
    Ep 219 - Tall, Dark & Handsome / The Biggest Lie You Ever Told | ShxtsnGigs Podcast

    enSeptember 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Make a difference with every purchase from BombasBombas donates items with each purchase, allowing shoppers to make a significant impact on people in need. Top creators on OnlyFans earn substantial income, with Blac Chyna leading the way at $20 million per month.

      Bombas, a company that has donated over 100 million items to those in need since 2013, allows customers to make a difference with every purchase. For as little as a few clicks, a donation is made to someone who needs it. This simple act of shopping has helped Bombas make a significant impact on the lives of many. If you're interested in joining a community and gaining access to exclusive content, consider becoming a patron of Shits and Gigs for just £3 a month. And don't forget to leave a review on your favorite podcast platform to help spread the word. A fun fact shared during the episode was that when people say "tall, dark, and handsome," they don't necessarily mean black men. Instead, it's often used to describe someone with brown hair and fair skin. This misconception can be amusing but also highlights the importance of clear communication. Another interesting tidbit was the earnings of top creators on OnlyFans. Blac Chyna topped the list in 2021 with an estimated $20 million per month, followed by Bella Thorne and Cardi B with $11 million and $9.3 million, respectively. These figures demonstrate the potential earning power of the platform for content creators.

    • Accusations of influencers lying about OnlyFans earningsClaims of large earnings on OnlyFans by influencers are met with skepticism due to lack of evidence and perceived irrelevance. Platform's association with adult content fuels doubts about income authenticity.

      There have been accusations of influencers, including Blac Chyna, lying about their earnings on OnlyFans, specifically claiming to make large sums of money. These claims have been met with skepticism due to the lack of evidence and the perceived irrelevance of some of these influencers. The motivation behind these alleged lies may be to boost relevance and generate media attention. The discussion also touched upon the origins of OnlyFans, which was not originally intended for explicit content, but has since become associated with it due to its popularity among sex workers and adult content creators. Additionally, there are other content creators on the platform who use it for non-sexual purposes. Overall, the authenticity and accuracy of income claims on OnlyFans remain questionable, and it's essential to approach such statements with a critical perspective.

    • Exploring OnlyFans: Financial Incentives and Unconventional ContentThe speaker hypothesizes about celebrities joining OnlyFans for financial reasons and shares his plans for a potential account, while acknowledging the unusual content and potential for building an audience through authentic interactions.

      The speaker believes some celebrities may have joined OnlyFans due to financial incentives, and he shares his hypothetical plans for his own OnlyFans account if he were in a difficult financial situation. He also expresses his confusion over Black China controversy and shares his thoughts on the unusual content some creators produce on the platform. Despite the unconventional nature of the content, he finds humor in it and sees potential in building an audience through authentic interactions. However, he acknowledges that the early episodes of his hypothetical podcast, "Caramel Combos," might feature lesser-known porn stars and could be met with initial resistance.

    • Creating Engaging Content and Building an AudienceProvide value, maintain exclusivity, use storytelling, and create an intimate connection with the audience to grow a subscription-based business.

      Creating engaging content and building an audience can lead to significant growth, even with a relatively low subscription fee. The speaker's unique approach to delivering content, combined with the exclusivity and sensual nature of the content, generates high demand and keeps subscribers engaged. It's important to provide value and not give content away for free, while still maintaining a sense of mystery and surprise. The use of storytelling, references to popular culture, and an intimate connection with the audience all contribute to the success of the content creation strategy.

    • Kim Kardashian's Mother's Lie Detector Test and Ray J's AllegationsKim Kardashian's mother, Kris, took a lie detector test regarding her involvement in the release of a sex tape featuring Kim and Ray J. Ray J accused Kris of lying and exposed the examiner as a fraudster, while also claiming Kim orchestrated the release for financial gain. Ray J's lengthy exposé left many questioning his motives.

      The discussion revolved around the ongoing controversy surrounding the release of a sex tape involving Kim Kardashian and Ray J. Kris Jenner, Kim's mother, recently took a lie detector test on a TV show regarding her involvement in the incident. Ray J, feeling exposed by the test results, accused Kris of lying and exposed the polygraph examiner as a fraudster. He also claimed that Kim was the one who orchestrated the release of the tape for financial gain. Despite the old nature of the incident, Ray J continues to bring it up, which some believe is damaging his reputation. The conversation also touched upon the lengthy and seemingly unnecessary details Ray J shared during his exposé, leaving many questioning his motives.

    • Overlooking questionable actions of celebritiesPeople often ignore past misdeeds of celebrities due to their fame, creating a culture of fascination and entertainment around scandals. Individuals who grow up in the public eye may repeat unhealthy relationship patterns and face societal pressure to conform to beauty standards.

      The obsession with celebrity culture often leads people to overlook the questionable actions of famous individuals, focusing instead on their fame and success. In the case discussed, an individual's past actions were ignored due to their entertainment career, and the resulting scandal became a source of entertainment and fascination for the public. Another takeaway is that individuals who grow up in the public eye may develop patterns in their relationships, leading them to repeat unhealthy dynamics. The discussion also touched upon the societal pressure on women to conform to certain beauty standards and the impact it can have on their self-worth and relationships.

    • Communication and self-discovery in sexual relationshipsOpen and honest communication about sexual needs and desires is crucial for maintaining a healthy sexual relationship. Undisclosed sexual differences can lead to feelings of unfulfillment and misunderstanding.

      Communication and understanding are key in maintaining a healthy sexual relationship. The woman in this discussion had spent years feeling undesirable and assuming the blame for her husband's lack of interest in sex. However, after years of therapy and self-reflection, she discovered that her husband is asexual. Despite this revelation, they have different sexual needs and desires. The woman is left feeling unfulfilled and considering the option of cheating. This situation highlights the importance of open and honest communication between partners about their sexual needs and desires. If the woman and her husband had been able to have an open and honest conversation about their differing sexual needs, they may have been able to find a solution that worked for both of them, rather than one partner feeling unfulfilled and the other feeling unwanted.

    • Communication and understanding in relationshipsOpen communication, compromise, and understanding are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. If both partners cannot fulfill certain aspects, they must find a solution that works for both.

      Open communication and mutual understanding are crucial in a relationship. In the discussion, it became clear that a lack of sexual compatibility was causing significant issues for the couple. However, it's important to note that everyone's needs and desires are different, and being asexual is a valid identity. The husband's unwillingness to consider an open marriage was seen as selfish, as he was essentially refusing to provide his wife with a fundamental aspect of their marital relationship. On the other hand, the wife felt frustrated and undervalued, leading her to consider cheating. The conversation highlighted the importance of being open-minded and respectful of each other's needs. If one partner cannot fulfill certain aspects of the relationship, it's essential to find a solution that works for both parties. It's not about blame or right or wrong, but rather about finding a way to maintain the balance and harmony in the relationship. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that relationships require effort, compromise, and open communication. If both partners are willing to work together and find solutions that meet each other's needs, then the relationship can thrive. However, if one partner is unwilling to compromise, it can lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and even infidelity.

    • Open communication and honesty in relationshipsClear expression of needs, desires, and feelings is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

      Communication and honesty are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. The discussion revolves around a couple expressing their love for each other and their shared experiences, but the man feels neglected in their intimate life. The woman, on the other hand, feels content with their current situation and doesn't see a need for sexual intimacy. The situation escalates, but the root cause is a lack of open communication between the two. The news article shared in the conversation also highlights the importance of honesty and clear communication in relationships. A woman, who lived with her boyfriend rent-free, won the lottery and decided to leave him. While some may view her actions as unfair, the woman paid him what she owed in rent, and the lottery winnings were hers alone. In both scenarios, clear communication and honesty could have prevented misunderstandings and potential hurt feelings. It's essential to express needs, desires, and feelings openly and respectfully to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Clear communication and agreements are key in financial relationshipsHaving clear agreements, particularly in writing, can prevent misunderstandings and potential conflicts in financial relationships, ensuring fairness for both parties.

      Clear communication and agreements, particularly regarding financial matters in relationships, are crucial. The discussion highlights the frustration and potential regret that can arise when one party feels they have contributed significantly to the other's financial success but have not been fairly compensated. The importance of having agreements in writing was emphasized, as it can prevent misunderstandings and potential conflicts. The conversation also touched upon the reluctance some people have towards signing contracts, but the speakers argued that it's essential to ensure both parties are treated fairly and that their contributions are recognized.

    • Clear agreements protect interests in relationships and partnershipsHaving clear agreements is crucial to protect individual interests in relationships and partnerships, and refusal to sign them may indicate power hunger and disrespect for autonomy.

      Being in a relationship or a business partnership does not automatically entitle one person to equal ownership or control, especially if they did not contribute significantly to the success. The discussion highlights the importance of having clear agreements, such as a prenup or a business partnership agreement, to protect each party's interests. The speaker expresses concern over a person's behavior who refuses to sign such agreements, seeing it as a red flag for potential power hunger and lack of respect for the other person's autonomy. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own financial situation and being able to adapt to changes, rather than becoming accustomed to a certain lifestyle.

    • Individual's Overdependence on Government BenefitsOne person's reliance on child support and welfare, despite having multiple children and potential earning capacity, highlights the need for self-sufficiency and work ethic, while also acknowledging the limitations and potential for misuse of welfare benefits.

      Some individuals rely heavily on government benefits and refuse to work, leading to potential misuse and overdependence on public funds. This discussion revolves around an individual who refuses to work and relies on child support and welfare benefits, even when she has multiple children and could potentially earn more by working. The conversation also touches upon the limitations of welfare benefits and how they are distributed, leading to potential misuse and overcrowding of housing. It's important to note that this is just one perspective and not a representation of everyone who receives government benefits. However, it highlights the potential for misuse and the importance of encouraging self-sufficiency and work ethic.

    • Mindset towards work affected by welfare system and societal expectationsWelfare system could incentivize employment by providing more substantial financial rewards to encourage financial stability and independence, leading to a more positive attitude towards work

      The welfare system and societal expectations can create a mindset that makes getting a job seem unattractive, especially when the potential earnings are not significantly higher than the welfare benefits. This mindset is further reinforced when individuals have had negative experiences with low-paying jobs in the past. To incentivize people to work, the welfare system could consider providing more substantial financial rewards for employment, pushing individuals towards financial stability and independence. This could potentially lead to a more positive attitude towards work and increased motivation to improve one's situation.

    • Manipulative Tactics in Relationships: Gemini, Leo, and CapricornSome men use manipulative tactics to control women, disregarding their autonomy and emotional well-being. Setting boundaries and being cautious in new relationships is essential.

      Some men use manipulative tactics to control women in relationships. This was evident in the stories shared about a Gemini man who wished to have a child with an ex just to maintain access to her, a Leo man who threatened suicide if his partner left him, and a Capricorn who lied about his last name for months. These actions demonstrate a disregard for the women's autonomy and emotional well-being. Another theme that emerged was the issue of trust, with an old friend asking for nudes and a man revealing he had never been with a black woman before, using derogatory language. These experiences highlight the importance of setting boundaries and being cautious when entering new relationships. The discussion also touched on the divisive impact of Queen Elizabeth II's death on the nation.

    • Social media reactions to Queen Elizabeth II's deathThe passing of Queen Elizabeth II ignited a polarized conversation on social media, touching on topics like humor, monarchy's relevance, and societal norms.

      The passing of Queen Elizabeth II sparked intense reactions on social media, particularly on Twitter, with the discourse being deeply divided due to the UK's multicultural society and its complex history with colonization. Some found the dark humor surrounding her death disrespectful, while others saw it as a reflection of the current generation's way of coping with loss. The monarchy's role and relevance in contemporary society was also a topic of debate, with some viewing them as outdated and others as an essential part of British heritage. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the evolving nature of societal norms and the impact of digital media on how we process and discuss significant events.

    • Monarchy's Role Amidst Rapid ChangeThe monarchy's role and relevance are being questioned due to past actions, perceived lack of relevance, and the impact of the internet age. Understanding and empathy are key to bridging the divide.

      We're living in a time of rapid change and shifting power dynamics, and the monarchy's role and relevance are being questioned more than ever before. The speaker initially took a dismissive stance towards those upset about Queen Elizabeth II's death, but after reflecting and learning more, they came to understand the emotional impact on those who see it as a tragic loss. The monarchy's past actions and perceived lack of relevance in the modern world have contributed to this perspective. Additionally, the internet age allows for greater exposure to global events and historical context, making it harder for traditional power structures to maintain their authority. Ultimately, the speaker recognizes the complexity of the situation and the importance of empathy and understanding on both sides.

    • The Shifting Landscape of TraditionThe younger generation's disconnect from traditional institutions is leading to a reevaluation of outdated traditions and structures in politics and the monarchy.

      The concept of tradition is being questioned and redefined in modern society, particularly in the context of politics and the monarchy. The speaker highlights the growing disconnect between the younger generation and traditional institutions, with many feeling underappreciated and underrepresented. The death of Queen Elizabeth II serves as a physical representation of this shift, with some seeing it as an opportunity to move away from outdated traditions and structures. At the same time, there are those who hold traditional values deeply and are upset by these changes. Overall, the discussion underscores the complex and evolving nature of tradition and its role in contemporary society.

    • The Queen's passing marks a significant change in British cultureThe Queen's death deeply impacted the UK population, leaving many with strong emotions and a sense of loss, as she was a constant presence in their lives for over 60 years.

      The passing of Queen Elizabeth II has deeply impacted the UK population, with many people expressing strong emotions due to her constant presence in their lives for over 60 years. Her image was a part of everyday life, from money and postage stamps to annual traditions like the Jubilee and Christmas speeches. For older generations, she was more than just a monarch; she was the mother of their country. For younger generations, she was a familiar figure they grew up with. The death of the Queen marks a significant change in British culture, leading to a divisive period filled with mourning rituals, jokes, and emotional responses. Despite initial indifference, it's understandable why many are deeply affected by her passing, as she was a constant presence in their lives.

    • Monarchy's Transition: Confusion and ChangeThe monarchy's shift from Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III raises questions about tradition, relevance, and the role of the monarchy in modern society, with some suggesting a more spectacle-focused model.

      The passing of the monarchy from Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III has left many people feeling confused and disconnected, especially those who have lived through the transition from pre-internet to social media times. The traditional image of the monarchy, embodied by Queen Elizabeth II's composure and consistency, is being challenged as the new generation of royals, such as Prince William and Prince George, may bring more modern and unconventional approaches to the throne. The lack of clear answers and actions to address these changes has left people questioning the purpose and relevance of the monarchy in the modern world. Some even suggest that the monarchy may transition into a more Emirates-like model, where royalty is more of a spectacle than a functional institution. Overall, the passing of the monarchy is a significant cultural shift that raises important questions about tradition, relevance, and the role of the monarchy in modern society.

    • Monarchies facing change and societal norms breaking downMonarchies evolve, societal norms shift, and understanding motivations behind actions is crucial for navigating change

      Traditional power structures, including monarchies, are facing significant challenges and changes, while some parts of the world remain deeply traditionalist. The speaker expresses that the monarchy in question may evolve into something unrecognizable, potentially involving scandals and unconventional behaviors. This transition is happening at a time when societal norms are also breaking down in various aspects, including families, workplaces, and power structures. The speaker reflects on the biggest lies they've told their parents and the importance of understanding why children lie and considering the potential consequences. This conversation highlights the complexities and intricacies of societal change and the importance of understanding the motivations behind actions.

    • Growing up involves making decisions with consequencesMaking choices as a child can lead to unintended repercussions, emphasizing the importance of open communication and responsible decision-making in parenthood

      Growing up involves making decisions with potential consequences, some of which may not be immediately understood or desirable. The speaker shared instances from their past where they took risks or made choices that led to repercussions, such as lying about a stolen necklace to pay for a trip, overspending on an overdraft, or hiding mental health issues from family. These experiences have made the speaker reflect on the responsibilities of parenthood and the potential fears of making similar mistakes with their own children. The speaker also acknowledged the importance of having open and honest communication with parents or guardians to prevent misunderstandings and potential negative consequences.

    • Open Communication and Trust: Essential for Healthy Parent-Teenager RelationshipsEffective communication and trust between parents and teenagers can prevent unnecessary stress and misunderstandings. Honesty and openness about concerns and needs can lead to better decision-making and stronger bonds.

      Communication and honesty are crucial for avoiding unnecessary stress and misunderstandings, especially between parents and teenagers. The discussion reveals a teenager's experience of staying up late against his mother's wishes for a part-time job, leading to a series of lies, sneaking around, and tension at home. The situation could have been avoided if the teenager had communicated openly about his concerns and needs, and if his mother had trusted him to make responsible decisions. Instead, the teenager resorted to lying and sneaking around, causing more problems and increasing the tension between them. This experience highlights the importance of open communication and trust in maintaining healthy relationships. Additionally, the teenager's use of humor and exaggeration in retelling the story shows how memories of challenging experiences can be transformed into something lighter and more amusing over time.

    • Navigating complicated truths and the power of nostalgiaPeople may hide the truth to avoid danger, embarrassment, or for nostalgic reasons. Nostalgia can bring joy and laughter, while Whole Foods Market offers Mother's Day deals and Stamps.com helps with mailing needs.

      Sometimes, the truth can be more complicated and embarrassing than a lie. In the discussion, a person explained various situations where they had to hide the truth and instead told white lies or even misled others to avoid danger or embarrassment. From hiding a knife from an abusive partner to mistaking condoms for water balloons, the person went to great lengths to keep their true intentions hidden. On a lighter note, the discussion also touched upon the topic of nostalgia and reminiscing about childhood memories. The mention of the "fuck off pencil" brought back memories for one of the participants, showcasing the power of memories and how they can bring joy and laughter. Additionally, the discussion included promotional content for Whole Foods Market and Stamps.com, highlighting their offerings and discounts for Mother's Day and mailing needs respectively. Overall, the conversation showcased the complexity of truth and the importance of nostalgia, while also providing useful information about various products and services.

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    The 5 Toxic Dating Myths Everyone Needs to Reject [EP086]

    The 5 Toxic Dating Myths Everyone Needs to Reject [EP086]

    Sadly, many of the most toxic, misleading and ineffective dating myths are taught everywhere--and are almost universally accepted! In this episode, I'll take apart 5 of the biggest pieces of toxic dating advice and show why they will actually lead you away from love --and straight to insecurity. You'll also learn much more effective ways to find love that don't ask you to contort yourself into ways of being that just aren't authentically you.

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    Episode 199: Queer Relationship Coach Liana Griebsch

    Episode 199: Queer Relationship Coach Liana Griebsch
    Not only is queer relationship coach Liana Griebsch an absolute joy, she is also one of the most SELF-AWARE people we've encountered! By the end of high school, straight-A-rule-follower Liana had already cleared the massive hurdles of accepting her gayness, and coming out to her Mexican Catholic mother. But a series of unsatisfying partnerships in college ultimately led her to a bold declaration: "I'm not entering into any relationship until I actually understand [how to do] this." And thus, a Queer Love and Relationship Coach was BORN! This episode is so valuable for both those in relationships *and* those struggling with being single. Nicole asks about limiting beliefs for ethically non-monogamous folks! Lauren asks about being alone! Liana gives us tools to help us be gentle with ourselves! It's an enlightening and uplifting conversation.

    Follow Liana on Instagram at @lianagriebsch, and check out her incredibly comprehensive website at https://lianagriebsch.com/!