on policy issues. Ultimately, the debate against Trump will likely focus on policy and substance rather than personal attacks.

    • Trump's inconsistent stance on transgender rightsTrump's flip-flop on transgender rights opens the door for political rivals to attack, while his commitment to infrastructure remains constant.

      The debate over transgender issues in politics has become a significant point of contention, with Chris Christie criticizing Trump's inconsistency on the issue. Trump, who previously allowed a transgender woman to compete in the Miss Universe pageant, now opposes transgender rights as part of his 2024 campaign. This flip-flop opens the door for political rivals, particularly Ron DeSantis, to attack Trump on policy grounds. Meanwhile, the media's focus on Casey DeSantis, the governor's wife, has been intense, with accusations of her manipulating her husband's political career. Despite these challenges, Trump remains committed to infrastructure and working with governors to address issues like collapsed bridges. The inconsistency in Trump's stance on transgender rights creates an opportunity for other candidates to differentiate themselves on policy.

    • The Political Landscape: Intriguing Characters and DynamicsRon DeSantis' wife, Casey, significantly impacts his political career, while the media expresses fear and hatred towards him due to his perceived electability. Biden's age and functionality are concerns, with some preferring Trump as a nominee. Family roles in politics remain debated.

      The political landscape is filled with intriguing characters and dynamics, as seen in the ongoing campaigns of Ron DeSantis and Joe Biden. DeSantis' wife, Casey, plays a significant role in his political career, while the media expresses fear and hatred towards him due to his perceived electability. Meanwhile, Biden's age and perceived lack of functionality have become topics of concern, with some preferring the older Trump as a nominee. The media's treatment of DeSantis and Biden highlights the complexities and biases within the political sphere. Additionally, there is ongoing debate about the role of family in politics, with some criticizing DeSantis for having young children involved. Overall, the political landscape is filled with nuanced issues and intriguing characters.

    • Exploring themes of self-sacrifice, class divides, and personal ambitions in 'The Remains of the Day' and media discussionsThe novel 'The Remains of the Day' delves into the cost of self-sacrifice, while media figures debate the authenticity and impact of public figures' actions and deals.

      "Remains of the Day" by Kazuo Ishiguro is a thought-provoking novel that explores the themes of self-sacrifice, class divides, and personal ambitions. The movie adaptation, while entertaining, does not fully capture the depth and complexity of the book. Ishiguro's novel is a poignant examination of what it means to put aside one's own goals for the sake of serving a higher purpose, even if that sacrifice ultimately proves to be detrimental. Meanwhile, in the world of media, Bill Simmons, a well-known media executive, expressed his disdain for Harry and Meghan's failed Spotify deal, criticizing them as "grifters." Additionally, Karine Jean-Pierre, a White House Press Secretary, made headlines for declaring herself "historic," a statement that some found unnecessary and tiresome. Overall, these discussions highlight the intrigue of literature, the power of media, and the ongoing debate surrounding identity and achievement.

    • Historical Significance vs. Professional CompetenceIn today's society, identity can sometimes overshadow professional abilities, leading to historical significance for individuals like a black queer press secretary or a rapper with graphic lyrics, despite their poor performance.

      We live in a world where historical significance is often prioritized over professional competence. The discussion revolves around a press secretary being labeled as historic due to her identity as a black queer woman, despite her poor performance in her role. Meanwhile, a rapper named Sexy Red, known for her graphic and violent lyrics, has gained popularity and even made it to the Hot 100. The deconstruction of culture highlights the evolution of transgressive art, which was once considered sexy due to its taboo nature, but has now reached a level where it sounds like a third-grader's description of bodily functions. Despite the controversy surrounding their professional abilities, both the press secretary and Sexy Red have achieved historical significance in their respective fields.

    • Cardi B's Controversial Song 'Pound Town'Listeners found Cardi B's explicit and graphic 'Pound Town' lyrics entertaining but offensive, with references to Miami and a stepfather search adding to the controversy.

      The lyrics to the song "Pound Town" by Cardi B, as read aloud in the discussion, contain explicit and graphic language that some may find offensive or disturbing. The song's content includes repeated use of racial slurs, descriptions of bodily functions, and sexual themes. The speaker expresses hesitance to read the lyrics but ultimately does so, finding the experience both hilariously bad and impossible to resist. The song also includes references to Miami, which has received a travel warning from the NAACP, and a request for applicants for a stepfather for Cardi B's child, which the speaker finds an unusual way to approach finding a spouse. The discussion also mentions that Nicki Minaj recorded a second version of the song. Overall, the conversation highlights the controversial nature of the song's lyrics and the speaker's conflicting feelings about engaging with them.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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