
    Ep 203. Nurse Damp

    enFebruary 03, 2023
    What percentage of LinkedIn users don't use other job sites?
    How did Sandra find her job opportunity?
    What is Mint Mobile promoting in the podcast?
    What wardrobe challenge does the speaker express frustration about?
    What childhood experience does the speaker share regarding lessons?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of LinkedIn for Hiring and Affordable Wireless with Mint MobileLinkedIn is a crucial platform for hiring professionals, as over 70% of its users aren't found on other job sites. Mint Mobile offers an affordable wireless plan for those looking to switch.

      LinkedIn is a valuable resource for hiring professionals, as over 70% of its users don't visit other leading job sites. Sandra, a potential candidate, emphasizes this point as she shares that she wasn't found through other means but on LinkedIn, even though she wasn't actively looking for a new job. Meanwhile, Mint Mobile offers an affordable wireless plan, inviting listeners to check it out at mintmobile.com/switch. In the podcast, Rosie and Chris discuss their busy schedules and Rosie's disdain for those who seem fine while she's ill. They also mention their upcoming plans, including a holiday after Christmas. The podcast ends with a sponsor mention, urging listeners not to wear clothes the same color as their skin to avoid confusion. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of utilizing LinkedIn for hiring and the affordability of Mint Mobile, while also sharing some light-hearted moments.

    • Dresses and Bras: A Frustrating CombinationSpeaker expresses frustration with lack of back support in intricate dresses and inconvenience of wearing a bra with them. Suggests solutions but prefers to go bra-less if possible. Shares past wardrobe malfunction anxiety and importance of audience votes for comedy awards.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of back support in dresses, specifically those with intricate back designs, and the inconvenience of wearing a bra with them. She suggests solutions such as buying multiple dresses and cutting or adding fabric, but ultimately prefers to not wear a bra if possible. The speaker also mentions her past experience with wardrobe malfunctions in public and expresses anxiety about the possibility of it happening again, especially in a professional setting like the comedy awards. She emphasizes the importance of audience votes for the awards and asks for their support. Despite the challenges of keeping secrets, such as the Midnight Game Show, the speaker values the element of surprise and the excitement it brings to their podcast.

    • Unexpected game show opportunity leads to misunderstandingTransparency and communication are crucial in relationships to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary stress.

      Even the best-laid plans can be disrupted by unexpected opportunities and misunderstandings. The speaker shares an experience where they were approached about having their partner, Chris, appear on a popular game show without his knowledge. Initially, they turned it down, but later regretted their decision and tried to arrange it behind Chris's back. However, they were caught and had to go to great lengths to avoid being exposed. The incident caused significant stress and led to a misunderstanding between them. The experience underscores the importance of communication and trust in relationships. Even seemingly harmless secrets can lead to misunderstandings and cause unnecessary stress. It's essential to be transparent and consider the potential consequences of our actions.

    • Unexpected intrusion during live TV showA live TV show was disrupted by an unexpected intrusion, leaving the speaker in shock and causing embarrassment.

      Forgetting to turn off the alarm and leaving the door open led to an unexpected intrusion in the speaker's home during a live television show. The speaker was initially calm but became terrified when the burglars turned on the lights. The experience was surreal, as the speaker had been expecting a romantic encounter and was not prepared for the intrusion. The cameras captured the speaker's reaction, but what was not shown was the lengthy period the speaker spent under the covers in shock. The speaker also mentioned that they sometimes wear bed shorts to bed and had not planned on being naked for the encounter. The intrusion disrupted the speaker's plans and caused embarrassment, but they managed to keep going despite the unexpected turn of events.

    • Home invasion triggers quick problem-solvingUnexpected intrusions require quick thinking and creativity to make the situation less threatening. Stay calm and prepared for unexpected events.

      The unexpected intrusion of burglars into their home triggered a fight or flight response, leading to quick decision-making and creative problem-solving. The immediate reaction was to hide and find a way to make the situation less threatening. The intruders went to great lengths to avoid detection, even sneaking around the back and testing the letterbox. The red button, intended as a panic alarm, was a source of confusion. Despite the alarming situation, humor was found in the absurdity of it all. The experience highlighted the importance of being prepared and staying calm in unexpected situations.

    • Unexpected events at a party leave lasting impactsDespite initial apprehension, a party with unexpected events can create memorable experiences for all involved. Maintaining composure and keeping secrets can lead to relief, excitement, and amusement for the hosts.

      The unexpected events of a party, including the sudden disappearance of guests and the discovery of hidden secrets, can leave a lasting impact on individuals and create unforgettable experiences. Despite some initial apprehension and discomfort, the hosts managed to keep the secrets hidden and maintained an impressive level of composure throughout the event. The actors portraying Darth Vader were memorable, although one of them was a bit too enthusiastic with his performance. Sandra, who had the kids, kept the secret well and received praise for her discretion. The partygoers, including Tom Hospital, enjoyed themselves despite some initial reservations, and even those who disliked fancy dress eventually joined in. The aftermath of the party left the hosts feeling a mix of relief, excitement, and amusement, as they reflected on the unusual turn of events.

    • Feeling out of place and self-conscious at a partySelf-consciousness can hinder experiences, don't let it hold you back, embrace surroundings and people.

      Appearances can be deceiving and self-consciousness can hinder our experiences. The speaker shared an embarrassing story about feeling out of place at a party where everyone else was dressed casually, while he was the only one dressed formally. He felt like a "knob" and was overly self-conscious, especially when he saw Russell Howard, a comedian, looking cool and casual in a hoodie and trainers. The speaker was so consumed by his own insecurities that he barely spoke to anyone at the party, despite it being a great event. The experience left him feeling terrible and wishing he had just worn normal clothes. This incident highlights the importance of not letting self-consciousness hold us back and the power of embracing our surroundings and the people in them, regardless of how we perceive ourselves. Additionally, the speaker mentioned having a lovely time in London with his wife, where they didn't argue, and enjoyed sightseeing and a walk in Saint James's Park.

    • Misunderstandings at Buckingham PalaceDouble-check information and be aware of surroundings, especially in crowded areas. Generational differences can lead to misunderstandings.

      Navigation and communication mishaps can lead to amusing situations, even in iconic locations like Buckingham Palace. The conversation between the speakers reveals their confusion about the location's name and their ensuing embarrassment. The incident serves as a reminder to double-check information and be aware of one's surroundings, especially in crowded and touristy areas. Additionally, the conversation showcases the speakers' sense of humor and their ability to find amusement in unexpected situations. The discussion also touches upon the generational differences and misunderstandings, adding another layer to the conversation.

    • Generational Confusion: Millennials, Gen X, and Gen ZClear communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings between generations. Humor can help bridge gaps and lighten the mood in conversations.

      The conversation between the speakers touched upon the topic of generations and the confusion between them, specifically millennials, Generation X, and Generation Z. The speakers also shared humorous anecdotes about children and their quirks, including a story about a young girl's reaction to her goldfish's death. Although the conversation seemed random at times, it highlighted the importance of clear communication and the potential for misunderstandings in everyday conversations. Additionally, the speakers engaged in playful banter, coming up with nicknames for various brands and discussing the merits of strong carrier bags. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' ability to find humor in everyday situations and their willingness to engage in lighthearted banter.

    • The importance of clear communication to avoid misunderstandingsClear communication is vital to prevent anxiety and distress caused by misunderstandings. Personal stories provide insight into others and value can be found in various deals and promotions.

      Communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings. In the discussed story, the son-in-law was devastated when he thought his mother-in-law had passed away, only to find out later that it was their dead pet cat. Anna was deeply attached to the fish she had prepared for dinner, and she even took it with her in a bag to keep it. The confusion and miscommunication caused a great deal of anxiety and distress. Another key takeaway is the importance of being open-minded and patient when reading or listening to someone's experiences. The speaker's recounting of her childhood memories, including her Jotters, may seem irrelevant or confusing at first, but they provide insight into her personality and experiences. Lastly, the discussion touched on various promotions and deals, such as discounts on lab-grown diamonds from Blue Nile and outdoor furniture from Burrow. These offers can provide excellent value for those looking to make significant purchases for special occasions or home improvements. In essence, the conversation highlights the importance of clear communication, the value of sharing personal stories, and the benefits of being aware of various deals and promotions.

    • A contentious relationship at a pop star clubTwo characters, Lorna and Molly, have a complicated history and exchange threats and promises in the setting of a pop star club, with hints of magic and the creative process.

      The text appears to be the beginning of a story, possibly a script or a draft of a play, with two characters, Lorna and Molly, who have a contentious relationship at a pop star club. The pages contain what seems to be the setup for a story, with elements of conflict, threats, and promises. The text includes references to spells and poetry, suggesting a magical or supernatural element. The pages also contain crossed-out sections and rough drafts, indicating the creative process. Overall, the text appears to be the beginning of a story with complex characters and a developing conflict.

    • Pranks, Embarrassing Moments, and Beef ReviewsTechnology mishaps and embarrassing moments can lead to unexpected consequences, but they can also provide amusing stories. The duo discussed a spammer prank, Chris's Segway fall, a lemon incident in a fancy restaurant, and their beef review of the week.

      Technology mishaps and embarrassing moments can lead to unexpected consequences, such as being spammed or falling off a Segway in front of an audience. During a recent conversation, Chris and Rosie shared their experiences of being pranked by a spammer named Lorna Spammy and Chris's embarrassing fall off a Segway. Although these incidents caused some discomfort and embarrassment, they also provided amusing stories to share. Additionally, the duo discussed their beef review of the week, which was a beef and egg dish, and shared a story about a lemon incident in a fancy restaurant that left one of them with lemon in both eyes. They also reminded their audience to vote for their show and podcast in the National Comedy Awards. Lastly, they touched upon the topic of the cycling proficiency test in primary school and how some people struggled with it. Chris shared that he was one of those people and received numerous emails about it. Overall, the conversation was filled with light-hearted moments and reminders to appreciate the humor in everyday life.

    • Childhood experiences shape our perspectives and memoriesChildhood experiences, even those that seem insignificant, can have lasting impacts on our perspectives and memories.

      The experiences we have, especially during our formative years, can shape our perspectives and memories in significant ways. The speaker shared stories from their childhood, including being banned from participating in lessons and activities due to past mistakes, and the pressure to have a bigger bike for cycling proficiency tests. These experiences left lasting impressions on the speaker, and they reflected on how these memories seem insignificant or even absurd in hindsight. The conversation also touched on the importance of pretending and hiding mistakes, as well as the role of arguments and financial constraints in shaping family dynamics. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of memories and how they can evolve and take on new meanings over time.

    • Appreciating children and health checksLove and appreciate children, prioritize regular health checks including uncomfortable ones for overall well-being.

      We should appreciate and love our children unconditionally, regardless of their age or sexuality. This was highlighted in an email received by the speakers, expressing gratitude for their inclusive language. The conversation then shifted to the importance of regular health checks, such as smear tests for women, emphasizing that although they may not be pleasant experiences, they are crucial for one's health. A humorous anecdote was shared about a colleague who, during a smear test appointment, found herself without toilet paper and the embarrassment that ensued. The speakers encouraged listeners to prioritize their health appointments and not put them off. The conversation ended with a light-hearted discussion about unusual endings to words and names, with "damp" being the unexpected culprit that left them both amused.

    • Unexpected items in unexpected placesEveryday items can lead to unexpected outcomes. Stay resourceful and adaptable in unexpected situations.

      Unexpected situations can lead to unusual and embarrassing experiences. In the discussed scenario, Debbie Damp received an unexpected item stuck to her vagina during a medical examination, which turned out to be a first-class stamp. The incident was likely caused by a tissue and a stamp being in her handbag, and the glue sticking due to moisture. The experience was surprising and embarrassing for Debbie, leading her to change medical practices. This incident serves as a reminder that everyday items can lead to unexpected outcomes, and it's important to stay resourceful and adaptable in unexpected situations. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the topic of Froobs, a candy, and the comedic value of their packaging. It was mentioned that they are popular among younger kids and that their jokes on the cover can bring laughter to a household. The conversation also included a brief mention of a comedian policeman who used to carry condoms in his bra for clients, adding another layer of surprise and intrigue to the conversation.

    • An Unconventional Business Idea: Producing and Selling Fake Semen for the Adult Film IndustryEntrepreneurial spirit and creativity can lead to unique business opportunities, even in unconventional industries. However, ethical implications should always be considered.

      The discussion revolves around an unconventional business idea involving the production and sale of fake semen for the adult film industry. The speakers express their shock and amusement at the concept, discussing potential production methods and market demand. They also touch upon the ethical implications and the potential profitability of such a business. While the conversation is humorous in nature, it also highlights the entrepreneurial spirit and creativity that can lead to unique business opportunities. However, it is important to note that the discussion contains explicit content and may not be suitable for all audiences.

    • Providing value and building connectionsFocus on delivering entertaining content and genuine connections rather than seeking celebrity status or fame. Long-term commitments offer peace of mind and financial security, and products like Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets get softer with every wash.

      Focusing on providing value to your audience and building genuine connections is more important than trying to seek celebrity status or fame. The hosts of "Shag the Molineoid" shared their experience of abandoning the idea of asking for celebrity questions and instead focusing on delivering entertaining and engaging content. ### Mother's Day Shopping Additionally, they promoted Whole Foods Market as a go-to destination for Mother's Day shopping, offering unbeatable savings on premium gifts, flowers, desserts, and more. With Prime, customers can save 33% on all body care and candles, get a 15 stem bunch of tulips for just $9.99 each. They also encouraged listeners to celebrate Mother's Day with festive rose, irresistible berry chantilly cake, and other special treats. ### Three-Year Commitments Another key takeaway was the importance of long-term commitments, which was highlighted through the discussion of UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical Plans. These plans offer flexible, budget-friendly coverage that lasts nearly 3 years in some states, providing peace of mind and financial security. ### Softest Sheets Ever Lastly, the hosts mentioned Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets, which get softer with every wash. With a 30-night guarantee and a discount of 15% on the first order using the code "buttery," listeners were encouraged to try these sheets that get softer and softer for years to come.

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    Send us your QFTP and Would Rosie Eat to shaggedmarriedannoyed@gmail.com

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Send in your stories, questions or Would Rosie Eat ideas to shaggedmarriedannoyed@gmail.com

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Sh**ged Married Annoyed
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    Only one beef this week and QFTP's cover other uses for nappies, Minecraft icks and a fly in a concerning place.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    If you want send a story, question, ick or office poll to The Ramseys email shaggedmarriedannoyed@gmail.com

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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