
    About this Episode

    Ep 181 Asking the Right Questions and Why People Fail

    Many people are setting themselves up to fail from the start.

    Whether it be goal-setting or trying to change a habit, many people don't even realize one of the fundamental things you must do before even beginning.

    Often what I have seen in my own life and work with clients is that it comes down to the questions we ask ourselves. 

    In today's episode I share the traps we can all fall into and how to overcome them. 



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    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

    Recent Episodes from Overcoming Graduation

    Ep 215 A Look Behind the Curtain - Improving Your Public Speaking

    Ep 215 A Look Behind the Curtain - Improving Your Public Speaking

    Ep 215 A Look Behind the Curtain - Improving Your Public Speaking

    Working with clients of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels has given me a great deal of insight into how people think about public speaking.

    After years of study, practice, and speaking across the country and learning from one of the greatest speakers of all-time in Sean Stephenson has helped me to learn some incredible tricks that can help even highly-experienced pros take their speaking to the next level.

    If you are ready to take your speaking further than it has ever gone, check out today's episode! 

    If you know you are ready to dive deep and would like to discuss my coaching or consulting services, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com


    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

    Ep 214 RPM - Goal Setting That Works

    Ep 214 RPM - Goal Setting That Works

    Ep 214 RPM - Goal Setting That Works

    Motivation is great, ambition is wonderful, but how do we capture the energy and direct it consciously to get a result? 

    I have spent years testing different goal-setting / organizational tools and recently was introduced to Tony Robbins' RPM goal-setting process. 

    It is one of the best overall goal-setting methodologies I have ever seen and includes a key item that I have never seen in any other goal-setting tool (that is a game-changer). 

    Today I break down what it is and how you can get started using it today! 



    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

    Ep 213 Change It Up (Notes on Habit Change)

    Ep 213 Change It Up (Notes on Habit Change)

    Ep 213 Change It Up (Notes on Habit Change)

    If you have ever tried to change a habit and failed time and time again, you know the frustration and resilience it takes to try again. 

    This isn't just for habits.

    Think of all the areas in your life that you have tried again and again and keep getting the same result. 

    Sometimes, it is not more effort, but a different approach we need to get a new result.

    Today, I share a recent example from my own life on how a small tweak has been giving me massively different results in a key area in my life, and how you can too. 



    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

    Ep 212 Borrow My Motivation Today

    Ep 212 Borrow My Motivation Today

    Ep 212 Borrow My Motivation Today

    Many days, when I first get up out of bed, the voices in my head are not positive. 

    So what can we do when our internal dialogue isn't automatically positive? 

    Borrow the motivation from someone else.

    Borrow someone else's words until you can create your own. 

    For anyone who needs it today, I've got your motivation ready to go.

    Just throw in your earbuds and listen in.

    Its time! 



    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com


    Ep 211 Purpose to Your Pain

    Ep 211 Purpose to Your Pain

    Ep 211 Purpose to Your Pain

    A friend once asked me, "Brian, do you think everything happens for a reason?"

    I thought about it for a minute and said to her, "Honestly... I don't know. But I choose to believe it all does." 

    In today's episode I share a perspective on the purpose to our brain. 

    Developing the skill of reframing is one of the most consistent traits I have seen in high-performing people. 

    Today, I share one way to apply that skill day-to-day. 



    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

    Ep 210 Gifts Wrapped in Sandpaper

    Ep 210 Gifts Wrapped in Sandpaper

    Ep 210 Gifts Wrapped in Sandpaper

    How do you respond when something terrible happens? 

    Career troubles, relationship falling apart, health challenges, life has a way of keeping us guessing.

    What's important to realize is that we have a choice.

    We have a choice how we perceive the "negative" things that happen in our lives.

    In today's episode, I share one of the biggest lessons I learned from one of my mentors about the hardest lessons in life.

    What he taught me, changed my life and the way I perceived life's challenges forever. 

    I hope you enjoy it! 


    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

    Ep 209 First Open Mat in 7 Years

    Ep 209 First Open Mat in 7 Years

    Ep 209 First Open Mat in 7 Years

    What have you been telling yourself you would start back up but years have passed?

    For me, martial arts have always been something I loved but it has been SEVEN YEARS since I got on the mat. 

    It is interesting is when we look at what stops us from doing what we love.

    Today, we will talk about why and how to overcome the resistance that has been holding you back. 



    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

    Ep 208 The Blessings in the Bad Days

    Ep 208 The Blessings in the Bad Days

    Ep 208 The Blessings in the Bad Days

    Sometimes when bad things happen, things we didn't plan for, it can seem like things are falling apart.

    When our perfectly organized plan doesn't come together, it may feel like we'll never be able to succeed at achieving our goals.

    But what if those bad days had a purpose?

    What if learning to manage the bad days was just as important as learning to celebrate the good?

    How can we do that when we feel stuck?

    In today's episode I will discuss some strategies to do all that and more! Tune in today to find out how. 



    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

    Ep 207 They're Counting on You

    Ep 207 They're Counting on You

    Ep 207 They're Counting on You

    What's very interesting is the dichotomy we face when we want to help people. 

    We can simultaneously crave success, crave growth, crave to be making an impact, and at the same time be afraid to have people counting on us. 

    We can go from celebrating a growing audience to resenting the audience for "expecting so much" of us. 

    In today's episode, I will share one of the greatest secrets I have learned about this and how to get through some of the darkest times in our lives. 

    Tune in today to find out more about it!



    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com

    Ep 206 Waiting for Motivation

    Ep 206 Waiting for Motivation

    Ep 206 Waiting for Motivation

    If you have ever found yourself waiting for motivation to strike before you get started, you know how I've been feeling recently. 

    When we find ourselves sitting on the couch saying, "I'll get started as soon as the energy shows up," then we watch an entire day blow by and have nothing to show for it, it can get pretty demoralizing. 

    Today, I share some things it took me years to learn from some of the best coaches out there to help you CREATE motivation instead of waiting for it. 

    You got this! 



    To subscribe to the podcast, search for "Overcoming Graduation" on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. You can also click here to be taken to the iTunes page!

    If this episode was of value to you, please like, share, give a rating, and provide feedback on the show. This will help me understand how I can better serve you and reach even more people!

    To provide a rating click here, click the "View in iTunes" button under the podcast art, click "Rating and Reviews" to the right of the podcast art, and then leave me your feedback, I'd love to hear what you think and how I can better serve you!

    To learn more about the OCG Community, check out the Overcoming Graduation website or check out the OCG  FacebookYouTubeTwitter, and Instagram pages.

    To contact me directly for interview recommendations, to provide feedback on the show, or to contact me for speaking engagements / book signings, reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com