
    Ep 203 - It's Smooth Sack Summer! | ShxtsnGigs Podcast

    enJuly 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Mother's Day Sale at Blue Nile with Special OffersBlue Nile offers Mother's Day jewelry gifts with fast shipping, free returns, and a special sale with up to 50% off. Join Patreon for a monthly fee for access to a dance music playlist and in-depth discussions.

      Mother's Day is coming up and Blue Nile offers beautiful jewelry gifts with fast shipping, free shipping, and returns. Additionally, there's a special Mother's Day sale with up to 50% off. The conversation also touched on nostalgic memories of dance music and a playlist called S and G. To access the full playlist and more content, join the Patreon community for a monthly fee. The conversation got deep in a recent episode, and viewers are encouraged to subscribe for more in-depth discussions. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

    • Mo Farah's Hidden Past and IdentityMo Farah, a world-class runner, overcame a challenging childhood and kept his past a secret to become a successful athlete, revealing his deep Somali roots late in life.

      Mo Farah, a world-renowned long-distance runner, had an extraordinary background that shaped his identity and drive to succeed. Born in Somaliland as Hussein Abdi Kahin, Mo was smuggled into the UK under the name Mohammed Farah when he was young. He lived with a family he didn't want to be with and was forced to work. Mo kept his past a secret until he was older and eventually found another Somali family to live with. His experiences fueled his passion for running and led him to become one of the greatest athletes of our time, with 13 gold, 9 silver, and 2 bronze medals. Despite being known as Mo Farah, his real name is actually Baer Somali, highlighting his deep Somali roots. The unexpected revelation of his past adds to the inspiring story of his perseverance and success.

    • Discussing the significance of names and potential impact of cultural colonizationNames carry cultural and societal meanings, and altering them can have complex consequences, potentially leading to cultural colonization

      Names and identities can be complex and multifaceted, with cultural and societal influences shaping how they are perceived and understood. In the discussed conversation, there is a debate about renaming the name "Mohammed" to "Moe" for marketing purposes, sparking a conversation about the significance of names and the potential impact of cultural colonization. The speakers also share personal experiences of teachers and their roles as guardians and influencers in their lives, highlighting the complex dynamics between students and educators. Ultimately, the conversation sheds light on the importance of understanding the nuances of identity and the potential consequences of simplifying or altering it.

    • Recognizing diverse talents and interests in schoolAcknowledging and nurturing students' diverse talents and interests can help them stay engaged and motivated in school.

      The speaker's diverse skills and abilities made him stand out in school, despite his lack of focus on certain sports. He excelled in various activities such as basketball, table tennis, athletics, and even hated ones like cross country. However, he felt disconnected during PE classes, particularly during football, due to the harsh winter conditions and solid ground. The speaker's competitiveness drove him to push through and win the school cross country race, but he hated the experience and never tried his best in that event. The speaker also expressed frustration towards teachers for not catering to students' individual interests and abilities, leading him to feel unmotivated and disengaged during certain activities. Overall, the speaker's experiences in school highlight the importance of acknowledging and nurturing students' diverse talents and interests.

    • Persistent body odor disrupts classroom learningFailure to address students' hygiene issues can lead to bullying and a negative learning environment, emphasizing the need for regulations and support for teachers to intervene.

      The lack of action from authorities in addressing the issue of a student's persistent body odor led to bullying and disruption in the classroom. The speaker recalls experiences from his childhood where classmates' body odor was so strong that it affected the learning environment, but no one took any steps to address it. He believes that there should be regulations in place for teachers to intervene when a student's hygiene is significantly impacting the classroom. The failure to address the issue left the students affected by the smell feeling isolated and bullied, and the teacher left with the responsibility of dealing with the situation on their own. The experience left a lasting impression on the speaker, highlighting the importance of addressing hygiene issues in schools to create a positive learning environment for all students.

    • Childhood memory of classmate making fun of another's bad breathEmpathize with those being bullied and encourage them to make improvements to improve their situation

      The speaker shared a memory from his childhood about a classmate named Matt who made fun of another classmate, Daisy, for her supposed bad breath. Matt shared this information with the speaker's brother, who was also in the same class as Daisy. The speaker found it amusing that Matt had noticed Daisy's breath stank when she breathed out of her nose. The speaker also recalled another classmate, Sam, who was known for having matted hair and collecting pencil shavings, which he would put in his hair. The speaker expressed that if someone was being bullied for their personal circumstances beyond their control, such as hygiene, at a certain age, they should take matters into their own hands and make changes to improve their situation. The speaker empathized with the classmate being bullied and wished he could have done more to support him.

    • Childhood stories highlighting the importance of empathy and understandingEmpathy is crucial. People's circumstances and experiences shape their actions and appearances. Be compassionate, non-judgmental, and open-minded towards others.

      Everyone has a unique background and upbringing that shapes their experiences and behaviors. The speaker shared stories from his childhood about friends with challenging home lives, some dealing with addiction or unconventional dietary habits. One friend's yard was a reflection of his family's situation, leading the speaker to suspect his mother might not be living there. Another friend's sister overdosed on drugs when they were young, and they didn't fully understand the implications at the time. These stories highlight the importance of empathy and understanding that everyone's circumstances are different. It's crucial to remember that people's actions and appearances can be influenced by factors beyond their control. The speaker's experiences also demonstrate the power of nicknames and labels, which can have a significant impact on how people perceive one another. Ultimately, these stories serve as a reminder to be compassionate, non-judgmental, and open-minded towards others.

    • Childhood experiences shape our livesCreating a healthy and supportive environment for children is crucial, and teachers can play a key role in shaping their futures through communication and intervention.

      The environment we grow up in can significantly impact our lives. The speaker shared an experience of visiting his friend's house in his childhood, which was in a terrible state. His friend was oblivious to the condition of his home and seemed content with it. The speaker also shared an incident where he developed feelings for his best friend's childhood crush, but his friend sabotaged their potential relationship. The teachers in their lives could have intervened in both situations, but they didn't. These experiences highlight the importance of creating a healthy and supportive environment for children, and the role teachers can play in shaping their futures. The anecdotes also underscore the importance of communication and trust in relationships.

    • Friendships and Romance: A Complex SituationCommunication, trust, and choosing between relationships and friendships are crucial when romantic feelings complicate friendships. Miscommunication and betrayal can lead to hurtful actions and damaged relationships.

      Friendships can be tested when romantic feelings come into play. In this discussion, a friend, Rags, found himself in a complicated situation where his friend was trying to win over the girl he had feelings for. After a year of observing the situation, Rags realized that he couldn't have both his friend and the girl. He felt used and betrayed when his friend badmouthed him to the girl, leading to a heated confrontation. Ultimately, Rags decided to cut his losses and move on, recognizing that everyone involved was acting selfishly and betraying each other's trust. The situation highlights the importance of communication, trust, and choosing between relationships and friendships. It also shows how quickly things can escalate when romantic feelings are involved, leading to hurtful actions and damaged relationships.

    • Betrayal and loyalty in human relationshipsBetrayal can lead to intense emotions and actions, making it difficult to determine true intentions in complex relationships

      Betrayal and loyalty are recurring themes in human relationships, and they can lead to intense emotions and actions. The speaker in this conversation expresses his feelings of betrayal towards a friend who was flirting with a woman the speaker was interested in. He imagines confronting the situation and wanting to know for sure if the woman was interested in his friend or him. The conversation also touches upon the complexity of human relationships and the difficulty of determining true intentions. Additionally, there's a brief mention of the Ricky Martin scandal, which serves as a reminder that public figures are not immune to controversial behavior and that scandals can lead to confusion and misidentification. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and intensity of human emotions and the challenges of navigating interpersonal relationships.

    • Ricky Martin under investigation for domestic violence allegations by nephewRicky Martin faces potential 50-year prison sentence over domestic violence allegations by nephew. Legal implications of incest and its application in such cases sparked debate.

      Ricky Martin is currently under investigation for allegations of domestic violence made by his 21-year-old nephew. The incident could result in up to 50 years in prison under Puerto Rican law due to the alleged relationship between the two. The validity of the allegations is currently under dispute, with Martin's team stating they are confident he will be vindicated. The conversation also touched upon the controversial topic of incest laws and their application, particularly in cases where no reproduction is involved. The speaker expressed confusion over the legal rationale behind such laws and questioned why they should apply differently based on sexual orientation.

    • The daunting prospect of a lengthy prison sentenceLong prison sentences can be devastating and it's important to maintain appropriate relationships and respect family bonds.

      The severity of facing a lengthy prison sentence, such as 50 years, is a daunting prospect that is not to be taken lightly. This was a recurring theme in the conversation, with the speaker expressing his disbelief and unwillingness to face such a long term in prison. Another important point that emerged was the confusion between Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin, two different artists with similar names. The conversation also touched upon the topic of inappropriate relationships, specifically an uncle's relationship with his nephew, which was described as shocking and inappropriate. The speaker expressed his disbelief and disappointment in the situation, emphasizing the importance of family and the harm caused by such actions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the gravity of long prison sentences and the importance of maintaining appropriate relationships and respecting family bonds.

    • Unique preferences in relationships: unexpected green flagsPeople value unique traits in partners, such as confidence, humor, and quirks, even if they come with red flags

      People have unique preferences when it comes to relationships, and these preferences can include seemingly unusual or unexpected "green flags" that attract them to potential partners. During a discussion, the group shared various examples of such green flags, ranging from a partner's confidence and sense of humor to specific quirks and behaviors. Some examples included a partner's ability to ignore red flags if they possess a desirable trait, such as a dog or a strong sense of dominance. Others found appeal in a partner's hygiene habits or their backchat of authority figures on their behalf. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and respecting individual preferences in romantic relationships.

    • Importance of good communication, financial stability, and a strong social circle in a relationshipEffective communication, financial stability, and a strong social circle are crucial qualities in a successful relationship. Poor spelling can be a red flag, and demanding financial support for friends during a date is a warning sign.

      Effective communication and the ability to spell correctly are important qualities in a partner. The speaker shared an experience where a friend's boyfriend's poor spelling was a red flag for them. The friend had noticed the same issue and it was a source of frustration for her as well. The speaker also mentioned that having a stable group of friends for a long time is a good sign in a relationship. Additionally, financial stability was mentioned as an important factor. The speaker shared an anecdote about a woman demanding her partner pay for all her friends during a birthday dinner, which the partner refused to do. The speaker found it strange and believed it was staged. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of good communication, financial stability, and a strong social circle in a relationship.

    • Misunderstanding over financial responsibilities during a dinner outingEffective communication and understanding of each other's financial situations and boundaries are essential to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships.

      Money management and communication are crucial in relationships. The discussion reveals a disagreement over financial responsibilities during a dinner outing. The speaker expresses his unwillingness to pay for a large group of people, including his partner and her friends, leading to tension and potential conflict. He believes that paying for such a large group is unnecessary and unsustainable, especially for someone who has struggled with finances in the past. The partner's expectation of being paid for and her confidence in making such a request led to a misunderstanding and potential relationship issues. Effective communication and understanding of each other's financial situations and boundaries are essential to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. It's important to remember that everyone's financial situation and priorities are different, and open communication and respect are key to maintaining a healthy relationship.

    • Understanding Relationships: Diversity and ComplexityPeople have unique preferences and ways of expressing relationships, shaped by their experiences and backgrounds. Green flags are not definitive indicators of a healthy relationship, and communication and respect are crucial.

      People have unique preferences and ways of expressing their relationships. While some find comfort in public displays of affection and reminders of belonging, others value silence and independence. Additionally, the ease of accessing information online, such as criminal records, can vary greatly between cultures. It's important to remember that everyone has different experiences and backgrounds that shape their perspectives and behaviors in relationships. Furthermore, there were some interesting observations about green flags in relationships, such as having good genes, being able to sit in silence, and understanding complex languages. However, it's essential to remember that these are not definitive indicators of a healthy relationship, and individual circumstances and personal preferences should always be taken into account. Lastly, the conversation touched on the importance of communication and respect in relationships, as well as the potential consequences of disrespectful or hurtful language. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexity and diversity of human relationships and the importance of understanding and respecting each other's differences.

    • Social status, confidence, and flexibilityExpensive cars may indicate power, confidence matters in communication, and flexibility is essential in life. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage, and Celebrations Passport from 1800flowers.com is a great site for gift-givers with free shipping and rewards.

      Social status and confidence play significant roles in how people perceive and present themselves. The speaker shares an observation about individuals who have been to Penn State University and their driving habits, suggesting that those who drive expensive cars are likely to be in positions of power. He also mentions the importance of confidence in pronouncing words, using an example of a word that both he and his interlocutor struggled to say. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of flexibility, whether it's in yoga or insurance coverage. He promotes UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans, which offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage for various needs. Lastly, the speaker shares his reputation as a great gift giver and promotes Celebrations Passport from 1800flowers.com, a site that offers free shipping on thousands of gifts and rewards for frequent gift-giving. Overall, the discussion touches on various aspects of life, from social status and confidence to flexibility and gift-giving, highlighting the importance of these elements in different contexts.

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    WHO AM I


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    2941 More of We

    2941 More of We

    Life can get in the way of loving those closest to us, especially our spouses. So instead of hiding in our busyness and floundering more in someone else's highlight reel, make a commitment to more of we.

    How much time do you spend with your spouse?

    Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. https://createyournow.mn.co

    And would you say that you spend less time together now than when you got married?

    Most of us have to really stop and think when we see our sweethearts. And as for the time, what time is it again?

    The number one relationship, if you're married, is your spouse. 

    But very quickly, we find other ways to occupy our time, distract our attention, and lead us down a rabbit hole in our own homes. 

    It just does not seem fair to anyone!

    Yet you live it every day. You get up and do YOUR thing and forget that there's someONE in your life. You take care of the children, because you have to. But the rest is left to fend for themselves. 

    How can any marriage be awesome if that's a typical every day?

    What if you would make time for each other?

    What if there was more of we?

    The K.I.S.S. ~ More of WE!

    My goal here is to get you thinking about how you spend TIME with your spouse.

    Are you showing up with your best self, or is your spouse getting the leftovers?

    "Leftovers are great for food, not so much for love!" ~ Kristianne Wargo

    You get out what you put into your marriage. So why not show up with enthusiasm? Why not give more when you don't receive? Why not have compassion during challenges in life? Why not be together more than you are apart?

    It's hard to build a strong foundation in marriage if you're not together. Logistics do matter. 

    I want to encourage you to analyze your time with your spouse. 

    1. How much time do you spend together in bed?
    2. How much time do you spend as a couple awake and interacting?
    3. How much time do you spend talking about life, not just kids and career?

    Then from there, you'll be able to see what is happening regarding time.

    Is time on your side?

    Assuming that you fall into "most of us," then you can make some tweaks to how you hang out together. The way you spend your time together matters!

    QUESTION: What can you do differently to add time to love?

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #RelationshipBuilders #CreateYourNow #LoveAndMarriage

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    Let's Talk Breadcrumbing

    Let's Talk Breadcrumbing

    Hi Everyone, Happy Holidays!

    In today's episode, we talk about the dating term 'breadcrumbing'!

    Attitude of Gratitude (00:00-08:30):

    Our Celeb Talk Includes (08:30-24:30):

    • Mariah Carey teams up with Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson for new 'Oh Santa' single
    • Larsa Pippin exposes the Kardashians 

    Our Girl Talk Includes (24:30-01:07:15):

    • What is breadcrumbing?
    • What are the warning signs?
    • How to overcome it?

    We also share our recommendations for the week (01:07:15-01:18:55)

    Interested? Grab a Cup and Join the Talk!!!!!Follow @celebtalkgirltalkpod@natasha_fig @jayrosexoxo on Instagram @celebtgirltalk on Twitter and don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe!Music by WordSmithCover Art by Ria