
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Complexity of the Men's CrisisThe men's crisis is multifaceted, affecting education, job performance, and life satisfaction. It's crucial to acknowledge the interconnectedness of men and women and the importance of men's traditional roles in society.

      The crisis facing American men is complex and cannot be fully understood without considering the roles and relationships between men and women. The media's sudden interest in the plight of American men comes as they fall behind in various areas, including education, job performance, and life satisfaction. The Bible's wisdom in Genesis emphasizes the complementary nature of men and women as two halves of the same whole. However, recent discussions about the issue are dominated by women's perspectives, which may not fully capture the complexity of the problem. Traditionally, men's roles were to protect, defend, and provide for their families and communities. But modern culture often shames men for fulfilling these roles, leading some men to disengage. Understanding the challenges facing American men requires acknowledging the interconnectedness of men and women and the importance of men's traditional roles in society.

    • The Importance of Marriage as a Foundation for Individual and Societal GrowthMarriage provides a foundation for protection, comfort, provision, and growth for individuals and society, and divorce is viewed as a loss rather than a cause for celebration.

      While some view divorce as a new stage of life to be celebrated, others argue that it represents a tragedy and the breakdown of the foundation for family and societal growth. The speaker argues that men and women are meant to complement each other in marriage, providing protection, defense, comfort, and provision. When this foundation is broken, men may become destructive or toxic, as their instincts are no longer channeled towards positive goals. The speaker criticizes the media and societal pressure to view all relationship decisions as equally valid, and argues that traditional patterns of marriage and family provide a framework for success for both men and women. In essence, the speaker values the importance of marriage as a building block for individual and societal growth, and views divorce as a loss rather than a cause for celebration.

    • Protecting Online Privacy with ExpressVPNUsing ExpressVPN can help secure personal data from hackers and safeguard against online threats. Societal issues require constructive solutions instead of reactionary opposition.

      In today's digital world, using an unsecured network without a VPN like ExpressVPN can put your personal data at risk. Hackers can easily gain access to sensitive information such as passwords and financial details. ExpressVPN, the sponsor of this discussion, is considered the best VPN on the market, and using it can help protect your data. Another takeaway is the importance of understanding and addressing societal issues instead of becoming reactionary and oppositional. The breakdown of societal norms and the degradation of femininity and masculinity can lead to toxic behaviors and an overall decrease in happiness. It's crucial to acknowledge these issues and work towards finding solutions rather than blaming and reacting to the perceived actions of others. In conclusion, using ExpressVPN to protect your online privacy and addressing societal issues in a constructive manner are essential steps towards living in a thriving and happy society.

    • Men's identity crisis and destructive behaviorsProgressives need to rethink their approach to masculinity, support men's mental health, and promote a positive vision of masculinity to help men navigate the modern world constructively

      Society's shift away from traditional institutions and role models has left many men feeling lost and unsure of how to channel their instincts and energies in positive ways. This has contributed to a widespread identity crisis among men, leading some to retreat into destructive behaviors like video games, porn, or the alt-right. Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychology professor, has gained popularity by filling the void with his self-help advice, but some argue that a more nuanced and inclusive understanding of masculinity is needed to truly address the issue. Christine Emba, in her analysis, suggests that progressives must rethink their approach to masculinity and recognize the importance of supporting men's mental health and well-being without undermining the gains made for women. Ultimately, a positive and particular vision of masculinity is needed to help men navigate the modern world and channel their instincts towards building rather than destruction.

    • Essentialist views of gender roles and societal equalityWe should recognize and valorize distinctiveness in gender roles, rather than pathologizing or turning it into something destructive. Find a positive and socially beneficial vision of masculinity that resonates with young men.

      The essentialist view of gender roles being inherent in men and women being detrimental to social equality. Christine Emba, in her discussion with more left-leaning people, emphasized that biology is not destiny, and there's no one script for being a woman or a man. However, she also acknowledged that most people don't want a completely androgynous society. Instead, we should recognize distinctiveness and find new ways to valorize it, rather than pathologizing it or turning it into something destructive. The media, including Politico, has been discussing the "man problem" in society, but the solution isn't to convince men that manhood is bad. Instead, we should focus on enacting the "good man," the decent and caring man, which is a model that Democrats could embrace. However, it's important to note that the traditional model of a man as a provider and protector within marriage is not universally loved by Democrats. Therefore, it's crucial to find a positive and socially beneficial vision of masculinity that resonates with young men and respects the distinctiveness of both genders.

    • The left's flawed perspective on family and societal institutionsThe denigration of traditional family structures and societal norms by the left risks making both men and women unhappier and contributes to the rise of reactionary right-wing ideologies. A more nuanced approach acknowledging historical benefits and potential improvements is needed.

      The idea that family can be formed under any circumstances and that societal institutions, including marriage, are the problem, is a flawed perspective. This perspective, as expressed by some on the left, can exacerbate issues related to precarious masculinity and economic instability for men. The left's argument that societal institutions are the problem overlooks the historical benefits, particularly for women, that these institutions have provided. Marriage, for instance, was a solution to the economic and practical challenges faced by women in raising children. The denigration of traditional family structures and societal norms risks making both men and women unhappier and contributes to the rise of reactionary right-wing ideologies. Instead, a more nuanced approach that acknowledges the historical benefits and potential improvements to these institutions is needed.

    • The reaction to feminism on the right leading to toxic masculinityThe call for rebuilding societal institutions instead of promoting toxic behavior is crucial.

      The reaction to the perceived destruction of traditional institutions by some on the right has led to toxic masculinity and objectification of women in certain circles. Andrew Tate, a prominent figure criticizing feminism, provides a correct diagnosis of the issue but offers problematic solutions. His involvement in the cam girl industry contradicts his critique of the feminist sexual ethos and hegdonistic attitudes towards women. This inconsistency highlights the need for constructive solutions that reinforce and rebuild societal institutions rather than promoting toxic behavior.

    • Objectification and exploitation of women harms individuals and societyMen should strive to be productive members of society by engaging in committed relationships and becoming providers and protectors for their families, promoting healthy masculinity and relationships.

      The objectification and exploitation of women, as discussed in the interview with Andrew Tate, is a morally problematic and toxic behavior that harms individuals and society as a whole. It's important to note that such actions are not representative of good men and go against building healthy relationships and families. Instead, men should strive to be productive members of society by engaging in committed relationships and becoming providers and protectors for their families. This not only benefits men but also women, who can find fulfillment in being wives and mothers. It's crucial to recognize that these roles do not equate to subjugation or slavery but rather partnership and mutual growth. The liberation of men's aggressive instincts without proper societal guidance can lead to destructive behaviors, and it's essential to promote healthy masculinity and relationships.

    • The importance of strong family units for individual happiness and societal well-beingMen's natural instinct to protect and defend can benefit family and society, but societal decay and the collapse of male performance are concerning. Focusing on personal growth and societal development is key to counteracting destructive behaviors and promoting a balanced approach.

      Building strong family units is essential for individual happiness and the well-being of society. Traditional family values provide a foundation for morality and stability, contrasting moral chaos that arises from individualistic perspectives. Men, in particular, have a natural instinct to protect and defend, which is beneficial when channeled towards family and society. However, societal decay and the collapse of male performance are concerning, leading to destructive behaviors and a lack of direction. To counteract this, focusing on personal growth and success can be helpful, but it's crucial to remember that building a strong society is the ultimate goal. The Bronze Age Mindset, while promoting personal development, lacks a clear vision for societal improvement and can lead to destructive ideologies. Instead, we should strive for a balanced approach, combining personal growth with societal development.

    • Nietzsche's philosophy and the 'bronze age mindset'Nietzsche's philosophy and the 'bronze age mindset' debate question the value of equality and meritocracy, but it's essential to maintain a balance between them for societal progress.

      Beauty and will are not moral standards or goals in themselves, but rather observations and means to an end. The discussion touched upon Nietzsche's philosophy and its connection to the "bronze age mindset," which some argue is a reversion to paganism and a destructive force to social institutions. This mindset, as expressed in works like "Bronze Age Pervert" or "Bronze Age Mindset," has been criticized for its belief in natural differences, rejection of equality, and advocacy for eugenics. However, it's important to note that some proponents of these ideas may intend them as critiques rather than endorsements. The discussion also highlighted the potential dangers of the feminine desire for equality leading to a lack of meritocracy and the masculine desire for justice leading to tyranny. Ultimately, neither extreme is beneficial for American society, and it's crucial to maintain a balance between the two.

    • Efficiency, Self-Care, and Valuing Unique StrengthsBen Shapiro endorses Stamps.com for efficient postage and Jeremy's razors for high-quality self-care. He values women's reproductive abilities as a unique strength and criticizes the left's devaluation of traditional feminine roles.

      Being efficient with your time and resources is crucial for business success. Ben Shapiro endorses Stamps.com for postage needs, offering a special trial offer with free postage and a digital scale using the promo code "Shapiro." Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of high-quality self-care products, specifically mentioning Jeremy's razors and their hair and body bundles. The discussion also touched on the topic of femininity and masculinity, with Shapiro expressing his view that women's reproductive abilities are a unique strength rather than something to be suppressed. The left's perceived devaluation of traditional feminine roles, such as motherhood, was criticized, with examples given of military policies funding trans surgeries and abortions. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of making the most of opportunities and valuing natural abilities and self-care.

    • A debate on military funding for abortion and societal valuesThe debate around military funding for abortion goes beyond military readiness, touching on deeper societal values and beliefs about women's reproductive rights, gender roles, and the importance of building solutions.

      The debate around military funding for abortion is not just about military readiness, but also about deeper societal values and beliefs. According to the discussion, some argue that women's reproductive rights are a sacred duty that should be supported, while others believe that it encourages toxic masculinity and undermines traditional gender roles. The speaker also criticizes the idea that women's highest aspiration is to have an abortion, which they argue is a form of toxic femininity. The debate highlights the complex and interconnected nature of gender issues and the importance of building solutions rather than reacting to each other. Additionally, the speaker critiques the argument that subsidizing abortions is a form of matriarchy, pointing out that the original definition of matriarchy refers to a mother or the mother of many, not the dispensation of children. The speaker also criticizes the idea that individual expression of sexual desire is the only goal, and that building and considering consequences is not a priority for some on the left.

    • Communicating reproductive health and bodily autonomyEffective communication and education are essential for reducing unwanted pregnancies and addressing health issues. In states with abstinence-only education, it's crucial to emphasize these topics and the importance of being responsible individuals.

      Effective communication and education about reproductive health and bodily autonomy are crucial for reducing unwanted pregnancies and addressing health issues. Lovehold of Pro Choice Missouri emphasizes the importance of these topics, particularly in states with abstinence-only education. The decline of traditional family structures and the resulting loss of values in capitalism have contributed to the stripping away of what it means to be a responsible man and woman. Capitalism, as a tool for prosperity, relies on families to provide a reason for individuals to work and earn. By focusing on building for the future, rather than consuming it for the present, we can foster economic growth and advancement.

    • Europe's focus on present enjoyment and job security over future earningsEurope's short-term focus has led to economic stagnation, decreased living standards, and the collapse of once-admired institutions like the NHS due to lack of investment and staffing.

      Europe's focus on present enjoyment and job security over future earnings has led to economic stagnation and a decline in living standards. The continent, once admired for its art and culture, is facing active poverty as purchasing power decreases. Europeans are cutting back on luxury items and essentials due to inflation and recession. This mentality, rooted in the present, has also affected institutions like the National Health System in the UK, which is in crisis due to lack of investment and staffing. The NHS, a symbol of Britain's welfare state, is now facing long waiting times and understaffing. This short-term focus has been damaging Europe's economy for decades and is leading to the collapse of systems that were once admired. The article in the Wall Street Journal highlights the consequences of this mentality and the need for a shift towards future orientation to secure a better future for the next generation.

    • Society's treatment of the elderly reveals its valuesOutsourcing responsibilities to the government can lead to a lack of empathy and respect for the elderly, resulting in concerning trends like euthanasia and poverty programs that disregard personal responsibility and future consequences.

      A society's treatment of its elderly and handling of social issues can reveal much about its values and ethics. The discussion highlights the potential dangers of outsourcing responsibilities to the government, leading to a lack of empathy and respect for those in need. For instance, the increasing use of euthanasia in Canada for elderly individuals is a concerning trend, as it represents the disposability of those who hold valuable wisdom and knowledge. Similarly, poverty programs can allow individuals to avoid personal responsibility and connection with those in need. Empathy, rather than being an expression of genuine care and sacrifice, can often be an excuse to outsource problems and responsibilities to third parties. This trend towards present-oriented solutions that disregard the future consequences can contribute to the serious troubles facing society. Additionally, the speaker expresses frustration with figures like Barack Obama, who they believe polarized the country and prioritized political gain over empathy and unity.

    • Obama weighed in on book bans, but it's not about suppressing viewpointsObama's statement on book bans being about viewpoint suppression is misleading. The issue is about removing explicit content not suitable for younger students.

      Former President Barack Obama weighed in on the debate over book bans in schools, claiming that certain viewpoints are being suppressed. However, the discussion around book bans is not about restricting access to books, but rather removing explicit content not suitable for younger students. Obama's statement about books shaping his life, such as "Genderqueer," is questionable. The left, including Obama, has been grappling with internal conflicts within their intersectional coalition, particularly regarding the LGBTQ+ and Muslim communities. Some minorities hold differing views, which the left attempts to explain away as the result of external influences. The use of terms like "misinformation" and "disinformation" to justify censorship is concerning, and the release of private text messages by celebrities to gain sympathy or attention is a trend that raises questions about privacy and consent.

    • The Importance of Open Communication in RelationshipsOpen communication and honesty are crucial in relationships. Not every comment or criticism is meant to be hurtful, and seeking validation through social media can be harmful. Addressing underlying issues with professional help can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

      Artists' personal lives, including their relationships, have become a public spectacle, with social media being the primary platform for sharing intimate details. In the discussed instance, Bebe Rexha shared a text message exchange with her boyfriend regarding her weight gain, which she presented as a hurtful comment. However, upon closer examination, the text appeared to be a sincere and honest conversation between the couple. The boyfriend's message, while not sugarcoated, was meant to be supportive and truthful. The conversation ended with him encouraging her to address her insecurities and seek professional help. This exchange, while potentially uncomfortable for some, highlights the importance of open communication and honesty in relationships. It's essential to remember that not every comment or criticism is meant to be malicious and that seeking validation through social media can be detrimental. Instead, focusing on personal growth and addressing underlying issues with the help of professionals can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

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    Ep. 1996 - Wait, Can Donald Trump DRONE His Political Enemies Now?!

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    The Supreme Court makes a decision about presidential immunity–and the Left goes predictably insane; Democrats continue to suffer from heartburn over Joe Biden’s dementia; and the French decide whether to go right or left.


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    Ep. 1995 - PANIC! Will Democrats REPLACE Biden?

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    The fallout from Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance continues…and Democrats break into open warfare over whether to toss the dementia-ridden president overboard.


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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Ep. 1780 - The Rigging Of The 2024 Election

    Ep. 1780 - The Rigging Of The 2024 Election

    Bogged down by specious legal cases – and elevated toward the Republican presidential nomination because of them – Donald Trump faces insuperable obstacles to the White House; Devon Archer tells Tucker Carlson about his relationship with Hunter; and Bidenomics means America’s credit being downgraded.


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    Ep. 1783 - I Will Never Forget Biden's Disastrous Afghanistan Pull Out

    Ep. 1783 - I Will Never Forget Biden's Disastrous Afghanistan Pull Out

    Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan policy left millions under the rule of the Taliban and got 13 American soldiers killed – but the media don’t care; Ne-Yo gets hammered for telling the truth about gender; and more charges are on their way for Donald Trump.


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    Ep. 1760 - Why Do Democrats Celebrate July 4th?

    Ep. 1760 - Why Do Democrats Celebrate July 4th?

    New polls show that many Democrats are wildly unenthusiastic about America, so we ask what they’re celebrating on July 4th; a judge issues an order stopping the Biden administration from pressuring social media companies; and cocaine is found at the White House.


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