
    Ep 217 | Using Collaborations to Reach New People on Social Media with Brian Davidson

    enAugust 15, 2023

    About this Episode

    When you're building trust online, a great way to do that is by collaborating with people that are aligned with your cause. This gives you visibility with an audience that already trusts the brand or person you're partnering with. 

    This episode will give you ideas for building personal relationships with influencers and brands to be able to get out and grow your impact.

    What you'll learn:

    → how collaborations work online.
    → ensuring there is a connection with your CRM.
    → tips for making an ask.
    → aligning goals and budget with the partnership.

    Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

    [6:30] Collaborations can help you get in front new audiences, even on platforms you aren't currently on. Partnerships can span across platforms to build your visibility in other arenas.
    [7:34] You can create great collaborations at various levels. It doesn't have to be large productions with big brands. It can be hyper local and focused on strong partnerships that already exist. It also doesn't have to include an exchange of money.
    [11:51] The ask depends on the size of the brand and the expectation. Be very clear on the goals of the collaboration so you're making the right ask that is in alignment with both companies or organizations. Build relationships, remembering that some will take more time than others to cultivate.
    [22:53] Consider the goals and budget for the campaign. One post from a brand on social media might not give you that big of a boost. Can you run social media ads to keep it going and build momentum?


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    [book] Debrief to Win: How America's Top Guns Practice Accountable Leadership…and How You Can, Too!

    Brian Davidson

    Co-Founder of Matchnode

    Brian Davidson is the Co-Founder of Matchnode, a digital marketing
    agency that is changing the way people and organizations leverage
    social media. He and his team have worked on digital ad campaigns for
    influential brands like New Balance, Chicago Bulls, Chicago Blackhawks,
    LendingTree, and Indiana University.

    Brian has been a leader in generating leads using Social Media since
    2007 when he became the VP of Social Media at NCSA Athletic Recruiting.
    Lead generation efforts helped the company join both the Crain’s and Inc
    fastest-growing lists. Brian is passionate about using his experience to
    help businesses achieve provable, meaningful growth. Learn More: https://matchnode.com

    Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-first-click
    Learn more about The First Click: https://thefirstclick.net
    Schedule a Digital Marketing Therapy Session: https://thefirstclick.net/officehours 

    Recent Episodes from Digital Marketing Therapy

    Ep 247 | Roadmap for Setting Up your Email Marketing

    Ep 247 | Roadmap for Setting Up your Email Marketing

    Email is an important element of your marketing. So where do you get started? And from there, where do you expand? Consistency is important so building slowly over time is important. That way you can ensure that you're adding thoughtful communications that help guide your readers to a conversion and that they're getting the messages they need for their interests at the right time.

    What you'll learn:

    → growing past a general newsletter.
    → crafting communication just for your donors.
    → setting up your promotional emails.
    → ways LinkedIn can support your community.

    Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

    [2:57] Start with your general newsletter. This can go to your full email list when you first get started. It includes general information, impact stories, and adds value to your audience. Take it to the next step by segmenting this email based off of your audiences' interest.
    [8:45] Create emails specifically for your donors. Messaging for your donors is a bit different then that of your community. Create separate emails that speak to their own motivations for engaging with your audience.
    [11:35] Give your monthly donors the VIP treatment. Exclusivity is a great way to keep monthly donors coming back for more. Creating emails that are just for your monthly donors can help you connect with them more and makes them feel special.
    [16:17] Leverage email for your promotions. During this time your general email newsletters stop. Being thoughtful of who you're sending your promotional emails to can go a long way. Be thoughtful and proactive so you can pull the right lists of peoples for the right events and campaigns.


    Digital Marketing Therapy Episodes all about Email

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    Learn more about The First Click: https://thefirstclick.net
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    Ep 246 | Increasing Your Donor Gifts Over Time with Nate Morse

    Ep 246 | Increasing Your Donor Gifts Over Time with Nate Morse

    Getting donors is tough work. So why don't fundraisers spend as much time retaining them as they do on getting new ones? When it comes to your monthly donors, being connected to them is so important. It's not about you though, it's about how they want to be connected to. This is what can feel overwhelming at times. In this episode you'll learn some ways to think about how you build community with your donors to increase their giving over time.

    What you'll learn:

    → how to be unique and showcase your personality.
    → the importance of individualized communication and adding value.
    → building a strategy that is donor-centric.
    → ways LinkedIn can support your community.

    Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

    [3:09] Retaining donors is a long-term strategy that will support your organization overall. It's important to get out of a scarcity mindset and the feeling that you need the money immediately. Instead, think about how you can retain donors so that you have more consistency in your funding. It's time to play the long game.
    [7:26] Focus on providing value, and be as individualized as you can. That personal connection and sharing of impact builds trust and helps when asking for additional gifts. Don't forget to ask them for their feedback and connect with them personally on platforms like LinkedIn.
    [8:36] Be unique so you stand out amongst the noise. Don't just send a regular postcard. Send a letter with something inside it so it stands out in the mailbox. Put your messaging on something unique so people remember it, like a Rubik's cube.
    [14:47] Don't undervalue your smaller monthly donors. They likely want to be part of the community more so than the larger donors. And longterm they have incredible potential for your organization.
    [17:08] Leverage LinkedIn to create virtual events. This allows you to get in front of new audiences. You can also create events for your existing donors, and ask them to bring their friends. It's a great FREE way your donors can help you grow and share the work you're doing.
    [20:03] Pay attention to who your audience is and how they like to interact. Then craft the experience and the langauge around them. For example, if you're a little goofy, or serious.


    Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen

    Nate Morse

    With a rich background in fostering business growth, Nate now turns his attention to the nonprofit sector. He applies his knowledge of the customer journey to the path of donors, emphasizing how understanding and nurturing these relationships can lead to increased and sustained giving.

    His discussions focus on making the donor experience rewarding. By adopting strategies that businesses use to keep customers coming back, nonprofits can encourage donors to continue their support. Nate's insights help organizations create strong, lasting bonds with their donors, ensuring that every gift has a lasting impact. Learn more at https://natemorse.com

    Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-first-click
    Learn more about The First Click: https://thefirstclick.net
    Schedule a Digital Marketing Therapy Session: https://thefirstclick.net/officehours 

    EP 245 | Ways to Sell your Monthly Giving Program with John Lester

    EP 245 | Ways to Sell your Monthly Giving Program with John Lester

    Most fundraisers don't think of themselves as sales people. And while “sales” in the nonprofit space might look a little different, the foundation of taking them on a journey that ultimately leads in a donation, is still the same. Paying attention to how you you reach out to new donors and what that experience looks like is critical.

    What you'll learn:

    → how to make it more about them.
    → why leading with stories helps with better connection.
    → benefits of asking the questions.
    → creating your knowledge base champion

    Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

    [3:12] Sales is really about the opportunity to help someone solve a problem, achieve a dream, or make things better. When you approach conversations in what's in it for them vs what can they do for you, you're more likely to get that donation. This can lead to a more aligned fit, and therefore increased donor retention.
    [13:10] Connect the dots to create emotion. Don't forget to share stories. These stories will help convey the work you do in an emotional way. Help them dream so they can see how their contribution builds these dreams.
    [17:13] Ask questions and listen. This way you know what part of your programs to highlight and what stories to share. Take this into future conversations so you have some common ground to share.

    John Lester

    John Lester is on a mission to transform limiting mindsets that hold back salespeople and small business owners. Having built his career helping companies big and small drive revenue through coaching and training, John knows that tech stacks, skills and product knowledge are ineffective without the right sales psychology. His goal is to help sellers and solopreneurs reframe sales as mutually beneficial versus oppositional through personal insights and practical coaching. Learn more: https://attitudeselling.com 

    Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-first-click
    Learn more about The First Click: https://thefirstclick.net
    Schedule a Digital Marketing Therapy Session: https://thefirstclick.net/officehours 

    Ep 244 | Getting Started with Funnels with Mikael Dia

    Ep 244 | Getting Started with Funnels with Mikael Dia

    Funnels aren't just for sales teams. They are a way to understand how people become donors so you can get more of them! Funnels can help you create better donor and customer experiences while automating many of the actions. Learn how to set up a funnel, how to test and what to know before you get started. 

    What you'll learn:

    → funnels can include offline and online activities.
    → how to get started with creating one.
    → mistakes people make with their funnels.
    → why the data should be around the people, not just the numbers.

    Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

    [7:17] At their core, funnels help you organize your content so that it hits the ideal customer with the right information at the right time to simplify their buying decision. It's more about crafting a great journey that allows you to build trust and guide them. This is opposed to you throwing everything you have out there and assuming people will know how they can best engage and support your organization.
    [13:00] Three core things every funnel needs: a way for people to convert, ability to capture their contact information, and a plan to nurture them. Thinking about all of these elements at the beginning ensures you have a way to turn first-time donors and customers into repeat customers and donors.
    [20:47] Understand who you're talking to. Get to know their pain points and what they care about. That way you know that your messaging and efforts are going to be worthwhile. It also ensures you craft your funnels around people, and not just the value of the transaction (or lack thereof).


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    Microsoft Clarity

    Mikael Dia

    Founder, Funnelytics

    Mikael Dia, a seasoned digital marketing expert and founder of Funnelytics, has navigated the entrepreneurial landscape with a passion for scaling businesses to seven figures. Through his innovative software, Funnelytics.io, Mikael simplifies marketing funnel analysis, empowering entrepreneurs to optimize customer journeys effectively. With a commitment to data-driven decision-making, Mikael brings practical insights to the podcast, offering a fresh perspective on marketing, conversions, and the ever-evolving digital landscape. Learn more: https://funnelytics.io/ 

    Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-first-click
    Learn more about The First Click: https://thefirstclick.net
    Schedule a Digital Marketing Therapy Session: https://thefirstclick.net/officehours 

    Ep 243 | How to Engage with your Monthly Donors at Scale

    Ep 243 | How to Engage with your Monthly Donors at Scale

    Building value into your monthly giving program is so important. It helps to create a deeper connection and build community. This helps your donors stick around longer, and hopefully increase their gifts over time. Managing the stewardship of these donors can be overwhelming. Learn some ways you can automate, personalize, and manage your monthly giving program with ease.

    What you'll learn:

    → why over communication doesn't lead to donors leaving.
    → how you can add value without adding more work as your membership grows.
    → get personal with your automations

    Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

    [2:56] Don't stress when people stop giving monthly. It happens, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't communicate. Have a conversation and thank them for what they've done so far and the impact it's made. Create an open opportunity to learn why so you can “fix it”, follow up in the future, or understand how you can do better to retain current and future donors.
    [7:03] Monthly newsletters with sneak peeks and VIP access. This is a great perk that gives members a behind the scenes peek at what's coming. Make them feel like a VIP with special impact stories just for them, early access to events or contents, etc.
    [7:38] Automate handwritten cards with tools like Handwrytten. By connecting it to your CRM you can trigger handwritten cards automatically when milestones or criteria are met.
    [10:17] Build tiers into your program to maximize your time. Phone calls are so important, but can take a lot of time. Create levels of monthly giving to line out when they'll get calls. For example, maybe it's after they've been giving for 3 months.



    Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-first-click
    Learn more about The First Click: https://thefirstclick.net
    Schedule a Digital Marketing Therapy Session: https://thefirstclick.net/officehours 

    Ep 242 | Get Started Building Your Knowledge Base with Roxanne Fry

    Ep 242 | Get Started Building Your Knowledge Base with Roxanne Fry

    If you're spending all your time directing people on where information is, training your team, or just struggling to figure out what the tasks the employee that just left did, then this episode is for you. Documenting the way things are done inside your organization doesn't just protect you when someone leaves, it helps to streamline onboarding and ensures that your team is doing critical tasks in the same way.

    What you'll learn:

    → what is a knowledge base?
    → how to get started with creating one.
    → how often you should be reviewing your knowledge base.
    → creating your knowledge base champion

    Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

    [6:36] A knowledge base is a central location where you house all of the information people inside your organization, or your board, may need. This includes things like passwords, proccesses for repeateded tasks, event logistics, and more. It keeps things out of post-it notes, personal notebooks, and inside our own heads. This is an electronic document that is constantly evolving and being added to, but has the most current information.
    [11:20] Creating a knowledge base takes time. First – start with new roles you're hiring for. Or maybe you have someone thats's about to take an extended vacation or retire. Document those elements first. Have them put their tasks down on paper. Then have someone that doesn't do that task read the instructions and see if they can execute.
    [17:46] Keeping it up to date can be overwhelming. Any time you have a a major staff member transition its a good time to review those tasks. Otherwise, break it into sections and review one section quarterly. That way you know your entire knowledge base gets reveiwed roughly once a year.
    [22:54] Create a team culture around utilizing your knowledge base. It takes consistency to ensure this stays up to date. It can be helpful to have a chamption in the team that manages it and keeps everyone on track.


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    Roxanne Fry
    Founder, RoxStar Solutions

    Roxanne Fry is the founder and CEO of RoxStar Solutions LLC. As a process improvement solutionist, she helps nonprofits leverage technology tools to streamline their day-to-day business operations and maximize the use of their CRM. Roxanne is a certified Salesforce Administrator with extensive nonprofit C-Suite experience. Learn more at https://roxstarsolutions.com 

    Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-first-click
    Learn more about The First Click: https://thefirstclick.net
    Schedule a Digital Marketing Therapy Session: https://thefirstclick.net/officehours 

    Ep 241 | Embracing Technology with Colin Sanburg

    Ep 241 | Embracing Technology with Colin Sanburg

    Technology can help your streamline so many things in your organization. This can include marketing communications, internal systems, donor stewardship and on and on.  Getting everyone on board with new technology is the more difficult part. Learn ways to better communicate the need for new tech as well as how to embrace it in this episode.

    What you'll learn:

    → why change is good.
    → ways to make decision making easier.
    → how to encourage your team to actually use the tech you have.
    → getting more buy in from your leadership on new tech tools.
    → testing to find what works.
    → reaching out to platforms to understand where they're headed.

    Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

    [5:01] Change can be scary, but if we think about it as an opportunity instead can help with your mindset. Don't avoid the technology – you can't outrun it. Instead, think about all the ways it can provide opportunities. Start with the end goal in mind, or the problem you need to solve, then start researching. Don't worry so much about the how, just about how it can help you with efficiency.
    [9:52] Do a time study to figure out where people are spending their time. This can help you bring up tasks that people could be automating or highlight areas where your tech can support them. It can also help you address roadblocks for people in why they aren't using it.
    [13:40] When prepping to pitch a new tech solutions, come at it from multiple viewpoints. Be able to communicate the ROI to your executives or CSuite. Understand the objections of your team members so you can have solutions for those. Ensure you've connected with other team members to understand the impact.
    [17:50] Don't feel rushed to pick a solution. Build in time to test 2-3 different solutions. This will ensure that the actual platform will truly work for your organization and the members of your team. 
    [23:09] Pricing isn't everything – remember to connect with the platforms. Ask them where they are in their development and what features they're planning on releasing in the near and distant future. You can also negotiate pricing. Don't forget to ask about nonprofit pricing.

    Colin Sanburg

    Colin started at 21 in a family business and quickly realized the business was a financial house of cards. Over several ugly years, he developed a passion for solving those profitability and cash flow problems and later scaled that business as owner and CEO. He reinvested profits from that first business to buy several other businesses and real estate. Along the way, Colin realized that no middle market or large business survives without mastering its finances, yet very few small business owners are financially focused. That realization led him to study every small business finance book he could find, complete several small business finance courses, including Strategic Finance at Harvard, and earn his Executive MBA from The University of Texas at Dallas.

    Colin’s passion for connecting with and helping other entrepreneurs came from starting several mastermind groups and spending hundreds of sessions giving advice and support. Through it all, he became the go-to person in his circles for financial strategy and advice. Learn more at https://finelevate.com 

    Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-first-click
    Learn more about The First Click: https://thefirstclick.net
    Schedule a Digital Marketing Therapy Session: https://thefirstclick.net/officehours 

    Ep 240 | You Have a Plan...Now What? with Cassandra Quinn

    Ep 240 | You Have a Plan...Now What? with Cassandra Quinn

    Planning is important. It helps you know where you're going and what that means for your growth and impact. Executing that plan is the second half of the battle. Knowing if things are working and your strategies are going to get you to the end goal is where a lot of people get stuck. Learn about how you can effectively keep you and your team on the right track to geeting things done in this episode of the podcast.

    What you'll learn:

    → how to move from planning to doing.
    → identifying which tasks to do, delete, delegate, and defer.
    → when and how to pivot.
    → review your plans regularly.

    Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

    [5:40] Different people are more comfortable in planning and some in executing. Having both people in the room and understanding the stregnths of each can help you organization navigate this process. Then its about creating ownership of different areas of the process and identifying the decision makes for different elements of the plan.
    [9:33] Put your tasks in a matrix to help determine which tasks you are going to defer, delegate, do, or delete. For example, if something is high impact, low difficulty, then it's an easy choice to do. If it's high diffculty, low impact, then delete.
    [13:48] When it comes to changing course pay attention to data and metrics. Understanding what elements aren't working makes it easier for you to determine what you keep doing and where you pivot. Break big projects or events into smaller goals so you know what really is or isn't working vs scrapping the entire thing, for example.

    Cassandra Quinn

    Cassandra Quinn thrives on closing the gaps between people, ideas, and solutions and she's on a mission to create a more joyful, fulfilling, and rejuvenated world that's rooted in inclusive prosperity, collective wisdom, and savvy stewardship.

    Her current business partners with socially conscious companies to optimize operations, teams, and sales to maximize ethical profits and cultivate a positive work culture through a people-first, systems-led approach.

    With 11 years of business ownership and diverse industry background, she leverages her expertise to guide and inspire her company's consulting, training, and fractional operations & leadership services.

    As a proud Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Alumni Ambassador, a member of the Trusted Advisors Council, and a volunteer for the Leadership Team of the Chicago Chapter of Conscious Capitalism, Cassandra is actively involved in shaping positive business practices. Additionally, her company is a proud member of 1% for the Planet, which provides third-party accountability for members committing to corporate environmental responsibility. Learn more: https://cassandraquinn.com 

    Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-first-click
    Learn more about The First Click: https://thefirstclick.net
    Schedule a Digital Marketing Therapy Session: https://thefirstclick.net/officehours